Construct SimplicialLLT object from provided L matrix - eigen

I performed LLT factorization of a sparse matrix (SimplicialLLT) and modified the L matrix to Lmod (EDIT: I made a copy of the matrix with some modifications). I would like to construct a new SimplicialLLT object from this modified matrix Lmod so that I can directly use it to obtain a solution of system (Lmod*Lmod')x = B. Is this somehow possible in Eigen? Here is a short code example:
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
int main()
// Initial system A0 x0 = B
// Create dense matrix first
MatrixXd A0dense(5, 5);
A0dense << 1,0,0,0,0,0,2,-1,0,0,0,-1,2,-1,0,0,0,-1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1;
// Convert it to sparse
SparseMatrix<double> A0;
A0 = A0dense.sparseView();
// Create LLT decomposition od A0
SimplicialLLT<SparseMatrix<double>, Lower, NaturalOrdering<int>> LLTofA0(A0);
// Extract the L matrix
SparseMatrix<double> L0 = LLTofA0.matrixL();
cout << "L0 =" << endl << L0 << endl;
// RHS vector B
VectorXd B(5);
B << 0, 0, 0, 1, 1;
// Create a copy of L0 with some modifications
vector<Triplet<double>> Triplets; // Vector of triplets
for (int k = 0; k < L0.outerSize(); ++k)
for (SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(L0, k); it; ++it) // Iterate over nonzero entries of L0
if (it.col() != 2)
// If the column is unequal to 2, store the location and value
Triplet<double> T(it.row(), it.col(), it.value());
// Create modified Lmod matrix from the stored triplets
SparseMatrix<double> Lmod(L0.outerSize(), L0.outerSize());
Lmod.setFromTriplets(Triplets.begin(), Triplets.end());
cout << "Lmod =" << endl << Lmod << endl;
// Now I want to solve different system (Lmod*Lmod') x = B and use the matrix Lmod for it


Async doesn't work for long vectors

I am doing some parallel programming with async. I have an integrator and in a test program I wanted to see whether if dividing a vector in 4 subvectors actually takes one fourth of the time to complete the task.
I had an initial issue about the time measured, now solved as steady_clock() measures real and not CPU time.
I tried the code with different vector lenghts. For short lenghts (<10e5 elements) the direct integration is faster: normal, as the .get() calls and the sum take their time.
For intermediate lenghts (about 1e8 elements) the integration followed the expected time, giving 1 s as the first time and 0.26 s for the second time.
For long vectors(10e9 or higher) the second integration takes much more time than the first, more than 3 s against a similar or greater time.
Why? What is the process that makes the divide and conquer routine slower?
A couple of additional notes: Please note that I pass the vectors by reference, so that cannot be the issue, and keep in mind that this is a test code, thus the subvector creation is not the point of the question.
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
typedef steady_clock::time_point tt;
double integral(const std::vector<double>& v, double dx) //simpson 1/3
int n=v.size();
double in=0.;
if(n%2 == 1) {in+=v[n-1]*v[n-1]; n--;}
for(int i=1; i<n/2; i++)
in+= 2.*v[2*i] + 4.*v[2*i+1];
return in*dx/3.;
int main()
double h=0.001;
vector<double> v1(100000,h); // a vector, content is not important
// subvectors
vector<double> sv1(v1.begin(), v1.begin() + v1.size()/4),
sv2(v1.begin() + v1.size()/4 +1,v1.begin()+ 2*v1.size()/4),
sv3( v1.begin() + 2*v1.size()/4+1, v1.begin() + 3*v1.size()/4+1),
sv4( v1.begin() + 3*v1.size()/4+1, v1.end());
double a,b;
cout << "f1" << endl;
tt bt1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
// complete integration: should take time t
a=integral(v1, h);
tt et1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
duration<double> time_span = duration_cast<duration<double>>(et1 - bt1);
cout << time_span.count() << endl;
future<double> f1, f2,f3,f4;
cout << "f2" << endl;
tt bt2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
// four integrations: should take time t/4
f1 = async(launch::async, integral, ref(sv1), h);
f2 = async(launch::async, integral, ref(sv2), h);
f3 = async(launch::async, integral, ref(sv3), h);
f4 = async(launch::async, integral, ref(sv4), h);
tt et2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
duration<double> time_span2 = duration_cast<duration<double>>(et2 - bt2);
cout << time_span2.count() << endl;
cout << a << " " << b << endl;
return 0;

