Oracle single-table constant merge with CLOB using JDBC - oracle

As a follow-up to this question, I need help with the following scenario:
In Oracle, given a simple data table:
create table data (
id VARCHAR2(255),
key VARCHAR2(255),
value CLOB);
I am using the following merge command:
merge into data
using (
? id,
? key,
? value
) val on (
and data.key=val.key
when matched then
update set data.value = val.value
when not matched then
insert (id, key, value) values (, val.key, val.value);
I am invoking the query via JDBC from a Java application.
When the "value" string is large, the above query results in the following Oracle error:
ORA-01461: cannot bind a LONG value for insert into a long column
I even set the "SetBigStringTryClob" property as documented here with the same result.
Is it possible to achieve the behavior I want given that "value" is a CLOB?
EDIT: Client environment is Java

You haven't mentioned specifically in your post, but judging by the tags for the question, I'm assuming you're doing this from Java.
I've had success with code like this in a project I just finished. This application used Unicode, so there may be simpler solutions if your problem domain is limited to a standard ASCII character set.
Are you currently using the OracleStatement.setCLOB() method? It's a terribly awkward thing to have to do, but we couldn't get around it any other way. You have to actually create a temporary CLOB, and then use that temporary CLOB in the setCLOB() method call.
Now, I've ripped this from a working system, and had to make a few ad-hoc adjustments, so if this doesn't appear to work in your situation, let me know and I'll go back to see if I can get a smaller working example.
This of course assumes you're using the Oracle Corp. JDBC drivers (ojdbc14.jar or ojdbc5.jar) which are found in $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib
CLOB tempClob = CLOB.createTemporary(conn, true, CLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
// Open the temporary CLOB in readwrite mode to enable writing;
// Get the output stream to write
Writer tempClobWriter = tempClob.getCharacterOutputStream();
// Write the data into the temporary CLOB
// Flush and close the stream
// Close the temporary CLOB
myStatement.setCLOB(column.order, tempClob);
Dwayne King


Why does Oracle change the index construction function instead of error output? ORA-01722: invalid number by index on a field with type varchar2

Creating a mySomeTable table with 2 fields
create table mySomeTable (
Creating an index on the table by the PROCID field
create index idx_PROCID on mySomeTable(trunc(PROCID));
Inserting records:
insert into mySomeTable values ('a', '1'); -- OK
insert into mySomeTable values ('b', 'c'); -- FAIL
As you can see, an error has been made in the index construction script and the script will try to build an index on the field using the trunc() function.
trunct() is a function for working with dates or numbers, and the field has the string type
This index building script successfully works out and creates an index without displaying any warnings and errors.
An index is created on the table using the TRUNC(TO_NUMBER(PROCID)) function
When trying to insert or change an entry in the table, if PROCID cannot be converted to a number, I get the error ORA-01722: invalid number, which is actually logical.
However, the understanding that I am working in a table with rows and adding string values to the table, and the error is about converting to a number, was misleading and not understanding what is happening...
Question: Why does Oracle change the index construction function, instead of giving an error? And how can this be avoided in the future?
Oracle version 19.14
Naturally, there was only one solution - to create the right index with the right script
create index idx_PROCID on mySomeTable(PROCID);
however, this does not explain, to me, this Oracle behavior.
Oracle doesn't know if the index declaration is wrong or the column data type is wrong. Arguably (though some may well disagree!) Oracle shouldn't try to second-guess your intentions or enforce restrictions beyond those documented in the manual - that's what user-defined constraints are for. And, arguably, this index acts as a form of pseudo-constraint. That's a decision for the developer, not Oracle.
It's legal, if usually ill-advised, to store a number in a string column. If you actually intentionally chose to store numbers as strings - against best practice and possibly just to irritate future maintainers of your code - then the index behaviour is reasonable.
A counter-question is to ask where it should draw the line - if you expect it to error on your index expression, what about something like
create index idx_PROCID on mySomeTable(
case when regexp_like(PROCID, '^\d.?\d*$') then trunc(PROCID) end
create index idx_PROCID on mySomeTable(
trunc(to_number(PROCID default null on conversion error))
You might actually have chosen to store both numeric and non-numeric data in the same string column (again, I'm not advocating that) and an index like that might then useful - and you wouldn't want Oracle to prevent you from creating it.
Something that obviously doesn't make sense and shouldn't be allowed to you is much harder for software to evaluate.
Interestingly the documentation says:
Oracle recommends that you specify explicit conversions, rather than rely on implicit or automatic conversions, for these reasons:
If implicit data type conversion occurs in an index expression, then Oracle Database might not use the index because it is defined for the pre-conversion data type. This can have a negative impact on performance.
which is presumably why it actually chooses here to apply explicit conversion when it creates the index expression (which you can see in user_ind_expressions - fiddle)
But you'd get the same error if the index expression wasn't modified - there would still be an implicit conversion of 'c' to a number, and that would still throw ORA-01722. As would some strings that look like numbers if your NLS settings are incompatible.

