Confusion in Play store download count - google-play

How to get the exact number of downloads of my app from the Google Play Console. Which statistics option in the console will give the exact number of downloads.


Export and upload a key from Java keystore shows different instruction for different account

I have multiple google play store account. While uploading new app, I choose "Opt in to Play App Signing" and select "Export and upload a key from Java keystore" option. So far, I have seen below instruction for this option,
However, recently I see another instruction where it says to output a "" file with additional --include-cert argument to the command.
I want to know what is difference between these two instruction. I couldn't find anything in the internet or Stackoverflow about this. Would be great, if someone can shed some light on this. Thanks!

App is not found in play store after creating a production release

The app was build and it was on internal test mode for about 1 month after it was reviewed. I created a production release skipping the alpha and beta test because it was ready to be launch.
After the production release was created, I saw a message saying that the app is being reviewed on the dashboard on Google Play Console. After it was reviewed, it was published but it was label as Internal Beta and I can't find it on the Play Store while searching or it. The version of the app is the old one on the Internal Test. There is no information about what is the problem and how to get the app to publish.
Try to access directly -
If you are able to access the right version - Great. It's not appearing in search, my be you need to work on marketing.
If you are able to access old version - wait for some time, it's being updated. Sometimes it may take upto 7 days.
If you are unable to access, your app is removed. You should appeal to Google.

How to get total numer of windows phone app downloads from windows phone store?

I am publishing one windows phone app in store.Now I want to know How many users download my app.that means count of the downloads.I am searching windows dashboard on my account but not getting any count details. please help me.I want to know about the number of users download my app.Thank you in advance
You can get more user statistics when using Google Analytics, like crashes and exceptions, events (click on a button etc.), device models, number of users currently using your app in real-time, and of course the number of installations and active users.
I use this SDK in my projects. Simply include the SDK via Nuget to your project by searching googleAnalyticsSdk, and follow the steps in the documentation.
The Windows Store dashboard has the basic things like number of downloads, demographics, etceteras. You can also download that information. Go to, click Dashboard and login with you Microsoft account.
To have more details on the usage specific to your app you could use googleAnalytics, but when you start a Universal Windows app (Win10) you also get ApplicationInsight added to your project. This will give you a very detailed insight in your app on Azure. For more information see

How to collect xcode log?

I file a bug to Apple through their bug report. Now they ask me send log.
How to collect xcode log? I have system log and console log ready.
I do not believe Xcode writes a dedicated log file. However, the Console app should have everything you need (you'd need to filter by PROCESS|Xcode to see only Xcode entries).
Alternatively, starting Xcode from the terminal window (via /Applications/ should produce only Xcode logs.
Please see my other answer for more details.
You can collect an Xcode sysdiagnose log using the following command in the terminal:
sudo sysdiagnose Xcode
This presents the following information:
This tool generates files that allow Apple to investigate issues with your computer and help improve Apple products. The files might
contain personal information found on your device or associated with
your iCloud accounts, including but not limited to your name, serial
numbers of your device, your device name, your attached peripheral
devices, your user name, your email address and email settings, file
paths, file names, Siri suggestions, your computer's IP addresses, and
network connection information.
This information is used by Apple in accordance with its privacy
policy ( and is not shared with any other
company. By using this tool and sending the results to Apple, you
consent to Apple using the contents of these files to improve Apple
The process can take up to 10 minutes to complete.
The resulting tar.gz file will be found in /private/var/tmp when completed and can be 100's of Mbs in size.
Connect the iPad or iPhone to the Mac and sync it as usual
Hit Command+Shift+G and navigate to
For those with multiple iOS devices, select the proper device that
you want to retrieve the crash log from
Look for files with the app name you want the crash reports from,
copy that out of the folder, or copy multiple logs and zip them up
for the developer

Is there anyway to find active user count for my Mac Appstore application?

I recently had my free application published in Mac Appstore. I'm trying to find out how many users are actually using it. It looks like Apple only tells me downloads count.
Previously I had my own stats system showing both installs and daily active users. That's why I'm sure that sum of installations is not equal to total users count.
So my question is how can I find out daily active user count for my Appstore application without adding my own report system to the app?
As far as I know nobody collects this kind of data at Apple for you. If you want to have such stats that differ from your download count, you'll have to use your own implementation or sites like this service.
