Remove textboxes in smartart grid design - powerpoint

I'm trying to make a square photo grid without textboxes using powerpoint photo design. The square grid includes textboxes with each photo that I don't want. Can I get rid of the text boxes?


Adding Text to Objects During Zooming

I am evaluating fabricjs and wondering if you can dynamically add text to shapes while you are zooming. So for example while zoomed out, the shapes are too small to show the text but as you zoom and they get to a certain size, the text can be shown. Or is this part of the base control? In other words if I add text to an object but it cannot be shown because it is too small it automatically hides?

Dynamic text box in powerpoint (Not to an excel tabel)

I want to add an title in the basic format of my slides.
I have got many layouts in my Slide Master but want to have the same textbox in it.
Is there is a way to add an text box that its value will be linked to one place in the Slide Master so I won't have to change every layout.
Add the text box on the slide master. That will normally add it automatically to all the layouts and hence to all the slides based on the layouts.

GWT align image and text

Using GWT I am trying to create a row of images with text centered below them. There isn't much detail on GWT online so I'm having a difficult time. The image should also be a hyperlink.
You can achieve this layout using standard HTML and CSS. The most obvious solution is to use floating divs which contain an image and its text, with "text-align: center" rule applied to the div.
In GWT you can achieve this either through a Ui:Binder, or, if the images are dynamic, by creating a custom widget to represent each image with its text.
The alternative solution is to use a HorizontalPanel widget and add images and text inside, which is an equivalent of using a table to achieve your desired layout. This solution is not responsive, though.

how to place interactive button control with d3 charting library?

I'm on a project which has a requirement to make data visualization. But more than just data visualization, there're some tricky interactive requirements.
Imagine a scatter plot, instead of little circles, clickable rectangles(like button) are placed on the chart. When user clicks on those buttons, the rectangles turns into some input fields, user can type make some inputs.
How to draw these buttons and input fields with d3.js?
After doing some research, the root of the problem is : how to put html in svg? Then there's plenty of questions and answers out there. Basically the solution is to use svg element: foreighObject. refer to this SO question:
Insert HTML code inside SVG Text element

How to add an animation into infragistics grid row

I am developing UI form that has infragistics grid. Users can delete, submit some records in the grid. Because of long running task (deleting, insertion...) some grid records have to display the static or dynamic progress. To improve UX I think to add a virtual column that can display animated gif or just draw a fixed or animated text. How can I implement this functionality with that grid?
I suggest to look at the samples installed with your NetAdvantage controls.
In particular the samples on:
Alpha blending (display a background image with various level of opacity)
Flood fill (Use a cell or column as progress bar)
Special effects (Pulsing or blinking a cell)