Trouble Understanding NEXTVAL and CURRVAL

I did search for a similar question, but if I overlooked an existing answer I am glad to be redirected there.
I am working to untangle an Oracle Stored Proceedure in a legacy system written by a long departed developer.
The focus of the proceedure is to upload user data into the existing table structure in a bulk collection and save keystroke time adding 1-x-1 records.
The procedure appears to work without error and the user group would like to expand it to allow additional data to load to separate but related tables.
The author is using the NEXTVAL and CURRVAL commands to add primary key information as new records are added using the CSV data.
But I am confused because my understanding of NEXTVAL/CURRVAL was that they required context and declaration to be used correctly.
For example the Proceedure has the following:
SELECT seq_site.nextval INTO v_curr
UPDATE temp_table
SET site_id = seq_site.currval
However [SEQ_SITE] is not declared anywhere in the preceding lines of the Procedure.
Am I inferring correctly that the clause [SELECT seq_site.nextval INTO v_curr] is the declaration for [SEQ_Record_count]?
(...v_curr is declared an integer early in the procedure declarations btw...)

PL/SQL Stored Procedure create tables

I've been tasked with improving old PL/SQL and Oracle SQL legacy code. In all there are around 7000 lines of code! One aspect of the existing code that really surprises me is the previous coder needlessly created hundreds of lines of code by not writing any procedures or functions - instead the coder essentially repeats the same code throughout.
For example, in the existing code there are literally 40 or more repetitions of the following SQL:
CREATE TABLE tmp_clients
SELECT * FROM live.clients;
CREATE TABLE tmp_customers
SELECT * FROM live.customers;
CREATE TABLE tmp_suppliers
SELECT * FROM live.suppliers WHERE type_id = 1;
and many, many more.....
I'm very new to writing in PL/SQL, though I have recently purchased the excellent book "Oracle PL/SQL programming" by Steven Feuerstein. However, as far as I can tell, I should be able to write a callable procedure such as:
procedure create_temp_table (new_table_nme in varchar(60)
source_table in varchar(60))
s_query varchar2(100);
s_query := 'CREATE TABLE ' + new_table_nme + 'AS SELECT * FROM ' + source_table;
execute immediate s_query;
I would then simply call the procedure as follows:
create_temp_table('tmp.clients', 'live.clients');
create_temp_table('tmp.customers', 'live.customers');
Is my proposed approach reasonable given the problem as stated?
Are the datatypes in the procedure call reasonable, ie should varchar2(60) be used, or is it possible to force the 'source_table' parameter to be a table name in the schema? What happens if the table name is more than 60 characters?
I want to be able to pass a third non-required parameter in cases where the data has to be restricted in a trivial way, ie to deal with cases "WHERE type_id = 1". How do I modify the procedure to include a parameter that is only used occasionally and how would I modify the rest of the code. I would probably add some sort of IF/ELSE statement to check whether the third parameter was not NULL and then construct the s_query accordingly.
How would I check that the table has actually been created successfully?
I want to trap for two other exceptions, namely
The new table (eg 'tmp.clients') already exists; and
The source table doesn't exist.
Does the EXCEPTION as written handle these cases?
More generally, from where can I obtain the SQL error codes and their meanings?
Any suggested improvements to the code would be gratefully received.
You could get rid of a lot of code (gradually!) by using GLOBAL temporary tables.
Execute immediate is not a bad practice but if there are other options then they should be used. Global temp tables are common where you want to extract and transform data but once processed you don't need it anymore until the next load. Each user can only see the data they insert and no redo logs are generated. You can index the data for faster querying if required.
Something like this
-- Create table
create global temporary table GT_CLIENTS
id NUMBER(10) not null,
Client_id NUMBER(10) not null,
modified_by_id NUMBER(10),
transaction_id NUMBER(10),
local_transaction_id VARCHAR2(30) not null,
last_modified_date_tz TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE not null
on commit preserve rows;
I recommend the on commit preserve rows option so that you can debug your procedure and see what went into the table.
Usage would be
SELECT * FROM live.clients;
