How to install Laravel Vite? - laravel

The Laravel Vite Doc sais to run:
npx apply laravel:vite --ignore-existing
inside your project root to install vite in your laravel project.
When I try to do that in a freshly installed laravel project it shows this:
zsh:1: command not found: laravel:vite
What am I doing wrong?
Using Macos Big Sur with PhpStorm.

That command no longer applies to newly created projects (as of laravel-vite 0.1.27, released a few days ago), and it now results in a different error:
$ npx apply laravel:vite --ignore-existing
[ info ] Applying preset laravel:vite.
[ error ] The preset could not be evaluated.
var preset_default = definePreset({
ReferenceError: definePreset is not defined
at evalmachine.<anonymous>:13:22
at Script.runInContext (node:vm:139:12)
at Object.runInContext (node:vm:289:6)
at ModuleImporter.evaluateConfiguration (/Users/tony/src/laravel-vite-demo/example-app/node_modules/apply/dist/Importer/ModuleImporter.js:68:26)
at ModuleImporter.import (/Users/tony/src/laravel-vite-demo/example-app/node_modules/apply/dist/Importer/ModuleImporter.js:17:27)
at (/Users/tony/src/laravel-vite-demo/example-app/node_modules/apply/dist/Applier/PresetApplier.js:22:87)
at async CommandLineInterface.apply (/Users/tony/src/laravel-vite-demo/example-app/node_modules/apply/dist/IO/CommandLineInterface.js:57:16)
at async (/Users/tony/src/laravel-vite-demo/example-app/node_modules/apply/dist/IO/CommandLineInterface.js:54:16)
However, the command shown in the laravel-presets/vite repository (the source repo for the laravel:vite preset) worked for me -- i.e., it augmented the Laravel project with Vite:
# Run this command from root of Laravel project
npx #preset/cli apply --debug laravel:vite
#preset/cli currently suppresses all output (including errors), so the --debug flag above is important. Since the verbose log is difficult to follow, I recommend redirecting the output to a file, and searching it for the word exception.
To ensure the preset succeeds, you must have php#8.0 (e.g., from Homebrew) and composer installed and available from the command line. Add the paths to those binaries to your PATH environment variable.
The Vite server must be started separately from the PHP server. Run npm run dev in one terminal; and php artisan serve from another.

Vite is now the default frontend asset bundler in laravel which replaces webpack. No additional installations are needed for new projects.


Laravel Spatie\Browsershot Error For some reason Chrome did not write a file at `/home/______/public_html/myfiles/storage/public/cv/file.pdf

My Code :
$save_to_file = storage_path('public/cv/file.pdf');
The Error :
For some reason Chrome did not write a file at `/home/______/public_html/myfiles/storage/public/cv/file.pdf`.
Maybe try this : how to fix Spatie/Browsershot error somehow Chrome did not write a file at `screenshot.pdf`
This work for me with spatie/browsershot in GitHub Actions CI.
Although composer install puppetter, installing manually puppetter and chromium on the system made the generation of PDFs work.
npm install -g puppeteer
npm install -g chromium

Script codecept handling the __exec_command event returned with error code 255

I am very new to unit testing and have been trying to use codeception to do it. So I have followed the following guidelines link
and installed it using composer: composer require "codeception/codeception" --dev, it was successful, but when I tried to set it up using composer exec codecept bootstrap I got the following error:
Script codecept handling the __exec_command event returned with error
code 255
Anyone knows how to fix it?
Just FYI, I have pulled the whole project from a repo that already has the tests/unit folder with previous tests already.
My composer.json file has the following
"require": {
"codeception/robo-paracept": "dev-master",
"require-dev": {
"codeception/codeception": "2.6.x-dev",
Apparently the issue was with the php version that I was using. I am using 7.3; using 7.2 solved my problem and the whole thing went smoothly.
Run the command with the -v option to show verbose output.
In my case there where unallowed tabs in my tests/functional.suite.yml file.
I replaced them with 4 spaces and everything was fine.

