Boost Mem_fn and accessing member function of derived class - boost

I made a simple example to test boost bind's interaction with derived classes.
I created two subclasses with different getarea functions. I expected
g1 = boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&Shape::getarea), Rec)
to print the area of Rectangle(10,20) but instead it printed '1'. I get the same when I instead write Rectangle::getarea. It prints the same even when I input other functions eg. member of Rectangle
double sum(double h,double w){return h+w; }
and use
g1 = boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&Rectangle::sum), Rec,2,3)
Question 1: Why does it return '1'?Is that a default response for error?
My second problem is to do the same of printing g2 but now Rec is replaced by **iter, i.e. an object of some derived class type from a list of objects. Since getarea is a virtual fcn, once I get the above working it should be fine to just write:
g2= boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(& Shape::getarea , &(**iter));
Question 2: However, I was wondering if there is a way to return the classtype of **iter eg. classof(**iter) and then put it in g2 i.e.
g2= boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(& classof(**iter)::getarea , &(**iter));
When I ran g2 by writing Shape::getarea, I got '1' again for all iter.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
using namespace std;
class Shape {
Shape(double h, double w) :height(h), width(w) {};
virtual double getarea() = 0;
double height;
double width; };
class Rectangle: public Shape {
Rectangle(double h, double w): Shape(h,w) {};
double getarea() override { return height*width; } };
class Triangle : public Shape {
Triangle(double h, double w) :Shape(h,w) {};
double getarea() { return height*width*0.5; }};
int main() {
//create objects
Rectangle Rec(10, 20);
Triangle Tri(2, 3);
//create boost bind function
boost::function<double(double, double)> g1;
g1 = boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&Shape::getarea), Rec);
//print area and g
cout << Rec.getarea()<<" should be equal to " << g1<< '\n';
//create list
vector<shared_ptr<Shape>> Plist;
//print each element from the vector list
for (auto iter = Plist.begin(); iter != Plist.end(); iter ++ ) {
boost::function<double(double, double)> g2;
g2= boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(& .... , &(**iter));
//where in dots we need Classtype_of_**iter::getarea
cout << (**iter).getarea()<<"should be equal to " << g2<< '\n';

You... forget to invoke the functions...
for (auto iter = Plist.begin(); iter != Plist.end(); iter++) {
boost::function<double()> g2;
g2 = boost::bind(&Shape::getarea, iter->get());
cout << (*iter)->getarea() << " should be equal to " << g2() << '\n';
What you saw what the implicit conversion to bool (
Note also I fixed the signature of g1 and g2: Live On Coliru.
Some further improvements (remove the need for the g2 in the loop?):
auto getarea = boost::mem_fn(&Shape::getarea);
for (auto iter = Plist.begin(); iter != Plist.end(); iter++) {
cout << (*iter)->getarea() << " should be equal to " << getarea(**iter) << '\n';
Or, indeed in c++11:
for (auto& s : Plist)
cout << s->getarea() << " should be equal to " << getarea(*s) << '\n';
By this time, you'd wonder why you have this accessor when you can just use the member.


