How to filter on RAW data type oracle - oracle

We are using Oracle for one of our client databases. I am not very well versed with it. There is a column basis on which I need to filter records. The column was printing System.Byte before and when I converted it to VARCHAR(50) it was printing as 000B000000000000000000000000000A.
I need to know how to filter the records with this value in the mentioned column.

If the idea of the column is to represent a hex string:
SELECT UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR ('000B000000000000000000000000000A', 'AL32UTF8')
could work for you, however more information about the application and expected results will be needed for a more fitting solution.


Import CSV File into Oracle using SQL Developer

I am trying to import data from a CSV file into a Oracle GroupSpace table using SQL Developer tool. I am getting errors for Date column. My Date column has Date in the below format.
I get error that the date column has Invalid or Null Date Formats.
Any pointers on what format date format to use when importing Date column would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much!
If you aren't sure that dates are valid (for example, nothing prevents you from entering 5/55/2016 into a CSV file, and that certainly isn't a valid DATE value), you can create a staging table whose columns are of VARCHAR2 datatype - it accepts everything, even garbage like 5/55/2016.
Then, after you load data, write some SQL to find errors, fix them, and then move data into the target table.
Check the CSV data in a text editor and look for which part represents the month (the month value will be in the range 1..12). If you are using US dates then use MM/DD/YYYY, otherwise you should probably use DD/MM/YYYY as the date format. If the data has a mixture of both, then you must separate those files and use a different format for each, or you are likely to get invalid date values in your database.
SQL Developer can help you.
You can try the date format masks in the drop-down. If we can guess it, we'll default to one. For some reason your data...fools us, but you can type your own.
If you get something that 'works' the warnings go away.
If you get it wrong, we'll let you know before you even get to the next step.
You can find all the data format masks here.

How MAX of a concatenated column in oracle works?

In Oracle, while trying to concatenate two columns of both Number type and then trying to take MAX of it, I am having a question.
i.e column A column B of Number data type,
Select MAX(A||B) from table
Table data
20150501 95906
20150501 161938
when I’m running the query Select MAX(A||B) from table
O/P - 2015050195906
Ideally 20150501161938 should be the output????
I am trying to format column B like TO_CHAR(B,'FM000000') and execute i'm getting the expected output.
Select MAX(A || TO_CHAR(B,'FM000000')) FROM table
O/P - 2015011161938
Why is 2015050195906 is considered as MAX in first case.
Presumably, column A is a date and column B is a time.
If that's true, treat them as such:
select max(to_date(to_char(a)||to_char(b,'FM000000'),'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) from your_table;
That will add a leading space for the time component (if necessary) then concatenate the columns into a string, which is then passed to the to_date function, and then the max function will treat as a DATE datatype, which is presumably what you want.
PS: The real solution here, is to fix your data model. Don't store dates and times as numbers. In addition to sorting issues like this, the optimizer can get confused. (If you store a date as a number, how can the optimizer know that '20141231' will immediately be followed by '20150101'?)
You should convert to number;
select MAX(TO_NUMBER(A||B)) from table
Concatenation will result in a character/text output. As such, it sorts alphabetically, so 9 appears after 16.
In the second case, you are specifiying a format to pad the number to six digits. That works well, because 095906 will now appear before 161938.

