lua debug hook causing race condition? - debugging

I wanted to report some debug information for a parser I am writing in lua. I am using the debug hook facility for tracking but it seems like there is some form of race condition happening.
Here is my test code:
enters = 0
enters2 = 0
calls = 0
tailcalls = 0
returns = 0
lines = 0
other = 0
exits = 0
local function analyze(arg)
enters = enters + 1
enters2 = enters2 + 1
if arg == "call" then
calls = calls + 1
elseif arg == "tail call" then
tailcalls = tailcalls + 1
elseif arg == "return" then
returns = returns + 1
elseif arg == "line" then
lines = lines + 1
other = other + 1
exits = exits + 1
debug.sethook(analyze, "crl")
-- main code
print("enters = ", enters)
print("enters2 = ", enters2)
print("calls = ", calls)
print("tailcalls = ", tailcalls)
print("returns = ", returns)
print("lines = ", lines)
print("other = ", other)
print("exits = ", exits)
print("sum = ", calls + tailcalls + returns + lines + other)
and here is the result:
enters = 429988
enters2 = 429991
calls = 97433
tailcalls = 7199
returns = 97436
lines = 227931
other = 0
exits = 430009
sum = 430012
Why does none of this add up? I am running lua 5.4.2 on Ubuntu 20.04, no custom c libraries, no further messing with the debug library.

I found the problem...
The calls to the print function when printing the result also trigger the hook, which only affects the results that have not been printed yet.


Console.Log and Discord Message displaying different results

I have a relatively basic set of code here that is programmed to roll 3 dice and give me the results whenever I type "/roll" in discord.
However, the results displayed on my command terminal are always different from those in the discord message from the bot.
async execute(interaction)
var num = 3;
num = Number(num);
function rollingDice(num) {
// make the dice rolling "num" times.
// return the results.
var diceResults = "";
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
var resultOfEachDice = "";
resultOfEachDice = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
diceResults += resultOfEachDice + ", ";
var lastComma = diceResults.lastIndexOf(", ");
diceResults = diceResults.slice(0, lastComma);
return diceResults;
var diceResults = rollingDice()
console.log("Rolled " + num + " dice: " + rollingDice(num));
await interaction.reply('You rolled: ' + rollingDice(num));
So I will type /roll and my terminal will say I rolled "3, 5, 2" while the message would have something entirely different like "1, 6, 4".
This happens every time I run the command and I am not sure what the issue is.

Cypress: Assign and access global variable in cypress

I'm new with cypress, I tried to set several global variables to use for different purposes. However, the scope of those variables are different even they are declared as global. My expectation is output 3: 0 and 4 and 1, how could I do that? Thanks everyone, my code as below:
var totalCouponCredit = []
var arrayGameCredit = []
var totalSelectedCredit, userUsedCredit, gameCredit
describe ('Testing',function(){
//This is the string return "SELECTED CREDITS 0/4", userUsedCredit is 0 and totalSelectedCredit is 4 after split
totalCouponCredit = $selectedCredit.text().match(/[a-zA-Z]+|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+|)/g)
userUsedCredit = parseInt(totalCouponCredit[2])
totalSelectedCredit = parseInt(totalCouponCredit[3])
//This is the string return "This title is worth 1 credit(s)", gameCredit is 1 after split
arrayGameCredit = $gameCredit.text().match(/[a-zA-Z]+|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+|)/g)
gameCredit = parseInt(arrayGameCredit[4])
cy.log("Out put 1:" + userUsedCredit + " and " + totalSelectedCredit + " and " +gameCredit)
cy.log("Out put 2:" + userUsedCredit + " and " + totalSelectedCredit + " and " +gameCredit)
cy.log("Out put 3:" + userUsedCredit + " and " + totalSelectedCredit + " and " +gameCredit)
Output 1: 0 and 4 and 1
Output 2: 0 and 4 and undefined
Output 3: undefined and undefined and undefined

Bracket finding algorithm lua?