Error using Max_Element with String Vector

I'm implementing an algorithm to return a vector string array with only the largest elements in the vector string array of entrance:
vector<string> solution(vector<string> inputArray) {
vector<string> s;
auto m = *max_element(inputArray.begin(),inputArray.end());
for(int i=0;i<inputArray.size();i++){
if(inputArray[i].size() == m.size())
return s;
It works for every test case except in the case the entry string vector is {"enyky", "benyky","yely","varennyky"}. 'm' should return a pointer to "varennyky", but it returns a pointer to "yely" instead.
I digged in to the documentation for max_element, but cant find what I'm doing wrong. Can anybody help me?
Your function is comparing the strings lexicographically, which is the default comparison in case of strings.
To illustrate, consider the following example:
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Print a vector of strings
void print_vec(std::vector<std::string> vec)
for (const auto& el : vec) {
std::cout << el << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Compares strings by length
bool less_length(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2)
return s1.length() < s2.length();
int main()
std::vector<std::string> test_0 = {"enyky", "benyky","yely","varennyky"};
// Default sort and max element
std::sort(test_0.begin(), test_0.end());
const auto largest_0 = *std::max_element(test_0.begin(), test_0.end());
std::cout << "Largest member (lexicographically): " << largest_0 << '\n' << std::endl;
// Sort and max element by string size
std::sort(test_0.begin(), test_0.end(), less_length);
const auto largest_1 = *std::max_element(test_0.begin(), test_0.end(), less_length);
std::cout << "Largest member (by string length): " << largest_1 << std::endl;
The first part of the program runs what you are doing in your function: it finds the maximum element based on lexicographic ordering. According to that ordering, the largest string is yely, you can see that by the output from sort.
The second part uses a custom comparison function, borrowed directly from this book. It uses string length to determine the order in the max_element call and the result is what you were looking for. Again, the sorted vector is also printed for clarity.

How to use spirit X3 parse into a class with constructor containing parameters?

I am a new man on using spirit x3, I read some document from official site or from other github repositories. But, I can not find how to parse into a class with parameters. I referred to the former question: Boost-Spirit (X3) parsing without default constructors
I wrote a sample to test it, I will present my codes in the following area. My pain is how to use x3::_attr, and how to pass parsed parameters to the class constructor?
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct MyPair {
MyPair(int x, int y) : mx(x), my(y) {};
int mx;
int my;
class MyDu {
MyDu() {};
MyDu(int x, int y) : mx(x), my(y) {};
int mx;
int my;
int main()
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
using x3::int_;
std::vector<MyPair> pairs;
MyDu myDu;
char const *first = "11:22", *last = first + std::strlen(first);
//auto pair = x3::rule<struct pair_, std::vector<MyPair> >{}
// = (int_ >> ':' >> int_)
// [([&](auto& ctx) {
// auto& attr = x3::_attr(ctx);
// using boost::fusion::at_c;
// return x3::_val(ctx).emplace_back(at_c<0>(attr), at_c<1>(attr));
// })]
auto pair = x3::rule<class MyDu_, MyDu >{}
= (int_ >> ':' >> int_)
[([&](auto& ctx) {
auto& attr = x3::_attr(ctx);
using boost::fusion::at_c;
//return x3::_val(ctx)(at_c<0>(attr), at_c<1>(attr));
ctx = MyDu(at_c<0>(attr), at_c<1>(attr));
return x3::_val(ctx);
//bool parsed_some = parse(first, last, pair % ',', pairs);
bool parsed_some = parse(first, last, pair, myDu);
if (parsed_some) {
std::cout << "Parsed the following pairs" << std::endl;
//for (auto& p : pairs) {
// std::cout << << ":" << << std::endl;
Any one who can fix my error, and parse into a class in my code ? Thanks!
Perhaps you were missing the way to assign to the rule's value using _val:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct MyDu {
MyDu(int x, int y) : mx(x), my(y){};
int mx;
int my;
int main() {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
using x3::int_;
MyDu myDu{1,2};
std::string const s = "11:22";
auto assign = [](auto& ctx) {
using boost::fusion::at_c;
auto& attr = x3::_attr(ctx);
x3::_val(ctx) = MyDu(at_c<0>(attr), at_c<1>(attr));
auto pair = x3::rule<class MyDu_, MyDu>{} = (int_ >> ':' >> int_)[assign];
if (parse(begin(s), end(s), pair, myDu)) {
std::cout << "Parsed: " << << ", " << << "\n";
Parsed: 11, 22
Oh, fantastic! Many thanks, sehe, you help me solve the problem bothering me for some while.
In fact I can not find document on spirit how to use attr, i only find a doc from "Ruben-Van-Boxem-Parsing-CSS-in-C-with-Boost-Spirit-X3",
_val :A reference to the attribute of the innermost rule invoking _where :the parser Iterator range to the input stream
_attr : A reference to the a˛ribute of the parser
_pass: A reference to a bool flag that can be used to force the parser to fail
could you share some info on these parameters. Many thanks again!

