D3 ticks() does not return value if provided scale has only 1 result - d3.js

I have an x-axis that displays the days that my data occurs on. The data is dynamic and sometimes I have data for only 1 day, 2 days, n days, etc.
Here is my code for displaying the days on the x-axis:
chart.x = d3.time.scale()
.range([0, chart.w]);
chart.xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.ticks(d3.time.day) // --- TODO : this is not showing the current day, for some reason...
.tickFormat(d3.time.format("%b %-d %p"));
If my data is spread on 2 days (ex: Tuesday, Wednesday), this will only display a tick for the second day (Wednesday), ie. when the day "changes" from one to another.
I want to also display a tick for the first day (Tuesday).
Even if there is only data on 1 day, I still want to display a tick for it.
Thanks you guys,

To extend the domain so that the scale starts and ends at a tick mark you use the .nice() method, as #meetamit suggested -- but "nicing" only works if you call that method after you set the domain, so that's why you might not have noticed any change. The API doesn't really make that clear, although since the method alters the domain I suppose it makes sense that changing the domain later would over-ride the effect of a previous nice() call.
Also, be sure to use the time-scale version of the method: .nice(d3.time.day) to get a domain rounded off to the nearest day as opposed to just the nearest hour.
Here's a fiddle:
The key code is simply:
//d3.extent() returns max and min of array, which become the basic domain
//nice() extends the domain to nearest start/end of a day
Compare what happens if you comment out the .nice() call after setting the domain, even with the other .nice() call during initialization of the scale. Also compare what happens if you don't specify the day-interval as a parameter to the nice method.

Can you show how chart.x is set up? Hard to tell without seeing it, but you may be able to fix it by calling chart.x.nice() (see documentation).
Otherwise, seems like you'll need to manually check the extents of its domain, and adjust them in the case of single day.
Your code shows how you call range() but not how you call domain(), which is the important one.
It seems to me to me that if do
var domain = chart.x.domain()
console.log domain[0] == domain[1]
you'll see true getting logged whenever the data is for only one day. If so, it means you're dealing with a single point in time rather than a time range. In that case, you'll need to adjust the domain to be a longer range.
Really hard to know without even seeing an image of what you're working on.

.ticks() should be used to set the number of ticks you'd like to have on your axis, not the kind of data that should be in them. So try to set it like .ticks(3) and it should set a couple of ticks.
From the wiki:
Returns approximately count representative values from the scale's input domain. If count is not specified, it defaults to 10. The returned tick values are uniformly spaced, have human-readable values (such as multiples of powers of 10), and are guaranteed to be within the extent of the input domain. Ticks are often used to display reference lines, or tick marks, in conjunction with the visualized data. The specified count is only a hint; the scale may return more or fewer values depending on the input domain.


Using grafana counter to visualize weather data

I'm trying to visualize my weather data using grafana. I've already made the prometheus part and now I face an issue that hunts me for quite a while.
I created an counter that adds temperature indoor every five minutes.
var tempIn = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "tempin",
Help: "Temperature indoor",
for {
How can I now visualize this data that it shows current temperature and stores it for unlimited time so I can look at it even 1 year later like an normal graph?
tempin{instance="localhost:9999"} will only display added up temperature so its useless for me. I need the current temperature not the added up one. I also tried rate(tempin{instance="localhost:9999"}[5m])
How to solve this issue?
Although a counter is not the best solution for this use case, you can use the operator increase.
This will tell you how much the counter increased in the last five minutes

Find the difference between 2 dates and check if smaller than a given value

my issue is that I want to be able to get two time stamps and compare if the second (later taken) one is less than 59 minutes away from the first one.
Following this thread Compare two dates with JavaScript
the date object may do the job.
but first thing i am not happy with is that it takes the time from my system.
is it possible to get the time from some public server or something?
cause there always is a chance that the system clock gets manipulated within the time stamps, so that would be too unreliable.
some outside source would be great.
then i am not too sure how to get the difference between 2 times (using 2 date objects).
many issue that may pop up:
time being something like 3:59 and 6:12
so just comparing minutes would give the wrong idea.
so we consider hours too.
biut there the issue with the modulo 24.
day 3 23:59 and day 4 0:33 wouldnt be viewed proper either.
so including days too.
then the modulo 30 thing, even though that on top changes month for month.
so month and year to be included as well.
so we would need the whole date, everything from current year to second (because second would be nice too, for precision)
and comparing them would require tons of if clauses for year, month, etc.
do the date objects have some predfeined date comparision function that actually keeps all these things in mind (havent even mentioned leap years yet, have I)?
time would be very important cause exactly at the 59 minutes mark (+-max 5 seconds wouldnt matter but getting rmeitely close to 60 is forbidden)
a certain function would have to be used that without fail closes a website.
script opens website at mark 0 min, does some stuff rinse and repeat style and closes page at 59 min mark.
checking the time like every few seconds would be smart.
Any good ideas how to implement such a time comparision that doesnt take too more computer power yet is efficient as in new month starting and stuff doesnt mess it up?
You can compare the two Date times, but when creating a date time there is a parameter of DateTime(value) which you can use.
You can use this API to get the current UTC time which returns a example JSON array like this:
So you can use either the currentFileTime or the currentDateTime return from that API to construct your date object.
const date1 = new Date('2019-11-09T21:12Z') // time when I started writing this answer
const date2 = new Date('2019-11-09T21:16Z') // time when I finished writing this answer
const diff = new Date(date2-date1)
console.log(diff.toTimeString()) // time it took me to write this
Please keep in mind that due to network speeds, the time API will be a little bit off (by a few milliseconds)

