Measure elapsed time from fixed datetime - python-datetime

I am trying to measure how many minutes have elapsed from the time I turn my code from a fixed time, lets say 8:30 am of that day. If I turn my code on at 12am it should see that 210 minutes have elapsed. Any suggestions would help greatly. Thank you

You can import the datetime module, which has a class with the same name, with method
This returns an object representing the time when it is called.
This object has the method replace(), which can be used to 'change' the time to 8:30, if you call it like so - replace(hour=8, minute=30).
You can then create another similar object but without replacing the time, then you can simply subtract the first from the second to get the elapsed time as a datetime object.
This will then have elapsed_time.seconds to give you the time change in seconds, which can be divided by 60 if you want for the time in minutes.
import datetime
time_A =
time_A = time_A.replace(hour=8, minute=30)
time_B =
elapsed_time = time_B - time_A
print(elapsed_time.seconds, "seconds have passed since 8:30 this morning")
If you wanted this for a specific timezone, you can add or subtract the offset from your current timezone. So if you are for example, 5 hours ahead of CST, you can have it get the difference from 3:30 instead.


Google Spreadsheet time between date - hour calculation

I am at a loss, i looked around the internet and stackoverflow but every so called solution is giving either errors or plainly don't work.
I have the following setup.
4 fields (setup in date dd-mm-yyyy, hour hh:mm:ss) seconds are not important.
start date : 7-1-2020
start hour : 23:30:00
end date : 8-1-2020
end hour : 03:50:00
What i want to happen is to calculate the diffrence in 'hours, minutes' between the end and the start date, hour. But when I calculate and change the end date to lets say 09-01-2020 it does not count the extra 24h at all.
Use Text format:
You need to format the time difference as a duration using the custom format
for hours and minutes
for whole hours.
There are some good notes on how it works in Excel here and as far as I can tell from testing it Google Sheets is the same.
Alternatively, if I read your question as wanting to drop the minutes and seconds from the times before doing the calculation, you could use
and just format the result as a normal number.
After alot of fiddeling and this post i came to the conclusion that the main issue was not laying within the mathematical but within the format of the cell.
By default all time values in sheets are 24h max.
So the basic formula =start - end
The time format needed should be
more date time format
elapsed hours : elapsed minutes
Now you should see the correct elapsed hours and minutes

Calculate two date duration in Elastic 6.7 using painless script

I used below simple expression for getting duration:
doc['endTime'].date.millisOfDay - doc['startTime'].date.millisOfDay
But the problem starts when, endTime crosses the startTime day.
Example: If startTime is 23:50 and endTime for the same is 00:12, we
crossed by midnight, which changes the date as well.
In that way I am getting absolutely wrong duration, except all the scenarios when both time lies with in the same day result is as expected.
Help on how exactly i can make this.
You should simply subtract the absolute milliseconds value since the epoch (instead of milliseconds since the start of the day):
doc['endTime'].date.millis - doc['startTime'].date.millis

Does steady_clock::now return seconds?

I am trying to figure out what the value of t is ? Is it seconds or milliseconds ? The steady_clock reference does not mention the unit used.
auto t = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() / 1000;
auto p = t/1000;
I am thinking now() returns seconds and t is in milliseconds and p is in microseconds. Let me know if I am getting this right ?
It's std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> (the documentation on CppReference is generally better quality).
Guessing your next question — to convert from that to seconds you would use time_since_epoch() (the documentation has an example of extracting a dimension-free number of seconds from it), or alternatively as (now - epoch) / 1_second
Unit of value returned by std::chrono::steady_clock::now() is not defined by standard (it is general value of type std::chrono::time_point).
The resolution of the std::chrono::time_point (it stores a value of type Duration indicating the time interval from the start of the Clock's epoch) is implementation dependent (platforms/compiler), and you shouldn't rely on it.
To get a desired unit, you can easily convert the time_point to a value in seconds, milliseconds, etc. by duration casting:
auto milliseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
(time_since_epoch() returns a duration representing the amount of time between *this and the clock's epoch).

Logic for tracking hours worked

I was wanting to write a program in C that I can simply type in the hours that I worked for each day of the week, including time on break, that will take my input and return the total number of hours I have worked for that week. It's dumb, I know, but I am not sure how to do the math for this regarding time on the clock.
Thank you
At beginning of work: get the current date, make it into seconds.
At end of work: get the current date, make it into seconds.
So working seconds = end seconds - beginning seconds
Then you'll just have to make those into hours.

TimeZoneInfo Class and Daylight saving time

I am trying to get the Timezone of the device (windows phone). I used this class and the property BaseUtcOffset. I live In Jordan, and it was suppose to give me +3 hours, but instead it gave me +2. i think its the daylight saving time, but i have no idea how to use it, any ideas?
var x = TimeZoneInfo.Local.BaseUtcOffset; // x.Hours = 2
the correct timezone from
You should use GetUtcOffset().
The BaseUtcOffset property returns the difference between UTC and the time zone's standard time; the GetUtcOffset method returns the difference between UTC and the time zone's time at a particular point in time.
That's the right response. The timezone is 2 hours ahead of UTC. Local time is 3 hours ahead of UTC.
You might want to look at GetUtcOffset() or IsDaylightSavingsTime().