Displaying garbage value

When the friendly function add is used to print the value of sum variable of two classes, the correct output is printing. But, when then display function of their respective class are used, garbage value is printing.
What's wrong with the code?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class DB;
class DM {
int m, cm;
float sum;
void read()
cout << "Enter meters and centimeters respectively\n";
cin >> m >> cm;
void display(void)
cout << sum << " meters\n";
friend void add(DM p1, DB p2);
class DB {
int feet, inch;
float sum;
void read()
cout << "Enter feets and inches respectively\n";
cin >> feet >> inch;
void display(void)
cout << sum << " feets\n";
friend void add(DM p1, DB p2);
void add(DM p1, DB p2)
float a = p2.feet * 12;
float b = a + p2.inch;
float c = b * .3048 + p1.m + * .01;
//cout << c << endl;
p1.sum = c;
//cout << p1.sum << endl;
//p2.sum = (c/12)/.3048;
cout << p2.sum << endl;
int main()
DM obj1;
DB obj2;;;
add(obj1, obj2);
The problem is that you print sum but you never initialize the sum of obj1 and obj2.
You initialize sum only inside add() but you pass values to add() by copy, so you initialize sum only in temporary objects.
When you print obj1.sum and obj2.sum (through display()), the sum member are still not-initialized.
So the garbage.
Try passing objects by reference
// ..........V........V
void add (DM & p1, DB & p2)
This way the initialization of sum inside add() has effect also for calling objects.

BGL bundled edge properties containing vector [duplicate]

