How to get time using bare bones NASM? - time

I'm playing around with running C code without an operating system in qumes.
Without an underlying os, the standard C library is unavailable to use.
My goal is to make a C function that prints the current time, and I have to use assembly to obtain it.
I'm trying to familiarize myself with NASM, but honestly, I have no clue where to start.
below is the code that supposedly prints the current time using ASM. However, I'm receiving the error symbol RTCSecond is not defined, symbol RTCHour is not defined, etc..
%define RTCaddress 0x70
%define RTCdata 0x71
;Get time and date from RTC
.l1: mov al,10 ;Get RTC register A
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
test al,0x80 ;Is update in progress?
jne .l1 ; yes, wait
mov al,0 ;Get seconds (00 to 59)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeSecond], al
mov al,0x02 ;Get minutes (00 to 59)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeMinute],al
mov al,0x04 ;Get hours (see notes)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeHour],al
mov al,0x07 ;Get day of month (01 to 31)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeDay],al
mov al,0x08 ;Get month (01 to 12)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeMonth],al
mov al,0x09 ;Get year (00 to 99)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeYear],al
any help is appreciated.


Why does a function double dereference arguments stored on stack and how is that possible? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Basic use of immediates vs. square brackets in YASM/NASM x86 assembly
(4 answers)
x86 Nasm assembly - push'ing db vars on stack - how is the size known?
(2 answers)
Referencing the contents of a memory location. (x86 addressing modes)
(2 answers)
Why do you have to dereference the label of data to store something in there: Assembly 8086 FASM
(1 answer)
Closed 7 months ago.
I tried to understand "lfunction" stack arguments loading to "flist" in following assembly code I found on a book (The book doesn't explain it. Code compiles and run without errors giving intended output displaying "The string is: ABCDEFGHIJ".) but I can't grasp the legality or logic of the code. What I don't understand is listed below.
In lfunction:
Non-volatile (as per Microsoft x64 calling convention) register RBX is not backed up before 'XOR'ing. (But it is not what bugs me most.)
In portion ";arguments on stack"
mov rax, qword [rbp+8+8+32]
mov bl,[rax]
Here [rbp+8+8+32] dereferences corresponding address stored in stack so RAX should
be loaded with value represented by'fourth' which is char 'D'(0x44) as per my understanding (Why qword?). And if so, what dereferencing char 'D' in second line can possibly mean (There should be a memory address to dereference but 'D' is a char.)?
Original code is listed below:
%include ""
; stack.asm
extern printf
section .data
first db "A"
second db "B"
third db "C"
fourth db "D"
fifth db "E"
sixth db "F"
seventh db "G"
eighth db "H"
ninth db "I"
tenth db "J"
fmt db "The string is: %s",10,0
section .bss
flist resb 14 ;length of string plus end 0
section .text
global main
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
sub rsp, 8
mov rcx, flist
mov rdx, first
mov r8, second
mov r9, third
push tenth ; now start pushing in
push ninth ; reverse order
push eighth
push seventh
push sixth
push fifth
push fourth
sub rsp,32 ; shadow
call lfunc
add rsp,32+8
; print the result
mov rcx, fmt
mov rdx, flist
sub rsp,32+8
call printf
add rsp,32+8
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
xor rax,rax ;clear rax (especially higher bits)
;arguments in registers
mov al,byte[rdx] ; move content argument to al
mov [rcx], al ; store al to memory(resrved at section .bss)
mov al, byte[r8]
mov [rcx+1], al
mov al, byte[r9]
mov [rcx+2], al
;arguments on stack
xor rbx,rbx
mov rax, qword [rbp+8+8+32] ; rsp + rbp + return address + shadow
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+3], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+8]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+4], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+16]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+5], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+24]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+6], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+32]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+7], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+40]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+8], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+48]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+9], bl
mov bl,0 ; terminating zero
mov [rcx+10], bl
Additional info:
I cannot look at register values just after line 50 which
corresponds to "XOR RAX, RAX" in lfunc because debugger auto skips
single stepping to line 37 of main function which corresponds to
"add RSP, 32+8". Even If I marked breakpoints in between
aforementioned lines in lfunc code the debugger simply hangs so I
have to manually abort debugging.
In portion ";arguments on stack"
mov rax, qword [rbp+8+8+32]
mov bl,[rax]
I am mentioning this again to be more precise of what am asking because question was marked as duplicate and
provided links with answers that doesn't address my specific issue. At line
[rbp+8+8+32] == 0x44 because clearly, mov with square brackets dereferences reference address (which I assume 64bit width) rbp+3h. So, the size of 0x44 is byte. That is why ask "Why qword?" because it implies "lea [rbp+8+8+32]" which is a qword reference, not mov. So if [rbp+8+8+32] equals 0x44, then [rax] == [0x0000000000000044], which a garbage ( not relevant to our code here) address.