Cloudstack client installation

I have XAMPP installed on Windows 10. And have successfully installed Composer, Laravel. I can see the basic Laravel project page on my local server.
Just to try things out I also installed yii2. I can see the basic yii2 page also on my local server.
Now I'm trying to install this Generic Cloudstack Client:
In XAMPP, under htdocs I have this dir called 'LaravelProjects'.
dir structure
First I made the project with the laravel command:
laravel new PCextreme
Then in PCextreme directory I give the command:
composer require pcextreme/cloudstack-client:~0.1
The composer breaks and shows Conclusion: remove laravel/framework 5.2.41
But in the instructions there is another method to install the package.
When I do that by editting the composer.json in the main Laravel dir. 'LaravelProjects' under xampp/htdocs with these lines:
"require": { "pcextreme/cloudstack-client": "~0.1" }
And then I run the "composer update" command.
I don't get any error.
But as soon as I follow these steps:
Once the package is installed you need to open app/config/app.php and register the required service provider:
`'providers' => [
The application breaks.
I can't see the basic page showing 'Laravel 5' on my server anymore.
Instead of that I get a fatal error:
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
1/1 FatalErrorException in ProviderRepository.php line 146: Class
'PCextreme\CloudstackClient\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider' not found
Further in the instructions, when I give the command below:
php artisan config:publish pcextreme/cloudstack-client
I get this error:
Class 'PCextreme\CloudstackClient\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider' not found
I have tried out different things that I could find on internet but nothing seems to work in my case.
Could someone kindly help me out with this? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Execute in you project folder command: composer update

How to deploy Elm and Phoenix Elixir to Heroku?

When trying to deploy a Phoenix/Elm project to Heroku I run into the following issue:
Running default compile
Elm compile: Main.elm, in web/elm, to ../static/vendor/main.js
/bin/sh: 1: elm: not found
17 Jul 15:58:21 - error: Compiling of web/elm/Main.elm failed. Command failed: elm make --yes --output ../static/vendor/main.js Main.elm
/bin/sh: 1: elm: not found
Check your digested files at "priv/static"
I'm using the buildpacks for Phoenix found in the guides and brunch/elm-brunch.
The error is caused by the elm binaries not being installed. One way to install elm is by using npm, which is already available as the Phoenix buildpack uses it.
Solution: Add elm as a dependency in package.json. This will cause the Phoenix buildpack to install elm before executing the brunch script.
Note that a local computer may have a separate installation of the elm binaries, potentially causing confusion. As long as versions match, this ought not be a problem. Note that to use the elm binaries installed by npm above, one has to include ./node_modules/.bin in ones PATH (which the phoenix buildpack does). E.g. if one has a separate elm installation which is included in PATH since before, this will be used when running commands from the prompt.

Swagger-editor running locally shows empty page

I am new to swagger.
I have created APIs in django-rest-framework. I want to document them. Hence reading about swagger.
I tried django-rest-swagger but because of lack of documentation I could not make my code suitable for documentation.
Hence I am trying swagger editor which will allow me to design API structure from scratch. I have installed it locally but it is showing me empty page at "". what should I do now ?
I want to write YAML or JSON file that will be consumed by swagger-editor installed locally. How can I achieve this ?
This is the error on console when I load
Warn: could not find module util Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
angular.js:80 Uncaught Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'schemaForm' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.$injector/nomod?p0=schemaForm
angular.js:80 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module PhonicsApp due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module schemaForm due to:
Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'schemaForm' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.
I'm not exactly sure what is the problem here. As a general note, you can always clean up npm and Bower modules and start from clean state again.
npm cache clean
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
bower cache clean
rm -rf app/bower_components
bower install
npm start
I was having the same problem.
Previously my node version was the latest v6
I reinstalled everything and then install v4.4.4
node --v
make sure it's v4.4.4
npm install -g http-server
don't use http-server swagger-editor
