Percentage of google N-grams containing a particular word - n-gram

I'm trying to use the google n-grams API to understand what percentage of say 2,3, or 4-grams contain a particular word, say 'happy'.
Just using the query for 'happy' - which give the percentage of 1-grams that the word 'happy' accounts for - should be a very reasonable estimate for this, but I want to be more precise.
For a particular year:
I see that you can download the raw frequency scores for all of the 1-5 grams, so if all else fails, I guess I can get the answer this way, but I thought this was a relatively natural question for the standard API.
I thought it might be something like 'happy *', but this returns the top 10 2-grams starting with happy.


Predicting phrases instead of just next word

For an application that we built, we are using a simple statistical model for word prediction (like Google Autocomplete) to guide search.
It uses a sequence of ngrams gathered from a large corpus of relevant text documents. By considering the previous N-1 words, it suggests the 5 most likely "next words" in descending order of probability, using Katz back-off.
We would like to extend this to predict phrases (multiple words) instead of a single word. However, when we are predicting a phrase, we would prefer not to display its prefixes.
For example, consider the input the cat.
In this case we would like to make predictions like the cat in the hat, but not the cat in & not the cat in the.
We do not have access to past search statistics
We do not have tagged text data (for instance, we do not know the parts of speech)
What is a typical way to make these kinds of multi-word predictions? We've tried multiplicative and additive weighting of longer phrases, but our weights are arbitrary and overfit to our tests.
For this question, you need to define what it is you consider to be a valid completion -- then it should be possible to come up with a solution.
In the example you've given, "the cat in the hat" is much better than "the cat in the". I could interpret this as, "it should end with a noun" or "it shouldn't end with overly common words".
You've restricted the use of "tagged text data" but you could use a pretrained model, (e.g. NLTK, spacy, StanfordNLP) to guess the parts of speech and make an attempt to restrict predictions to only complete noun-phrases (or sequence ending in noun). Note that you would not necessarily need to tag all documents fed into the model, but only those phrases you're keeping in your autocomplete db.
Alternately, you could avoid completions that end in stopwords (or very high frequency words). Both "in" and "the" are words that occur in almost all English documents, so you could experimentally find a frequency cutoff (can't end in a word that occurs in more than 50% of documents) that help you filter. You could also look at phrases -- if the end of the phrase is drastically more common as a shorter phrase, then it doesn't make sense to tag it on, as the user could come up with it on their own.
Ultimately, you could create a labeled set of good and bad instances and try to create a supervised re-ranker based on word features -- both ideas above could be strong features in a supervised model (document frequency = 2, pos tag = 1). This is typically how search engines with data can do it. Note that you don't need search statistics or users for this, just a willingness to label the top-5 completions for a few hundred queries. Building a formal evaluation (that can be run in an automated manner) would probably help when trying to improve the system in the future. Any time you observe a bad completion, you could add it to the database and do a few labels -- over time, a supervised approach would get better.

How to calculate difficulty metric?

Note: I have completely changed the original question!
I do have several texts, which consists of several words. Words are categorized into difficulty categories from 1 to 6, 1 being the easiest one and 6 the hardest (or from common to least common). However, obviously not all words can be put into these categories, because they are countless words in the english language.
Each category has twice as many words as the category before.
Level: 100 words in total (100 new)
Level: 200 words in total (100 new)
Level: 400 words in total (200 new)
Level: 800 words in total (400 new)
Level: 1600 words in total (800 new)
Level: 3200 words in total (1600 new)
When I use the term level 6 below, I mean introduced in level 6. So it is part of the 1600 new words and can't be found in the 1600 words up to level 5.
How would I rate the difficulty of an individual text? Compare these texts:
An easy one
would only consist of very basic vocabulary:
I drive a car.
Let's say these are 4 level 1 words.
A medium one
This old man is cretinous.
This is a very basic sentence which only comes with one difficult word.
A hard one
would have some advanced vocabulary in there too:
I steer a gas guzzler.
So how much more difficult is the second or third of the first one? Let's compare text 1 and text 3. I and a are still level 1 words, gas might be lvl 2, steer is 4 and guzzler is not even in the list. cretinous would be level 6.
How to calculate a difficulty of these texts, now that I've classified the vocabulary?
I hope it is more clear what I want to do now.
The problem you are trying to solve is how to quantify your qualitative data.
The search term "quantifying qualitative data" may help you.
There is no general all-purpose algorithm for this. The best way to do it will depend upon what you want to use the metric for, and what your ratings of each individual task mean for the project as a whole in terms of practical impact on the factors you are interested in.
For example if the hardest tasks are typically unsolvable, then as soon as a project involves a single type 6 task, then the project may become unsolvable, and your metric would need to reflect this.
You also need to find some way to address the missing data (unrated tasks). It's likely that a single numeric metric is not going to capture all the information you want about these projects.
Once you have understood what the metric will be used for, and how the task ratings relate to each other (linear increasing difficulty vs. categorical distinctions) then there are plenty of simple metrics that may codify this analysis.
For example, you may rate projects for risk based on a combination of the number of unknown tasks and the number of tasks with difficulty above a certain threshold. Alternatively you may rate projects for duration based on a weighted sum of task difficulty, using a default or estimated difficulty for unknown tasks.