No output from 8086 program when running ml program.asm in DOSBox

I got this code from the Geeks-for-Geeks site, but there were lots of indentation errors, I changed the code to the following but, when running the code using MASM and DOSBox it's giving no output.
The Output I should get, According to the site I should get 20 but I get nothing, the code is saved as pro.asm, and I'm using DOSBox version 0.74.
For getting the o/p in the DOSBox I did,
mount c c:\8086
ml pro.asm
;8086 program to convert a 16-bit decimal number to octal
d1 dw 16
MOV ds,ax
;load the value stored in variable d1
MOV ax, d1
;convert the value to octal
;print the value
;interrupt to exit
;initialize count
MOV cx,0
MOV dx,0
label1: ;if ax is zero
cmp ax,0
je print1
;initialize bx to 8
mov bx, 8
;divide it by 8 to convert it to octal
div bx
;push it in the stack
push dx
;increment the count
inc cx
;set dx to 0
xor dx,dx
jmp label1
print1: ;check if count is greater than zero
cmp cx,0
je exit
;pop the top of stack
pop dx
;add 48 so that it
;represents the ASCII
;value of digits
add dx,48
;interrupt to print a
mov ah,02h
int 21h
;decrease the count
dec cx
jmp print1
exit : ret
The output I'm getting can be seen below
Your code looks okay. Your screenshot shows you have only assembled and linked the code but not actually run it. To run it type:

NASM ReadConsoleA or WriteConsoleA Buffer Debugging Issue

I am writing a NASM Assembly program on Windows to get the user to enter in two single digit numbers, add these together and then output the result. I am trying to use the Windows API for input and output.
Unfortunately, whilst I can get it to read in one number as soon as the program loops round to get the second the program ends rather than asking for the second value.
The output of the program shown below:
What is interesting is that if I input 1 then the value displayed is one larger so it is adding to something!
This holds for other single digits (2-9) entered as well.
I am pretty sure it is related to how I am using the ReadConsoleA function but I have hit a bit of a wall attempting to find a solution. I have installed gdb to debug the program and assembled it as follows:
nasm -f win64 -g -o task9.obj task9.asm
GoLink /console /entry _main task9.obj kernel32.dll
gdb task9
But I just get the following error:
"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop/task9.exe": not in executable format: File format not recognized
I have since read that NASM doesn't output the debug information needed for the Win64 format but I am not 100% sure about that. I am fairly sure I have the 64-bit version of GDB installed:
My program is as follows:
extern ExitProcess ;windows API function to exit process
extern WriteConsoleA ;windows API function to write to the console window (ANSI version)
extern ReadConsoleA ;windows API function to read from the console window (ANSI version)
extern GetStdHandle ;windows API to get the for the console handle for input/output
section .data ;the .data section is where variables and constants are defined
digits db '0123456789' ;list of digits
input_message db 'Please enter your next number: '
length equ $-input_message
section .bss ;the .bss section is where space is reserved for additional variables
input_buffer: resb 2 ;reserve 64 bits for user input
char_written: resb 4
chars: resb 1 ;reversed for use with write operation
section .text ;the .text section is where the program code goes
global _main ;tells the machine which label to start program execution from
cmp rax, 0 ;compare value in rax to 0
jne .convert ;if not equal then jump to label
jmp .output
;get next digit value
inc r15 ;increment the counter for next digit
mov rcx, 10
xor rdx, rdx ;clear previous remainder result
div rcx ;divide value in rax by value in rcx
;quotient (result) stored in rax
;remainder stored in rdx
push rdx ;store remainder on the stack
jmp _num_to_str
pop rdx ;get the last digit from the stack
;convert digit value to ascii character
mov r10, digits ;load the address of the digits into rsi
add r10, rdx ;get the character of the digits string to display
mov rdx, r10 ;digit to print
mov r8, 1 ;one byte to be output
call _print
;decide whether to loop
dec r15 ;reduce remaining digits (having printed one)
cmp r15, 0 ;are there digits left to print?
jne .output ;if not equal then jump to label output
;get the output handle
mov rcx, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ;specifies that the output handle is required
call GetStdHandle ;returns value for handle to rax
mov rcx, rax
mov r9, char_written
call WriteConsoleA
;get the input handle
mov rcx, STD_INPUT_HANDLE ;specifies that the input handle is required
call GetStdHandle
;get value from keyboard
mov rcx, rax ;place the handle for operation
mov rdx, input_buffer ;set name to receive input from keyboard
mov r8, 2 ;max number of characters to read
mov r9, chars ;stores the number of characters actually read
call ReadConsoleA
movzx r12, byte[input_buffer]
mov rdx, input_message ;move the input message into rdx for function call
mov r8, length ;load the length of the message for function call
call _print
xor r8, r8
xor r9, r9
call _read
mov r13, 0 ;counter for values input
mov r14, 0 ;total for calculation
xor r12, r12
call _get_value ;get value from user
sub r12, '0' ;convert char to integer
add r14, r12 ;add value to total
;decide whether to loop for another character or not
inc r13
cmp r13, 2
jne .loop
;convert total to ASCII value
mov rax, r14 ;num_to_str expects total in rax
mov r15, 0 ;num_to_str uses r15 as a counter - must be initialised
call _num_to_str
;exit the program
mov rcx, 0 ;exit code
call ExitProcess
I would really appreciate any assistance you can offer either with resolving the issue or how to resolve the issue with gdb.
I found the following issues with your code:
Microsoft x86-64 convention mandates rsp be 16 byte aligned.
You must reserve space for the arguments on the stack, even if you pass them in registers.
Your chars variable needs 4 bytes not 1.
ReadConsole expects 5 arguments.
You should read 3 bytes because ReadConsole returns CR LF. Or you could just ignore leading whitespace.
Your _num_to_str is broken if the input is 0.
Based on Jester's suggestions this is the final program:
extern ExitProcess ;windows API function to exit process
extern WriteConsoleA ;windows API function to write to the console window (ANSI version)
extern ReadConsoleA ;windows API function to read from the console window (ANSI version)
extern GetStdHandle ;windows API to get the for the console handle for input/output
section .data ;the .data section is where variables and constants are defined
digits db '0123456789' ;list of digits
input_message db 'Please enter your next number: '
length equ $-input_message
NULL equ 0
section .bss ;the .bss section is where space is reserved for additional variables
input_buffer: resb 3 ;reserve 64 bits for user input
char_written: resb 4
chars: resb 4 ;reversed for use with write operation
section .text ;the .text section is where the program code goes
global _main ;tells the machine which label to start program execution from
sub rsp, 32
cmp rax, 0
jne .next_digit
push rax
inc r15
jmp .output
cmp rax, 0 ;compare value in rax to 0
jne .convert ;if not equal then jump to label
jmp .output
;get next digit value
inc r15 ;increment the counter for next digit
mov rcx, 10
xor rdx, rdx ;clear previous remainder result
div rcx ;divide value in rax by value in rcx
;quotient (result) stored in rax
;remainder stored in rdx
sub rsp, 8 ;add space on stack for value
push rdx ;store remainder on the stack
jmp .next_digit
pop rdx ;get the last digit from the stack
add rsp, 8 ;remove space from stack for popped value
;convert digit value to ascii character
mov r10, digits ;load the address of the digits into rsi
add r10, rdx ;get the character of the digits string to display
mov rdx, r10 ;digit to print
mov r8, 1 ;one byte to be output
call _print
;decide whether to loop
dec r15 ;reduce remaining digits (having printed one)
cmp r15, 0 ;are there digits left to print?
jne .output ;if not equal then jump to label output
add rsp, 32
sub rsp, 40
;get the output handle
mov rcx, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ;specifies that the output handle is required
call GetStdHandle ;returns value for handle to rax
mov rcx, rax
mov r9, char_written
mov rax, qword 0 ;fifth argument
mov qword [rsp+0x20], rax
call WriteConsoleA
add rsp, 40
sub rsp, 40
;get the input handle
mov rcx, STD_INPUT_HANDLE ;specifies that the input handle is required
call GetStdHandle
;get value from keyboard
mov rcx, rax ;place the handle for operation
xor rdx, rdx
mov rdx, input_buffer ;set name to receive input from keyboard
mov r8, 3 ;max number of characters to read
mov r9, chars ;stores the number of characters actually read
mov rax, qword 0 ;fifth argument
mov qword [rsp+0x20], rax
call ReadConsoleA
movzx r12, byte[input_buffer]
add rsp, 40
sub rsp, 40
mov rdx, input_message ;move the input message into rdx for function call
mov r8, length ;load the length of the message for function call
call _print
call _read
add rsp, 40
sub rsp, 40
mov r13, 0 ;counter for values input
mov r14, 0 ;total for calculation
call _get_value ;get value from user
sub r12, '0' ;convert char to integer
add r14, r12 ;add value to total
;decide whether to loop for another character or not
inc r13
cmp r13, 2
jne .loop
;convert total to ASCII value
mov rax, r14 ;num_to_str expects total in rax
mov r15, 0 ;num_to_str uses r15 as a counter - must be initialised
call _num_to_str
;exit the program
mov rcx, 0 ;exit code
call ExitProcess
add rsp, 40
As it turned out I was actually missing a 5th argument in the WriteConsole function as well.

