I am testflight to test different builds. I have reached to 1.921 build and i started from 1.0. I have expired all previous build. I have removed all testers [internal] and [external]
I want to re start from build 1.0.0 and remove all the previous builds. How can i remove these olds and versions completely from testflight.
As i upload new upload with e.g 1.0.1 i am getting error that redundant binary is uploaded.
I have already expired all builds.
I just integrated the new Firebase SDK following these instructions:
It's working with debug builds, but I get this exception on release build:
java.io.IOException: com.google.firebase.crashlytics.buildtools.exception.CrashlyticsOrgIdException: Could not fetch Crashlytics Org Id
Any idea?
I was having the same error when trying to build a release APK, but it wasn't going away.
I realized that you need to generate at least one crash in Firebase Crashlytics before your Org Id becomes available.
After my first crash was visible in the Firebase Crashlytics Report page, release build started working.
So, make sure to follow the Firebase doc and run a test crash in debug before you try to build release.
There seems to be a bug with the new firebase crashlytcs SDK where the Org Id is not generated unless the app is run with the firebase crashlytcs set up.
I followed the older sdk documentation which uses Fabric and ran the app with that. This is the older doc : https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started?platform=android
Update to the new crashlytics SDK then and the project should build for you now. This is the new doc : https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started-new-sdk?platform=android
You need to go through all steps in Firebase web console in Crashlytics section until you'll see:
Build and run your app
We'll be listening for your app to communicate with our servers.
Then you can build an apk.
I am getting a strange error from sidekick cloud build since a few hours ago.
I was building the app successfully, but all of a sudden, it gives me the following error and even reversing the changes does not fix anything. I have even tried with a fully working version of my git repo.
[19-01-28 16:55:27.709] Build step started.
[19-01-28 16:55:37.465] (CLI) Unable to apply changes on device: a754d27bafb8bb273e444b9d6cefd370cd55f4d4. Error is: Build failed..
[19-01-28 16:55:37.469] Error detected during LiveSync on a754d27bafb8bb273e444b9d6cefd370cd55f4d4 for C:\Users\Afshar\Desktop\myapp. Error: Build failed.
I doesn't give me any more details about the issue.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to get more logs in cloud build or if this is a known issue?
It happens with me as well for reasons unknown. I couldn't find any root cause, but I did notice one pattern. It usually happens when I am already running the app on an Android Emulator/Device.
When we execute tns run android --bundle, it listens for file changes after the first build and does some webpack incremental build thing afterwards, right?
At the same time, once Sidekick delivers a successful iOS build, it also starts listening for changes to do the webpack incremental builds on iOS.
So while we have these two LISTENERS active and we request for another iOS cloud build, before Sidekick communicates with the cloud, it modifies some files which the android listener detects and results in an incremental android build, which in turn modifies some other files, which the iOS listener detects, resulting in Sidekick trying to do the incremental iOS build but this time its stuck between giving you the incremental update and the new requested cloud build, so it throws you this LiveSync error.
Moral of the story: Try to request cloud builds, when these listeners are inactive.
I finally managed to solve it.
In case anyone else faces this issue, I tried the following command using a hint on this page and it solved the problem.
tns platform remove ios
and then, I was able to build the project in sidekick.
When we add users to a new build in TestFlight, for some reason, they get a notification (including an email) about an old build. If they open TestFlight, they'll see the new build, but the notifications they receive are about the old build.
Is this a TestFlight bug, or is there some config we don't know about? I can't imagine that this would be expected behavior.
We are using TFS 2015 Update 1.
We can delete a build or it will roll off (based on retention policy), however, nothing from the build gets deleted.
Symbols on symbol server
Build artifacts
Test Results
Is there anything that needs to be specially configured to enable this, is this a known issue?
This stackoverflow mentions it here, but mostly talks about drop locations: Should artifacts associated with a build record be deleted when the build record is deleted?
Microsoft's documentation says that The build record, Logs, Published artifacts, Automated test results, Published artifacts, and Published symbols. However, unsure if this is a VSTS thing as we are using TFS 2015 on premise: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vs/alm/build/define/retention
I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding. I assume what you are seeing is the resources in your build workspace, not the build details. If you delete the resources in the build workspace, all build details still can be seen on web access.
Actually, when you delete a build manually, everything about build will be deleted, check the screenshot below:
If you specify build retention policies, Retention policies will delete the items below:
The build record
Published artifacts
Automated test results
Published artifacts
Published symbols
You can set Policy options for Delete build record, Delete source label, Delete test results, but you can't turn off deletion of artifacts or logs (note that, for artifacts, only server drops are deleted when a build is deleted but drops to UNC shares are not):
I've got a workspace containing an iOS app project, which is dependent on another framework project, also in the workspace. I ran into issues with Archive while building for distribution, where the resulting output was unusable for creating an .ipa. Googling turned up this solution, where you delete the Copy Headers phase from the framework project, and which worked for getting the Archive exported and submitted, but now when I go back to running the app project in debug, I'm failing builds due to missing header files from the framework project again. So, what is the proper way to configure everything so I can both archive and run in debug without having to go through all this nonsense? I mean really, I'd think this would be pretty typical.
I ended up replacing the previously deleted Copy Headers phase within the framework project, with a Copy Files phase, and that did the trick.