What is the size limit of the application object in classic asp? - caching

I am creating an ASP script that uses the application object to store the pages. The question in my mind is whether there is a size limit to this object. Anyone know?

An application pool may specifiy the Maximum virtual memory size that a worker process can allocate. This is setting will affect the maximum size of data that the application object can hold.
If this setting is not specified (or is larger than 2GB) then another factor will be whether the process is running in 32 Bit mode. If so then you could only expect to get a maximum of 1.5GB (if that) in the application object regardless of how much memory is present on the server.
On 64 bit server running the worker process as a 64 bit process it would be able to consume as much RAM and pagefile that it can get.

I'm fairly sure there's no explicit limit - but of course at some point you will use up so much memory that you'll see other effects - e.g. your application being recycled because it has exceeded its memory limit, or your application grinding to a halt as the server runs out of memory.

I am pretty sure the limit is really the RAM of the hosting server. If you have a very large number of pages, using a database or files for less frequently accessed pages may be helpful, but i have never seen any specific issues with a hard limit.


Do job objects work with memory mapped files?

I am using memory mapped files for a set of very large datasets (each ~150GB). The scenario here is that the memory that is total amount of memory that is consumed during processing the data is around 50TB, because there are many stages of algorithms where each algirithm process another 150GB dataset.
Memory mapped files seem to balance quite well if there is little memory load and the memory manager has enough time balance the memory.
High Memory Load
The problem is though, that when there is a high memory load and a lot of data is written into the memory mapped files, the current process working set grows to the limit of the RAM. What you can see then is that the pages are written to harddisk but when I reach the max RAM, Windows stalls completely never returns until everything is written.
Another problem is that the memory manager is writing the pages only when it reaches the maximum RAM limit. Before nothing is written to disk.
I can agree that my process that is writing data and the memory page writer are two independent processes that don't know each other, so while I'm producing data, the page writer tries its best to write the pages to disk but is not able to follow since writing toi disk takes more time than allocating memory.
Obviously it is never a problem if the memory load of Windows is below the maximum RAM. If I'm coming near the maximum RAM things going to fall apart
First Attempt: SetWorkingSetSize
My first attempt was to use the SetProcessWorkingSet, by setting maximum allowed working set size to a strict limit (e.g. 5GB). What happens now is that the memory manager is starting to write pages to disk when the process has reaches the 5GB working set size and the process never reaches more than the example 5GB. Nevertheless my process still writes data, but what I can see from the Task Manager is that the amount of memory is still growing, whereas the process itself is still on 5GB. Nevertheless the same situation as before exists, the RAM grows until the max RAM is reached and Windows stalls again.
I was hoping that Windows throttles itself when I'm allocating memory, so that there is a mechnism in Windows that defers memory allocation, meaning that my application automatically slows down but that doesn't seem to be case.
Second Attempt: Job Objects
So I thought Job Objects can be a solution as it seemed to me that using SetProcessWorkingSetSize does not work as expected and is only a suggestion to the OS. So I used JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION
SIZE_T ProcessMemoryLimit;
SIZE_T JobMemoryLimit;
SIZE_T PeakProcessMemoryUsed;
SIZE_T PeakJobMemoryUsed;
with SetInformationJobObject but it seems that it doesn't do anything in terms of limit the process' working set, where SetProcessWorkingSetSize limits it.
So my questions are
should Job Objects limit the working set, and should the work as SetProcessWorkingSetSize (I understand that Job Objects are for more than this, but I'm just asking for this special condition)
Should Windows throttle memory allocation itself or do I have to do it myself.
If Windows does not throttle what would be the best approach to throttle my application (also using Job Objects using notifications?)

Will Windows be still able to allocate memory when free space in physical memory is very low?