Boost Mem_fn and accessing member function of derived class

I made a simple example to test boost bind's interaction with derived classes.
I created two subclasses with different getarea functions. I expected
g1 = boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&Shape::getarea), Rec)
to print the area of Rectangle(10,20) but instead it printed '1'. I get the same when I instead write Rectangle::getarea. It prints the same even when I input other functions eg. member of Rectangle
double sum(double h,double w){return h+w; }
and use
g1 = boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&Rectangle::sum), Rec,2,3)
Question 1: Why does it return '1'?Is that a default response for error?
My second problem is to do the same of printing g2 but now Rec is replaced by **iter, i.e. an object of some derived class type from a list of objects. Since getarea is a virtual fcn, once I get the above working it should be fine to just write:
g2= boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(& Shape::getarea , &(**iter));
Question 2: However, I was wondering if there is a way to return the classtype of **iter eg. classof(**iter) and then put it in g2 i.e.
g2= boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(& classof(**iter)::getarea , &(**iter));
When I ran g2 by writing Shape::getarea, I got '1' again for all iter.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
using namespace std;
class Shape {
Shape(double h, double w) :height(h), width(w) {};
virtual double getarea() = 0;
double height;
double width; };
class Rectangle: public Shape {
Rectangle(double h, double w): Shape(h,w) {};
double getarea() override { return height*width; } };
class Triangle : public Shape {
Triangle(double h, double w) :Shape(h,w) {};
double getarea() { return height*width*0.5; }};
int main() {
//create objects
Rectangle Rec(10, 20);
Triangle Tri(2, 3);
//create boost bind function
boost::function<double(double, double)> g1;
g1 = boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&Shape::getarea), Rec);
//print area and g
cout << Rec.getarea()<<" should be equal to " << g1<< '\n';
//create list
vector<shared_ptr<Shape>> Plist;
//print each element from the vector list
for (auto iter = Plist.begin(); iter != Plist.end(); iter ++ ) {
boost::function<double(double, double)> g2;
g2= boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(& .... , &(**iter));
//where in dots we need Classtype_of_**iter::getarea
cout << (**iter).getarea()<<"should be equal to " << g2<< '\n';
You... forget to invoke the functions...
for (auto iter = Plist.begin(); iter != Plist.end(); iter++) {
boost::function<double()> g2;
g2 = boost::bind(&Shape::getarea, iter->get());
cout << (*iter)->getarea() << " should be equal to " << g2() << '\n';
What you saw what the implicit conversion to bool (
Note also I fixed the signature of g1 and g2: Live On Coliru.
Some further improvements (remove the need for the g2 in the loop?):
auto getarea = boost::mem_fn(&Shape::getarea);
for (auto iter = Plist.begin(); iter != Plist.end(); iter++) {
cout << (*iter)->getarea() << " should be equal to " << getarea(**iter) << '\n';
Or, indeed in c++11:
for (auto& s : Plist)
cout << s->getarea() << " should be equal to " << getarea(*s) << '\n';
By this time, you'd wonder why you have this accessor when you can just use the member.

performing N independent 1D FFT on a 2D matrix with FFTW

I have a 2 dimensional matrix with each column corresponding to one independent signal. I am going to perform N 1D fft on each column. In matlab, apply a fft to a 2D matrix will do the trick. But I am porting my code to c++ with fftw. I wonder if there is a way to do so. I try the following code by setting the column size to 1 and row size to 4 (total row number), but it does not help.
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include "fftw3.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
complex<double> data[4][2];
data[0][0] = complex<double>(1,1);
data[1][0] = complex<double>(2,1);
data[2][0] = complex<double>(3,1);
data[3][0] = complex<double>(4,1);
data[0][1] = complex<double>(1,1);
data[1][1] = complex<double>(1,2);
data[2][1] = complex<double>(1,3);
data[3][1] = complex<double>(1,4);
cout << "original data ..." << endl;
cout << data[0][0] << '\t' << data[0][1] << endl;
cout << data[1][0] << '\t' << data[1][1] << endl;
cout << data[2][0] << '\t' << data[2][1] << endl;
cout << data[3][0] << '\t' << data[3][1] << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
fftw_plan plan=fftw_plan_dft_2d(4, 1,(fftw_complex*)&data[0][0], (fftw_complex*)&data[0][0], FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
cout << "after fftw ..." << endl;
cout << data[0][0] << '\t' << data[0][1] << endl;
cout << data[1][0] << '\t' << data[1][1] << endl;
cout << data[2][0] << '\t' << data[2][1] << endl;
cout << data[3][0] << '\t' << data[3][1] << endl;
return 0;
Above code takes the first and second row and reshape them to 2x2 matrix then perform a 2D fft.
Up to now, the only way that comes to my mind is as follow. Let's say I have NxM (N rows, M columns), I create M fftw plans for M 1D fftw. I execute M fftw in serial to get the result. But in practical application, the matrix is very big, M is so large. It is very inefficient to do this way. Any better idea? Thanks.
For those stumbling across this nowadays, the FFTW devs have implemented routines for this operation, which is faster than looping through each column and taking a separate transform. You certainly don't want to take a 2D transform (as is shown in the question), which is mathematically different than row-wise 1D transforms.
The key to you question is in fftw_plan_many_dft. Here is a link to the full documentation.
Here is an example (modifed from the above link) that illustrates what you're looking for.
#include "fftw3.h"
int main() {
fftw_complex *A; // array of data
A = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex)*10*3);
// ...
/* Transform each column of a 2d array with 10 rows and 3 columns */
int rank = 1; /* not 2: we are computing 1d transforms */
int n[] = {10}; /* 1d transforms of length 10 */
int howmany = 3;
int idist = 1;
int odist = 1;
/* distance between two elements in the same column */
int istride = 3;
int ostride = 3;
int *inembed = n, *onembed = n;
/* forward, in-place, 1D transform of each column */
fftw_plan p;
p = fftw_plan_many_dft(rank, n, howmany, A, inembed, istride, idist, A, onembed, ostride, odist, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
// ...
/* run transform */
fftw_execute_dft(p, A, A);
// ...
/* we don't want memory leaks */