Programmatically determine the relative "popularities" of a list of items (books, songs, movies, etc)

Given a list of (say) songs, what's the best way to determine their relative "popularity"?
My first thought is to use Google Trends. This list of songs:
Subterranean Homesick Blues
Empire State of Mind
California Gurls
produces the following Google Trends report: (to find out what's popular now, I restricted the report to the last 30 days)
Empire State of Mind is marginally more popular than California Gurls, and Subterranean Homesick Blues is far less popular than either.
So this works pretty well, but what happens when your list is 100 or 1000 songs long? Google Trends only allows you to compare 5 terms at once, so absent a huge round-robin, what's the right approach?
Another option is to just do a Google Search for each song and see which has the most results, but this doesn't really measure the same thing
Excellent question - one song by Britney Spears, might be phenomenally popular for 2 months then (thankfully) forgotten, while another song by Elvis might have sustained popularity for 30 years. How do you quantitatively distinguish the two? We know we want to think that sustained popularity is more important than a "flash in the pan", but how to get this result?
First, I would normalize around the release date - Subterranean Homesick Blues might be unpopular now (not in my house, though), but normalizing back to 1965 might yield a different result.
Since most songs climb in popularity, level off, then decline, let's choose the area when they level off. One might assume that during that period, that the two series are stationary, uncorrelated, and normally distributed. Now you can just apply a test to determine if the means are different.
There's probably less restrictive tests to determine the magnitude of difference between two time series, but I haven't run across them yet.
You could search for the item on Twitter and see how many times it is mentioned. Or look it up on Amazon to see how many people have reviewed it and what rating they gave it. Both Twitter and Amazon have APIs.
There is an unoffical google trends api. See I have not used it but perhaps it is of some help.
I would certainly treat Google's API of "restricted".
In general, comparison functions used for sorting algorithms are very "binary":
input: 2 elements
output: true/false
Here you have:
input: 5 elements
output: relative weights of each element
Therefore you will only need a linear number of calls to the API (whereas sorting usually requires O(N log N) calls to comparison functions).
You will need exactly ceil( (N-1)/4 ) calls. That you can parallelize, though do read the user guide closely as for the number of requests you are authorized to submit.
Then, once all of them are "rated" you can have a simple sort in local.
Intuitively, in order to gather them properly you would:
Shuffle your list
Pop the 5 first elements
Call the API
Insert them sorted in the result (use insertion sort here)
Pick up the median
Pop the 4 first elements (or less if less are available)
Call the API with the median and those 4 first
Go Back to Insert until your run out of elements
If your list is 1000 songs long, that 250 calls to the API, nothing too scary.

