How to do performance testing with key-cloak authentication in Jmeter - jmeter

I try to do performance testing but particular site have enable key-cloak authentication.any suggesstions

It's just a matter of correlation, the exact steps will be different for OpenID Connect and SAML so you need to determine which client protocol is being used in that particular Keycloak instance.
In order to get help with correlating individual parameters you will need to provide the previous response and the format of the next request so we could come up with the relevant instructions for JMeter Post-Processors setup.


Creating JMeter scripts for ServiceNow applications

I am wondering if anyone was able to successfully create JMeter scripts for ServiceNow applications?
My challenge is that there are way too many recorded HTTP requests and JSONs in POST requests & response are huge and extremely hard to correlate dynamic values.
Welcome to Web 2.0
I'm afraid you will have to perform the correlation as the times where you could just replay the recorded test has gone.
If you're looking for a way of reducing effort required for the correlation implementation you can consider trying out an automated correlation solution like:
JMX Enhancer
BlazeMeter Proxy Recorder with SmartJMX export option
Otherwise you will have to wait until it's implemented in JMeter

Performance testing of salesforce application using JMeter

I am trying to performance test the salesforce application using JMeter. All the requests has X-SFDC-Request-Id in the request headers. I couldn't correlate those header values from any of the previous request response. Is there any logic to implement the same using JMeter, as Salesforce does? Please assist
Thanks in advance,
Looking into What is the X-REQUEST-ID http header is seems that you need to pass some random value, it will allow the server to identify the failing request or for load balancing or whatever else reason.
So my expectation is that you can send something random or unique using __RandomString() or __UUID() functions as this is not something you should be correlating.
Check out Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction article to learn more about JMeter Functions concept

Describe the best practices to make data correlation simple in jmeter

What's the best strategy when doing data correlation with jmeter? I have some ideas/questions, that go along these lines: usage of automatic correlation solutions (, usage of post processing extractors that best suite the need, for example regexp for http headers, xpath exp for HTML, if using xpath, get assistance by using Firebug or similar plugins, usage of xpath vs css&jquery, don't correlate data that isn't checked on the server, for example, if http referer is not controlled, it would be a waiste of time to correlate it, ... and such, but I would like to hear from more experienced people.
JMeter doesn't have autocorrelation. However you have tools like JCorrelate to accomplish the same. JMX Enhancers have some good tools that can help you cut your JMeter scripting time by 95%. Vist for more details.
On the other hand, Blazemeter also have Smart JMX in their plugin which gives us autocorrelated scripts.
There is no auto-correlation for JMeter. HP Loadrunner has this functionality however it often fails.
XPath vs CSS/JQuery:
if your page has a very complex DOM and low number of styles - go for CSS
if DOM of your page is simple and styles number is high - go for XPath
If you simulating a real user using real browser - JMeter test should replicate it as close as possible, so make sure that you have:
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Cache Manager
HTTP Header Manager
HTTP Request Defaults configured to:
Retrieve all embedded resources
Use concurrent pool of 2-5 threads for it
Filter out any external domains via "URLs must match" input

Issue with CAS login

I am new to jmeter and trying to login in one of our client application which uses CAS system, but not able to succeed. I have also applied regular expression extractor for "lt", but not works.
each time it gives this error:
ticket 'LT-9528-aTBBoBdZU23g6khtS9I0b5Lq3o2VUQ' not recognized
It looks like you're using hard-coded login ticked (recorded one). You need to perform so-called correlation - the process of identifying dynamic parameters, extracting and re-using them.
See How to Load Test CSRF-Protected Web Sites to get an idea regarding approaches.
Also it worth checking Apache JMeter page of Jasig wiki, it seems to contain some JMeter scripts which you can use as a reference.

Performance testing java application that includes webdav protocol

I am trying to test a java application which has webdav integrated in it.
The application does some preprocessing and uploads the data on server and i would like to test this complete workflow including the data transfer speed by Webdav.
I am trying to test the performance of this application using JMeter but there seems to be no help on how this can be done.
Does anyone know whether this is possible using JMeter or is there any other free tool to do so.
If you're looking for a free performance testing tool which fully supports all WebDAV methods you can try out Tsung. See WEBDAV related features documentation bit.
If you just need to upload file you can do it using JMeter as follows:
Add HTTP Request Sampler to your test plan. Configure it as follows:
Method: PUT
Send Files With the Request
Full path to file for upload
Provide correct MIME type
If your WebDAV server requires authentication add HTTP Authorization Manager as a child of the HTTP Request
Add View Results Tree listener to check request/response details.