I have a boost graph with multiples weights for each edges (imagine one set of weights per hour of the day). Every one of those weights values is stored in a propretyEdge class :
class propretyEdge {
std::map<std::string,double> weights; // Date indexed
I created a graph with those properties, and then filled it with the right values.
The problem is now that I want to launch the Dijkstra algorithm over a particular set of weight on the graph : for example a function that could be :
void Dijkstra (string date, parameters ... )
That would use the
value for each Edge of the graph.
I read over and over the documentation, and I couldn't have a clear picture of what I have to do. I surely need to write something like this, but I have no idea were to start :
boost::dijkstra_shortest_paths (
// weight_map (get (edge_weight, (*graph_m)))
// predecessor_map(boost::make_iterator_property_map(predecessors.begin(), get(boost::vertex_index, (*graph_m)))).
// distance_map(boost::make_iterator_property_map(distances.begin (), get(vertex_index,(*graph_m) )))
Thank you for your help.
Thanks to the wonderful Answer of Sehe, I was able to do exactly what I wanted on MacOS and on Ubuntu.
But when we tried to compile this piece of code on Visual Studio 2012, it appeared that VS wasn't very good at understanding pointer function of boost. So we modified the part of Sehe :
auto dated_weight_f = [&](Graph::edge_descriptor ed) {
return g[ed];
auto dated_weight_map = make_function_property_map<Graph::edge_descriptor, double>(dated_weight_f);
by :
class dated_weight_f {
dated_weight_f(Graph* graph_p,std::string date_p){
typedef double result_type;
result_type operator()(Edge edge_p) const{
return (*graph_m)[edge_p];
Graph* graph_m;
std::string date_m;
const auto dated_weight_map = make_function_property_map<Edge>(dated_weight_f(graph_m,date_l));
Which had the advantage of not using a pointer function.
Since it's apparently not immediately clear that this question is answered in the other answer, I'll explain.
All you really need is a custom weight_map parameter that is "stateful" and can select a certain value for a given date.
You can make this as complicated as you wish ¹, so you could even interpolate/extrapolate a weight given an unknown date ², but let's for the purpose of this demonstration keep it simple.
Let's define the graph type (roughly) as above:
struct propretyEdge {
std::map<std::string, double> weights; // Date indexed
using Graph = adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, no_property, propretyEdge>;
Now, let's generate a random graph, with random weights for 3 different dates:
int main() {
Graph g;
std::mt19937 prng { std::random_device{}() };
generate_random_graph(g, 8, 12, prng);
uniform_real<double> weight_dist(10,42);
for (auto e : make_iterator_range(edges(g)))
for (auto&& date : { "2014-01-01", "2014-02-01", "2014-03-01" })
g[e].weights[date] = weight_dist(prng);
And, jumping to the goal:
for (std::string const& date : { "2014-01-01", "2014-02-01", "2014-03-01" }) {
Dijkstra(date, g, 0);
Now how do you implement Dijkstra(...)? Gleaning from the documentation sample, you'd do something like
void Dijkstra(std::string const& date, Graph const& g, int vertex_origin_num_l = 0) {
// magic postponed ...
std::vector<Graph::vertex_descriptor> p(num_vertices(g));
std::vector<double> d(num_vertices(g));
std::vector<default_color_type> color_map(num_vertices(g));
boost::typed_identity_property_map<Graph::vertex_descriptor> vid; // T* property maps were deprecated
dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, vertex_origin_num_l,
predecessor_map(make_iterator_property_map(, vid)).
distance_map(make_iterator_property_map(, vid)).
color_map(make_iterator_property_map(, vid))
Now the only unclear bit here should be dated_weight_map.
Enter Boost Property Maps
As I showed in the linked Is it possible to have several edge weight property maps for one graph BOOST?, you can have all kinds of property maps ³, including invocation of user-defined functions. This is the missing piece:
auto dated_weight_f = [&](Graph::edge_descriptor ed) {
return g[ed];
auto dated_weight_map = make_function_property_map<Graph::edge_descriptor, double>(dated_weight_f);
Voilà: done
I hope that by now, the correspondence in the question as well as the answer of the linked question is clear. All that's left to do is post the full live sample and the outcome in a pretty picture:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/function_property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map_iterator.hpp>
#include <random>
#include <boost/graph/random.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp>
#include <fstream>
using namespace boost;
struct propretyEdge {
std::map<std::string, double> weights; // Date indexed
using Graph = adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, no_property, propretyEdge>;
void Dijkstra(std::string const& date, Graph const& g, int vertex_origin_num_l = 0) {
auto dated_weight_f = [&](Graph::edge_descriptor ed) {
return g[ed];
auto dated_weight_map = make_function_property_map<Graph::edge_descriptor, double>(dated_weight_f);
std::vector<Graph::vertex_descriptor> p(num_vertices(g));
std::vector<double> d(num_vertices(g));
std::vector<default_color_type> color_map(num_vertices(g));
boost::typed_identity_property_map<Graph::vertex_descriptor> vid; // T* property maps were deprecated
dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, vertex_origin_num_l,
predecessor_map(make_iterator_property_map(, vid)).
distance_map(make_iterator_property_map(, vid)).
color_map(make_iterator_property_map(, vid))
std::cout << "distances and parents for '" + date + "':" << std::endl;
for (auto vd : make_iterator_range(vertices(g)))
std::cout << "distance(" << vd << ") = " << d[vd] << ", ";
std::cout << "parent(" << vd << ") = " << p[vd] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::ofstream dot_file("dijkstra-eg-" + date + ".dot");
dot_file << "digraph D {\n"
" rankdir=LR\n"
" size=\"6,4\"\n"
" ratio=\"fill\"\n"
" graph[label=\"shortest path on " + date + "\"];\n"
" edge[style=\"bold\"]\n"
" node[shape=\"circle\"]\n";
for (auto ed : make_iterator_range(edges(g))) {
auto u = source(ed, g),
v = target(ed, g);
<< u << " -> " << v << "[label=\"" << get(dated_weight_map, ed) << "\""
<< (p[v] == u?", color=\"black\"" : ", color=\"grey\"")
<< "]";
dot_file << "}";
int main() {
Graph g;
std::mt19937 prng { std::random_device{}() };
generate_random_graph(g, 8, 12, prng);
uniform_real<double> weight_dist(10,42);
for (auto e : make_iterator_range(edges(g)))
for (auto&& date : { "2014-01-01", "2014-02-01", "2014-03-01" })
g[e].weights[date] = weight_dist(prng);
for (std::string const& date : { "2014-01-01", "2014-02-01", "2014-03-01" }) {
Dijkstra(date, g, 0);
Output, e.g.
¹ As long as you keep the invariants required by the algorithm you're invoking. In particular, you must return the same weight consistently during the execution, given the same edge. Also, some algorithms don't support negative weight etc.
² I'd highly suggest using a Boost ICL interval_map in such a case but I digress
³ see also map set/get requests into C++ class/structure changes

