Java buildpack memory calculation - spring-boot

Java buildpack memory calculator with Spring Boot application inside of Docker container with 1GB memory calculates memory as it says in documentation, it takes entire available memory and this are calculated JVM options:
Calculated JVM Memory Configuration: -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=10M -Xmx747490K -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=157725K -Xss1M (Total Memory: 1G, Thread Count: 50, Loaded Class Count: 25433, Headroom: 0%)
Question is why does it takes entire available memory and gives it to JVM? It should leave some memory for java process outside of JVM. This can lead to OOM because JVM thinks it has 1GB for itself (747490K for heap), and in reality it has less because some of it's memory is used by native memory, outside of JVM.
Should I not use this calculator and set JVM configuration by myself or I can reconfigure this somehow?

Question is why does it takes entire available memory and gives it to JVM?
The assumption is that the only thing running in your container is your Java application, thus it assigns all of the available memory to be used.
If you do things like shell out and run other processes or run other processes in the container, you need to tell memory calculator so it can take that into account.
This can lead to OOM because JVM thinks it has 1GB for itself (747490K for heap), and in reality it has less because some of it's memory is used by native memory, outside of JVM.
The memory calculator takes into consideration the major memory regions within a Java process. Not just heap. That said, it cannot 100% guarantee that you will never go over your memory limit. That's impossible with a Java app.
There are things you can do as an application developer, like create 10,000 threads or JNI, that cannot be restricted and could potentially consume a whole ton of memory. If you do that, your app will go over its container memory limit and crash.
The memory calculator attempts to give you a reasonable memory configuration for most common Java workloads. Running a web app, running a microservice, running some batch jobs, etc...
If you are doing something that doesn't fit within that pattern, then you can simply tell the memory calculator and it'll adjust things accordingly.
Should I not use this calculator and set JVM configuration by myself or I can reconfigure this somehow?
Even if you need to customize what the calculator is doing it can be helpful. It's additional toil to calculate these values manually, especially when it's so easy to change the memory limits. If your ops team increases the memory limit of the container, you want your application to automatically adjust to that configuration (as well as it can).
Beyond that, memory calculator is also good at detecting problems early. If you configure the JVM manually and you mess it up, let's say you over-allocate memory, the JVM won't necessarily care until it tries to get more memory and can't. At some point down the road, you're going to have a problem but it's not clear when (probably at 3am on a Sat, lol).
With memory calculator, it's doing the math when your container first starts to make sure that memory settings are sane. If there's something off with the configuration, it'll fail and let you know.
You can override a memory calculator-defined value by simply setting that JVM option in the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS env variable. For example, if I want to allow for more direct memory, I would set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS='-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=50M'. Then when you restart the container, the memory calculator will shift memory around to accommodate that.
The one thing you don't want to set is -Xmx. The memory calculator should always set this because it will set it to whatever is left after other regions have been accounted for. You can think of it like HEAP = CONTAINER_MEMORY_LIMIT - (all static memory regions).
If you were to set -Xmx, you have to get it exactly right. If it's too low then you're wasting memory. If it's too high then you could exceed the container memory limit and get crashes.
In short, if you think you want to set -Xmx, you should either increase the container memory limit or decrease one of the static memory regions.
If you run other things in the container, you need to set the headroom. This is done with the BPL_JVM_HEAD_ROOM env variable. Give it a percent of the total container memory limit. Ex: BPL_JVM_HEAD_ROOM=20 would use 80% of the container's memory limit for Java and 20 for other stuff.
Setting some headroom can be useful in other cases as well, like if you're troubleshooting a container crash and you want a little extra room, or if you don't like operating at 100% the memory limit. You can leave 5 or 10% unused to match your comfort level.
If you have an application that uses a lot of threads, you'll need to adjust this as well. The default is 250 threads, which works well for many web/servlet-based applications (thread per request model). We do automatically lower to 50 threads if you're specifically using Spring Webflux which does not need so many threads.
For other cases, it's up to you to configure this. For example, if you have a batch application that only needs a thread pool of 10, then you could set this 40 or 50. 40-50 seems weird in this example, but the JVM creates a number of its own threads and you need to account for those in addition to application-specific threads when in doubt look at a thread dump.


