How to resize all PaperJS Objects on window resize? - html5-canvas

I have a project with multiple paper js objects. I want my project to be responsive, such that when I resize the window, all the objects get scaled accordingly and none of the underlying logic about object width, height, or even distance between two objects changes, and interactivity is preserved.
When my canvas does not have the resize attribute, the object sizes get scaled, but the interactivity is not preserved, because the underlying coordinate system is intact.
When I set the resize attribute to true, my canvas is resized properly and the interactivity of the paper js objects is preserved, but this causes some objects to overflow and not be visible on the canvas anymore.
What is the best way to achieve my desired behaviour? Is there some paperJS method I am missing?
I know about the onResize() method, but is that the best (and only) approach here?


Make Mapbox GL JS canvas render at higher dpi, or scale without losing quality

I have a mapbox project in production where the street map the user customizes (location, zoom, and text) will ultimately be printed on a surface which has rather small dimensions (3.5" x 2.25" at 600dpi. keeping in mind that the zoom level affects the visibility of the different street types, The problem I am running into is this:
Since the canvas element renders at 72dpi, this means that in order to get an accurate representation of how the map will print, I actually have to make the map's div container real size # 72dpi (252px x 162px) which is of course quite small and far less detailed than the map will look when it's printed at 600dpi
In order to allow people to interact with the map at a reasonable size on the screen, the cheap solution is of course to scale up the canvas using css transforms: i.e. #mapContainer {transform: scale(2.5)}. However this results in a very pixelated map since, unlike svg vector graphics (as seen in the text and graphics overlays in the images below), the browser does not re-render the canvas when it scales up.
Unscaled canvas
Scaled Canvas
I have spent a lot of time searching for a solution to this problem, and at best it looks like I may have to utilize a method where I pull in mapbox data into tiling services like nextzen with data visualization libraries like D3.js but id like to make this one last ditch effort to see if there is any way to trick the browser into rendering this element in a higher size dpi without changing the map bounds or zoom.
I suspect the answer to this lies in a similar vein to this stack overflow question Higher DPI graphics with HTML5 canvas However when I attempt it, I get a null value for var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') since the mapbox canvas is "webgl" not "2d"... looking into the "webgl" method of resizing a canvas for higher dpi here: but I really am having a hard time understanding how exactly to redraw the canvas after the resize.

Rendering Multiple Viewports using GLUT

Using OpenGL and GLUT, I want to render a scene from two different viewpoints. For the first viewpoint, it is a standard perspective projection using shaders. For the second viewpoint, it is a visualisation of the depth buffer. I want these two images to be contained within the same window, side-by-side.
So far, I have been using GLUT for display. For example, I use:
glutInitWindowSize(1000, 1000);
glutInitWindowPosition(500, 200);
glutCreateWindow("OpenGL Test");
This will draw my scene across the entire window for the one viewport which I have defined. But can I use GLUT to draw two different images from two different viewports, as described above? Or perhaps this is not so easy with just GLUT, and I will need to create a window natively in my operating system (I am using Ubuntu), and then define two different areas in that window which I should draw upon...
Thank you!
GLUT ultimately has nothing to do with it. It creates and manages a window. What you do within that window is entirely up to you.
What you need to do is use the viewport transform. Because the viewport happens after clipping, no primitives outside of the range of the viewport transform will be rendered to (by drawing commands. Buffer clearing will still clear the whole framebuffer). This effectively defines the region of the window that all vertices will lie within.
So you call glViewport, specifying half of the window. Then you render the stuff you want in that half. Then you call glViewport to specify the other half. Then you render the stuff you want there. And then you're done; just swap buffers.
However, this also means that the typical tactic of only calling glViewport in your GLUT resize callback will not work. You must store the window's current size, then use that in your display function.
Two ways you can do this:
You can create a new window with glutCreateWindow(). Note that this will have a different OpenGL context. Also note that it has a return value, an integer.
You can select part of the window using glViewport(), and then call glViewport() again to draw into a different part of the same window.
There is always the option of rendering your two views into a single texture, and then simply making a screen size quad and rendering that texture onto your quad.
I'm not sure its going to satisfy all your needs, but from a visual perspective this should give you the same result.

