"Attempt to assign property "weight" on null", exception: "Error",…} - laravel

Good Evening... New in Laravel and trying to develop web app for home business.
I am trying to Add new data on one table (buffaloinspectiondata) and update data on another table (buffalodata) using one Ajax.
For new data its working fine but for update in another table its giving error
Attempt to assign property "weight" on null
Controller File
public function addbuffaloinspectiondata(Request $req)
// add new data in buffaloinspection table for Buffalo ID
$newdata = new buffaloinspectiondata;
$newdata->buffaloID = $req->buffaloID;
$newdata->inspectiondate = $req->inspectiondate;
$newdata->weight = $req->weight;
$newdata->height = $req->height;
$newdata->pregnant = $req->pregnantstatus;
$newdata->health = $req->healthstatus;
$newdata->weeklytika = $req->weeklytika;
$newdata->monthlytika = $req->monthlytika;
$newdata->inspection = $req->inspection;
$newdata->inspectionby = $req->inspectionby;
$newdata->inspectionnote = $req->inspectionnote;
// Update data in buffalodata table for Buffalo ID
$updatedata = buffalodata::find($req->buffaloID);
$updatedata->weight = $req->get('weight');
$updatedata->height = $req->get('height');
$updatedata->pregnant = $req->get('pregnantstatus');
$updatedata->health = $req->get('healthstatus');
$newdata->save ();
$updatedata->save ();
return response()->json( $newdata,$updatedata );
AJAX Code =
headers: {'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')}
$(document).on('click', '#footer_addnewinspectiondata_button', function() {
type: 'post',
url: '/addbuffaloinspectiondata',
data: {
'_token' : $('input[name=_token]').val(),
'id' : $('#fid').val(),
'buffaloID' : $('#buffaloID').val(),
'inspectiondate' : $('#inspectiondate').val(),
'pregnantstatus' : $('#pregnantstatus').val(),
'healthstatus' : $('#healthstatus').val(),
'weight' : $('#weight').val(),
'height' : $('#height').val(),
'weeklytika' : $('#weeklytika').val(),
'monthlytika' : $('#monthlytika').val(),
'inspection' : $('#inspection').val(),
'inspectionby' : $('#inspectionby').val(),
'inspectionnote' : $('#inspectionnote').val(),
success: function(data) {
console.log (data)
Route:: post('/addbuffaloinspectiondata',
Did i miss something..... Thanks in Advance

you need to store each element because if you don't want to update one column the value is null
so try the following code is the example
$updatedata = buffalodata::find($req->buffaloID);
$weight = $request->weight;
if($weight != null)
$updatedata->weight = $weight;
$updatedata->save ();
and do this condition for each column
hopefully this help you


