pcl::IteraticeClosestPointsWithNormals, pcl::GeneralizedIteraticeClosestPoints depending if the cloud is in millimeters or meters - pcl

I am running ICP for the same scenario, once using the cloud in millimeters other in meters.
Currently trying to run pcl::IteraticeClosestPointsWithNormals:
// for meter scenario
pcl::IterativeClosestPointWithNormals<pcl::PointNormal, pcl::PointNormal> icp;
icp.setMaximumIterations (iterations);
icp.setInputSource (cloud_template_normals);
icp.setInputTarget (cloud_scene_normals);
icp.align (*aligned_cloud);
And for milimiters:
// for militiers scenario
pcl::IterativeClosestPointWithNormals<pcl::PointNormal, pcl::PointNormal> icp;
icp.setMaximumIterations (iterations);
icp.setInputSource (cloud_template_normals);
icp.setInputTarget (cloud_scene_normals);
icp.setEuclideanFitnessEpsilon(icp.getEuclideanFitnessEpsilon() * 1000);
icp.setTransformationEpsilon(icp.getTransformationEpsilon() * 1000);
icp.align (*aligned_cloud)
Anyone ever had a similar problem? or should I change some other parameter? For me, it looks like a parameter problem, but I was not able to determine which one.
Means some distance/translation. As for rotation, it does not matter.
The second question is pcl::GeneralizedIteraticeClosestPoints
Documentation says
[in] tolerance translation gradient threshold in meters
So how does it work when the cloud is in millimeters?
For GeneralizedIteraticeClosestPoints, I also get different results depending if the cloud is in millimeters or meters


Using grafana counter to visualize weather data

I'm trying to visualize my weather data using grafana. I've already made the prometheus part and now I face an issue that hunts me for quite a while.
I created an counter that adds temperature indoor every five minutes.
var tempIn = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "tempin",
Help: "Temperature indoor",
for {
How can I now visualize this data that it shows current temperature and stores it for unlimited time so I can look at it even 1 year later like an normal graph?
tempin{instance="localhost:9999"} will only display added up temperature so its useless for me. I need the current temperature not the added up one. I also tried rate(tempin{instance="localhost:9999"}[5m])
How to solve this issue?
Although a counter is not the best solution for this use case, you can use the operator increase.
This will tell you how much the counter increased in the last five minutes