THREE JS DefaultLoadingManager onProgress function returns wrong number of total items first

I used this code to calculate the percentage of loading:
THREE.DefaultLoadingManager.onProgress = (item, loaded, total) => {
console.error(loaded / total * 100);
It reaches about 80% and then returns to 60% then it reaches 90% and then returns to 80%.
After some debugging, I found that the number of total items first is 25 and then increases to about 35 and after that, it reaches 52.
This increase is because of JSONLoader. I load some objects and these objects have materials as images, so onProgress function adds these images to the total number of items to be loaded.
I want to know how to know the real number of items to be loaded (52) at the start. If it is not possible, how to solve the going-back from 80% to 60%?
A couple things you could do:
You can run your load once, and record the results the final count, and hardcode it for the next run.
Use a format like GLTF with all the assets embedded. Then you'll get one item per model.
Fire off all your loads in parallel.. don't respond to the first few onProgress.. and hopefully capture the complete item count before you start displaying progress..
or.. make a progress bar that always advances by some percentage of the remaining time, and maybe adjust that percentage to roughly match the load time on your single machine, or adjust it dynamically as you get more information about remaining loads.

Getting value of linkDistance in d3

I want to print the value that my link distance returned in the console but when i do that I get only 20 which is the default value.I studied that if linkDistance is a function then ideally it gets called every time when layout starts so I should get the 2 different values that I am returning in console but it is not the case.
Any idea?

Is there a way to have a moving average in Grafana?

I didn't find a 'moving average' feature and I'm wondering if there's a workaround.
I'm using influxdb as the backend.
Grafana supports adding a movingAverage(). I also had a hard time finding it in the docs, but you can (somewhat hilariously) see its usage on the feature intro page:
As is normal, click on the graph title, edit, add the metric movingAverage() as per described in the graphite documentation:
movingAverage(seriesList, windowSize)
Graphs the moving average of a metric (or metrics) over a fixed number of past points, or a time interval.
Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList followed by a number N of datapoints or a quoted string with a length of time like ‘1hour’ or ‘5min’ (See from / until in the render_api_ for examples of time formats). Graphs the average of the preceding datapoints for each point on the graph. All previous datapoints are set to None at the beginning of the graph.
Grafana does no calculations itself, it just queries a backend and draws nice charts. So aggregating abilities depends solely on your backend. While Graphite supports windowing functions such as moving average, InfluxDB currently doesn't support it.
There are quite a lot requests for moving average in influxdb on the web. You can leave your "+1" and track progress in this ticket https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb/issues/77
Possible (yet not so easy) workaround is to create a custom script (cron, daemon, whatever) that will pre-calcuate MA and save it in a separate influxdb series.
I found myself here trying to do a moving average in Grafana with a PostgreSQL database, so I'll just add a way to do with a SQL query:
date as time,
AS value,
'5 Day Moving Average' as metric
FROM daily_average_table
This uses a "window" function to average of the last 4 rows (plus the current row).
I'm sure there are ways to do this with MySQL as well.
Method and capability for this is dependent on your datasource.
You specified InfluxDB, so your query will need to wrap an 'Aggregation function' [ such as mean($field) ] within the moving_average($aggregation_function, $num_of_points) 'Transformation Function'.
In the 'Metrics' tab, you will find both the 'Transformation' functions in the 'select' portion of the menu.
Craft your query with the 'Aggregation function' (mean, min, max, etc.) first -- this way you can make sure the data looks as you expect it.
After this, just click the '+' button next to the 'Aggregation function', and under the menu 'Transformations', select 'moving_average'.
The number in brackets will be the number of points you want the average taken over.
try avg_over_time(mymetric[5m])
InfluxDB 2 allows you to calculate the moving average in the query, e.g.:
from(bucket: "iot")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "PoolWeather")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "batteryvoltage")
|> aggregateWindow(every: v.windowPeriod, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
|> movingAverage(n: 10)
|> yield(name: "average")
Another option is to report the data as "timing" metrics and not counts.
This is easy to do especially with Statsd in your stack.
Plotting timing data (coming from statsd) as average of the reported data points is already built in.
