Springboot application getting Conflicting persistence unit definition for name default - spring-boot

In my spring boot application, I am using some jar files which have inner jars.Those inner jars have separate persistence.xml file and using default as persistence unit name. Now while I am trying to run my spring boot application, I am getting conflicting persistence unit definition for name default. Does somebody know how to resolve this?


Load beans/controller from external jar in spring boot without changing config class

I want to load a bean from a external jar into spring boot project. But I don't want to make changes to existing spring boot config file. I want same behavior like actuator. Just add dependency and bean or endpoint will be available in spring boot

Defining Database dynamically in spring boot maven based war application

My Spring boot application won't know the database to be connected in prior, once before application deployment, the user will select the database to be connected, and places the jar in the server webinf(or probably some other repository path), and changes the externalized properties file, so that application connects to the database, I was trying giving the database dependency scope as provided, but getting class not found. What is the preferred approach for solving the issue?
You can run your Spring Boot bootJar like this:
java -cp your-jdbc-driver.jar -jar your-boot-jar.jar --spring.datasource.url=your:jdbc:url

Dynamic loading of spring bean from jar along with dependent beans

I am running a spring application.
My requirement is user will be placing a plugin jar file at run time at designated lib folder location.
This plugin jar file will have spring application context file as well. I want to load this jar, means all the classes - spring beans
and all its dependent beans/components(this is important), from this jar file at run time.
I do not want to create new/child application context and want to use the existing spring bean context loaded at application start up.
I reffered to few other similar threads/questions on SO and could resolve the issue of dynamically loading of spring beans.
But i am not able to resolve issue of loading all the dependent beans for the spring beans.
Could you please provide any pointers/hints to dynamically load all the dependent beans of spring bean(which is also)loaded at run time?
Thanks in advance,
If you want to be able to load the plugin after startup you are not going to get away with not creating another application context as a child.
I'd suggest you do exactly this and then create some hooks in parent context whereby your plugin will integrate itself.
The alternative is to include that plugin.jar in the main classpath and then restart the application to include the plugin.

Spring-Boot : Referencing another Spring Boot Project

I created two spring boot projects, one is with JPA and the other with Web. I initially combined both of them into one project and everything works perfectly.
I now want to separate the JPA portion from the Web. So I added the JPA project as a dependency of the Web. But spring-boot is unable to detect the beans on JPA.
Is there any examples on how to implement this?
I am getting the exception when I tried to autowire the beans from the JPA project.
BeanCreationException: Could not autowire field:
The #EntityScan and #EnableRestRepository by default only scan the sub packages of the current project so if you want to have two projects you should implicitly set the path of the other project to be scanned.

Error while including bean from org.springframewrok.orm jar file in spring

I am trying to make a crud application using Spring MVC and JPA with hibernate as a service provider.I already have a working CRUD application using spring MVC and jdbc.So I decided to make changes in already built application only
But the problem is when i include any class from org.springframewrok.orm jar file in beans.xml of spring it gives me HTTP 404- resource not found error. What could be the possible reasons??
I am using org.springframewrok.orm 3.1.1 release file.