How to measure execution time of Vulkan pipeline

I wish to be able to measure time elapsed in milliseconds, on the GPU, of running the entire graphics pipeline. The goal: To be able to save benchmarks before/after optimizing the code (next step would be mipmapping textures) to see improvements. This was really simple in OpenGL, but I'm new to Vulkan, and could use some help.
I have browsed related existing answers (here and here), but they aren't really of much help. And I cannot find code samples anywhere, so I dare ask here.
Through documentation pages I have found a couple of functions that I think I should be using, so I have in place something like this:
1: Creating query pool
void CreateQueryPool()
VkQueryPoolCreateInfo createInfo{};
createInfo.pNext = nullptr; // Optional
createInfo.flags = 0; // Reserved for future use, must be 0!
createInfo.queryType = VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP;
createInfo.queryCount = mCommandBuffers.size() * 2; // REVIEW
VkResult result = vkCreateQueryPool(mDevice, &createInfo, nullptr, &mTimeQueryPool);
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create time query pool!");
I had the idea of queryCount = mCommandBuffers.size() * 2 to have space for a separate query timestamp before and after rendering, but I have no clue whether this assumption is correct or not.
2: Recording command buffers
// recording command buffer i:
vkCmdWriteTimestamp(mCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, mTimeQueryPool, i);
// render pass ...
vkCmdWriteTimestamp(mCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT, mTimeQueryPool, i);
vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults(/* many parameters here */);
I'm looking for a couple of clarifications:
What is the concequence of writing to the same query index? Do I need two separate query pools - one for before render time and one for after render time?
How should I handle synchronization? I assume having a separate query for each command buffer.
For the destination buffer containing the query result, is it good enough to store somewhere with "host visible bit", or do I need staging memory for "device visible only"? I'm a bit lost on this one as well.
I have not been able to find any online examples of how to measure render time, but I just assume it's such a common task that surely there must be an example out there somewhere.
So, thanks to #karlschultz, I managed to get something working. So in case other people will be looking for the same answer, I decided to post my findings here. For the Vulkan experts out there: Please let me know if I make obvious mistakes, and I will correct them here!
Query Pool Creation
I fill out a VkQueryPoolCreateInfo struct as described in my question, and let its queryCount field equal twice the number of command buffers, to store space for a query before and after rendering.
Important here is to reset all entries in the query pool before using the queries, and to reset a query after writing to it. This necessitates a few changes:
1) Asking graphics queue if timestamps are supported
When picking the graphics queue family, the struct VkQueueFamilyProperties has a field timestampValidBits which must be greater than 0, otherwise the queue family cannot be used for timestamp queries!
2) Determining the timestamp period
The physical device contains a special value which indicates the number of nanoseconds it takes for a timestamp query to be incremented by 1. This is necessary to interpret the query result as e.g. nanoseconds or milliseconds. That value is a float, and can be retrieved by calling vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties and looking at the field VkPhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.timestampPeriod.
3) Asking for query reset support
During logical device creation, one must fill out a struct and add it to the pNext chain to enable the host query reset feature:
VkDeviceCreateInfo createInfo{};
VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures resetFeatures;
resetFeatures.pNext = nullptr;
resetFeatures.hostQueryReset = VK_TRUE;
createInfo.pNext = &resetFeatures;
4) Recording command buffers
Timestamp queries should be outside the scope of the render pass, as seen below. It is not possible to measure running time of a single shader (e.g. fragment shader), only the entire pipeline or whatever is outside the scope of the render pass, due to (potential) temporal overlap of pipeline stages.
vkCmdWriteTimestamp(mCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, mTimeQueryPool, i * 2);
vkCmdBeginRenderPass(/* ... */);
// render here...
vkCmdWriteTimestamp(mCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT, mTimeQueryPool, i * 2 + 1);
5) Retrieving query result
We have two methods for this: vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults and vkGetQueryPoolResults. I chose to go with the latter since is greatly simplifies the setup and does not require synchronization with GPU buffers.
Given that I have a swapchain index (in my scenario same is command buffer index!), I have a setup like this:
void FetchRenderTimeResults(uint32_t swapchainIndex)
uint64_t buffer[2];
VkResult result = vkGetQueryPoolResults(mDevice, mTimeQueryPool, swapchainIndex * 2, 2, sizeof(uint64_t) * 2, buffer, sizeof(uint64_t),
if (result == VK_NOT_READY)
else if (result == VK_SUCCESS)
mTimeQueryResults[swapchainIndex] = buffer[1] - buffer[0];
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to receive query results!");
// Queries must be reset after each individual use.
vkResetQueryPool(mDevice, mTimeQueryPool, swapchainIndex * 2, 2);
The variable mTimeQueryResults refers to an std::vector<uint64_t> which contains a result for each swapchain. I use it to calculate an average rendering time each second by using the timestamp period determined in step 2).
And one must not forget to cleanup to query pool by calling vkDestroyQueryPool.
There are a lot of details omitted, and for a total Vulkan noob like me this setup was frightening and took several days to figure out. Hopefully this will spare someone else the headache.
More info in documentation.
Writing to the same query index is bad because you are overwriting your "before" timestamp with the "after" timestamp at the same query index. You might want to change the last parameter in your write timestamp calls to i * 2 for the "before" call and to i * 2 + 1 for the "after". You are already allocating 2 timestamps for each command buffer, but only using half of them. This scheme ends up producing a pair of before/after timestamps for each command buffer i.
I don't have any experience using vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults(). If you can idle your queue, then after idle, call vkGetQueryPoolResults() which will probably be much easier for what you are doing here. It copies the query results back into host memory and you don't have to mess with synchronizing writes to another buffer and then mapping/reading it back.

Azure Application Insights query to display time frequency

want to Display the time along with milliseconds with the time duration like 1200 ms, 1500 ms on the Dashboard , Is there a way to define these time duration to display on chart?
enter image description here
I'm not sure if this would work for you. But what I do when sharing a report from an App Insights or Log Analytics query, is use the render * with(title="") syntax to add a title. This allows me to add context to what it is I am sharing. For you this could be the place you specify the units of the X and Y axis.
See my example below for including titles.
let start = ago(3h);
let end = now();
let timegrain = 1m;
| where
timestamp > start and timestamp < end
| summarize
Avg_Duration_Seconds = avg(duration)/1000
| render timechart with(title="AVG PageView Duration(seconds) - Last 3 Hours, By Minute")
You'd need to change the units in whatever chart that is however you got it on the dashboard.
If you did that query in workbooks, you'd go into chart settings in that step of the workbook and tell it the y-axis is milliseconds, and it would add the appropriate units for you in the labels. If you are using metrics, the metrics should already know the units and show the right labels.
You'll need to clarify your question about exactly how / where you created that chart for anyone to help you any further.

