Override Keyboard Shortcuts in Firefox - firefox

How do I override Keyboard Shortcuts in Firefox so that it can be picked up by web page
For example, I have a webpage that detects ctrl-shift-h which worked fine in version 56 but now in version 96 it brings up a "Show All History" dialog
I am doing many such things so I looking for a generic way to override Firefox keyboard shortcuts

I found a way by adding two files under the Firefox directory
pref("general.config.filename", "config.js");
pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);
pref("general.config.sandbox_enabled", false);
let { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, manager: Cm } = Components;
const {Services} = Components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm');
function ConfigJS() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'chrome-document-global-created', false); }
ConfigJS.prototype = {
observe: function (aSubject) { aSubject.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this, {once: true}); },
handleEvent: function (aEvent) {
let document = aEvent.originalTarget; let window = document.defaultView; let location = window.location;
if (/^(chrome:(?!\/\/(global\/content\/commonDialog|browser\/content\/webext-panels)\.x?html)|about:(?!blank))/i.test(location.href)) {
if (window._gBrowser) {
let keys = ["key_find", "key_findAgain", "key_findPrevious", "key_gotoHistory", "addBookmarkAsKb", "bookmarkAllTabsKb", "showAllHistoryKb", "manBookmarkKb", "viewBookmarksToolbarKb", "key_savePage", "key_search", "key_search2", "focusURLBar", "focusURLBar2", "key_openDownloads", "openFileKb", "key_reload_skip_cache", "key_viewSource", "key_viewInfo", "key_privatebrowsing", "key_quitApplication", "context-bookmarklink"];
for (var i=0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let keyCommand = window.document.getElementById(keys[i]);
if (keyCommand != undefined) {
if (!Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) { new ConfigJS(); }
You can get a list of ids for the keys from the source by putting the following URL in your browser

Sorry I can't comment yet but to extend zackhalil answer:
For those on Linux or simillar Unix/Unix-like systems replace Firefox64 for /usr/lib/firefox. Don't be confused with $HOME/.mozilla/firefox


Trouble w/ Meteor Sorting

I'm trying to add a simple drop down control above a list such that I can sort it by "created" or "title".
The list template is called posts_list.html. In it's helper .js file I have:
posts: function () {
var sortCriteria = Session.get("sortCriteria") || {};
return Posts.find({},{sort: {sortCriteria: 1}});
Then, I have abstracted the list into another template. From here I have the following click event tracker in the helper.js
"click": function () {
// console.log(document.activeElement.id);
Session.set("sortCriteria", document.activeElement.id);
// Router.go('history');
Here I can confirm that the right Sort criteria is written to the session. However, I can't make the page refresh. The collection on the visible page never re-sorts.
Frustrating. Any thoughts?
You can't use variables as keys in an object literal. Give this a try:
posts: function() {
var sortCriteria = Session.get('sortCriteria');
var options = {};
if (sortCriteria) {
options.sort = {};
options.sort[sortCriteria] = 1;
return Posts.find({}, options);
Also see the "Variables as keys" section of common mistakes.
thanks so much for that. Note I've left commented out code below to show what I pulled out. If I required a truly dynamic option, versus the simply binary below, I would have stuck w/ the "var options" approach. What I ended up going with was:
posts: function () {
//var options = {};
if (Session.get("post-list-sort")) {
/*options.sort = {};
if (Session.get("post-list-sort") == "Asc") {
options.sort['created'] = 1;
} else {
options.sort['created'] = -1;
//return hunts.find({}, options);}
if (Session.get("hunt-list-sort") == "Asc") {
return Hunts.find({}, {sort: {title: 1}});
else {
return Hunts.find({}, {sort: {title: -1}});

How to programmatically move a tab to another window in a firefox Addon-SDK extension?