Kendo UI Large Parameters Value (414 Request-URI Too Long) error

Hy This code is part of my grid.
grid._parameterMap = function (data, type) {
if (type !== "read" && data.models)
return { models: kendo.stringify(data.models) };
var warehouseCodeList = [];
var selectedWarehouse_OnPhysicalCountDefinition = '';
$.each(KendoData('mltWarehouse_OnPhysicalCountDefinition').dataItems(), function (index, value) {
selectedWarehouse_OnPhysicalCountDefinition += value.WarehouseCode + ',';
selectedWarehouse_OnPhysicalCountDefinition = selectedWarehouse_OnPhysicalCountDefinition.slice(0, -1);
var parameters = {
warehouseCodeList: selectedWarehouse_OnPhysicalCountDefinition,
periodDateString: $('#dpcPeriodDate_OnPhysicalCountDefinition').val(),
Page: data.page,
PageSize: data.pageSize
return kendo.data.transports["odata"].parameterMap(parameters, type);
And parameters value is
You can see that my data and that large data not going my controller becouse of that large warehouseCodeList.You can see Request below.This request is Send Get Request in Controller.If I can change Post I think gone work bu HOW! =)
Request URL: https://zzzz/Inv/yyy/xxxx/?%24inlinecount=allpages&%24format=json&warehouseCodeList=480176%2C480172%2C480003%2C480166%2C480109%2C480025%2C480090%2C480089%2C480002%2C480088%2C480061%2C480101%2C480016%2C480009%2C480095%2C480008%2C480094%2C480093%2C480006%2C480092%2C480005%2C480091%2C480004%2C480117%2C480033%2C480114%2C480060%2C480113%2C480163%2C480030%2C480059%2C2011%2C480157%2C480028%2C480045%2C480048%2C480039%2C480029%2C480120%2C480046%2C480156%2C480049%2C480072%2C480063%2C480062%2C48006100%2C480071%2C480070%2C480069%2C480068%2C480067%2C480066%2C480065%2C480064%2C480077%2C480076%2C480085%2C480084%2C480082%2C480078%2C480073%2C480075%2C480079%2C480074%2C480083%2C480127%2C480128%2C480057%2C480129%2C480058%2C480081%2C480080%2C480141%2C480132%2C480131%2C480130%2C480140%2C480138%2C480137%2C480136%2C480135%2C480134%2C480133%2C480146%2C480145%2C480154%2C480153%2C480151%2C480147%2C480142%2C480144%2C480148%2C480143%2C480152%2C480139%2C480150%2C480149%2C480106%2C480126%2C480055%2C480165%2C480167%2C480100%2C480123%2C480053%2C480096%2C480168%2C480162%2C480159%2C480158%2C480038%2C480102%2C480017%2C480013%2C480122%2C480047%2C480116%2C480032%2C480034%2C480107%2C480040%2C480118%2C480098%2C480051%2C480110%2C480026%2C480111%2C480027%2C480108%2C480103%2C480115%2C480031%2C480035%2C480087%2C480086%2C480036%2C480119%2C480112%2C480010%2C480097%2C480155%2C480124%2C480054%2C480019%2C480099%2C480104%2C480171%2C480164%2C480041%2C480042%2C480121%2C480043%2C480044%2C480014%2C480052%2C480170%2C480037%2C480050%2C480012%2C480105%2C480169%2C480161%2C480174%2C480173&periodDateString=17%2F10%2F2022&Page=1&PageSize=50
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 200 OK
And Finaly I try the give dataSource remote but not work .But I can give that data ın Ajax call.Can you Help me ?
What can I do in this situation?
There is a type option for the dataSource transport configuration that you can set. It will set the type of request the dataSource would make ("POST", "GET", "PUT" or "DELETE").
Thanks aleksandar.The code I use is below
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
/* omitted for brevity */
type: "POST"

Total.js save data to database

js framework. I'm trying to save data to DB from post request
NEWSCHEMA('Article').make(function(schema) {
schema.define('title', 'String', true); // title of article
schema.define('about', 'String', true); // about
schema.define('text', 'String', true); // text
schema.define('date', 'Date'); // created date
schema.setSave(function(error , model, options, callback){
var sql = DB(error);
sql.insert('articles').make(function(builder) {
builder.set('title', model.title);
builder.set('about', model.about);
builder.set('text', model.text);
builder.set('date', F.datetime);
sql.exec(n => callback(SUCCESS(true)));
and i have controller(default.js):
exports.install = function() {
F.route('/add_article', add_article, ['authorize', '*Article', 'post']);
function add_article(){
var self = this;
self.body.$save(self, self.callback());
But i am getting error:
======= default ---> TypeError: sql.insert(...).make is not a function ( sql.insert(...).make is not a function
please help thanks.
You are entering an error to the DB on this line
var sql = DB(error);
You're passing the error, you should use
var sql = DB(model);

ajax call does not work in angular js

I have the scenario as follow:
I have a text box and button and whenever I add sth in textbox I want to add the text in the table my code is as follow:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.factory('Service', function() {
var typesHash = [ {
id :1,
name : 'lemon',
price : 100,
unit : 2.5
}, {
id : 2,
name : 'meat',
price : 200,
unit : 3.3
} ];
var localId = 3;
var service = {
addTable : addTable,
getData : getData,
return service;
function addTable(name) {
typesHash.push({id:localId++, name:name, price:100,unit:1});
function getData() {
return typesHash;
app.controller('table', function(Service) {
//get the return data from getData funtion in factory
this.typesHash = Service.getData();
//get the addtable function from factory
this.addTable = Service.addTable;
and the plnkr is as follow:
Now as you can see I add whatever inside the text in the table and everything works fine but now I want to add whatever inside the textbox and also I want to get some information from the servlet and add those to the table as well. so for that I use ajax call as follow:
function addTable(name) {
typesHash.push({id:localId++, name:name, price:100,unit:1});
var responsePromise = $http.get("http://localhost:8080/purchase/AddInfo");
responsePromise.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
typesHash.push( {id:data.id,name : data.name, price : data.price,unit:2.5 });
but when I use that I get he following error:
ReferenceError: $http is not defined
can anyone help? (just a quick note: this code is smaller version of my real code and I purposely used factory since I need it)
inside of your controller attr your should insert an $http argument:
app.controller('CTRL1', function($scope, $http){
//Now your can use $http methods
or insert $http argument in your service decleration if you are using $http request methods from inside of your service