Classifying english words into rare and common

I'm trying to devise a method that will be able to classify a given number of english words into 2 sets - "rare" and "common" - the reference being to how much they are used in the language.
The number of words I would like to classify is bounded - currently at around 10,000, and include everything from articles, to proper nouns that could be borrowed from other languages (and would thus be classified as "rare"). I've done some frequency analysis from within the corpus, and I have a distribution of these words (ranging from 1 use, to tops about 100).
My intuition for such a system was to use word lists (such as the BNC word frequency corpus, wordnet, internal corpus frequency), and assign weights to its occurrence in one of them.
For instance, a word that has a mid level frequency in the corpus, (say 50), but appears in a word list W - can be regarded as common since its one of the most frequent in the entire language. My question was - whats the best way to create a weighted score for something like this? Should I go discrete or continuous? In either case, what kind of a classification system would work best for this?
Or do you recommend an alternative method?
To answer Vinko's question on the intended use of the classification -
These words are tokenized from a phrase (eg: book title) - and the intent is to figure out a strategy to generate a search query string for the phrase, searching a text corpus. The query string can support multiple parameters such as proximity, etc - so if a word is common, these params can be tweaked.
To answer Igor's question -
(1) how big is your corpus?
Currently, the list is limited to 10k tokens, but this is just a training set. It could go up to a few 100k once I start testing it on the test set.
2) do you have some kind of expected proportion of common/rare words in the corpus?
Hmm, I do not.
Assuming you have a way to evaluate the classification, you can use the "boosting" approach to machine learning. Boosting classifiers use a set of weak classifiers combined to a strong classifier.
Say, you have your corpus and K external wordlists you can use.
Pick N frequency thresholds. For example, you may have 10 thresholds: 0.1%, 0.2%, ..., 1.0%.
For your corpus and each of the external word lists, create N "experts", one expert per threshold per wordlist/corpus, total of N*(K+1) experts. Each expert is a weak classifier, with a very simple rule: if the frequency of the word is higher than its threshold, they consider the word to be "common". Each expert has a weight.
The learning process is as follows: assign the weight 1 to each expert. For each word in your corpus, make the experts vote. Sum their votes: 1 * weight(i) for "common" votes and (-1) * weight(i) for "rare" votes. If the result is positive, mark the word as common.
Now, the overall idea is to evaluate the classification and increase the weight of experts that were right and decrease the weight of the experts that were wrong. Then repeat the process again and again, until your evaluation is good enough.
The specifics of the weight adjustment depends on the way how you evaluate the classification. For example, if you don't have per-word evaluation, you may still evaluate the classification as "too many common" or "too many rare" words. In the first case, promote all the pro-"rare" experts and demote all pro-"common" experts, or vice-versa.
Your distribution is most likely a Pareto distribution (a superset of Zipf's law as mentioned above). I am shocked that the most common word is used only 100 times - this is including "a" and "the" and words like that? You must have a small corpus if that is the same.
Anyways, you will have to choose a cutoff for "rare" and "common". One potential choice is the mean expected number of appearances (see the linked wiki article above to calculate the mean). Because of the "fat tail" of the distribution, a fairly small number of words will have appearances above the mean -- these are the "common". The rest are "rare". This will have the effect that many more words are rare than common. Not sure if that is what you are going for but you can just move the cutoff up and down to get your desired distribution (say, all words with > 50% of expected value are "common").
While this is not an answer to your question, you should know that you are inventing a wheel here.
Information Retrieval experts have devised ways to weight search words according to their frequency. A very popular weight is TF-IDF, which uses a word's frequency in a document and its frequency in a corpus. TF-IDF is also explained here.
An alternative score is the Okapi BM25, which uses similar factors.
See also the Lucene Similarity documentation for how TF-IDF is implemented in a popular search library.