If this is the route you want to take to minimize changes, then the error for source table does not exist is -942 which you will want to stop for rather than continuing as your temp table would not have been created. Similarly, just continuing if you get an object already exists error will be problematic as you will not have reloaded it with the new data - the create failed so the table still has the data from the last run. So I would definitely do some more thinking about your exception handler.
That said, I also concur that this is generally not the best way to do things. Creating and dropping objects in a multi-user environment is a disaster in the making, and seems a silly waste of resources when there are more appropriate options available.

Import blob through SAS from ORACLE DB

Good time of a day to everyone.
I face with a huge problem during my work on previous week.
Here ia the deal:
I need to download exel file (blob) from ORACLE database through SAS.
I am using:
First step i need to get data from oracle. I used the construction (blob file is nearly 100kb):
proc sql;
connect to oracle;
create table SASTBL as
select * from connection to oracle (
select dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,1,32767) as blob_1,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,32768,32767) as blob_2,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,65535,32767) as blob_3,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,97302,32767) as blob_4
from my_tbl;
And the result is:
blob_1 = 70020202020202...02
blob_2 = 02020202020...02
blob_3 = 02020202...02
I do not understand why the field consists from "02"(the whole file)
And the length of any variable in sas is 1024 (instead of 37767) $HEX2024 format.
If I ll take:
dbms_lob.substr(my_blob_field,2000,900) from the same object the result will mush more similar to the truth:
blob = "A234ABC4536AE7...."
The question is: 1. how can i get binary data from blob field correctly trough SAS? What is my mistake?
Thank you.
I get the information but max string is 2000 kb.
Use the DBMAX_TEXT option on the CONNECT statement (or a LIBNAME statement) to get up to 32,767 characters. The default is probably 1024.
PROC SQL uses SQL to interact with SAS datasets (create tables, query tables, aggregate data, connect externally, etc.). The procedure mostly follows the ANSI standard with a few SAS specific extensions. Each RDMS extends ANSI including Oracle with its XML handling such as saving content in a blob column. Possibly, SAS cannot properly read the Oracle-specific (non-ANSI) binary large object type. Typically SAS processes string, numeric, datetime, and few other types.
As an alternative, consider saving XML content from Oracle externally as an .xml file and use SAS's XML engine to read content into SAS dataset:
libname tempdata xml 'C:\Path\To\XML\File.xml';
data Work.XMLData;
set tempdata.NodeName; /* CHANGE TO REPEAT PARENT NODE OF XML. */
Adding as another answer as I can't comment yet... the issue you experienced is that the return of dbms_lob.substr is actually a varchar so SAS limits it to 2,000. To avoid this, you could wrap it in to_clob( ... ) AND set the DBMAX_TEXT option as previously answered.
Another alternative is below...
The code below is an effective method for retrieving a single record with a large CLOB. Instead of calculating how many fields to split the clob into resulting in a very wide record, it instead splits it into multiple rows. See expected output at bottom.
Disclaimer: Although effective it may not be efficient ie may not scale well to multiple rows, the generally accepted approach then is row pipelining PLSQL. That being said, the below got me out of a pinch if you can't make a procedure...
connect to oracle (authdomain=YOUR_Auth path=devdb DBMAX_TEXT=32767 );
create table clob_chunks (compress=yes) as
select *
from connection to Oracle (
, key
, level clob_order
, regexp_substr(clob_value, '.{1,32767}', 1, level, 'n') clob_chunk
SELECT id, key, clob_value
FROM schema.table
WHERE id = 123
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count(clob_value, '.{1,32767}',1,'n')
order by id, key, clob_order;
disconnect from oracle;
Expected output:
1 1 1 short_clob
2 2 1 long clob chunk1of3
2 2 2 long clob chunk2of3
2 2 3 long clob chunk3of3
3 3 1 another_short_one
DBMAX_TEXT tells SAS to adjust the default of 1024 for a clob field.
The regex .{1,32767} tells Oracle to match at least once but no more than 32767 times. This splits the input and captures the last chunk which is likely to be under 32767 in length.
The regexp_substr is pulling a chunk from the clob (param1) starting from the start of the clob (param2), skipping to the 'level'th occurance (param3) and treating the clob as one large string (param4 'n').
The connect by re-runs the regex to count the chunks to stop the level incrementing beyond end of the clob.
SAS KB article for DBMAX_TEXT
Oracle docs for REGEXP_COUNT
Oracle docs for REGEXP_SUBSTR
Oracle regex syntax
Stackoverflow example of regex splitting

