VBA interop with Excel-DNA - excel-dna

I am trying to implement Excel-DNA addin which can be called from VBA.
I am following Integrating with VBA
But the ExcelDna.Integration.CustomUI.ExcelComAddIn throw ExcelComAddIn is not available under ExcelDna.Integration.CustomUI

The best example of exposing classes from your Excel-DNA project to VBA is this one: https://github.com/Excel-DNA/Samples/tree/master/ComServerVB
The best place to ask questions about Excel-DNA is the Google Group here: https://groups.google.com/g/exceldna


how to generate powerpoint smart art using python

I am working on an automation project which consists in generating powerpoint including (e.g. hierarchy or family tree). I am a nuby in this field, terefore I need help to achieve this project.
Thanks for any comments, helps, advices..
I only did research and found nothing conclusive yet

How to get call relations of an open solution by using a plugin

I try to develop a VSPackage for VS 2010 that investigates all the available methods in the current solution and to reconstruct the call relations of each single method just like the built in Call Hierarchy feature of VS does.
I managed to get all the available names of the types and its members in the solution by using the DTE automation object by going down from the solution to its projects, the projects classes/types and the classes members (most importantly its methods), however I’m not able to reconstruct the call relations. I did not find any service of VS/VS SDK that could provide me some help. Any hints?
Thanks in advance!

F# and OpenTK in Windows Forms

Does anyone know a good tutorial of using F# and OpenTK in Windows Forms?
These links I've already seen:
Thank you!
I believe the examples in the fsxplat project should be a decent starting point. There are two ways you can use OpenTK with WinForms.
If you're creating an application that has just one OpenTK window, then you can inherit from GameWindow and implement your logic in OnRenderFrame. Then you just create an instance of your object and call Run. This approach is used for example in the cube tutorial.
If you want to use OpenTK as part of a larger application, you can create a standard Form and add GLControl (from OpenTK.GLControl.dll), which is a standard WinForms control that renders content using OpenTK. You can find an example in DrawingForm type here.

Configure VS 2010 Help for a specific subject

Using VS2008, you could set Document Explorer to limit your search to specific subjects using the Technology dropdown, which made for finding info on a specific subject very easy, as it was limited to a subset of available subject. How is the accomplished in the new VS2010 help?
The VS2010 help at the moment, is very hazy. When I search for Task, or task, or c# task. re the new Task library in .net, it returns a whole bundle of irrelevancy...
Any ideas.
Apparently the Document Explorer is not compatible with VS 2010. There is an extension called H3Viewer developed by a third party which apparently provides similar functionality.
Info stolen from here:

Code Documentation for ASP.NET + VB.NET application

We have a very old application dating back to ASP era which we are gradually refactoring to ASP.NET + VB.NET codebase.
It contains a lots of files with the below types:
aspx, asmx, ascx, vb, js (JavaScript), html, vbs (VBScript).
The backend database is SQL Server 2005 with lots of sprocs.
We would like to create a code documentation automatically generated from the comments in the code files. I liked Doxygen very much but seems like it does not support the above technologies. Can you please suggest some document generator tools, preferably a single tool or a group of tools?
Thanks a lot.
You can take a look at Microsoft's Sandcastle tool. I've used it many times, and it generates documentation based on the comments provided in your .NET code. If I remember correctly, it can also generate documentation for JavaScript libraries.
There are some out there:
i've used SandCastle and it works too good if you have xml comments in your code.
You first enable xml documentation in your project by setting it in Project Properties -> Compile -> Generate XML Documentation.
Once done you may have to set treat warnings as errors, so that the studio can point out to you where and all the XML comments are missing.
To add an XML Comment, you place your cursor before a class definition or a function definition and type
This will automatically generate xml tags for documentation and then once you are done, you can import the project and start to build the documentation.
The good part is, if you have documented your classes well, when you use those functions in your application upon mouse over you can find the description which you wrote, much like how intellisense documentation works.
Let me know if you run into any other issues.
My last suggestion, make a hello world project and xml document it and get used to sandcastle with it.