Ajax multiple response

I need to fetch the names using mysql query for which I'm trying to send some values via ajax to php.
Js file:
var dataselect = 'catg='+ $('#catg_list').val() + '&brand='+ $('#brand_list').val(); // get data in the form manual
data: dataselect,
success: function(data) {
alert (data);
check.php file
include(database connection);
$catg_list= $_POST['catg'];
$brand_list= $_POST['brand'];
if ($catg_list!="") {
$catg_query = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM categories WHERE id='$catg_list'");
if ($catg_query) {
while ($row_catg=mysql_fetch_assoc($catg_query)) {
echo $row_catg['name'];
if ($brand_list!="") {
$brand_list = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM brand WHERE id='$brand_list'");
if ($brand_list) {
while ($row_brand=mysql_fetch_assoc($brand_list)) {
echo $row_brand['name'];
Problem is I need to display both the above names separately in . Is it possible? I am very much new to ajax. Any help would be great.
You should be sending your data back in JSON format. You can send back a JSON object, which is like an associative array in PHP. You could use this php code:
include(database connection);
$catg_list= $_POST['catg'];
$brand_list= $_POST['brand'];
$results = array('categories' => array(), 'brands' => array());
if ($catg_list!="") {
$catg_query = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM categories WHERE id='$catg_list'");
if ($catg_query) {
while ($row_catg=mysql_fetch_assoc($catg_query)) {
$results['categories'][] = $row_catg['name'];
if ($brand_list!="") {
$brand_list = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM brand WHERE id='$brand_list'");
if ($brand_list) {
while ($row_brand=mysql_fetch_assoc($brand_list)) {
$results['brands'][] = $row_brand['name'];
echo json_encode($results);
Then, in your javascript success function, your data variable will be an object with two fields, each containing an array.
categories: [],
brands: []
You can access them by iterating over data.categories and data.brands.
Lastly, do not use SQL statements with data straight from your $_POST array. You have to sanitize that.
var dataselect = 'catg='+ $('#catg_list').val() + '&brand='+ $('#brand_list').val(); // get data in the form manual
var x, y;
data: dataselect,
success: function(data) {
var x = data.categories[0];
var y = data.brand[0];

ajax post , but I'm unable to receive data on the server

I have a form in jade , I'm posting form ajax way , there is not problem in ajax method but I'm unable to receive data on the server. Please help me solve this.Previously I have never come across this.
form(accept-charset="UTF-8", action="/booking/get/trips", name="gettrips", method="post", enctype='multipart/form-data', id="gettrips")
label(for='from') From
select#from(name="fromCity", required="required")
each fromcity in cities
option(value="#{fromcity.cityId}") #{fromcity.cityName}
label(for='to') To
select#to(name="toCity", required="required")
option select
label(for='datetimepicker') Depart
input#datetimepicker(type='text', name="departDate", value='2014-03-15')
input#chk(type='checkbox', name="returnDate", value='', checked='checked')
| Return
input#datetimepicker1(type='text', value='2014-03-15')
button(type="submit", value="find") look
getTrips: function getTrips(req, res, next){
var options = {
fromCity :req.body.fromCity,
toCity : req.body.toCity,
departDate : req.body.departDate
console.log('date ' + req.body.departDate); // undefined
if (req.body.returndate) {
options.returnDate = req.body.returnDate;
console.log('got form info ' + JSON.stringify(options)); //gives null
function getTrips() {
var lookup = $('#gettrips');
lookup.submit(function (ev) {
type: lookup.attr('method'),
url: lookup.attr('action'),
data: lookup.serialize(),
success: function (data) {
//ok send response
var booking = require('./booking');
module.exports = function (app) {
app.post('/booking/get/trips', booking.collectTripsInfo, booking.validateTripInfo, };