I'm making a JSON parser and I am looking for an algorithm that can find all of the matching brackets ([]) and braces ({}) and put them into a table with the positions of the pair.
Examples of returned values:
table[x][firstPos][secondPos] = type
table[x] = {firstPos, secondPos, bracketType}
EDIT: Let parse() be the function that returns the bracket pairs. Let table be the value returned by the parse() function. Let codeString be the string containing the brackets that I want to detect. Let firstPos be the position of the first bracket in the Nth pair of brackets. Let secondPos be the position of the second bracket in the Nth pair of brackets. Let bracketType be the type of the bracket pair ("bracket" or "brace").
If you called:
table = parse(codeString)
table[N][firstPos][secondPos] would be equal to type.
Well, In plain Lua, you could do something like this, also taking into account nested brackets:
function bm(s)
local res ={}
if not s:match('%[') then
return s
for k in s:gmatch('%b[]') do
res[#res+1] = bm(k:sub(2,-2))
return res
Of course you can generalize this easy enough to braces, parentheses, whatever (do keep in mind the necessary escaping of [] in patterns , except behind the %b pattern).
If you're not restricted to plain Lua, you could use LPeg for more flexibility
If you are not looking for the contents of the brackets, but the locations, the recursive approach is harder to implement, since you should keep track of where you are. Easier is just walking through the string and match them while going:
function bm(s,i)
local res={}
res.par=res -- Root
local lev = 0
for loc=1,#s do
if s:sub(loc,loc) == '[' then
lev = lev+1
local t={par=res,start=loc,lev=lev} -- keep track of the parent
res[#res+1] = t -- Add to the parent
res = t -- make this the current working table
elseif s:sub(loc,loc) == ']' then
lev = lev-1
if lev<0 then error('too many ]') end -- more closing than opening.
res.stop=loc -- save bracket closing position
res = res.par -- revert to the parent.
return res
Now that you have all matched brackets, you can loop through the table, extracting all locations.
I figured out my own algorithm.
function string:findAll(query)
local firstSub = 1
local lastSub = #query
local result = {}
while lastSub <= #self do
if self:sub(firstSub, lastSub) == query then
result[#result + 1] = firstSub
firstSub = firstSub + 1
lastSub = lastSub + 1
return result
function string:findPair(openPos, openChar, closeChar)
local counter = 1
local closePos = openPos
while closePos <= #self do
closePos = closePos + 1
if self:sub(closePos, closePos) == openChar then
counter = counter + 1
elseif self:sub(closePos, closePos) == closeChar then
counter = counter - 1
if counter == 0 then
return closePos
return -1
function string:findBrackets(bracketType)
local openBracket = ""
local closeBracket = ""
local openBrackets = {}
local result = {}
if bracketType == "[]" then
openBracket = "["
closeBracket = "]"
elseif bracketType == "{}" then
openBracket = "{"
closeBracket = "}"
elseif bracketType == "()" then
openBracket = "("
closeBracket = ")"
elseif bracketType == "<>" then
openBracket = "<"
closeBracket = ">"
error("IllegalArgumentException: Invalid or unrecognized bracket type "..bracketType.."\nFunction: findBrackets()")
local openBrackets = self:findAll(openBracket)
if not openBrackets[1] then
return {}
for i, j in pairs(openBrackets) do
result[#result + 1] = {j, self:findPair(j, openBracket, closeBracket)}
return result
Will output:
5 14
6 13
7 12
8 11
9 10

