Error while including bean from org.springframewrok.orm jar file in spring - spring

I am trying to make a crud application using Spring MVC and JPA with hibernate as a service provider.I already have a working CRUD application using spring MVC and jdbc.So I decided to make changes in already built application only
But the problem is when i include any class from org.springframewrok.orm jar file in beans.xml of spring it gives me HTTP 404- resource not found error. What could be the possible reasons??
I am using org.springframewrok.orm 3.1.1 release file.


Load beans/controller from external jar in spring boot without changing config class

I want to load a bean from a external jar into spring boot project. But I don't want to make changes to existing spring boot config file. I want same behavior like actuator. Just add dependency and bean or endpoint will be available in spring boot

Spring Boot: Embedded servlet container is not working properly

My project is using MDHT(Model Driven Health Tools) Runtime Api Library which is based on Eclipse Modeling Framework(EMF). It works when servers in Spring MVC project. But for some reason the EMF package registry is not getting loaded properly and therefore it cannot deserialize as a Consol CCD document when try to servers in Sprint Boot project.
Code Sample:
CDAUtil.load(in, result);
User Documentation (
After changing to use external tomcat to deploy instead of spring boot embedded servlet container. It works, but still cannot resolve using embedded container.

Can SpringBoot be use for Backend application?

One of the Spring framework advantage is dependency injection. Many had used SpringBoot for providing REST Web Services.
Read up and notice there are Scheduler and CommandLineRunner for SpringBoot, could we using SpringBoot for backend type of application to replace the usual standalone java program while making use of SpringBoot advantage (Dependency Injection)
- Cron Job (Execute and stop running)
- Long Running Process
One of the main thing I am looking into is to use annotation such as Spring Configuration, Spring Data JPA and other technology in backend application.
Of course!
I used spring boot to back CLI projects, DB access projects and more.
Spring boot is very modular. It works by providing auto-configuration based on your maven/gradle imports. If you don't import starter-web/starter-jersey or any other starter that is for the web/rest api, the auto-configuration for this resources won't be triggered and you can basically enjoy all the power of spring boot to support your needs
Spring boot is not a separate framework.It reduces the configuration difficulties when you using spring framework. Spring boot provides a Rapid Application Development using without complex configuration including your dispatcher servlet, XML file for database connectivity and configuration files. You can use spring boot for back-end development. Simply says you can do everything what you does in spring MVC without any complex configuration. If you are using spring boot , You can configure your database details in file. I am adding one of two links for proper reading, ,

Migrating an existing spring jersey servlet2.5, Jersey2.3 webapp to springboot

Evaluating to port an existing mid to large sized multi module JEE application, this consists servlet 2.5, Jersey for rest and Spring 3.2.9 (JDK8, Maven 3. currently we build a war file and deploy it on to aws. My objective for this exercise is to be able to use spring-boot to create a self contained executable jar that can be installed on AWS and this would help us just run on cloud with java -jar
Is it possible to use spring boot considering the project is not using spring-web module, it is more traditional Servlet2.5 statically declaring all servlets and filters in web.xml
which approach is better, adding spring boot as a parent or dependency.
Any experience and info our senior spring community members have in this kind of migration.
This is absolutely possible to do even if you're not using Spring Web MVC.
You can use spring-boot-starter-parent like a BOM POM, so you can import its dependencies without having to change your POM's parent.
Take a look at the Spring Boot documentation for migrating a web.xml application to Spring Boot. The main points here for traditionally deployed servlets and filters are:
A #Bean of type Servlet or ServletRegistrationBean installs that bean
in the container as if it was a <servlet/> and <servlet-mapping/> in
A #Bean of type Filter or FilterRegistrationBean behaves
similarly (like a <filter/> and <filter-mapping/>.

Initialize Spring Application Context for spring projects packaged as a jar

We have several java projects. Most of them are built with Struts 2.0 framework and few built with Spring 3.2. We want to consolidate all the back-end integration service into a separate project using spring 3.2 and import this jar file on all the projects. Here are my questions
What is the best way to initialize spring application-context for a jar based spring project? This jar is utilized by multiple web-project that are built using Struts and other non spring MVC frameworks.
I read How to package spring based library for reuse?. However, this question didn't answer on how to auto-load the application context when you a call a Service from the built spring-example.jar file.
For example. I have a class in spring-framework.jar file. I want to import the spring-framework.jar file into another Struts-MVC based application and call from an Action Class. I want the spring bean configuration to initiate automatically when calling the WeatherService.
You can use #Import annotation if using Java configurations or <import> tag if using XMl configs. With this approach you can reuse import one Spring context into another one.
Link to documentation:
If you are using maven, place your application-context.xml into src/main/resources. If not, make sure that it's on classpath.
Than if you are using XML config do
<import resource="classpath:application-config.xml"/>
or if you are using Java config do
