Node-sass related error attempting to setup Zurb Foundation 6 web project on Ubuntu20.04 - ubuntu-20.04

Going to make a personal website and I want to use Zurb Foundation 6 for the framework.
I am running:
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Node 16.14.0
Npm 8.5.0
yarn 1.22.17
I am following this basic startup guide for the ZURB Foundation template. img of install instructions
I have tried installing with the Foundation CLI and the manual option both result in this error.
error /home/blake/gitworkspace/BlakeSite/node_modules/node-sass: Command failed.
The error seems to be some consequence of node-sass.
The only lead I could find was here and I don't understand what to do with a bridge file or which one I would need.
Thanks for your help!

node-sass 4.14.1 doesn't support Node 16 If you need that version, you need to use Node 14


Can't properly install hardhat using Powershell! Persistent Error HH12: Trying to use a non-local installation of Hardhat, which is not supported

Below is a short list of my setup until I stumble upon the HH12 Hardhat Error that I keep getting:
mkdir wave (Name of my directory)
cd wave
npm init -y
npm install —save-dev hardhat
npx hardhat
Choose sample project
6a. Hardhat project root (Select)
6b. Add .gitignore
Say yes to everything
install the remaining dependencies: npm install --save-dev #nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai #nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers
npx hardhat accounts (to see all the different accounts)...
...And then it fails here! An HH12 Hardhat Error Message: "Hardhat is not installed or installed globally. You tried to run Hardhat from a global installation or not installing it at all. This is not supported. Please install Hardhat locally using npm or Yarn, and try again." ( [BTW, these 2 lines are the ONLY docs on this error on Hardhat!].
Any suggestions?
I have tried the following possible 'fixes' to sidestep this error but to no avail:
Updating most current version of node
Restarting my PC (About 17 X now as of this writing)
Using GitBash (Instead of Powershell)
Asking mods in Hardhat Discord (None) and other Discords
Opening the Hardhat docs (And the Tutorials!!) for answers... None!
StackExchange - There's literally only 1 other person who ALSO had this problem here! But the answers here are not the solution. (Have DMd that person but no reply as of yet).
So can anyone out there help?
I believe I finally figured out the solution (at least what worked for me):
I dropped back 2 directory levels from where I was for my root project and started again there.
I updated my Node version to 16.

'tesseract: error while loading shared libraries: python

Error : pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractError: (127, 'tesseract: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such
My apt file looks like this :
libgl1 libsm6 libxrender1 libfontconfig1 libarchive-dev libtesseract-dev tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-eng
My requirements file has pytesseract mentioned.
I added a buildpack, set the TESSDATA_PREFIX config variable path.
The issue persists.
I just had the same problem and it seems to be that new heroku stack (heroku-20) has bad compatibility with tesseract. So I just changed heroku stack from 20 to 18 using command heroku stack:set heroku-18. You can also do it in settings in your dashboard. I also removed unnecessary libraries from Aptfile and only left following (German I needed for my purposes so you might not use it):
I redeployed my app and everything works!
I have faced same issue recently. But i fixed by adding the following library in Aptfile
and then redeployed my app and everything works fine...
I just upgraded my heroku stack from 18 -> 22 and added
*libarchive13* in Aptfile which we add in root directory of project & it worked for me .
Downgrading the stack is not a solution as heroku-18 is deprecated & will reach to its end-of-life soon.

Compile errors when setting up Plone development environment

I'm trying to follow the walkthrough here to produce a new theme for my Plone 5.1 server:
I'm using MacOS 10.13.6 running clang clang-1000.11.45.5 (the one that comes with XCode) and Python 3.6.4 (installed through Anaconda). I've run into some trouble since the buildout script that is produced by mr.bob doesn't appear to contain all of the dependencies, specifically plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.22. When I attempt to install that dependency manually, I get the following compilation error:
src/Persistence/_Persistence.c:178:5: error: non-void function 'init_Persistence' should return a value [-Wreturn-type]
17 warnings and 7 errors generated.
error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1
I tried upgrading to the latest version of mr.bob and the templates, then using the plonecli to create and start the buildout, but I get the same compilation errors.
There are many like it in that module. How do I resolve this so I can finish installing that dependency and finish my buildout?
Try to use Python 2.7, it's better supported by Zope and Plone.
Plone is using Python 2.7.x until Version 5.1.
In Plone 5.2 you will have the option to run Plone under Python 3, but then you have to use the WSGI-Server instead of the ZServer. For now just use Plone 5.1 with Python 2.7 as Plone 5.2 is still not finally released.

How to deploy Elm and Phoenix Elixir to Heroku?

When trying to deploy a Phoenix/Elm project to Heroku I run into the following issue:
Running default compile
Elm compile: Main.elm, in web/elm, to ../static/vendor/main.js
/bin/sh: 1: elm: not found
17 Jul 15:58:21 - error: Compiling of web/elm/Main.elm failed. Command failed: elm make --yes --output ../static/vendor/main.js Main.elm
/bin/sh: 1: elm: not found
Check your digested files at "priv/static"
I'm using the buildpacks for Phoenix found in the guides and brunch/elm-brunch.
The error is caused by the elm binaries not being installed. One way to install elm is by using npm, which is already available as the Phoenix buildpack uses it.
Solution: Add elm as a dependency in package.json. This will cause the Phoenix buildpack to install elm before executing the brunch script.
Note that a local computer may have a separate installation of the elm binaries, potentially causing confusion. As long as versions match, this ought not be a problem. Note that to use the elm binaries installed by npm above, one has to include ./node_modules/.bin in ones PATH (which the phoenix buildpack does). E.g. if one has a separate elm installation which is included in PATH since before, this will be used when running commands from the prompt.

cannot execute binary file of golang bootstrap installer

I'm using the instructions in this blog post, which is intended for installing go 1.5 on the Raspberry Pi, to install golang on my Chromebook (which has ChrUbuntu not Chromium installed). The technique recommended in the blog post is to install a Golang 1.4 bootstrap compiler available here and then use that to build golang 1.5 (as you need a version of go installed to build 1.5). I tried this on the Raspberry pi and it worked, but when I ran this command from /go/src on ChrUbuntu
env GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=10 GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$HOME/go-linux-arm-bootstrap ./all.bash
It gave me this output
env GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=10 GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$HOME/go-linux-arm-bootstrap ./all.bash
# Building C bootstrap tool.
./make.bash: line 121: /home/user/go-linux-arm/bootstrap/bin/go cannot execute binary file
Why am I getting this error message (is it because it's not compatible with ChrUbuntu) and how to do what I am trying to do. Thank you in advance.