Bootloader memory location

This is a part of a bootloader that I am studying from
`[ORG 0x00]
[BITS 16]
jmp 0x07c0:START ; set CS(segment register) to 0x07C0 and jump to START label.
dw 0x02
dw 0x02
mov ax, 0x07c0
mov ds, ax ; set DS(segment register) to the address of the bootloader.
mov ax, 0xb800
mov es, ax ; set ES(segment register) to the address of the video memory starting address.
; stack initialization
mov ax, 0x0000
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xfffe
mov bp, 0xfffe
; clear the screen
mov si, 0
mov byte[es:si], 0
mov byte[es:si + 1], 0x0a
add si, 2
cmp si, 80 * 25 * 2
; print welcome message`
I don't understand the beginning: jmp 0x07C0:START How does it set the CS register?
And what are the two variables TOTALSECTORCOUNT and KERNEL32SECTORCOUNT for? They don't appear anywhere in the bootsector file and if I remove them, the bootloader fails to load the welcome message.
Removing the parts causes the OS to fail to load. So what is the significance of that jmp statement and the two variables?
``[ORG 0x00]
[BITS 16]
mov ax, 0x07c0
mov ds, ax ; set DS(segment register) to the address of the bootloader.
mov ax, 0xb800
mov es, ax ; set ES(segment register) to the address of the video memory starting address.
; stack initialization
mov ax, 0x0000
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xfffe
mov bp, 0xfffe
I am not great with assembly and usually use the AT&T syntax also. I have however written a bootloader before.
Hopefully you have learnt about the segmented addressing system used in 16 bit applications. The cs register holds the code segment.
jmp 0x07C0:START ;This is a long jump
jmp segment:offset
A long jump sets the cs register to segment parameter and then does a jump to the offset parameter. When you do a short jump the cs register doesn't change. I assume that it would contain 0x0. You can use a short jump but you must tell your assembler or linker where the code will be run.
EDIT: After reading the code again there is the [org 0x00] line. This sets the cs register to 0x00 by default. If you wanted to use the short jump try changing this line to [org 0x7c00]
CS should already be set to 0x7c00 by the BIOS so the line:
jmp 0x07c0:START
can be replaced by:
The two variables you mention must be use elsewhere in the code to load the kernel. However, it appears you haven't posted the whole code here.
Without seeing the rest of the bootsector code, we cannot help.

NASM string from user input not comparing

It's my second day I'm learning NASM and assembly language at all, so I've decided to write a kind of a calculator. The problem is that when user enters the operation, the program doesn't compare it.I mean compares but it doesn't consider that strings are equal when they are. I've googled a lot, but no results. What might be my broblem? Here's source
operV resb 255 ; this is declaration of variable later used to store the input, in .bss of course
mov rax, 0x2000003 ;here user enters the operation, input is "+", or "-"
mov rdi, 0
mov rsi, operV
mov rdx, 255
mov rax, operV ; here is part where stuff is compared
mov rdi, "+"
cmp rax, rdi
je add
mov rdi, "-"
cmp rax, rdi
je substr
You also press the enter key when you submit information like that. change rdi to "+", 10 on linux, or "+", 11 on windows
The answer came to me in a dream last night.
operV resd 4; Resd because registers are a dword in size, and we want the comparison to be as seamless ass possible, you can leave this as 255, but thats a little excessive as we only need 4
mov rax, 0x2000003
mov rdi, 0
mov rsi. operV
mov rdx, 4 ;You only need 4 bytes (1 dword) as this is all we are accepting (+ and line end, then empty space so it matches up with the register we are comparing too) you can leave this as 255 too, but again, we only need 4
mov rax, operV
mov rdi, "x", 10
cmp dword[rax], rdi ; You were comparing the pointer in rax with rdi, not the content pointed to by rax with rdi. now we are comparing the double word (4 bytes) at the location pointed too by rax (operV) and comparing them. Instead of comparing the location of operV with the thing you want.
je add
That's the changes done :P