Why SpringBoot continues to consume a lot of memory even after the load test is done

My website is a SpringBoot application deployed in Linux server. I add JMX so that I can monitor this website by JVisualVM. I run it as below:
nohup java -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -jar sms-web.jar &
I start load test and I can see that the memory consume is escalating very fast, as the red rectangle shows here. This is understandable because there are a lot of TCP connections establised and disposed while in load test. But after the load test is done, it still continues to consume a lot of memeory, sometimes to 800MB, as you can see in the green rectangle. What happens under the cover? Why it consums so much memory?
Edit: Is there any way for JVM to do a through GC to release a lot of memory?
This is quite normal behaviour for any Java application. As long as your application is running, objects will be created, even when it's not being used (threadpools being checked/refreshed, ...).
That means that it's only normal that heap memory goes up over time. However, when necessary, the garbage collector will run, and will destroy any objects that are no longer in use. That's why you can see a clear memory usage drop at certain times.
Now, the garbage collector will only run when necessary. This process often happens when your memory in use (blue line) is getting close to the memory that is allowed to be used (orange line).
This explains two things:
It explains the zigzag lines during your loadtest, which means many objects were being created and being destroyed afterwards by the garbage collector.
It explains why your application can use more than 800MB of memory before freeing anything, because there was still more memory it allowed to be consumed.
Now, if you think it's problematic that your application allows about 1GB (or more) memory to be consumed, you'll have to play around with your JVM settings, and perhaps reduce the -Xmx parameter to a reasonable amount. Make sure to run some loadtests afterwards, to see how your application behaves when reducing the maximum allowed memory, as it could have a higher impact on the performance of your application since the garbage collector would have to run more often.

How could I make a Go program use more memory? Is that recommended?

I'm looking for option something similar to -Xmx in Java, that is to assign maximum runtime memory that my Go application can utilise. Was checking the runtime , but not entirely if that is the way to go.
I tried setting something like this with func SetMaxStack(), (likely very stupid)
debug.SetMaxStack(5000000000) // bytes
The reason why I am looking to do this is because currently there is ample amount of RAM available but the application won't consume more than 4-6% , I might be wrong here but it could be forcing GC to happen much faster than needed leading to performance issue.
What I'm doing
Getting large dataset from RDBMS system , processing it to write out in excel.
Another reason why I am looking for such an option is to limit the maximum usage of RAM on the server where it will be ultimately deployed.
Any hints on this would greatly appreciated.
The current stable Go (1.10) has only a single knob which may be used to trade memory for lower CPU usage by the garbage collection the Go runtime performs.
This knob is called GOGC, and its description reads
The GOGC variable sets the initial garbage collection target percentage. A collection is triggered when the ratio of freshly allocated data to live data remaining after the previous collection reaches this percentage. The default is GOGC=100. Setting GOGC=off disables the garbage collector entirely. The runtime/debug package's SetGCPercent function allows changing this percentage at run time. See
So basically setting it to 200 would supposedly double the amount of memory the Go runtime of your running process may use.
Having said that I'd note that the Go runtime actually tries to adjust the behaviour of its garbage collector to the workload of your running program and the CPU processing power at hand.
I mean, that normally there's nothing wrong with your program not consuming lots of RAM—if the collector happens to sweep the garbage fast enough without hampering the performance in a significant way, I see no reason to worry about: the Go's GC is
one of the points of the most intense fine-tuning in the runtime,
and works very good in fact.
Hence you may try to take another route:
Profile memory allocations of your program.
Analyze the profile and try to figure out where the hot spots
are, and whether (and how) they can be optimized.
You might start here
and continue with the gazillion other
intros to this stuff.
Optimize. Typically this amounts to making certain buffers
reusable across different calls to the same function(s)
consuming them, preallocating slices instead of growing them
gradually, using sync.Pool where deemed useful etc.
Such measures may actually increase the memory
truly used (that is, by live objects—as opposed to
garbage) but it may lower the pressure on the GC.

Why would the JVM suddenly not allocate up to the maximum heap setting, even when running low on memory and with plenty of free OS memory?

My JVM is set to have a maximum heap size of 2GB. It is currently running slowly due to being low on memory, but it will not allocate beyond 1841MB (even though it has done so before on this run). I have over 16GB memory free.
Why would this suddenly happen to a running JVM? Could it be because it is "fenced in" - it cannot get a larger continuous range of physical memory?
This is for java 1.8.0_73 (64bit) on Windows 10. But I have seen this now and then for other java versions and on Windows 7 and XP too.
32 bit JVMs usually struggle to use more than about 1800Mb. Exactly how much they can allocate depends on your Operating System and how it lays out the 32 bit address space (which can vary between runs).
Use a 64 bit JVM to get more.
Start JVM with
java -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m
This will preallocate 2GB at JVM startup (even if not needed).
You cannot make a program run faster by just increasing the heap memory. A program may be slow due to various reasons.
In your case, may be it's not because of the memory usage, as the increase in the heap memory does not cause the program to use that memory to the fullest, or run faster. The heap is used up if you create a lot of objects which are in use and not garbage collected.
The other reason for the slowness could be due to some parts of the program using up the processing power (poorly performing algorithms ?).
It could also be due to slow I/O operations (file reads/writes ?).
These are only a few reasons. We can determine the slowness by getting to know more about your program.
You could look for slow running parts of your code by going through its logs (if any) or by using various profiling tools like jconsole (shipped with jdk), VisualVM, etc.
You could also tune your JVM by passing various parameters to customize the Garbage collection, various parts of the heap, thread stack size, etc.