Categorizing Words and Category Values

We were set an algorithm problem in class today, as a "if you figure out a solution you don't have to do this subject". SO of course, we all thought we will give it a go.
Basically, we were provided a DB of 100 words and 10 categories. There is no match between either the words or the categories. So its basically a list of 100 words, and 10 categories.
We have to "place" the words into the correct category - that is, we have to "figure out" how to put the words into the correct category. Thus, we must "understand" the word, and then put it in the most appropriate category algorthmically.
i.e. one of the words is "fishing" the category "sport" --> so this would go into this category. There is some overlap between words and categories such that some words could go into more than one category.
If we figure it out, we have to increase the sample size and the person with the "best" matching % wins.
Does anyone have ANY idea how to start something like this? Or any resources ? Preferably in C#?
Even a keyword DB or something might be helpful ? Anyone know of any free ones?
First of all you need sample text to analyze, to get the relationship of words.
A categorization with latent semantic analysis is described in Latent Semantic Analysis approaches to categorization.
A different approach would be naive bayes text categorization. Sample text with the assigned category are needed. In a learning step the program learns the different categories and the likelihood that a word occurs in a text assigned to a category, see bayes spam filtering. I don't know how well that works with single words.
Really poor answer (demonstrates no "understanding") - but as a crazy stab you could hit google (through code) for (for example) "+Fishing +Sport", "+Fishing +Cooking" etc (i.e. cross join each word and category) - and let the google fight win! i.e. the combination with the most "hits" gets chosen...
For example (results first):
weather: fish
sport: ball
weather: hat
fashion: trousers
weather: snowball
weather: tornado
With code (TODO: add threading ;-p):
static void Main() {
string[] words = { "fish", "ball", "hat", "trousers", "snowball","tornado" };
string[] categories = { "sport", "fashion", "weather" };
using(WebClient client = new WebClient()){
foreach(string word in words) {
var bestCategory = categories.OrderByDescending(
cat => Rank(client, word, cat)).First();
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", bestCategory, word);
static int Rank(WebClient client, string word, string category) {
string s = client.DownloadString("" +
Uri.EscapeDataString(word) + "+%2B" +
var match = Regex.Match(s, #"of about \<b\>([0-9,]+)\</b\>");
int rank = match.Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value, NumberStyles.Any) : 0;
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("\t{0} / {1} : {2}", word, category, rank));
return rank;
Maybe you are all making this too hard.
Obviously, you need an external reference of some sort to rank the probability that X is in category Y. Is it possible that he's testing your "out of the box" thinking and that YOU could be the external reference? That is, the algorithm is a simple matter of running through each category and each word and asking YOU (or whoever sits at the terminal) whether word X is in the displayed category Y. There are a few simple variations on this theme but they all involve blowing past the Gordian knot by simply cutting it.
Or not...depends on the teacher.
So it seems you have a couple options here, but for the most part I think if you want accurate data you are going to need to use some outside help. Two options that I can think of would be to make use of a dictionary search, or crowd sourcing.
In regards to a dictionary search, you could just go through the database, query it and parse the results to see if one of the category names is displayed on the page. For example, if you search "red" you will find "color" on the page and likewise, searching for "fishing" returns "sport" on the page.
Another, slightly more outside the box option would be to make use of crowd sourcing, consider the following:
Start by more or less randomly assigning name-value pairs.
Output the results.
Load the results up on Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) to get feedback from humans on how well the pairs work.
Input the results of the AMT evaluation back into the system along with the random assignments.
If everything was approved, then we are done.
Otherwise, retain the correct hits and process them to see if any pattern can be established, generate a new set of name-value pairs.
Return to step 3.
Granted this would entail some financial outlay, but it might also be one of the simplest and accurate versions of the data you are going get on a fairly easy basis.
You could do a custom algorithm to work specifically on that data, for instance words ending in 'ing' are verbs (present participle) and could be sports.
Create a set of categorization rules like the one above and see how high an accuracy you get.
Steal the wikipedia database (it's free anyway) and get the list of articles under each of your ten categories. Count the occurrences of each of your 100 words in all the articles under each category, and the category with the highest 'keyword density' of that word (e.g. fishing) wins.
This sounds like you could use some sort of Bayesian classification as it is used in spam filtering. But this would still require "external data" in the form of some sort of text base that provides context.
Without that, the problem is impossible to solve. It's not an algorithm problem, it's an AI problem. But even AI (and natural intelligence as well, for that matter) needs some sort of input to learn from.
I suspect that the professor is giving you an impossible problem to make you understand at what different levels you can think about a problem.
The key question here is: who decides what a "correct" classification is? What is this decision based on? How could this decision be reproduced programmatically, and what input data would it need?
I am assuming that the problem allows using external data, because otherwise I cannot conceive of a way to deduce the meaning from words algorithmically.
Maybe something could be done with a thesaurus database, and looking for minimal distances between 'word' words and 'category' words?
Fire this teacher.
The only solution to this problem is to already have the solution to the problem. Ie. you need a table of keywords and categories to build your code that puts keywords into categories.
Unless, as you suggest, you add a system which "understands" english. This is the person sitting in front of the computer, or an expert system.
If you're building an expert system and doesn't even know it, the teacher is not good at giving problems.