R: tm Textmining package: Doc-Level metadata generation is slow

I have a list of documents to process, and for each record I want to attach some metadata to the document "member" inside the "corpus" data structure that tm, the R package, generates (from reading in text files).
This for-loop works but it is very slow,
Performance seems to degrade as a function f ~ 1/n_docs.
for (i in seq(from= 1, to=length(corpus), by=1)){
if(opts$options$verbose == TRUE || i %% 50 == 0){
print(paste(i, " ", substr(corpus[[i]], 1, 140), sep = " "))
DublinCore(corpus[[i]], "title") = csv[[i,10]]
DublinCore(corpus[[i]], "Publisher" ) = csv[[i,16]] #institutions
This may do something to the corpus variable but I don't know what.
But when I put it inside a tm_map() (similar to lapply() function), it runs much faster, but the changes are not made persistent:
i = 0
corpus = tm_map(corpus, function(x){
i <<- i + 1
if(opts$options$verbose == TRUE){
print(paste(i, " ", substr(x, 1, 140), sep = " "))
meta(x, tag = "Heading") = csv[[i,10]]
meta(x, tag = "publisher" ) = csv[[i,16]]
Variable corpus has empty metadata fields after exiting the tm_map function. It should be filled. I have a few other things to do with the collection.
The R documentation for the meta() function says this:
meta(crude[[1]], tag = "Topics")
meta(crude[[1]], tag = "Comment") <- "A short comment."
meta(crude[[1]], tag = "Topics") <- NULL
DublinCore(crude[[1]], tag = "creator") <- "Ano Nymous"
DublinCore(crude[[1]], tag = "Format") <- "XML"
meta(crude, type = "corpus")
meta(crude, "labels") <- 21:40
I tried many of these calls (with var "corpus" instead of "crude"), but they do not seem to work.
Someone else once seemed to have had the same problem with a similar data set (forum post from 2009, no response)
Here's a bit of benchmarking...
With the for loop :
expr.for <- function() {
for (i in seq(from= 1, to=length(corpus), by=1)){
DublinCore(corpus[[i]], "title") = LETTERS[round(runif(26))]
DublinCore(corpus[[i]], "Publisher" ) = LETTERS[round(runif(26))]
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq median uq max
# 1 expr.for() 21.50504 22.40111 23.56246 23.90446 70.12398
With tm_map :
corpus <- crude <- function() {
tm_map(corpus, function(x) {
meta(x, "title") = LETTERS[round(runif(26))]
meta(x, "Publisher" ) = LETTERS[round(runif(26))]
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq median uq max
# 1 5.575842 5.700616 5.796284 5.886589 8.753482
So the tm_map version, as you noticed, seems to be about 4 times faster.
In your question you say that the changes in the tm_map version are not persistent, it is because you don't return x at the end of your anonymous function. In the end it should be :
meta(x, tag = "Heading") = csv[[i,10]]
meta(x, tag = "publisher" ) = csv[[i,16]]

What's the best way to extract Excel cell comments using Perl or Ruby?

