HTTPS configuration in JFrog artifactory - https

I am using JFrog 7.17.x Artifactory version. I am accessing the JFrog console with http://localhost:8082. I have a domain configured for my environment ( I would like to configure HTTPS and Domain setup for my JFrog Artifactory node to be accessible with
What are the configuration changes to be done to setup https and domain in JFrog Artifactory node 7.17.x?

This is not possible inside Artifactory. You must use external reverse proxy software like Apache or Nginx. Artifactory can only generate configuration files for them.


Issue while downloading an artifact from the jfrog artifcatory

Here I am having an issue while downloading the artifacts from the Jfrog artificatory. Below is the scenario where the download is failing.
We have jfrog artifcatory as our repository management application. When we install our
software it downloads the bundles/modules from jfrog repositories.
We were installing our application in a very closed network. We only allow whitelisted
IPs/domains to be allowed. We have whitelisted our jfrog URL, let it be <> .
But while downloading artifacts the application fails throwing connect exceptions from jfrog- i.e when we hit the
local repository it is redirecting to jfrog-prod-apse2-shared-sydney-
Do they make any re-directions, when we access our url i.e <>? If so how can
we whitelist these redirected url/ip i.e is these url is static one?
Can anyone please help us with these above queries?
If you use Gradle project>>>
After proxy setting ( What is the proxy IP in your organization), I have added following code in build.gradle file. The problem has gone.
sourceSets {
main {
If you face same problem, please update gradle version

How to connect remote repository in JFrog Artifactory to

Is possible to add as a remote repository to Jfrog Artifactory?
I added as remote php repo but when I try to require a module like "magento/product-community-edition" in the Artifactory logs I see the error
Error occurred while parsing the response of a remote composer package JSON query on '': Expected a file but found a folder, at: php-magento:.composer/p/magento.json
This occurs because doesn't use lazy url but explicit all packages in
There is any way to customize Artifactory packages.json to prevent lazy url?
I asked to jFrog support and they answer me
Currently Artifactory does not support
I created and issue on JFrog Jira

Nexus repo not accessible through proxy in maven settings

I have a maven project.
when I build using cmd prompt- It downloads the maven repos, only when the proxy is configured in settings.xml file.
But this proxy is blocking the nexus repos. I do have two nexus repos required for this project. and I get build error -- return code:503 reason phrase: service unavailable for nexus repo contents
If I follow the stack overflow answer Nexus Repo gives 503 with Maven but not with browser
and added proxy to nexus instance and mirrored the nexus in my settings file. Still maven repo works and nexus repos or not accessible.
my settings.xml
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Replicate nexus repository in my local server

I work in an organisation and we use nexus repositories. I want a simple approach of how can I replicate few groups from nexus repository in to local server so that maven downloads the dependencies from local server and not from nexus.
If you use local server in the sense of base machine then you use clean install as a maven goal. The build code will be available under .m2/repository folder.
Install Nexus locally, create Proxy Repository for each of the repo or group that you want to have locally. In Proxy Repository you'd need to set up URLs to the remote repos.
Now point Maven to this local Nexus (e.g. with <mirrors> in settings.xml). First time Maven downloads a dependency it will go to Local Nexus which would grab the dependency from the remote one. This file is going to be cached in Local Nexus and further downloads won't hit the Remote Nexus.
PS: don't know why you would do this.

Nexus (proxy)Repository Connection pending on remote storage And 404 on repository acces

I have set up a sonatype Nexus 3.0.0-03. And trying to configure proxy repositories.
the created repositories are not accessible. 404 If I just open repository URL.
The status in the repositories overview is on Online - Remote Connection Pending...
Type and Format of repository I have setup:
proxy, npm
proxy, nuget
proxy, maven
The goal is proxy the remote Nexus npm repository and use it as a npm registry.
Additional information:
I have no access to the settings of the remote Nexus, but as far as I understood this is not even necessary.
Accessing the remote repository with npm is possible.
I have already tried using npm install on created repository and it does not work. My Nexus is not fetching from remote Nexus' repository.
Solved by correcting the proxy settings.
Host was not reachable, because the companies Nexus is not reachable from outside of companies network, but inside of companies network.
I had to change no_proxy and NO_PROXY environment variables from * to
* won't work for
