hepl in identifying the given problem to a graph - algorithm

A thief steals from you and gets a 20 meter head start. You could easily catch him on open ground, since you can run twice as fast and so catch up 5 meters for every 10 meters you travel. Once the theif reaches a time warp he is trying to get back to , you cant catch him and there are a bunch of rivers in the path: see Figure. There are N places (marked by black lines) shallow enough to cross, but you'll get 5 meters further behind for every 10 meters of river you cross. Assume the thief is too terrified to consider moving back towards the left side of the map.
Given the starting and ending locations, and the positions of (both ends of) the N crossings, i want an algorithm to find whether it is possible for the thief to escape, i.e., to reach the end location before you catch up.
i am struggling on how to approach this problem .. any ideas are highly appreciated ..thanks

It's a bit unclear what exactly is needed here, but here's an outline of an approach to solve this problem:
You need to create an acyclic graph from the picture given with two sets of weights, one for you and one for the thief that represents how much time it takes each of you to travel that far (or alternatively, two acyclic graphs with the same shape but different weights):
Make nodes/vertexes out of: the starting and ending (timewarp) points, the entry points to every bridge and the exit points from every bridge.
Make edges that connect the entry point vertices of every bridge to their own exit point vertices. Set the thief's edge-weights to the length of the bridge and set yours to 1.5 times that.
Make edges from the starting point vertex to the entry points of every bridge that crosses the first river.
Make edges from the exit point vertices of every bridge over the first river to the entry point vertices of every bridge over the second river.
Repeat step 4 until you get to the last river.
Make edges from the exit point vertices of every bridge over the last river to the timewarp's vertex.
For every non-bridge edge, set the thief's weights equal to their length, and set your weights to half that.
Now, you can use A* search algorithm to determine how long it takes the their and you to get to the timewarp. Whoever would get there first wins.
For A* you need some kind of global maximum distance estimating function, if you cannot derive something for that, just use a maximum possible distance for every thing. If you do this, A* devolves into Djikstra's algorithm, which still works but is slower.


Trouble finding shortest path across a 2D mesh surface

I asked this question three days ago and I got burned by contributors because I didn't include enough information. I am sorry about that.
I have a 2D matrix and each array position relates to the depth of water in a channel, I was hoping to apply Dijkstra's or a similar "least cost path" algorithm to find out the least amount of concrete needed to build a bridge across the water.
It took some time to format the data into a clean version so I've learned some rudimentary Matlab skills doing that. I have removed most of the land so that now the shoreline is standardised to a certain value, my plan is to use a loop to move through each "pixel" on the "west" shore and run a least cost algorithm against it to the closest "east" shore and move through the entire mesh ultimately finding the least cost one.
This is my problem, fitting the data to any of the algorithms. Unfortunately I get overwhelmed by options and different formats because the other examples are for other use cases.
My other consideration is that when the shortest cost path is calculated that it will be a jagged line which would not be suitable for a bridge so I need to constrain the bend radius in the path if at all possible and I don't know how to go about doing that.
A picture of the channel:
Any advice in an approach method would be great, I just need to know if someone knows a method that should work, then I will spend the time learning how to fit the data.
You can apply Dijkstra to your problem in this way:
the two "dry" regions you want to connect correspond to matrix entries with value 0; the other cells have a positive value designating the depth (or the cost of filling this place with concrete)
your edges are the connections of neighbouring cells in your matrix. (It can be a 4- or 8-neighbourhood.) The weight of the edge is the arithmetic mean of the values of the connected cells.
then you apply the Dijkstra algorithm with a starting point in one "dry" region and an end point in the other "dry" region.
The cheapest path will connect two cells of value 0 and its weight will correspond to sum of costs of cells visited. (One half of each cell weight is coming from the edge going to the cell, the other half from the edge leaving the cell.)
This way you will get a possibly rather crooked path leading over the water, which may be a helpful hint for where to build a cheap bridge.
You can speed up the calculation by using the A*-algorithm. Therefore one needs a lower bound of the remaining costs for reaching the other side for each cell. Such a lower bound can be calculated by examining the "concentric rings" around a point as long as rings do not contain a 0-cell of the other side. The sum of the minimal cell values for each ring is then a lower bound of the remaining costs.
An alternative approach, which emphasizes the constraint that you require a non-jagged shape for your bridge, would be to use Monte-Carlo, simulated annealing or a genetic algorithm, where the initial "bridge" consisted a simple spline curve between two randomly chosen end points (one on each side of the chasm), plus a small number or randomly chosen intermediate points in the chasm. You would end up with a physically 'realistic' bridge and a reasonably optimized cost of concrete.

Shortest Path, but on a physical maze

I'm implementing a robot to be able to solve any maze (where the robot only has front sensors, but I make it scan the surroundings), and I was able to get it to turn the maze into a map where 0 represents walls, and 1 represents roads, with possibly slanted roads. Now, the robot is not fast at turning, but fairly fast at moving down a straight line. Therefore, a normal shortest path algorithm through the somewhat slanted hallway would be slow, although the paths are wide enough for it.
For example, we find
As a possible map. I'd like the robot to recognize that it can walk diagonally, or even just go straight up then right then right again, instead of turning every time in a normal shortest path algorithm.
Any ideas? Also, a complete algorithm change is welcome too - I'm fairly new to this.
I've faced similar problem some time ago.
You can assign weights to surrounding cells and less weight to the front cell, thus making a weight graph that is made during the movement.
I used Dijkstra algorithm with weights of 2 for surrounding cells and weight 1 for the front cell, you must pass direction of robot to Dijkstra and when adding them to the priority queue, and when extracting cells from the queue add the neighbors with respect to the direction saved in the extracted cell.
Then make the move and then recompute the modified Dijkstra for finding the nearest unseen cell.

an algorithm that could find a random cycle in a graph

I am looking for an algorithm that could find a random cycle in a graph from a node while that cycle is traversing around another nodes (area). For example, from the green star on the left of the image, finds a random cycle that goes around the red-star nodes.
Given that you are looking for a path that is "random", but still fairly close to minimal perimeter around the "red star", you could try this:
First, we need to choose the direction we are going. Let us decide on clockwise, and we start at point S.
Second, calculate the shortest path around the red star, including the point S. I am not going into details here (e.g. what if it is concave) since this is another question. Also, notice that deciding on S is already taking away from the randomness of the algorithm.
While choosing the path, keep 3 parameters (forward, left, right) that present the weight in the random choice of the next move. The difference in the outcome will be largely determined by the handling of theses parameters. You could always keep the weight equal, and then you might never get back to the start point, and even if you do, you don't know that the red star is inside.
To fix this, check the position with the minimal path calculated before.
If you are on it, then right = 0. Also, the directions going away from the minimal path could get less and less chances the further you are from it.
Hope this was helpful.

Finding the starting vertex for Dijkstra's algorithm?