While it looks like you can change the order of a tab within a window by updating the tab .index property, it doesn't look like the tabs api directly supports the move of a tab to another window.
Am I missing something? Is there a viable workaround?
It is possible through the low level module window/utils. The example below duplicates the active tab across every open window
const { getMostRecentBrowserWindow, windows: getWindows } = require("sdk/window/utils");
const { ActionButton } = require("sdk/ui/button/action");
var button = ActionButton({
id: "duplicatetab-button",
label: "Duplicate tab",
icon: "",
onClick: function() {
var xulwindows = getWindows("navigator:browser");
var xulactivewindow = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
var xulactivetab = xulactivewindow.gBrowser.selectedTab;
if(win === xulactivewindow)
var duplicatedtab = win.gBrowser.duplicateTab(xulactivetab);
win.gBrowser.moveTabTo(duplicatedtab, 0); // the second argument is the index
#paa's solution is nice but it doesn't move a tab. His is duplicating the tab. So flash movies will not retain their position etc. And its not a move its a duplicatio, like he explained.
I did a lot of research was real fun. The way they move tabs in Firefox is via docShell swapping. This will accomplish what you want. It's written for bootstrap though so needs touch up for addon sdk.
Pass second argument as string of tabbed or non-tabbed if you want to move it to a new window. Else pass second argument an existing window and it will be moved there. can copy paste and run this code from sratchpad.
this uses the gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther function
function moveTabToWin(aTab, tDOMWin) {
//tDOMWin means target DOMWindow means the window you want the tab in
//if tDOMWin == 'tabbed' or == 'non-tabbed' it opens in a new window
//if aTopContWin is the last in its window, then its window is closed
if (tDOMWin == 'tabbed' || tDOMWin == 'non-tabbed') {
var sa = Cc["#mozilla.org/supports-array;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsArray);
var wuri = Cc["#mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString);
wuri.data = 'about:blank';
let features = "chrome,dialog=no";
if (tDOMWin == 'tabbed') {
features += ',all';
var sDOMWin = aTab.ownerGlobal; //source DOMWindow
if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.permanentPrivateBrowsing || PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(sDOMWin)) {
features += ",private";
} else {
features += ",non-private";
var XULWindow = Services.ww.openWindow(null, 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xul', null, features, sa);
XULWindow.addEventListener('load', function() {
var DOMWindow = XULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
DOMWindow.gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(DOMWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab, aTab);
//DOMWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
}, false);
} else if (tDOMWin) {
//existing dom window
var newTab = tDOMWin.gBrowser.addTab('about:blank');
tDOMWin.gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(newTab, aTab);
tDOMWin.gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
moveTabToWin(gBrowser.selectedTab, 'tabbed');
I'v got inspired by #Noitidart's answer and came up with my solution.
I'm adding setWindow(window, index) method to Tab's prototype, so that any SDK tab can be moved to another window from anywhere in the addon with a simple call like this:
browserWindows[0].activeTab.setWindow(browserWindows.activeWindow, 0);
This will move active tab of window 0 to the beginning of active window.
And here is the method:
I've put together a module to do exactly this: jetpack-tab-setwindow
Old solution (breaks in FF43)
var Tab = require("sdk/tabs/tab").Tab;
Tab.prototype.setWindow = function (window, index) {
var tab = this;
var oldWindow = tab.window;
if ( oldWindow !== window ) {
// We have to use lower-level API here
var Ci = require('chrome').Ci;
var viewFor = require("sdk/view/core").viewFor;
var aTab = viewFor(tab);
var aWin = viewFor(window);
var gBrowser = aWin.gBrowser;
// Get tab properties
var isSelected = oldWindow.activeTab == tab;
var isPinned = aTab.pinned;
// Log for debugging:
var tabId = tab.id;
console.log('setWindow', {index, isSelected, isPinned, tab, tabId});
// Create a placeholder-tab on destination windows
var newTab = gBrowser.addTab('about:newtab');
newTab.linkedBrowser.webNavigation.stop(Ci.nsIWebNavigation.STOP_ALL); // we don't need this tab anyways
// If index specified, move placeholder-tab to desired index
if ( index != undefined ) {
var length = gBrowser.tabContainer.childElementCount;
if ( index < 0 ) index = length - index;
if( 0 <= index && index < length ) {
gBrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, index);
// Copy tab properties to placeholder-tab
if ( isPinned ) {
// For some reason this doesn't seem to work :-(
if ( isSelected ) {
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
// Swap tabs and remove placeholder-tab
gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(newTab, aTab);

Bing maps doesn't work in Mozilla Firefox 26

On Mozilla Firefox version 26 bing maps doesn't work. I dosn't zoom and locate (and location service are enabled in firefox settings). In don't get any error or warning. In all other browsers (IE, Chrome...) all works fine. Where is problem?
It should work with Firefox 26 according to the supported browser information.
Firefox 3.6 and later
It works fine when I run it on Windows.
function GetLocation() {
if (!!navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(UpdateLocation, HandleErrors);
function UpdateLocation(position) {
var latitude = position.coords.latitude;
var longitude = position.coords.longitude;
setPushpin(longitude, latitude);
document.getElementById('longitude').value = longitude;
document.getElementById('latitude').value = latitude;
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(map, 'click', changePosition);
function HandleErrors(error) {
switch (error.code) {
case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: alert("user did not share geolocation data");
case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: alert("could not detect current position");
case error.TIMEOUT: alert("retrieving position timed out");
default: alert("unknown error");
function setPushpin(longi, lati){
map.setView({ center: { latitude: lati, longitude: longi }, zoom: 16});
var newURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/";
var pushpin= new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(map.getCenter(), {icon:newURL+"images/marker.png", height:35, width:26});
pushpin.setLocation(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(lati, longi));
function deletePushpin(){
for(var i=map.entities.getLength()-1;i>=0;i--){
var pushpin= map.entities.get(i);
if (pushpin instanceof Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin){
changePosition = function (e) {
if (e.targetType == "map") {
var point = new Microsoft.Maps.Point(e.getX(), e.getY());
var loc = e.target.tryPixelToLocation(point);
document.getElementById('longitude').value = loc.longitude;
document.getElementById('latitude').value = loc.latitude;
setPushpin(loc.longitude, loc.latitude);
So this is my code for getting current locations and put pushpin on it.
I don't get any error. Map isn't doing anything just stays on full world view.
On all other browsers works just fine, it zooms, get current location and put pushpin on it.
This is where I call map:
map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('placeForMap'), {credentials:"xxx",showMapTypeSelector:false, disableBirdseye: true});
I tried to use Bing Ajax 7 controls, but same problem is there too, bing map in firefox is drop dead, and in other browser works fine.
There is no issue with the Bing Maps control. Firefox 26 has a couple of bugs in it which are causing the issue you are encountering.

