TestFlight notification going out for old builds instead of the recent one - testflight

When we add users to a new build in TestFlight, for some reason, they get a notification (including an email) about an old build. If they open TestFlight, they'll see the new build, but the notifications they receive are about the old build.
Is this a TestFlight bug, or is there some config we don't know about? I can't imagine that this would be expected behavior.


Is there a recommended way to distribute iOS apps to testers prior to publishing on the app store?

I need to distribute my apps to testers prior to submitting them to the store(s). Nativescript builds an apk file that is easily distributed to Android testers. Is TestFlight the recommended way to distribute iOS apps? And should I use the xcode project file to build the app in Xcode in order to submit it to TestFlight. That method seems counter intuitive.
Yes, ideally you would use TestFlight. It's also a perfect way for you to test your distribution build/signing etc since you would upload the exact same build that will end up on the App Store. In fact, if your testing goes well with your users, you can submit the same build that you've already uploaded for TestFlight to the reviewers for the App Store, you don't even need to upload a new build.
As #Dave Wood mentioned, yes, TestFlight should be the way to go forward as you do not need to re-build the app to submit for review to Apple.
Answer to your next question should I use the xcode project file to build the app in Xcode -
You can use the below commands to build and publish app to Apple store.
From the root folder of your app
tns build ios --release --for-device --bundle <Your Provision Profile>
this will show the path where it has created the .ipa file, then
tns publish ios --ipa <.ipa file>
this will ask your Apple ID and App Specific password and will process the actual App based on your appid mentioned in your package.json.
You can change the app version and App name in info.plist inside App Resources->ios folder.
Thanks. I realized this was the answer after I posted the question. I'm new to NativeScript, but not to iOS development. It occurred to me that once the app is uploaded to App Store Connect, I still control the activities of either posting or setting up TestFlight. Thank you.

How do you retire an APK?

I can't upload a new version of an APK to Google Play because it would supersede an existing version.
So, how do I retire an existing APK so I can upload a new one?
This is the error message that I get...
So, I have to remove version four. But how? The only option I can see to do this is to manually upload the APK to the console at the same time as deactivating the old. In which case, what's the point of the app publisher?
In the Play console you create a release as described here.
In it there are 3 options:
APKs to add
APKs to deactivate
APKs to release
By default your old APK is in the "APKs to deactivate", which is what you refer to as "retire". If it is giving you this warning it is probably that you have decided to retain it.
The purpose of this is to allow a more complicated "Multi-APK" configuration, where you have different APKs supporting different users, eg one for older phones and one for newer phones. If you don't need it, just put your old APK to be de-activated.
In particular (from the docs here)
In the "Apps to retain" section,
view details about app bundles or APKs from your previous release that will continue to be served to users.
Clicking Deactivate moves an artifact to the list of app bundles or APKs that will no longer be served to users.
In the "apps to deactivate" section,
In this section, view details about app bundles or APKs from your previous release that will no longer be served to users.
Clicking Retain moves an artifact to the list of app bundles or APKs that will continue to be served to users.
It sounds like you need to click Deactivate by one of the apps in your retain section.

xcode project on GitHub, remove signing and identity?

I have several iOS App I have already published on the AppStore.
I would like to publish the code of these Apps on public GitHub repository, so anyone can get the code and play with it.
My question is, should I remove from my Xcode projects, for each App, the Identity and Signing?
How should I proceed to continue the dev of these Apps, publish on GitHub public repository and to make sure my identities and signing data are not public?

Unable to select a pre-release build for release in iTunes Connect

I have an OSX app on the Mac app store, and I am trying to get a new version out but I have run into a very difficult to troubleshoot problem with iTunes Connect.
I have submitted builds over and over again, and there are numerous builds listed in the pre-release builds section:
However, none of these builds can be added to my pre-release version so I can submit it to the appstore:
There should be a + by Build to allow me to select one of my pre-release builds.
You will immediately notice that there are yellow warning triangles on all of the builds, but I cannot discover what the warning is. If I click on any of the pre-release builds to get details, the browser just spins infinitely. I never get any input out of iTunes Connect as to what the warning might be (if that is even the reason I cannot select the build).
I have been trying to get this submitted for 6 weeks, and iTunes Connect support is super unhelpful. I was hoping someone here in SO might have some insight (although there isn't much to go off of).

How to set Xcode Bot to run "on commit" for all branches of remote repository?

When creating an Xcode Bot in Xcode 6, it is linked to the current active branch in Xcode source control. There seems to be no supported way to change branches after creating the bot.
Xcode Service: Select Git Branch
I have set my bot to run "on commit". I find when I commit to that branch the bot immediately integrates the project. But when I commit to a different branch, the bot takes no action.
Ideally I would like a single Xcode Bot to look at all branches of the remote repository. When there is a new commit to any branch the bot and its tests should be run.
I do not want to create a new bot for each branch. Is there a solution?
Bug Report:
Developer Forum:
There is also https://github.com/modcloth-labs/XBotBuilder developed by the same creators of the tool #jeremy-fox. It will create a bot per Pull Request, and re-run the bot for every addition in the PR.
It seems to be in early stages and without documentation but the code seems to be well organized so wouldn't be hard to get it to work or change it's behavior to do what you want.
For the moment we use a tool called Buildasaur (https://github.com/czechboy0/Buildasaur) to improve our CI-workflow. It's written in swift and helps to build/run/ delete bots automatically for one github repository, for example whenever a pullrequest was created or newer commits were pushed to the pullrequest. Actually it works fine on our Xcode Server 6.3. Unfortunately it works for just one repository at the same time. :-(
We also hope, that Apple will implement such features soon.
Apple response from the dev forum:
This isn't something Xcode Server supports. You might be able to craft a pre-integration trigger to switch branches in the working copy and invoke seperate xcodebuild invocations, but the results reported in the UI will only be for the Xcode Server builds (the build that XCS runs after your trigger executes).
This is not currently possible with Xcode Bots (current versions are Xcode Server 4.0.3 & Xcode 6.2). A Bot will only track the specific branch form which it was created.
This was possible in the past on Xcode Server 3 and Xcode 5 using https://github.com/modcloth-labs/github-xcode-bot-builder but this project hasn't been updated to work with the latest version of Xcode Server and Xcode.
I'm also really hoping Apple introduces this feature soon, it would be great to be able to have a single bot monitoring a repo for new Pull Requests and when found run an integration against that PR. For now though, it's just not possible.
Update 3/19/2015:
As #Gus reports in another answer, there is a new Mac OS X based project that can help with ad hoc bot creation for feature branches/PR's called XBotBuilder - https://github.com/modcloth-labs/XBotBuilder. It should be worth noting that currently, this project only works with one github repo. So, if you have more than one repo you'd like to monitor for PR's, this is still not currently possible unless you have multiple machines each running a different instance of XBotBuilder and targeting a different repo.