How to reimplement accidents under Veins?

I want to know how accidents are implemented under Veins 2.0 & in general (with the use of TraciMobility module) ?
I checked the last code version and seems that the mecanism behind accidents simulations is the same.
What i noted, responsible code is the following:
//in TraCIMobility::initialize() method
if (accidentCount > 0) {
simtime_t accidentStart = par("accidentStart");
startAccidentMsg = new cMessage("scheduledAccident");
stopAccidentMsg = new cMessage("scheduledAccidentResolved");
scheduleAt(simTime() + accidentStart, startAccidentMsg);
//in TraCIMobility::handleSelfMsg() method
if (msg == startAccidentMsg) {
simtime_t accidentDuration = par("accidentDuration");
scheduleAt(simTime() + accidentDuration, stopAccidentMsg);
So, if i understand correctly, this mecanism set only the current speed of vehicle to 0 but don't order it to stop moving and staying at the current position ?!
Suppose that i want to simulate accident by ordering vehicles to directly stop at their current positions ? how can i achieve it ? by using the stop Traci command ?
Setting a vehicle's speed via Command 0xc4 0x40 takes effect immediately and remains in effect until set to a different speed or reset (by passing a value of -1).
You can find more details in the SUMO documentation of its TraCI API.
The implementation of accidents under Veins 2.0 (i guess that is the same for upper version) is as i sayed previously, by setting speed to 0 (with the use of Traci command/variable : Change Vehicle State(0xc4) /speed (0x40)).
If someone want to implement accidents in a differents manners, for exemple by stopping a car at position X under road Y, you have to reimplement accident by using Traci command/variable: Change Vehicle State(0xc4) /stop (0x12), this command takes as arguments position X and road Y.
Good luck,

D3 ticks() does not return value if provided scale has only 1 result

I have an x-axis that displays the days that my data occurs on. The data is dynamic and sometimes I have data for only 1 day, 2 days, n days, etc.
Here is my code for displaying the days on the x-axis:
chart.x = d3.time.scale()
.range([0, chart.w]);
chart.xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.ticks(d3.time.day) // --- TODO : this is not showing the current day, for some reason...
.tickFormat(d3.time.format("%b %-d %p"));
If my data is spread on 2 days (ex: Tuesday, Wednesday), this will only display a tick for the second day (Wednesday), ie. when the day "changes" from one to another.
I want to also display a tick for the first day (Tuesday).
Even if there is only data on 1 day, I still want to display a tick for it.
Thanks you guys,
To extend the domain so that the scale starts and ends at a tick mark you use the .nice() method, as #meetamit suggested -- but "nicing" only works if you call that method after you set the domain, so that's why you might not have noticed any change. The API doesn't really make that clear, although since the method alters the domain I suppose it makes sense that changing the domain later would over-ride the effect of a previous nice() call.
Also, be sure to use the time-scale version of the method: .nice(d3.time.day) to get a domain rounded off to the nearest day as opposed to just the nearest hour.
Here's a fiddle:
The key code is simply:
//d3.extent() returns max and min of array, which become the basic domain
//nice() extends the domain to nearest start/end of a day
Compare what happens if you comment out the .nice() call after setting the domain, even with the other .nice() call during initialization of the scale. Also compare what happens if you don't specify the day-interval as a parameter to the nice method.
Can you show how chart.x is set up? Hard to tell without seeing it, but you may be able to fix it by calling chart.x.nice() (see documentation).
Otherwise, seems like you'll need to manually check the extents of its domain, and adjust them in the case of single day.
Your code shows how you call range() but not how you call domain(), which is the important one.
It seems to me to me that if do
var domain = chart.x.domain()
console.log domain[0] == domain[1]
you'll see true getting logged whenever the data is for only one day. If so, it means you're dealing with a single point in time rather than a time range. In that case, you'll need to adjust the domain to be a longer range.
Really hard to know without even seeing an image of what you're working on.
.ticks() should be used to set the number of ticks you'd like to have on your axis, not the kind of data that should be in them. So try to set it like .ticks(3) and it should set a couple of ticks.
From the wiki:
Returns approximately count representative values from the scale's input domain. If count is not specified, it defaults to 10. The returned tick values are uniformly spaced, have human-readable values (such as multiples of powers of 10), and are guaranteed to be within the extent of the input domain. Ticks are often used to display reference lines, or tick marks, in conjunction with the visualized data. The specified count is only a hint; the scale may return more or fewer values depending on the input domain.