Magento Enterprise Tabs - How to select specific tab in link?

I am trying to link to a specific tab in Magento Enterprise. It seems that all of the answers I've found don't apply well to their method. I just need a link to the page to also pull up a specific tab. This is the code they use:
Enterprise.Tabs = Class.create();
Object.extend(Enterprise.Tabs.prototype, {
initialize: function (container) {
this.container = $(container);
this.tabs = this.container.select('dt.tab');
this.activeTab = this.tabs.first();
this.onTabClick = this.handleTabClick.bindAsEventListener(this);
for (var i = 0, l = this.tabs.length; i < l; i ++) {
this.tabs[i].observe('click', this.onTabClick);
handleTabClick: function (evt) {
this.activeTab = Event.findElement(evt, 'dt');
select: function () {
for (var i = 0, l = this.tabs.length; i < l; i ++) {
if (this.tabs[i] == this.activeTab) {
this.tabs[i].style.zIndex = this.tabs.length + 2;
new Effect.Appear (this.tabs[i].next('dd'), { duration:0.5 });
this.tabs[i].parentNode.style.height=this.tabs[i].next('dd').getHeight() + 15 + 'px';
} else {
this.tabs[i].style.zIndex = this.tabs.length + 1 - i;
Anyone have an idea?
I would consider modifying how the class starts up.
initialize: function (container) {
this.container = $(container);
this.tabs = this.container.select('dt.tab');
// change starts here //
var hashTab = $(window.location.hash.slice(1));
this.activeTab = ( this.tabs.include(hashTab) ? hashTab : this.tabs.first());
// change ends here //
this.onTabClick = this.handleTabClick.bindAsEventListener(this);
for (var i = 0, l = this.tabs.length; i < l; i ++) {
this.tabs[i].observe('click', this.onTabClick);
Here, I have only changed how the initial tab is chosen. It checks for an URL fragment which is commonly known as a hash, if that identifies one of the tabs it is preselected. As a bonus the browser will also scroll to that element if possible.
Then you only need to append the tab's ID to the URL. For example you might generate the URL by;
$productUrl = Mage::getUrl('catalog/product/view', array(
'id' => $productId,
'_fragment' => 'tab_id',
If you've recently migrated from an earlier Magento release, e.g. from Enterprise 1.11 to Enterprise 1.12, make sure the javascript in /template/catalog/product/view.phtml
right after the foreach that generates the tabs gets updated to the 1.12 version:
<script type="text/javascript">
var collateralTabs = new Enterprise.Tabs('collateral-tabs');
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
surfimp's VERY helpful suggestions did not produce the desired opening of the closed tab otherwise. Once this updated javascript was added, clicking on a link to read Review or Add Your Review on the product page, jumped to the Reviews tab, even if the tab had been hidden.
Similar to Zifius' answer, you can modify the initialize function to just take another argument which will be the active tab.
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
new Enterprise.Tabs('collateral-tabs', $('tab_review'));
and then in the scripts.js (or wherever this class may exist for you)
initialize: function (container, el) {
this.activeTab = el;
Use whatever logic in the template you like to set 'el' to the desired value.
The reason I did it this way is because when I used Zifius' method, the desired tab would be the active tab, but the default tab's content was still displayed.
Had the same task yesterday and as I don't know about prototype much I solved it by adding another method:
selectTab: function (element) {
this.activeTab = element;
var Tabs = new Enterprise.Tabs('collateral-tabs');
Would like to know if it's a correct approach

How can I disable a hotkey in GreaseMonkey while editing?

I'm using Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right in a GreaseMonkey script as a hotkey to turn back / forward pages. It seems to works fine, but I want to disable this behavior if I'm in a text edit area. I'm trying to use document.activeElement to get the page active element and test if it's an editable area, but it always returns "undefined".
document.activeElement works for me in FF3 but the following also works
(function() {
var myActiveElement;
document.onkeypress = function(event) {
if ((myActiveElement || document.activeElement || {}).tagName != 'INPUT')
// do your magic
if (!document.activeElement) {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].addEventListener('focus',function() {
myActiveElement = this;
elements[i].addEventListener('blur',function() {
myActiveElement = null;
element.activeElement is part of HTML5 spec but is not supported by most browsers. It was first introduced by IE.