Is it possible to have several edge weight property maps for one graph?

How would I create a graph, such that the property map (weight of edges) is different in each property map? Is it possible to create such a property map?
Like an array of property maps?
I have not seen anyone on the Internet using it, could I have an example?
Graph g(10); // graph with 10 nodes
and put each weight in a property map.
You can compose a property map in various ways. The simplest approach would seem something like:
Using C++11 lambdas with function_property_map
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_map/function_property_map.hpp>
#include <iostream>
struct weights_t {
float weight1, weight2, weight3, weight4;
using namespace boost;
int main() {
std::vector<weights_t> weight_data { // index is vertex id
{ 1,2,3,4 },
{ 5,6,7,8 },
{ 9,10,11,12 },
{ 13,14,15,16 },
auto wmap1 = make_function_property_map<unsigned, float>([&weight_data](unsigned vertex_id) { return; });
auto wmap2 = make_function_property_map<unsigned, float>([&weight_data](unsigned vertex_id) { return; });
auto wmap3 = make_function_property_map<unsigned, float>([&weight_data](unsigned vertex_id) { return; });
auto wmap4 = make_function_property_map<unsigned, float>([&weight_data](unsigned vertex_id) { return; });
for (unsigned vertex = 0; vertex < weight_data.size(); ++vertex)
std::cout << wmap1[vertex] << "\t" << wmap2[vertex] << "\t" << wmap3[vertex] << "\t"<< wmap4[vertex] << "\n";
Using C++03 with transform_value_property_map
This is mainly much more verbose:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_map/transform_value_property_map.hpp>
#include <iostream>
struct weights_t {
float weight1, weight2, weight3, weight4;
weights_t(float w1, float w2, float w3, float w4)
: weight1(w1), weight2(w2), weight3(w3), weight4(w4)
{ }
template <int which> struct access {
typedef float result_type;
float operator()(weights_t const& w) const {
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(which >= 1 && which <= 4);
switch (which) {
case 1: return w.weight1;
case 2: return w.weight2;
case 3: return w.weight3;
case 4: return w.weight4;
using namespace boost;
int main() {
std::vector<weights_t> weight_data; // index is vertex id
boost::transform_value_property_map<weights_t::access<1>, weights_t*, float> wmap1 = make_transform_value_property_map(weights_t::access<1>(), &weight_data[0]);
boost::transform_value_property_map<weights_t::access<2>, weights_t*, float> wmap2 = make_transform_value_property_map(weights_t::access<2>(), &weight_data[0]);
boost::transform_value_property_map<weights_t::access<3>, weights_t*, float> wmap3 = make_transform_value_property_map(weights_t::access<3>(), &weight_data[0]);
boost::transform_value_property_map<weights_t::access<4>, weights_t*, float> wmap4 = make_transform_value_property_map(weights_t::access<4>(), &weight_data[0]);
for (unsigned vertex = 0; vertex < weight_data.size(); ++vertex)
std::cout << wmap1[vertex] << "\t" << wmap2[vertex] << "\t" << wmap3[vertex] << "\t"<< wmap4[vertex] << "\n";
Both samples output
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