OpenCV perspectiveTransform broken function

Im trying to use perspectiveTransform but I keep getting error. I tried to follow the solution from this thread
_players[i].getCoordinates() is of type Point
_homography_matrix is a 3 x 3 Mat
Mat temp_Mat = Mat::zeros(2, 1, CV_32FC2);
for (int i = 0; i < _players.size(); i++)
cout << Mat(_players[i].get_Coordinates()) << endl;
perspectiveTransform(Mat(_players[i].get_Coordinates()), temp_Mat, _homography_matrix);
Also, how do I convert temp_Mat into type Point ?
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (scn + 1 == m.cols) in cv::perspectiveTransform
Basically you just need to correct from
Mat(_players[i].get_Coordinates()) ...
Mat2f(_players[i].get_Coordinates()) ...
In the first case you are creating a 2x1, 1 channel float matrix, in the second case (correct) you create a 1x1, 2 channel float matrix.
You also don't need to initialize temp_Mat.
You can also use template Mat_ to better control the types of your Mats. E.g. creating a Mat of type CV_32FC2 is equivalent to create a Mat2f.
This sample code will show you also how to convert back and forth between Mat and Point:
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
// Some random points
vector<Point2f> pts = {Point2f(1,2), Point2f(5,10)};
// Some random transform matrix
Mat1f m(3,3, float(0.1));
for (int i = 0; i < pts.size(); ++i)
cout << "Point: " << pts[i] << endl;
Mat2f dst;
perspectiveTransform(Mat2f(pts[i]), dst, m);
cout << "Dst mat: " << dst << endl;
Point2f p(dst(0));
cout << "Dst point: " << p << endl;
return 0;

C++11: How to Get A Multidimensional Array Through vector and to Assign it to auto?

I am a lazy programmer. I want to use C++ vector to create a multidimensional array. For example, this code create a 3x2 2D array:
int nR = 3;
int nC = 2;
vector<vector<double> > array2D(nR);
for(int c = 0; c < nC; c++)
array2D.resize(nC, 0);
However, I am too lazy to
declare array2D's data type: vector<vector<double> >
C++ auto could solve this problem.
However, I am too lazy to
write loop(s) to allocate the space(s) for each object like array2D.
Writing a function could solve this problem.
However, I am too lazy to
write each function for each N-dimensional array.
write nested N-1 loops for allocating spaces.
wirte each function for each data type.
The C++11 variadic template with function recursion could solve this problem.
Is it possible ...?
This is what you want. (Tested on Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Update 1)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template<class elemType> inline vector<elemType> getArrayND(int dim) {
// Allocate space and initialize all elements to 0s.
return vector<elemType>(dim, 0);
template<class elemType, class... Dims> inline auto getArrayND(
int dim, Dims... resDims
) -> vector<decltype(getArrayND<elemType>(resDims...))> {
// Allocate space for this dimension.
auto parent = vector<decltype(getArrayND<elemType>(resDims...))>(dim);
// Recursive to next dimension.
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
parent[i] = getArrayND<elemType>(resDims...);
return parent;
int main() {
auto test3D = getArrayND<double>(2, 3, 4);
auto test4D = getArrayND<double>(2, 3, 4, 2);
test3D[0][0][1] = 3;
test4D[1][2][3][1] = 5;
cout << test3D[0][0][1] << endl;
cout << test4D[1][2][3][1] << endl;
return 0;
