Viewport issues in React-three-fiber - three.js

I am trying to get viewport.width after the camera finishes the animation (The camera zoom-in animation after clicking on continue). The issue is that it calculates the viewport before the camera finishes the animation and when the browser gets resized, it then shows the correct viewport.
CodeSandbox URL:
Viewport in console:
enter image description here
Please help me with this.
Thank you so much.


image doesn't show after render animation blender 2.8

i have some problem with background rendering in blender 2d!
i have some simple animation, and i use a picture as a background
and when i try to render animation
i have an empty background. i have my animation on empty white background
please help me to solve this problem
try enabling "import image as a plane" addon in edit/ preferences.

How to fix that shining buttons issue after compiling in Unity Canvas

I'm using some simple buttons in canvas in a 2D game, there is no light or i don't do anything via code for brightness of button. Buttons are shows normally in scene view, but these are shining in game view like putting a lights on them. What's the reason for this? How can i solve? You can see that what i mean on image below.
I checked image attributes of buttons and camera render settings but didn't found anything.

GSAP SVG Animation - Firefox glitch

I am working on an animation using GSAP and it is working perfectly on both Chrome and IE, Firefox however has the following glitches:
When the cup fill color fills up the color disappears as opposed to staying there. What looks as if the animation reverts to its original state.
While the big gear rotates around its center the other two seem to rotate around 0,0.
The animation can be found at:
Any help or leads would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Unity 4.6 GUI with rendertexture for upscaling - events in wrong location

I am trying to use the new 4.6 Unity GUI system to create a bit of UI. I want to make this UI at a resolution of 400x300, then render to a texture which will then be drawn to the screen at a resolution of 800x600 (so double resolution). The problem is this: It doesn't work. The rendering is okay and I can correctly upscale the render texture and have it drawn to the screen, but the UI events aren't received in the correct position, and I can find no way to get around this.
Player resolution is 800x600 Render texture resolution is 400x300
Main camera, called "UI Camera" renders to this texture (at 400x300)
Canvas set to "Screen Space - Camera" pointing at "UI Camera". Under this is a button which is set to stretch to all sides (so fullscreen, 400x300)
A second camera, called "Upscaling Camera".
Another canvas set to "Screen Space - Camera" pointing at "Upscaling Camera".
This canvas has it's GraphicRaycaster component removed. Under this is a RawImage displaying the render texture.
When I play, the UI is correctly rendered to the rendertexture, and then displayed on screen at 2x resolution, filling the screen. What is not working is the events - the button can only be interacted with when the mouse is in the lower-left quarter of the screen.
Conceptually, this makes sense. The button is occupying a space from (0, 0) to (400, 300) (starting at the bottom left of the screen), and now my player's resolution is 800x600, this rectangle only covers the bottom left corner. I get that.
So, with all that said, what can I do to fix this? I can't set the EventCamera on the GraphicRaycaster, so that's out. My next thought was to be somehow fudging the mouse positions. But honestly, I have no clue where to go.
(And in case somebody has a better way of doing this - I'm looking at a game working in 400x300 resolution which needs to be pixel-perfect. If I were to resize all my UI externally, that would mean that in-engine, they are essentially running on a half-pixel grid. Same goes for using the CanvasScaler component.)
Cheers for any help.

Importing animated .3DS max file into unity3D

I have an animated .3ds max file. I have imported the file in unity3D. The animation works in preview of animation tab in bottom right corner of the image, have attached the screen shot of it. But, while i play the scene, It comes with a blank scene, i am not able to see man and the animation. Cant able to find the solution for it. Please help me to fix the issue.
Reference screenshot is placed in the below link
Make sure that your object is visible by your camera. Select your camera in objects list and you will see small preview.