JVM memory tuning for eXist

Suppose you had a server with 24G RAM at your disposal, how much memory would you allocate to (Tomcat to run) eXist?
I'm setting up our new webserver, with an Intel Xeon E5649 (2.53GHz) processor, running Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. eXist is running as a webapp inside Tomcat, and the db is only used for querying 'stable' collections --that is, no updates are being executed to the resources inside eXist.
I've been experimenting with different heap sizes (via -Xms and -Xmx settings when starting the Tomcat process), and so far haven't noticed much difference in response time for queries against eXist. In other words, it doesn't seem to matter much whether the JVM is allocated 4G or 16G. I have also upped the #cachesize and #collectionCache in eXist's WEB-INF/conf.xml file to e.g. 8192M, but this doesn't seem to have much effect. I suppose these settings /do/ have an influence when eXist is running inside Tomcat?
I know each situation is different (and I know there's a Tomcat server involved), but are there some rules of thumb for eXist performance w.r.t. the memory it is allocated? I'd like to get at a sensible memory configuration for a setup with a larger amount of RAM available.
This question was asked and answered on the exist-open mailing list. The answer from was:
Giving more memory to eXist will not necessarily improve response times. "Bad"
queries may consume lots of RAM, but the better your queries are optimized, the
less RAM they need: most of the heavy processing will be done using index
lookups and the optimizer will try to reduce the size of the node sets to be
passed around. Caching memory thus has to be large enough to hold the most
relevant index pages. If this is already the case, increasing the caching space
will not improve performance anymore. On the other hand, a too small cacheSize
of collectionCache will result in a recognizable bottleneck. For example, a
batch upload of resources or creating a backup can take several hours (instead
of e.g. minutes) if #collectionCache is too small.
If most of your queries are optimized to use indexes, 8gb RAM for eXist does
usually give you enough room to handle the occasional high load. Ideally you
could run some load tests to see what the maximum memory use actually is. For
#cacheSize, I rarely have to go beyond 512m. The setting for #collectionCache
depends on the number of collections and documents in the database. If you have
tens or hundreds of thousands of collections, you may have to increase it up to
768m or more. As I said above, you will recognize a sudden breakdown in
performance during uploads or backups if the collectionCache becomes too small.
So to summarize, a reasonable setting for me would be: -Xmx8192m,
#cacheSize="512m", #collectionCache="768m". If you can afford giving 16G main
memory it certainly won’t hurt. Also, if you are using the lucene index or the
new range index, you should consider increasing the #buffer setting in the
corresponding index module configurations in conf.xml as well:
<module id="lucene-index" buffer="256" class="org.exist.indexing.lucene.LuceneIndex" />
<module id="range-index" buffer="256" class="org.exist.indexing.range.RangeIndex"/>

What is the size limit of the application object in classic asp?

I am creating an ASP script that uses the application object to store the pages. The question in my mind is whether there is a size limit to this object. Anyone know?
An application pool may specifiy the Maximum virtual memory size that a worker process can allocate. This is setting will affect the maximum size of data that the application object can hold.
If this setting is not specified (or is larger than 2GB) then another factor will be whether the process is running in 32 Bit mode. If so then you could only expect to get a maximum of 1.5GB (if that) in the application object regardless of how much memory is present on the server.
On 64 bit server running the worker process as a 64 bit process it would be able to consume as much RAM and pagefile that it can get.
I'm fairly sure there's no explicit limit - but of course at some point you will use up so much memory that you'll see other effects - e.g. your application being recycled because it has exceeded its memory limit, or your application grinding to a halt as the server runs out of memory.
I am pretty sure the limit is really the RAM of the hosting server. If you have a very large number of pages, using a database or files for less frequently accessed pages may be helpful, but i have never seen any specific issues with a hard limit.