OpenGL ES. Hide layers in 2D?

For example I have 2 layers: background and image. In my case I must show or hide an image on zoom value changed (simply float variable).
The only solution I know is to keep 2 various frame buffers for both background and image and not to draw the image when it is not necessary.
But is it possible to do this in an easier way?
Just don't pass the geometry to glDrawArrays() for the layer you want to hide when the zoom occurs. OpenGL ES completely re-renders everything every frame. You should have a glClear() call at the start of your frame render loop. So, removing something is done by just not sending its triangles. You might need to divide your geometry into separate lists for each layer.

Best way to obtain a scrollable OpenGL view with Cocoa

Say I'm writing a 2D cad program of some sort, and I want to be able to zoom in and scroll around my document. However, I also want full control over how my document is drawn and I want an OpenGL context for which to do the drawing. How do I do this? Should I subclass NSScrollView and do something I can't quite figure out there? Should I subclass NSOpenGLView and add a pair of NSScrollers and figure out how to draw them properly? Making NSScrollers and drawing them in a way that looks good natively looks nontrivial, but NSScrollViews seem to want to own all the content you might be scrolling, rather than letting me control the size of the knob of the scroll bar and other such things. I'd be completely content with giving a document size in pixels or some such, just the most important thing to me is that when I draw to (0,0) in my OpenGL context, I draw to the corner of the window, and not into some buffer that NSScrollView owns.
Should I subclass NSOpenGLView and add a pair of NSScrollers
Yes, since scrolling a OpenGL view doesn't make sense. You want to adjust the viewing volume (i.e. the parameters defining the projection matrix), rather than moving your viewport around. And that only works if you have manual control over the scroll bars.

Make HTML5 canvas behave like TclTK canvas for scale/translate?

I'm trying to port a TclTK program I wrote 20 years ago to HTML5.
After hours of frustation, I learned that when you "scale" or
"translate" HTML5's canvas element, it only applies to future
drawings, not items already on the canvas.
This is the opposite of TclTK, where items already on the canvas are
scaled/translated instead.
Short of creating a draw/redraw loop (where I clear the canvas and
redraw all the objects myself when I want to scale/translate), is
there anyway to make HTML5's canvas element behave like TclTK's?
Or am I missing something big?
The Canvas 2D Context is based around pixel-wise image manipulations — it is not a “retained mode” graphics interface as you are apparently familiar with. There literally is no record of your graphics for it to redraw. If you want to change the graphics, you have to redraw them somehow.
Everything is redrawing, in the end (though the redrawing may be hidden from your code), but there are ways to reduce the amount of work you have to do. Here are some options, roughly in order of amount of change you'll have to do to your code (and roughly in order of improved quality/performance):
Draw your graphics on the canvas, then scale and translate the canvas itself using CSS properties (not the width and height attributes of the canvas, which will clear it). This will rescale the image, possibly losing quality, since you're not drawing it anew optimized for the current scale.
Draw your graphics on the canvas, then export them into an ImageData or a data URL, then when needed redraw that onto the canvas. Again, may lose quality.
The above two are essentially kludges to keep using the canvas code you've already written. To get a proper system like you describe TK as being, you want to:
Build your own scene graph: Create a set of objects like Circle, Line, etc. which represent graphics, and containers for those which store transform attributes like scale and position. Then write routines to walk this graph and execute the appropriate drawing commands, whenever you need to redraw.
Use SVG instead. SVG is a language for vector graphics which, in modern browsers, you can embed directly in your HTML, and manipulate in JavaScript just like you would the rest of your page. In SVG, you can simply change a scale attribute and get the change you expect to see.
(The previous option is basically reinventing a small amount of SVG.)