Google is forbidden, but they have almost a perfect solution - Google Sets.
Because you need to unterstand the semantics of the words you need external datasources. You could try using WordNet. Or you could maybe try using Wikipedia - find the page for every word (or maybe only for the categories) and look for other words appearing on the page or linked pages.
Yeah I'd go for the wordnet approach.
Check this tutorial on WordNet-based semantic similarity measurement. You can query Wordnet online at (google it) so it should be relatively easy to code a solution for your problem.
Hope this helps,
Interesting problem. What you're looking at is word classification. While you can learn and use traditional information retrieval methods like LSA and categorization based on such - I'm not sure if that is your intent (if it is, then do so by all means! :)
Since you say you can use external data, I would suggest using wordnet and its link between words. For instance, using wordnet,
# S: (n) **fishing**, sportfishing (the act of someone who fishes as a diversion)
* direct hypernym / inherited hypernym / sister term
o S: (n) **outdoor sport, field sport** (a sport that is played outdoors)
+ direct hypernym / inherited hypernym / sister term
# S: (n) **sport**, athletics
(an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition)
What we see here is a list of relationships between words. The term fishing relates to outdoor sport, which relates to sport.
Now, if you get the drift - it is possible to use this relationship to compute a probability of classifying "fishing" to "sport" - say, based on the linear distance of the word-chain, or number of occurrences, et al. (should be trivial to find resources on how to construct similarity measures using wordnet. when the prof says "not to use google", I assume he means programatically and not as a means to get information to read up on!)
As for C# with wordnet - how about
My first thought would be to leverage external data. Write a program that google-searches each word, and takes the 'category' that appears first/highest in the search results :)
That might be considered cheating, though.
Well, you can't use Google, but you CAN use Yahoo, Ask, Bing, Ding, Dong, Kong...
I would do a few passes. First query the 100 words against 2-3 search engines, grab the first y resulting articles (y being a threshold to experiment with. 5 is a good start I think) and scan the text. In particular I"ll search for the 10 categories. If a category appears more than x time (x again being some threshold you need to experiment with) its a match.
Based on that x threshold (ie how many times a category appears in the text) and how may of the top y pages it appears in you can assign a weigh to a word-category pair.
for better accuracy you can then do another pass with those non-google search engines with the word-category pair (with a AND relationship) and apply the number of resulting pages to the weight of that pair. Them simply assume the word-category pair with highest weight is the right one (assuming you'll even have more than one option). You can also multi assign a word to a multiple category if the weights are close enough (z threshold maybe).
Based on that you can introduce any number of words and any number of categories. And You'll win your challenge.
I also think this method is good to evaluate the weight of potential adwords in advertising. but that's another topic....
Good luck
Use (either online, or download) WordNet, and find the number of relationships you have to follow between words and each category.
Use an existing categorized large data set such as RCV1 to train your system of choice. You could do worse then to start reading existing research and benchmarks.
Appart from Google there exist other 'encyclopedic" datasets you can build of, some of them hosted as public data sets on Amazon Web Services, such as a complete snapshot of the English language Wikipedia.
Be creative. There is other data out there besides Google.
My attempt would be to use the toolset of CRM114 to provide a way to analyze a big corpus of text. Then you can utilize the matchings from it to give a guess.
My naive approach:
Create a huge text file like this (read the article for inspiration)
For every word, scan the text and whenever you match that word, count the 'categories' that appear in N (maximum, aka radio) positions left and right of it.
The word is likely to belong in the category with the greatest counter.
Scrape and search for each word, looking at collective tag counts, etc.
Not much more I can say about that, but delicious is old, huge, incredibly-heavily tagged and contains a wealth of current relevant semantic information to draw from. It would be very easy to build a semantics database this way, using your word list as a basis from scraping.
The knowledge is in the tags.
As you don't need to attend the subject when you solve this 'riddle' it's not supposed to be easy I think.
Nevertheless I would do something like this (told in a very simplistic way)
Build up a Neuronal Network which you give some input (a (e)book, some (e)books)
=> no google needed
this network classifies words (Neural networks are great for 'unsure' classification). I think you may simply know which word belongs to which category because of the occurences in the text. ('fishing' is likely to be mentioned near 'sports').
After some training of the neural network it should "link" you the words to the categories.
You might be able to put use the WordNet database, create some metric to determine how closely linked two words (the word and the category) are and then choose the best category to put the word in.
You could implement a learning algorithm to do this using a monte carlo method and human feedback. Have the system randomly categorize words, then ask you to vote them as "match" or "not match." If it matches, the word is categorized and can be eliminated. If not, the system excludes it from that category in future iterations since it knows it doesn't belong there. This will get very accurate results.
This will work for the 100 word problem fairly easily. For the larger problem, you could combine this with educated guessing to make the process work faster. Here, as many people above have mentioned, you will need external sources. The google method would probably work the best, since google's already done a ton of work on it, but barring that you could, for example, pull data from your facebook account using the facebook apis and try to figure out which words are statistically more likely to appear with previously categorized words.
Either way, though, this cannot be done without some kind of external input that at some point came from a human. Unless you want to be cheeky and, for example, define the categories by some serialized value contained in the ascii text for the name :P
