how to generate powerpoint smart art using python - powerpoint

I am working on an automation project which consists in generating powerpoint including (e.g. hierarchy or family tree). I am a nuby in this field, terefore I need help to achieve this project.
Thanks for any comments, helps, advices..
I only did research and found nothing conclusive yet


Wanting to make an Xposed module

So I'm wanting to make an xposed module but cannot find any good video tutorials out there let alone an updated one also I know C# Decently and hardly any Java... Any help to help me get started would be appreciated. Thanks
You will need Java to create any Xposed modules. Android itself is based on (primarily) Java, so you will need Java knowledge to make Xposed modules.
That said, C# and Java are extremely similar languages, and you can quickly pick up the other if you know one.
As for Tutorials, Rovo89 (the creator of Xposed) has a simple tutorial here at This tutorial is almost completely upto-date, and you can use this to create your first module.
You will find another detailed tutorial here - Keep in mind that this link is very old, so wherever there are any conflicts, go by Rovo89's tutorial.
After going through the beginner tutorial mentioned by Akhil, you will want to look at the API docs and read through source code of some huge modules like GravityBox to get an idea of how the Framework is used. For teaching purpose mod some app which is open source and then move on to closed source app by reverse engineering them. For reverse engineering I use ByteCodeViewer.

Generate a business letter for 100+ leads using wkhtmltopdf

We need to print Business Letter for a given list with mail merge facilities.
My client is not willing to spend $$ on a paid ASP.NET control to make PDF. So I opted in for WKHTMLtoPDF and it works fine for us until one day the client tried to get a PDF of 100+ leads, resulting in complete failure of PDF generation. It works just fine with a 10-20 page PDF, but not for 100.
Are there any tips & tricks to improve performance? We are using Cloud-hosted IIS 7 with ASP.NET 4 if that matters.
PDFSharp library is really a nice one!
I have used it for quite a while now, and I find it flexible enough to fulfill your needs.
However there are some aspects of using it as a "standalone library" - e.g creating tables is a headache and there aren't much text formatting options. It is much better to mix it together with MigraDoc (an extension library for PDFSharp).
If you're looking for a really free (as in "free of worries") library, choose iTextPDF versions prior to version 4.1.7, as they state in the ByteScout blog.
From the ByteScout blog:
iTextSharp 4.1.6 DLL only:
iTextSharp 4.1.6 Source Code (C#):
I'm not sure I understand your problem but couldn't you generate docx documents and get the same results?
For all, I use to create HTML to PDF, my ASP.NET code generate the HtML file then I create HTML to PDF and it is done, much easier than using itextpdf's Table and td structure to get things in better space. I found it easy and fast once you get your stuff aligned properly.
library has improved since original question asked and it performs better now.
here is good tutorial

Someone to explain the mechanics for DSL language creation "in plain english"

Basically the problem is that I'm starting doing somme development of Visual Studio 2010 extensions and language definitions are rather complex, so anyone giving a small intro and pointing some good docs would be great
Thanks in advance,
EDIT My basic problem is that I want to define a simple language to create some models on Visual Studio 2k10 and generate some source code using such models. The problem is where can I find some nice books, or do I have to dig into MSDN to unveil the mask... :)
Again, thanks
Have you tried starting with the documentation here? If you found this difficult to start with, how could we make it easier to follow?

Generate website hierarchy diagram

I have a website that I've been asked to create a hierarchy diagram of. It's a right mess and I'm too lazy to generate one.
Is there a quick online site that could do the job? Or if anyone has any ideas of how to do it quickly. The one requirement is that it needs to be in a hierarchical style.
Apple script to generate Omnigraffle diagram
Generate an XML sitemap first then use the script in the link above. It then automatically creates an Omnigraffle hierarchy, cracking!
Try to search for "breadcrumb" + your actually tool... in Google
Power Point / SmartArt Graphic / Hierarchy

Class Designer in Visual Studio - is it worth it?

Does anybody use the Class Designer much in Visual Studio?
I have downloaded the Modeling Power Toys for 2005 and have been impressed with what I've seen so far. The MSDN Class Designer Blog doesn't seem to have been updated for a while but it still looks quite useful.
Is the Class Designer a quick way to build the basic application or should I just work out on paper and then start coding?
As a visualization tool, or for exploratory purposes (drawing up multiple options to see what they look like) it's not bad, but generally I find the object browser does fine for most stuff I care about.
As a code generation tool, it's a terrible idea.
The whole idea that we will design all our code structure first, then fill in the blanks with small bits of implementation is fundamentally broken.
The only time you actually know what the code structure should look like, is if you've done the exact same thing before - however then you can just use your previous code, and you don't need to draw up any new code in any kind of designer.
If you decide ahead of time to use a particular class structure before you've actually tried to solve the problem, there is a 100% chance that you will pick the wrong design, and shoot yourself in the foot.
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: No, not at all. There's a reason it hasn't been updated.
[EDIT] # MrBrutal - Sorry - do you mean to generate code or just represent a design? Because I took your question as to generate code for you.
I guess this is old, but I use it a lot. It could definitely be improved, but I find it extremely useful to be able to visualize my class structure, and to be able to jump to a specific class or method by clicking on it visually.
It's also slightly easier to add classes/interfaces with than the solution explorer, although the new files always end up in the root folder, instead of the same folder as the CD.
The main benefit I find is to be able to see a group of closely related classes at once. I think the best approach might be to have a single CD for each code folder/namespace.
I've used it a couple of times to get some decent looking class diagrams to put in presentations/blogposts etc. But thats about it...
Any suggestions on other simple UML/class diagram tools that is easy to use and create some nice looking diagrams? Must be able to generate diagrams from .NET code.
I have tried it out couple of times, mainly for viewing existing classes.
If it would show all the relationships, it would be more usefull. Now it only shows inheritation.
I find it useful sometimes, more often for documentation afterwards.
It's a new little utility, but I don't think you get the full functionality in VS Pro - I think you need Architect's Edition.
The comments here suggest that few people find the class designer useful.
Amusing to note that Microsoft designed the class designer to be a useful replacement to useless UML (UML diagrams being untrustworthy once they lose synchronisation with source code).
The trouble with class diagrams is that they tell us what we already know.
I only use the class designer to display my existing classes, but I don't use it the other way, e.g., design your classes there then let it generate the code.