Imagine I am implementing Dijkstra's algorithm at a park. There are points and connections between those points; these specify valid paths the user can walk on (e.g. sidewalks).
Now imagine that the user is on the grass (i.e. not on a path) and wants to navigate to another location. The problem is not in Dijkstra's algorithm (which works fine), the problem is determining at which vertex to begin.
Here is a picture of the problem: (ignore the dotted lines for now)
Black lines show the edges in Dijkstra's algorithm; likewise, purple circles show the vertices. Sidewalks are in gray. The grass is, you guessed it, green. The user is located at the red star, and wants to get to the orange X.
If I naively look for the nearest vertex and use that as my starting point, the user is often directed to a suboptimal path, that involves walking further away from their destination at the start (i.e. the red solid path).
The blue solid path is the optimal path that my algorithm would ideally come up with.
Assume no paths cross over other paths.
When navigating to a starting point, the user should never cross over a path (e.g. sidewalk).
In the image above, the first line segment coming out of the star is created dynamically, simply to assist the user. The star is not a vertex in the graph (since the user can be anywhere inside the grass region). The line segment from the star to a vertex is simply being displayed so that the user knows how to get to the first valid vertex in the graph.
How can I implement this efficiently and correctly?
Idea #1: Find the enclosing polygon
If I find the smallest polygon which surrounds my starting point, I can now create new paths for Dijkstra's algorithm from the starting point (which will be added as a new vertex temporarily) to each of the vertices that make up the polygon. In the example above, the polygon has 6 sides, so this would mean creating 6 new paths to each of its vertices (i.e. the blue dotted lines). I would then be able to run Dijkstra's algorithm and it would easily determine that the blue solid line is the optimal path.
The problem with this method is in determining which vertices comprise the smallest polygon that surrounds my point. I cannot create new paths to each vertex in the graph, otherwise I will end up with the red dotted lines as well, which completely defeats the purpose of using Dijkstra's algorithm (I should not be allowed to cross over a sidewalk). Therefore, I must take care to only create paths to the vertices of the enclosing polygon. Is there an algorithm for this?
There is another complication with this solution: imagine the user now starts at the purple lightning bolt. It has no enclosing polygon, yet the algorithm should still work by connecting it to the 3 points at the top right. Again, once it is connected to those, running Dijkstra's is easy.
Update: the reason we want to connect to one of these 3 points and not walk around everything to reach the orange X directly is because we want to minimize the walking done on unpaved paths. (Note: This is only a constraint if you start outside a polygon. We don't care how long you walk on the grass if it is within a polygon).
If this is the correct solution, then please post its algorithm as an answer.
Otherwise, please post a better solution.
You can start off by running Dijkstra from the target to find its distance to all vertices.
Now let's consider the case where you start "inside" the graph on the grass. We want to find all vertices that we can reach via a straight line without crossing any edge. For that we can throw together all the line segments representing the edges and the line segments connecting the start point to every vertex and use a sweep-line algorithm to find whether the start-vertex lines intersect any edge.
Alternatively you can use any offline algorithm for planar point location, those also work with a sweep line. I believe this is in the spirit of the more abstract algorithm proposed in the question in that it reports the polygon that surrounds the point.
Then we just need to find the vertex whose connection line to the start does not intersect any edge and the sum d(vertex, target) + d(vertex, start) is minimum.
The procedure when the vertex is outside the graph is somewhat underspecified, but I guess the exact same idea would work. Just keep in mind that there is the possibility to walk all around the graph to the target if it is on the border, like in your example.
This could probably be implemented in O((n+m) log m) per query. If you run an all-pairs shortest path algorithm as a preprocessing step and use an online point location algorithm, you can get logarithmic query time at the cost of the space necessary to store the information to speed up shortest path queries (quadratic if you just store all distance pairs).
I believe simple planar point location works just like the sweep line approaches, only with persistent BSTs to store all the sweepline states.
I'm not sure why you are a bothering with trying to find a starting vertex when you already have one. The point you (the user) are standing at is another vertex in of itself. So the real question now is to find the distance from your starting point to any other point in the enclosing polygon graph. And once you have that, you can simply run Dijkstra's or another shortest path algorithm method like A*, BFS, etc, to find the shortest path to your goal point.
On that note, I think you are better off implementing A* for this problem because a park involves things like trees, playgrounds, ponds (sometimes), etc. So you will need to use a shortest path algorithm that takes these into consideration, and A* is one algorithm that uses these factors to determine a path of shortest length.
Finding distance from start to graph:
The problem of finding the distance from your new vertex to other vertices can be done by only looking for points with the closest x or y coordinate to your start point. So this algorithm has to find points that form a sort of closure around the start point, i.e. a polygon of minimum area which contains the point. So as #Niklas B suggested, a planar point algorithm (with some modifications) might be able to accomplish this. I was looking at the sweep-line algorithm, but that only works for line segments so that will not work (still worth a shot, with modifications might be able to give the correct answer).
You can also decide to implement this algorithm in stages, so first, find the points with the closest y coordinate to the current point (Both negative and positive y, so have to use absolute value), then among those points, you find the ones with the closest x coordinate to the current point and that should give you the set of points that form the polygon. Then these are the points you use to find the distance from your start to the graph.

Google Maps: Given a point, how to find all points at a given road distance?

In my app, the GPS picks the location of the vehicle. It is then supposed to put markers at all points where the vehicle could be if it drives for 1 KM in any direction (note that the roads may fork many times within his 1KM reach).
Can someone suggest me how to do this? Thanks in advance.
This is a very tricky problem to solve with the Google Maps API. The following is one method that you may want to consider:
You can easily calculate a bounding circle of 1km around your GPS point, and it is also easy to calculate points that fall on the circumference of this circle, for any angle. This distance will be "as the crow files" and not the actual road distance, but you may want to check out the following Stack Overflow post for a concrete implementation of this:
How to calculate the latlng of a point a certain distance away from another?
Screenshot with markers at 20 degree intervals on a bounding circle with a 1km radius:
removed dead ImageShack link - How to calculate the latlng of a point a certain distance away from another?
There is also a trick to snap these points to the nearest street. You can check out Mike Williams' Snap point to street examples for a good implementation of this.
Calculating the road distance from your GPS point to each snapped road point could be done with the directions service of the Google Maps API. Note that this will only work in countries that support directions in Google Maps, but more importantly, the road distance will almost always be greater than 1km, because our bounding circle has a 1km radius "as the crow flies". However if you can work with approximate information, this may already be one possible solution.
You can also consider starting with the above solution (1km bounding circle, calculate x points on the circumference, and snap them to the closest road), then calculate the road distance of each path (from your GPS point to each snapped point), and then you can repeat this this recursively for each path, each time using a smaller bounding circle, until you reach a road distance close to 1km. You can decrease the bounding circle in each recursion, in proportion to the error margin, to make your algorithm more efficient.
I found a very neat implementation which appears to be using a similar method to the one I described above:
Driving Radius (Multiple destinations)
Note how you can change the interval of degrees from the top. With a wide interval you'll get fast results, but you could easily miss a few routes.
removed dead ImageShack link - Driving Radius
Natural brute force algorithm is to build a list of all possible nodes taking into account each possible decision on every crossroad.
I doubt that within 1km you would get more then 10 crossroads on average and assuming avg of 3 choices on a crossroad you would end up with 3^10 - around 59,049 end nodes (notice that you need to have 10 crossroads on every branch of the road to reach the full number).
In reality the number would go down and I would assume getting to the same node by different route would not be uncommon, especially in cities.
This approach would give you an exact answer (providing you have good street map as input). It is potential time, but the n does not seem to be that high, so it might be practical.
Further improvements and optimizations might be possible depending on what do you need these nodes for (or which kind of scenarios you would consider similar enough to prune them).
Elaborating a bit on Daniel's approach above, you want to first find all the point within a straight line radius from your origin. That's your starting set of nodes. Now include ALL edges incident to those nodes and other nodes in your starting set. Now check that the nodes are connected and that there aren't any nodes out there floating around that you can't reach. Now create a "shortest path tree" starting from your vehicle node.
The tree will give you the shortest paths from your starting node to all other nodes. Note that if you start by creating paths at the furthest nodes, any sub-paths are also shortest paths to those nodes along the way. Make sure to label those nodes on sub-paths as you continue so you don't need to compute them. Worst case scenario, you need to develop a shortest path for all nodes, but in practice this should take much less time.
List all possible nodes taking into account each possible decision on every crossroad
(But how to do it automatically?
Use Dijkstra`s algorithm to find closes route to all points.
Visualize data.
(That is a little bit tricky, because there can be an unreachable areas inside reachable area.