Handling auto inc columns in Oracle via slick

I am using slick 2.1.0. Oracle doesn't have a notion of auto increment attribute for a column, so how can I manage an insert via slick using a sequence.
e.g. I have a table & sequence as follows :
How can I use this sequence to set my USER_ID? Also setting autoIncLastAsOption = true in Slicks's SourceCodeGenerator doesnt seem to help. My IDs are still not an Option[].
Here are some of the options suggested by Typesafe Developer:
If you don’t mind letting Slick manage the DDL, you can use O.AutoInc with OracleDriver. It will automatically create a backing sequence for the generated identity values. The way this works is by installing a trigger that automatically populates the ID from the sequence. Here’s the code that Slick generates for an AutoInc column on Oracle:
create sequence $seq start with 1 increment by 1;
create or replace trigger $trg before insert on $tab referencing new as new for each row when (new.$col is null) begin select $seq.nextval into :new.$col from sys.dual;
where $seq, $trg, $col and $tab are the names of the sequence, trigger, identity column and table.
There is no special code being run during an actual insert operation. So if you already have a database schema with an identity sequence, you can manually create a trigger as shown above and mark the column as O.AutoInc in Slick to get the standard handling for auto-incrementing columns.
If you want a solution without a trigger, you could you insertExpr for inserting in Slick. This allows computed expressions, like using Slick’s own sequence API (which is supported by OracleDriver), but unlike a normal insert you do not get all features, convenience and performance (e.g. batch inserts and pre-compiled inserts).
The downside is that this can’t be precompiled (but compiling a simple expression of a few scalar values should be relatively cheap) and you can’t just insert a mapped cased class that way without some extra mapping boilerplate.
Another option would be to first get a new id (or even multiple ids for a batch insert) from the sequence with one query, put them into the data transfer objects, and then insert those normally with the ids in place. This requires one extra query per batch (for first fetching the ids) but you can easily use mapped objects and precompile everything.
