Path to Box Folder in Mac OS Monterey - macos

I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro OS to Monterey and the Box folder/link which was formerly located in my home directory appears to have vanished. I can still see the Box folder as a "Location" in Finder and access files, but I can not use the Terminal/CLI to easily copy files to Box without using the Folder (which is annoying). With OneDive, GoogleDrive, Dropbox the links still exist - just not Box. Moreover, the "Get Info" button is useless, telling me the path to Box is "Box" although there is no /Box , /mnt/Box, /Volumes/Box etc...
Looking for a possible Path I can use has been frustrating, there is:
/Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/Box but there is not a nice file system there I can use.
/Applications/ is just the application...
I'm assuming my cache of Box documents still exists locally as a FileSystem, but I have no idea where which I find infuriating.
Any information appreciated.

Found it, path location is:
Not sure how I missed this earlier or what happened to the link.

After the above, you can simply create a symbolic link in your home directory via the ln command:
ln -s source_file symbolic_link. For example,
ln -s /Users/YourUserName/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box Box
After, Box will be displayed in your home directory as a symbolic link, and you will be able to change into the directory without having to memorize the whole path.


In which directory should I install Google Cloud's SDK (and SDKs in general)

Currently / For Some Reason, Google Cloud's SDK folder is located directly in my home /Users/myname directory. I like to keep my home directory clean of any files + folders outside the main couple of core directories: Applications, Documents, Downloads, Dropbox, etc. An SDK seems like something that should be installed in the macbook's initial /Library directory, not somewhere in Users/myname, and I'd like to move this folder to where it belongs.
As a follow up question - how should I go about this? Should I simply drag and drop the folder into a new location, or uninstall and reinstall entirely? Also, other than updating my .bash_profile, is there anything else to be done when moving the SDK location so that it still works?
The google-cloud-sdk directory is in your HOME because that's where you extracted it :)
From the quickstart instructions:
Extract the archive to any location on your file system; preferably, your home directory.
So your home directory is the recommended location, but you can put it wherever you'd like. If you run the script the SDK will be configured in your shell pointing to that location.
If you don't want it taking up space in your home directory you could try /usr/local/lib, which is a typical location for "libraries".

Docker-desktop for MacOs can't add /usr/local folder in Preferences/File-Sharing

I'm using Docker Desktop vrs (edge channel) on Mac Os Mojave. I need to include a file from /usr/local folder, as shared file in Docker's preferences, but the /usr folder is not displayed while browsing the folders. The option to write the folder/file name manually is also not available. See the print screens.
Does anyone have a clue how to add those folders in preferences?
File sharing paths are not manually editable
Folders like /usr or /Volumes don't appear in folder browsing
I need to share this actual folder: /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/NuGetFallbackFolde and not entirely the /usr/local as I wrote above. But as I'm not able to select at least the /usr folder, this is why I've mentioned only the /usr/local folder.
I've downgraded progressively up to Docker Community Edition 2019-02-15. That seems to be the last version with the old user interface. With this version the folder browser dialog from file sharing displays all the folders and also manual editing of the file paths works.
On versions Docker Desktop Community and Docker Desktop Community, which have the new UI, it doesn't work.
I have faced the same problem and could sort it out using the latest docker version.
You can edit ~/Library/Group\ Containers/
Then add whatever path you need, in my case was a synthetic link (created through synthetic.conf), this way by manual editing the file the UI does not auto resolve the link so it works well.
"filesharingDirectories" : [
In the File Sharing tab of Docker's Preferences, click the Add Directory button (+) and browse to the root directory of your Mac drive. Now press Command+Shift+Dot to show hidden directories. This will make the usr directory visible.
You will now be able to browse to the /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/NuGetFallbackFolder directory.
I think you have to add application to the list of trusted apps. Take a look here:
Unless you add Full Disk access, applications are not able to browse certain areas of your volume.
Unfortunately, it looks like giving access to whole drive is not a solution in this case.
It looks like Docker Desktop is not quite happy with sharing /usr/local directory.

Mono.framework is missing on my mac ... but it's... there?

Please help me interwebs.
I'm having trouble getting my xamarin app to work. I've done a reinstall of Mac OS X and installed Xamarin using the installer, which adds mono and all the rest of it.
Now when I open up terminal and type which mono i get
...which is what I expect.
But when I navigate to that place (again in terminal) there's nothing there.
From my root folder I go "cd System/Library/Frameworks " and then hit ls and I get a looooong list of installed frameworks but no Mono.framework.
If I go to Apple > About this Mac > System Report > Frameworks Mono IS listed. I can execute Mono commands on the command line. If I look in paths.d the specified path for mono is /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/mono but I can't find that location so how is it even a thing?
My linux skills are not great, can anyone please help me understand what's going on here?
I think you are looking in the 'wrong' Library folder. There are a few different Library folders. There is one under the Disk Drive (root) directory, one under the User directory, one under the System directory. I think they are all hidden by default. So you need to set your folder/view options explicitly to show the Library folder since it might be hidden by default. The directory you are looking for is directly under you Disk Drive (root).

How can I access XAMPP/Lampp folder via Terminal on Mac

I recently started using XAMPP on Mac and it installed the "lampp" folder under "Shared" and showing as an IP address in Finder. So I can access the files via Finder but I'm unable to cd into the folder via Terminal.
The Shared folder is simply not visible. I tried /Volumes to see all volumes, but "lampp" wasn't listed, as well mounting it somehow but that also didn't work. Any ideas? It's so odd that I see the folder in Finder but not in Terminal!
I had the same problem the route for htdocs is the following:
cd /Users/***your_user_name***/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs
"username" only replaces that line by the name of your user
Example, for me it would be:
cd /Users/adanuri/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs
I run in to the same problem and looked for hours for a solution. I now found this page:
Since it is a VM you have to click on the Open Terminal button in the general tab of the stack manager. Then a new window opens and you can work on the terminal.
Screenshot of the stack manager with the open Terminal option
Screen Shot of the open Terminal window
If you just want the http://localhost version, go and reinstall the non VM XAMPP.
Make sure you download & install a version where the name doesn't include '-VM' here:
This the path where you can find the full path of xampp htdocs folder.
In case you do not remember the path of the "htdocs" folder, you could type ls -a (ls stands for list) and see even hidden folders and files.
".bitnami" is one of those (inside the user folder) and then follow the path down to "htdocs".
All the other folders, already pointed out by #uriplata in the above answer, are visible simply using the command ls each time you change folder (with command "cd").
You have to mount the drive:
When the drive is mounted you can see it at: .bitnami/stackman/machines/volumes/root
If the drive is not mounted root will be empty. However, your data will still be there.
"Open Terminal" XAMPP management tool, see image in this link
You only must clic in "Open Terminal" at XAMPP management tool, as you can see in the attached image.

Install4j I cannot create a simple symbolic link to the users home directory Applications for mac DMG

Im trying to add a symlink target as "Configure Additional Files in the DMG" in install4j.
I set the Symlink target to "~/Applications" which is the syntax that works fine if doing "ln -s" from the command line.
I set the "Name in DMG" to "Applications".
But it doesnt work, I get some kind of folder that doesnt work.It looks like a symlink because it has an arrow on it but when I click on it I get "the operation cant be completed because the original item for Applications cant be found".
Maybe there is a compiler variable I should use?
All Im trying to achieve is to have the Users Applications folder inthe install so they can simply drag the package into it like for many other application installers.
