cannot execute binary file of golang bootstrap installer - go

I'm using the instructions in this blog post, which is intended for installing go 1.5 on the Raspberry Pi, to install golang on my Chromebook (which has ChrUbuntu not Chromium installed). The technique recommended in the blog post is to install a Golang 1.4 bootstrap compiler available here and then use that to build golang 1.5 (as you need a version of go installed to build 1.5). I tried this on the Raspberry pi and it worked, but when I ran this command from /go/src on ChrUbuntu
env GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=10 GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$HOME/go-linux-arm-bootstrap ./all.bash
It gave me this output
env GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=10 GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$HOME/go-linux-arm-bootstrap ./all.bash
# Building C bootstrap tool.
./make.bash: line 121: /home/user/go-linux-arm/bootstrap/bin/go cannot execute binary file
Why am I getting this error message (is it because it's not compatible with ChrUbuntu) and how to do what I am trying to do. Thank you in advance.


Cannot install gotk3, getting GdkMonitor error

I tried to use gotk3 for creating desktop application. I follow the instruction in gotk3 wiki and this installing-on-linux wiki to install it. But then I get this error while executing go get -v:
gcc errors for preamble:
In file included from ../../gotk3/gotk3/gdk/gdk_since_3_22.go:23:0:
./gdk_since_3_22.go.h:22:8: error: unknown type name 'GdkMonitor'
static GdkMonitor *
I've tried to delete the gotk3 directory, and then trying to go get -v again, but still, it didn't work.
I also checked the GTK version that installed in my Ubuntu 16.04 using apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 | grep Installed. And it shows this:
Installed: 2.24.30-1ubuntu1.16.04.2
Installed: 3.18.9-1ubuntu3.3
What did I do wrong? Thanks
GdkMonitor was introduced in GTK+ 3.22. Your version is 3.18.
go get -tags gtk_3_18 at the very beginning of building (see here NOTE section) should fix things

Compile errors when setting up Plone development environment

I'm trying to follow the walkthrough here to produce a new theme for my Plone 5.1 server:
I'm using MacOS 10.13.6 running clang clang-1000.11.45.5 (the one that comes with XCode) and Python 3.6.4 (installed through Anaconda). I've run into some trouble since the buildout script that is produced by mr.bob doesn't appear to contain all of the dependencies, specifically plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.22. When I attempt to install that dependency manually, I get the following compilation error:
src/Persistence/_Persistence.c:178:5: error: non-void function 'init_Persistence' should return a value [-Wreturn-type]
17 warnings and 7 errors generated.
error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1
I tried upgrading to the latest version of mr.bob and the templates, then using the plonecli to create and start the buildout, but I get the same compilation errors.
There are many like it in that module. How do I resolve this so I can finish installing that dependency and finish my buildout?
Try to use Python 2.7, it's better supported by Zope and Plone.
Plone is using Python 2.7.x until Version 5.1.
In Plone 5.2 you will have the option to run Plone under Python 3, but then you have to use the WSGI-Server instead of the ZServer. For now just use Plone 5.1 with Python 2.7 as Plone 5.2 is still not finally released.

go-plus atom package doesn't run goimports

This is my current version of
Atom : 1.23.3
Electron: 1.6.15
Chrome : 56.0.2924.87
Node : 7.4.0
go-plus package is at
go-plus 5.8.1
I'm not quite sure how to about getting this to work or figuring out the issue
format box is check to run formattool on save and the formattool is set to goimports
goimports work in my command line, so I suspect this is an issues with the package
I'm also using ubuntu 16.04, with kernel v 4.10. the newer updates doesn't detect any wifi devices

How to deploy Elm and Phoenix Elixir to Heroku?

When trying to deploy a Phoenix/Elm project to Heroku I run into the following issue:
Running default compile
Elm compile: Main.elm, in web/elm, to ../static/vendor/main.js
/bin/sh: 1: elm: not found
17 Jul 15:58:21 - error: Compiling of web/elm/Main.elm failed. Command failed: elm make --yes --output ../static/vendor/main.js Main.elm
/bin/sh: 1: elm: not found
Check your digested files at "priv/static"
I'm using the buildpacks for Phoenix found in the guides and brunch/elm-brunch.
The error is caused by the elm binaries not being installed. One way to install elm is by using npm, which is already available as the Phoenix buildpack uses it.
Solution: Add elm as a dependency in package.json. This will cause the Phoenix buildpack to install elm before executing the brunch script.
Note that a local computer may have a separate installation of the elm binaries, potentially causing confusion. As long as versions match, this ought not be a problem. Note that to use the elm binaries installed by npm above, one has to include ./node_modules/.bin in ones PATH (which the phoenix buildpack does). E.g. if one has a separate elm installation which is included in PATH since before, this will be used when running commands from the prompt.

Error building openssl-sys crate on Windows

I am trying to compile a Rust program on Windows, but I get this error message:
Compiling openssl-sys v0.6.4
failed to run custom build command for `openssl-sys v0.6.4`
failed to execute command: The system couldn't find the specified file. (os error 2)
Is `gcc` not installed? (see for help)
--- stderr
thread '<main>' panicked at 'explicit panic', C:\Users\User\.cargo\registry\src\\gcc-0.3.12\src\
Cargo compiled every other package without problem, but it can't compile the openssl package.
I searched for help with this specific error and found a github issue for hyperium. The first answer references the openssl building guide for Windows.
I don't understand exactly how I have to build openssl in Windows. I installed MinGW and added the bin path to the global PATH variable, so gcc is reachable, but this did not solve the error.
I use Rust 1.2 and Cargo 0.4.0. My project is an example for a Telegram API wrapper.
1) Download ssl
Installs Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2d
Install it here: C:\OpenSSL-Win32,C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include,C:\OpenSSL-Win32\lib
2) Install MinGW,and add system env path ,,C:\MinGW\bin,important,MinGW's installed path contain char 'MinGW '
3) cmd run env OPENSSLLIBDIR=C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib OPENSSLINCLUDEDIR=C:/OpenSSL-Win32/include cargo build