I've been parsing Excel documents in Perl successfully with Spreadhsheet::ParseExcel (as recommended in What's the best way to parse Excel file in Perl?), but I can't figure out how to extract cell comments.
Any ideas? A solution in Perl or Ruby would be ideal.
The Python xlrd library will parse cell comments (if you turn on xlrd.sheet.OBJ_MSO_DEBUG, you'll see them), but it doesn't expose them from the API. You could either parse the dump or hack on it a bit so you can get to them programmatically. Here's a start (tested extremely minimally):
diff --git a/xlrd/ b/xlrd/
--- a/xlrd/
+++ b/xlrd/
## -206,6 +206,7 ##
self._dimncols = 0
self._cell_values = []
self._cell_types = []
+ self._cell_notes = []
self._cell_xf_indexes = []
self._need_fix_ragged_rows = 0
self.defcolwidth = None
## -252,6 +253,7 ##
return Cell(
+ self._cell_notes[rowx][colx],
## -422,12 +424,14 ##
if self.formatting_info:
self._cell_xf_indexes[nrx].extend(aa('h', [-1]) * nextra)
self._cell_values[nrx].extend([''] * nextra)
+ self._cell_notes[nrx].extend([None] * nextra)
if nc > self.ncols:
self.ncols = nc
self._need_fix_ragged_rows = 1
if nr > self.nrows:
scta = self._cell_types.append
scva = self._cell_values.append
+ scna = self._cell_notes.append
scxa = self._cell_xf_indexes.append
fmt_info = self.formatting_info
## -436,6 +440,7 ##
for _unused in xrange(self.nrows, nr):
scta([xce] * nc)
scva([''] * nc)
+ scna([None] * nc)
if fmt_info:
scxa([-1] * nc)
## -443,6 +448,7 ##
for _unused in xrange(self.nrows, nr):
scta(aa('B', [xce]) * nc)
scva([''] * nc)
+ scna([None] * nc)
if fmt_info:
scxa(aa('h', [-1]) * nc)
self.nrows = nr
## -454,6 +460,7 ##
aa = array_array
s_cell_types = self._cell_types
s_cell_values = self._cell_values
+ s_cell_notes = self._cell_notes
s_cell_xf_indexes = self._cell_xf_indexes
s_dont_use_array = self.dont_use_array
s_fmt_info = self.formatting_info
## -465,6 +472,7 ##
nextra = ncols - rlen
if nextra > 0:
s_cell_values[rowx][rlen:] = [''] * nextra
+ s_cell_notes[rowx][rlen:] = [None] * nextra
if s_dont_use_array:
trow[rlen:] = [xce] * nextra
if s_fmt_info:
## -600,6 +608,7 ##
bk_get_record_parts = bk.get_record_parts
bv = self.biff_version
fmt_info = self.formatting_info
+ txos = {}
eof_found = 0
while 1:
# if DEBUG: print "SHEET.READ: about to read from position %d" % bk._position
## -877,13 +886,23 ##
elif rc == XL_OBJ:
# handle SHEET-level objects; note there's a separate Book.handle_obj
- self.handle_obj(data)
+ obj = self.handle_obj(data)
+ if obj:
+ obj_id =
+ else:
+ obj_id = None
elif rc == XL_MSO_DRAWING:
self.handle_msodrawingetc(rc, data_len, data)
elif rc == XL_TXO:
- self.handle_txo(data)
+ txo = self.handle_txo(data)
+ if txo and obj_id:
+ txos[obj_id] = txo
+ obj_id = None
elif rc == XL_NOTE:
- self.handle_note(data)
+ note = self.handle_note(data)
+ txo = txos.get(note.object_id)
+ if txo:
+ self._cell_notes[note.rowx][note.colx] = txo.text
elif rc == XL_FEAT11:
elif rc in bofcodes: ##### EMBEDDED BOF #####
## -1387,19 +1406,16 ##
def handle_obj(self, data):
- if not OBJ_MSO_DEBUG:
- return
- DEBUG = 1
if self.biff_version < 80:
o = MSObj()
data_len = len(data)
pos = 0
- if DEBUG:
fprintf(self.logfile, "... OBJ record ...\n")
while pos < data_len:
ft, cb = unpack('<HH', data[pos:pos+4])
- if DEBUG:
hex_char_dump(data, pos, cb, base=0, fout=self.logfile)
if ft == 0x15: # ftCmo ... s/b first
assert pos == 0
## -1430,16 +1446,14 ##
# didn't break out of while loop
assert pos == data_len
- if DEBUG:
o.dump(self.logfile, header="=== MSOBj ===", footer= " ")
+ return o
def handle_note(self, data):
- if not OBJ_MSO_DEBUG:
- return
- DEBUG = 1
if self.biff_version < 80:
- if DEBUG:
fprintf(self.logfile, '... NOTE record ...\n')
hex_char_dump(data, 0, len(data), base=0, fout=self.logfile)
o = MSNote()
## -1453,13 +1467,11 ##
o.original_author, endpos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(data, 8, lenlen=2)
assert endpos == data_len - 1
o.last_byte = data[-1]
- if DEBUG:
o.dump(self.logfile, header="=== MSNote ===", footer= " ")
+ return o
def handle_txo(self, data):
- if not OBJ_MSO_DEBUG:
- return
- DEBUG = 1
if self.biff_version < 80:
o = MSTxo()
## -1477,8 +1489,9 ##
rc3, data3_len, data3 =
assert rc3 == XL_CONTINUE
# ignore the formatting runs for the moment
- if DEBUG:
o.dump(self.logfile, header="=== MSTxo ===", footer= " ")
+ return o
def handle_feat11(self, data):
## -1638,11 +1651,12 ##
class Cell(BaseObject):
- __slots__ = ['ctype', 'value', 'xf_index']
+ __slots__ = ['ctype', 'value', 'note', 'xf_index']
- def __init__(self, ctype, value, xf_index=None):
+ def __init__(self, ctype, value, note=None, xf_index=None):
self.ctype = ctype
self.value = value
+ self.note = note
self.xf_index = xf_index
def __repr__(self):
Then you could write something like:
import xlrd
xlrd.sheet.OBJ_MSO_DEBUG = True
xls = xlrd.open_workbook('foo.xls')
for sheet in xls.sheets():
print 'sheet %s (%d x %d)' % (, sheet.nrows, sheet.ncols)
for rownum in xrange(sheet.nrows):
for cell in sheet.row(rownum):
print cell, cell.note
One option is to use Ruby's win32ole library.
The following (somewhat verbose) example connects to an open Excel worksheet and gets the comment text from cell B2.
require 'win32ole'
xl = WIN32OLE.connect('Excel.Application')
ws = xl.ActiveSheet
cell = ws.Range('B2')
comment = cell.Comment
text = comment.Text
More info and examples of using Ruby's win32ole library to automate Excel can be found here:
