Liquidsoap request.dynamic - bash

I would like to create a dynamic playlist. I am using an external bash script to generate multiple paths to audio files, I am using request.dynamic for that but it seems like it only reads the first line of the output of my bash script. Can anyone please help me? Any help or suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks
Here is my liquidsoap script :
set ("log.file.path","/home/admin/radio.log")
def my_request_function() =
result =
list.hd(default="", get_process_lines("sh"))
request.create(result, persistent=true)
m = request.dynamic(my_request_function)
m = audio_to_stereo(m)
radio = m
clock.assign_new(id="/stream",[output.icecast(%vorbis(samplerate=44100, channels=2, quality=0.3),format="audio/ogg", fallible=true, host = "ip address", port = 8080 , password="password", mount = "/test1",radio)])
Here is my bash script :
now="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')"
cd Playlist
cd Musique
cat $now*
and here is the result of it :


Ruby Simple Read/Write File (Copy File)

I am practicing Ruby, and I am trying to copy contents from file "from" to file "to". can you tell me where I did it wrong?
thanks !
from = "1.txt"
to = "2.txt"
data = open(from).read
out = open(to, 'w')
Maybe I am missing the point, but I think writing it like so is more 'ruby'
from = "1.txt"
to = "2.txt"
contents =, 'r').read, 'w').write(contents)
Personally, however, I like to use the Operating systems terminal to do File operations like so. Here is an example on linux.
from = "1.txt"
to = "2.txt"
system("cp #{from} #{to}")
And for Windows I believe you would use..
from = "1.txt"
to = "2.txt"
system("copy #{from} #{to}")
Finally, if you were needing the output of the command for some sort of logging or other reason, I would use backticks.
#A nice one liner
`cp 1.txt 2.txt`
Here is the system and backtick methods documentation.
You can't perform data.close — data.class would show you that you have a String, and .close is not a valid String method. By opening from the way you chose to, you lost the File reference after using it with your read. One way to fix that would be:
from = "1.txt"
to = "2.txt"
infile = open(from) # Retain the File reference
data = # Use it to do the read
out = open(to, 'w')
infile.close # And finally, close it

Strict searching against two different files

I have two questions regarding the following code:
import subprocess
macSource1 = (r"\\Server\path\name\here\dhcp-dump.txt")
macSource2 = (r"\\Server\path\name\here\dhcp-dump-ops.txt")
with open (r"specific-pcs.txt") as file:
line = []
for line in file:
pcName = line.strip().upper()
with open (macSource1) as source1, open (macSource2) as source2:
items = []
for items in source1:
if pcName in items:
items_split = items.rstrip("\n").split('\t')
ip = items_split[0]
mac = items_split[4]
mac2 = ':'.join(s.encode('hex') for s in mac.decode('hex')).lower() # Puts the :'s between the pairs.
print mac2
print pcName
print ip
Firstly, as you can see, the script is searching for the contents of "specific-pcs.txt" against the contents of macSource1 to get various details. How do I get it to search against BOTH macSource1 & 2 (as the details could be in either file)??
And secondly, I need to have a stricter matching process as at the moment a machine called 'itroom02' will not only find it's own details, but also provide the details for another machine called '2nd-itroom02'. How would I get that?
Many thanks for your assistance in advance!
Perhaps you should restructure it a bit more like this:
macSources = [ r"\\Server\path\name\here\dhcp-dump.txt",
r"\\Server\path\name\here\dhcp-dump-ops.txt" ]
with open (r"specific-pcs.txt") as file:
for line in file:
# ....
for target in macSources:
with open (target) as source:
for items in source:
# ....
There's no need to do e.g. line = [] immediately before you do for line in ...:.
As far as the "stricter matching" goes, since you don't give examples of the format of your files, I can only guess - but you might want to try something like if items_split[1] == pcName: after you've done the split, instead of the if pcName in items: before you split (assuming the name is in the second column - adjust accordingly if not).

Import Multiple Images With Unknown Names

I need to import multiple images (10.000) in Matlab (2013b) from a subdirectory of the predefined directory of Matlab.
I don't know the exact names of the images.
I tried this:
file = dir('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\train');
NF = length(file);
for k = 1 : NF
img = imread(fullfile('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\train', file(k).name));
But it throws this error though I ran it with the Admin privileges:
Error using imread (line 347)
Can't open file "C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\train\." for reading;
you may not have read permission.
The "dir" command returns the virtual directory elements "." (self directory) and ".." parent, as your error message shows.
A simple fix is to use a more specific dir call, based on your image types, perhaps:
file = dir('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\train\*.jpg');
Check the output of dir. The first two "files" are . and .., which is similar to the behaviour of the windows dir command.
file = dir('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\train');
NF = length(file);
for k = 3 : NF
img = imread(fullfile('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\train', file(k).name));
In R2013b you would have to do
file = dir('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\train\*.jpg');
If you have R2014b with the Computer Vision System Toolbox then you can use imageSet:
images = imageSet('C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\train\');
This will create an object containing paths to all image files in the train directory, regardless of format. Then you can read the i-th image like this:
im = read(images, i);

Cannot open file for output (Matlab)

I am having a problem in matlab and the problem is described as follows:
When i try to read an image ( I have several images) and write them to a specific folder, the matlab triggers an error saying
Error using ==> imwrite at 394
Can't open file "\Temp\\inim735282.4716703009300000.jpg" for writing.
You may not have write permission.
May I know why this is happening?
this is the code where the problem occurs
temp_name = sprintf('%.16f',now);
corner_file = ['\Temp\corners', temp_name,'.in'];
image_file = ['\Temp\inim', temp_name,'.jpg'];
out_file = ['\Temp\out', temp_name,'.desc'];
out_imname = ['\Temp\out', temp_name,'.desc.jpg'];
I tried to change it by omitting
moreoever, i direct the path in the folder to the folder by doing this
binary_path = 'C:\Users\cool\Documents\MATLAB\Experment\experiments\bag_of_words\Temp';
to read and and write in and out of the folder.
Can someone please help me figure out this problem?
Thank you guys
Open MatLAB with admin privileges.
A few suggestions:
To generate a temporary output name use the command tempname.
temp_name = tempname();
To concatenate paths and file names use fullfile.
conrner_file = fullfile( '\', 'Temp', 'corners', [temp_name, '.in'] );
You should be careful not to mix '\Temp' and '.\Temp': as the first is an absolute path, while the second is a relative path to cwd.
How about:
temp_name = tempname(); % temp name + folder name in TEMP
corner_file = [ temp_name,'.in'];
image_file = [ temp_name,'.jpg'];
out_file = [temp_name,'.desc'];
out_imname = [temp_name,'.desc.jpg'];
Is it working now?

Magento stock update with csv

I am using the following script
It works beautifully with the test CSV file.
My POS creates a CSV file but it puts a different heading so the script does not work. I want to automate the process. Is there any way to change the names of headers automatically?
The script requires the headers to be
my CSV is
Is there any way for these two different names to be linked within the script so that my script sees ITEM as sku and STOCK as qty?
You should create a php script with an input of the yourfilename.csv, which is the unformatted file.
$file = file_get_contents('yourfilename.csv');
$file = str_replace('ITEM', 'sku', $file);
$file = str_replace('STOCK', 'qty', $file);
file_put_contents('yourfilename.csv', $file);
The below links are for your reference.
find and replace values in a flat-file using PHP
Hope it helps.
PHP isn't usually the best way to go for file manipulation granting the fact you have SSH access.
You could also run the following commands (if you have perl installed, which is default in most setups...):
perl -pi -e 's/ITEM/sku/g' /path/to/your/csvfile.csv
perl -pi -e 's/STOCK/qty/g' /path/to/your/csvfile.csv
If you want qty update using raw sql way then you can create a function like below:
function _updateStocks($data){
    $connection     = _getConnection('core_write');
    $sku            = $data[0];
    $newQty         = $data[1];
    $productId      = _getIdFromSku($sku);
    $attributeId    = _getAttributeId();
    $sql            = "UPDATE " . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_item') . " csi,
                       " . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_status') . " css
                       csi.qty = ?,
                       csi.is_in_stock = ?,
                       css.qty = ?,
                       css.stock_status = ?
                       csi.product_id = ?
                       AND csi.product_id = css.product_id";
    $isInStock      = $newQty > 0 ? 1 : 0;
    $stockStatus    = $newQty > 0 ? 1 : 0;
    $connection->query($sql, array($newQty, $isInStock, $newQty, $stockStatus, $productId));
And call the above function by passing csv row data as arguments. This is just a hint.
In order to get full working code with details you can refer to the following blog article:
Updating product qty in Magento in an easier & faster way
Hope this helps!
