How to implement Laravel Email verification for multi auth? - laravel

I follow what the documentation says and it works perfectly fine for single auth (in my case Patient Model). Now, i want to implement it on another user (Doctor). However, based on the documentation, laravel states that the routes responsible for email verification should be named exactly the same. So if i try to create a separate email verification, there would be conflicts on the name of the routes.
enter image description here

If youre using the bmatovu\multi-auth package, they have a seamless way that enables you to have multi auth and also leverage on email verification.
You can check out the wiki at


Signed URL's for Vue JS and Laravel

I have a Vue SPA hosted on one domain and a Laravel back end on another domain. I use Sanctum and Fortify to manage authentication to the application. I have implemented the Fortify registration process in my application and that is working fine. I would now like to make the registration process by invitation only.
My thinking was to send an invitation email to the user from Laravel with with a temporary signed URL with an expiry period. This would point at the SPA rather than a Laravel endpoint and the SPA could then validate the link by calling Laravel using the existing signed middleware, check the expiry time and so forth. If all that was valid I would let the user provide his password credentials, locking the email to the value hashed in the link and use the standard Fortify registration process to complete the registration process.
Looking through the Laravel codebase, the only way I can see of doing this is by cloning and modifying the temporary signed URL functionality and changing it to use the base URL of my SPA and hard coding a specific link to the registration page of my SPA. Not the most elegant solution so before I embark on doing that I wondered if anybody had experience of doing something similar and had a better, more elegant approach or any pointers on this?

Laravel Vue SPA - Social Authentication

Back Story:
I recently got into Web Development, and I would really appreciate it if you guys could share some great material/tutorials where I could learn, already got a couple of Udemy courses, and searched online but I still have some concerns.
For the first project, I would like to create an App which would be SPA. This would be a basic To-Do App, where users could log in and add To-Dos to their list.
How could I implement logging-in functionality only with Social Accounts (No regular Email/Password method)? If the user uses the login feature for the first time he is registered/added to the database where his data is stored, and for the second time, he would log in and fetch the data accordingly. I was thinking of Laravel Socialite, although, I'm not sure if it is used for SPA (Login without reloading/redirecting) pages? And if it is, do I need any additional forks/plugins?
I have found Universal Social Auth for that, however, I'm not sure if it does exactly what I need, and how to implement/configure it correctly.
All in all, I would really appreciate it if you guys could share some light here and perhaps share some tutorials or articles about that as well.
Vue I18n
Axios, Vue-Axios
You need Laravel Socialite to get data about user from the identity provider (it could be Google, Github, Facebook or something else). It will use Oauth2 protocol.
You will store client_id and client_secret from the third party authentication you want to use. User will click for example Sign up with Google and it will redirect him to Google login page. If he fills correct username and password you will get his user information by using Socialite::driver('github')->user() .
You can use updateOrCreate() method to create user if it doesn't already exist in your database or just to update his data. Email or username fields could be identifiers or whatever is unique and works for your case.
After you found the user in database or created a new one, you should log in him to your application using session cookie or some kind of token.
Whole auth proccess is happening on the backend side, only when you successfully log in user to your app you can issue cookie to the frontend Vue side. So to answer your question, yes you can use Socialite with SPA.
Don't mix Laravel Socialite/Oauth2 with authentication proccess/Laravel Sanctum.
Former is for retrieving user data without registering on your site. Latter is for actually giving access to your API for specific user.

Custom Registration process to onboard other users in Laravel

I am building a Laravel webapp, where I need to implement a custom registration process. Now I am not sure, whether I can/should use the built-in Authentication features from Laravel or not.
I have three types of users:
Admin users: My colleagues in my company who talk to clients, onboard them, etc.
Clients: Users who create certain tasks, that need to be done. They could more or less use a "standard registration" process
Service Providers: Users who fulfill tasks for clients. They need to be onboarded by our company. So our admin users would create their user profile and send them an invitation link.
Especially the Service Providers are giving me a headache. Is this kind of custom registration flow possible in Laravel or do I have to build my own custom athentication to accomplish this?
Thank you for posting your question. I have implemented Laravel Authentication with custom features before, I would recommend you to take the following steps:
Install Laravel Authentication.
Update users table with a column name type that will distinguish between users.
Create middleware for each user. Middleware helps you which user can access or perform which tasks.
If you have different elements for each user then you can also implement policies or gates to show specific elements on your blade template according to user type.
I would not recommend creating custom Authentication for this scenario, as you have to implement proper session handling throttling, forgot password, verify the process along with emails and notifications. which is built-in by default in Laravel.
If you want to edit the register and login function you can do that. ;)

Get laravel current user on external php website

I have created an application with Laravel 7 that contains users that can log in.
In parallel, I create a showcase site for the application (another domain) and essentially html/css.
I would like on this showcase site to propose login and registration buttons if there is no user connected to the laravel.Otherwise I would just like to propose a "Dashboard" button if a user is connected to the Laravel application.
How to do that? I confess that I'm a bit lost. Thanks for your help.
You need to create an API on the laravel app which will be used by the "showcase site".
To login and authorize themselves you can use JWT
to keep user data and use it on the showcase site you can either save them in
localstorage (just be careful not to save any sensitive data there as people can take that information in case of XSS vulnerable)
None of these methods are safe. They can be exploited using XSS so i advice on using JWT to secure sensitive data.

Want to allow Joomla Super Admin to log into other registered accounts - how to do it?

We've created a highly customized Joomla 1.5 based site and want our super administrator to be able to log into registered user accounts so we can provide better phone support and help them configure their accounts remotely.
This will obviously take some coding. Ideally we want a link from the admin side that will take us to the front end and automatically log us in as the registered user. We'll lock it down by IP address and also have some sort of password as well.
Where does the login get processed? It looks like /components/com_user/controller.php calls a function called $mainframe -> login(); Where does that function reside?
Our thought is to send a mock login form along with an additional super-user password field. Then we'll modify the login code to authorize the login if the password is present and the IP address is correct.
Any words of wisdom or caution with this approach?
There is actually a plugin that will do just this:
You'll want to build an authentication plugin to handle this. You can enable as many authentication plugins as you like (the core plugin, OpenID, your own plugin, etc...). Joomla will run down the list of enabled plugins until one of them sets the status variable of the $response object to JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_SUCCESS. The $response object gets passed in to your plugin's onAuthenticate method. Take a look at plugins/authentication/example.php for a clear example. You will probably end up cloning plugins/authentication/joomla.php and repurposing it for your needs.
I would publish your custom plugin after the core Joomla authentication plugin so that normal users will be able to log in faster.
Also, if you do want to go with a form as well, you will need to build a small component so that you can get the username and super-user password into the request.