Crystal Reports Issue turning a string into a number

I'm having one of those throw the computer out the window days.
I am working on a problem involving Crystal Reports (Version 10) and an Oracle Database (11g).
I am taking a view from the database that returns a string (varcahr2(50)) which is actually a number, when a basic SELECT * query is run on this view I get the number back in the format 000000000000100.00.
When this view is then used in Crystal Reports I can view the field data, but I can't sum the data as it is not a number.
I began, by attempting to using ToNumber on the field, to which Crystal's response was that the string was not numeric text. Ok fair enough, I went back to the view and ran TO_NUMBER, when this was then used in crystal it did not return any results. I also attempted to run TO_CHAR on the view so that I could hopefully import the field as text and then perform a ToNumber, yet the same as with the TO_NUMBER no records were displayed.
I've started new reports, I've started new views. No avail.
This seems to have something to do with how I am retrieving the data for the view.
In simplistic terms I'm pulling data from a table looking at two fields a Foreign Key and a Value field.
When I attempted to put modify the result using TO_NUMBER or TO_CHAR I have used it around the VALUE_FIELD itself and the entire expression, wither way works when the run in a SQL statement. However any TO_NUMBER or TO_CHAR modification to the statement returns no results in Crystal Reports when the view is used.
This whole problem smacks of something that is a tick box or equivalent that I have overlooked.
Any suggestions of how to solve this issue or where I could go to look for an answer would be greatly appreciated.
I ran this query in SQL Developer:
SELECT xxx, to_number(xxx) yyy
SELECT '000000000000100.00' XXX FROM DUAL
Which resulted in:
000000000000100.00 100
If your field is truly numeric, you could create a SQL Expression field to do the conversion:
This turned out to be an issue with how Crystal Reports deals with queries from a database. All I needed to do was contain my SQL statement within another Select Statement and on this instance of the column apply the TO_NUMBER so that Crystal Reports would recognize the column values as numbers.
Hopefully this helps someone out, as this was a terrible waste of an afternoon.

How do I optimize the following SQL query for performance?

How do I optimize the following SQL query for performance?
select * from Employee where CNIC = 'some-CNIC-number'
Will using alias help making it a little faster?
I am using Microsoft SQL Server.
This is better if you tell us what RDBMS you are using, but...
1 - Don't do SELECT *. Specify which columns you need. Less data = faster query
2 - For indexing, make sure you have an index on CNIC. You also want a good clustered index on a primary key (preferably something like an ID number)
3 - You put the number in single quotes ' ' which indicates you may have it as a varchar column. If it will always be NUMERIC, it should be an int/bigint data type. This takes up less space and will be faster to retrieve and index by.
Create an index on CNIC:
CREATE INDEX ix_employee_cnic ON employee (cnic)
First thing, as I see this column will be used for storing Id card nos, then you can make your coulmn of type int rather than varchar or nvarchar as searching will faster on an integer type as compared to varchar or nvarchar.
Second, use with (no lock), like
select * from Employee with (nolock) where CNIC = 'some-CNIC-number'
This is to minimize the chances of a deadlock.

Oracle single-table constant merge with CLOB using JDBC

As a follow-up to this question, I need help with the following scenario:
In Oracle, given a simple data table:
create table data (
id VARCHAR2(255),
key VARCHAR2(255),
value CLOB);
I am using the following merge command:
merge into data
using (
? id,
? key,
? value
) val on (
and data.key=val.key
when matched then
update set data.value = val.value
when not matched then
insert (id, key, value) values (, val.key, val.value);
I am invoking the query via JDBC from a Java application.
When the "value" string is large, the above query results in the following Oracle error:
ORA-01461: cannot bind a LONG value for insert into a long column
I even set the "SetBigStringTryClob" property as documented here with the same result.
Is it possible to achieve the behavior I want given that "value" is a CLOB?
EDIT: Client environment is Java
You haven't mentioned specifically in your post, but judging by the tags for the question, I'm assuming you're doing this from Java.
I've had success with code like this in a project I just finished. This application used Unicode, so there may be simpler solutions if your problem domain is limited to a standard ASCII character set.
Are you currently using the OracleStatement.setCLOB() method? It's a terribly awkward thing to have to do, but we couldn't get around it any other way. You have to actually create a temporary CLOB, and then use that temporary CLOB in the setCLOB() method call.
Now, I've ripped this from a working system, and had to make a few ad-hoc adjustments, so if this doesn't appear to work in your situation, let me know and I'll go back to see if I can get a smaller working example.
This of course assumes you're using the Oracle Corp. JDBC drivers (ojdbc14.jar or ojdbc5.jar) which are found in $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib
CLOB tempClob = CLOB.createTemporary(conn, true, CLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
// Open the temporary CLOB in readwrite mode to enable writing;
// Get the output stream to write
Writer tempClobWriter = tempClob.getCharacterOutputStream();
// Write the data into the temporary CLOB
// Flush and close the stream
// Close the temporary CLOB
myStatement.setCLOB(column.order, tempClob);
Dwayne King