On Windows 32-bit system the application is being developed using Visual Studio:
Lets say lots of other application running on my machine and they have occupied almost all of physical memory and only 1 MB memory is left free. If my application (which has not yet allocated any memory) tries to allocate, say 2 MB, will the call be successful?
My guess: In theory, each Windows application has 2GB of virtual memory available.
So I believe this call should be successful (regardless how much physical memory is available). But I am not sure on this. That's why asking here.
Windows gives a rock-hard guarantee that this will always work. A process can only allocate virtual memory when Windows can commit space in the paging file for the allocation. If necessary, it will grow the paging file to make the space available. If that fails, for example when the paging file grows beyond the preset limit, then the allocation fails as well. Windows doesn't have the equivalent of the Linux "OOM killer", it does not support over-committing that may require an operating system to start randomly killing processes to find RAM.
Do note that the "always works" clause does have a sting. There is no guarantee on how long this will take. In very extreme circumstances the machine can start thrashing where just about every memory access in the running processes causes a page fault. Code execution slows down to a crawl, you can lose control with the mouse pointer frozen when Explorer or the mouse or video driver start thrashing as well. You are well past the point of shopping for RAM when that happens. Windows applies quotas to processes to prevent them from hogging the machine, but if you have enough processes running then that doesn't necessarily avoid the problem.
Of course. It would be lousy design if memory had to be wasted now in order to be used later. Operating systems constantly re-purpose memory to its most advantageous use at any moment. They don't have to waste memory by keeping it free just so that it can be used later.
This is one of the benefits of virtual memory with a page file. Because the memory is virtual, the system can allocate more virtual memory than physical memory. Virtual memory that cannot fit in physical memory, is pushed out to the page file.
So the fact that your system may be using all of the physical memory does not mean that your program will not be able to allocate memory. In the scenario that you describe, your 2MB memory allocation will succeed. If you then access that memory, the virtual memory will be paged in to physical memory and very likely some other pages (maybe in your process, maybe in another process) will be pushed out to the page file.
Well, it will succeed as long as there's some memory for it - apart from physical memory, there's also the page file.
However, once you reach the limit of both RAM and the page file, you're done for and that's when the out of memory situation really starts being fun.
Now, systems like Windows Vista will try to use all of your available RAM, pretty much for caching. That's a good thing, and when there's a request for memory from an application, the cache will be thrown away as needed.
As for virtual memory, you can request much more than you have available, regardless of your RAM or page file size. Only when you commit the memory does it actually need some backing - either RAM or the page file. On 64-bit, you can easily request terabytes of virtual memory - that doesn't mean you'll get it when you try to commit it, though :P
If your application is unable to allocate a physical memory (RAM) block to store information, the operating system takes over and 'pages' or stores sections that are in RAM on disk to free up physical memory so that your program is able to perform the allocation. This is done automatically and is completely invisible to your applications.
So, in your example, on a system that has 1MB RAM free, if your application tries to allocate memory, the operating system will page certain contents of physical memory to disk and free up RAM for your application. Your application will not crash in this case.
This, obviously is much more complicated than that.
There are several ways to configure a page file on Windows (fixed size, variable size and on which disk). If you run out of physical memory, and out of hard drive space (because your page file has grown very large due to excessive 'paging') or reach the limit of your paging file (if it is a static limit) then your applications will fail due out an out-of-memory exception. With today's systems with large local storage however, this is a rare event.
Be sure to read about paging for the full picture. Check out:
In certain cases, you will notice that you have sufficient free physical memory. Say 100MB and your program tries to allocate a 10MB block to store a large object but fails. This is caused by physical memory fragmentation. Although the total free memory is 100MB, there is no single contiguous block of 10MB that can be used to store your object. This will result in an exception that needs to be handled in your code. If you allocate large objects in your code you may want to separate the allocation into smaller blocks to facilitate allocation, and then aggregate them back in your code logic. For example, instead of having a single 10m vector, you can declare 10 x 1m vectors in an array and allocate memory for each individual one.

How much memory should a caching system use on Windows?

I'm developing a client/server application where the server holds large pieces of data such as big images or video files which are requested by the client and I need to create an in-memory client caching system to hold a few of those large data to speed up the process. Just to be clear, each individual image or video is not that big but the overall size of all of them can be really big.
But I'm faced with the "how much data should I cache" problem and was wondering if there are some kind of golden rules on Windows about what strategy I should adopt. The caching is done on the client, I do not need caching on the server.
Should I stay under x% of global memory usage at all time ? And how much would that be ? What will happen if another program is launched and takes up a lot of memory, should I empty the cache ?
Should I request how much free memory is available prior to caching and use a fixed percentage of that memory for my needs ?
I hope I do not have to go there but should I ask the user how much memory he is willing to allocate to my application ? If so, how can I calculate the default value for that property and for those who will never use that setting ?
Rather than create your own caching algorithms why don't you write the data to a file with the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY attribute and make use of the client machine's own cache.
Although this approach appears to imply that you use a file, if there is memory available in the system then the file will never leave the cache and will remain in memory the whole time.
Some advantages:
You don't need to write any code.
The system cache takes account of all the other processes running. It would not be practical for you to take that on yourself.
On 64 bit Windows the system can use all the memory available to it for the cache. In a 32 bit Delphi process you are limited to the 32 bit address space.
Even if your cache is full and your files to get flushed to disk, local disk access is much faster than querying the database and then transmitting the files over the network.
It depends on what other software runs on the server. I would make it possible to configure it manually at first. Develop a system that can use a specific amount of memory. If you can, build it so that you can change that value while it is running.
If you got those possibilities, you can try some tweaking to see what works best. I don't know any golden rules, but I'd figure you should be able to set a percentage of total memory or total available memory with a specific minimum amount of memory to be free for the system at all times. If you save a miminum of say 500 MB for the server OS, you can use the rest, or 90% of the rest for your cache. But those numbers depend on the version of the OS and the other applications running on the server.
I think it's best to make the numbers configurable from the outside and create a management tool that lets you set the values manually first. Then, if you found out what works best, you can deduct formulas to calculate those values, and integrate them in your management tool. This tool should not be an integral part of the cache program itself (which will probably be a service without GUI anyway).
One image can be requested by multiple clients? Or, one image can be requested by multiple times in a short interval?
How short is the interval?
The speed of the network is really high? Higher than the speed of the hard drive?? If you have a normal network, then the harddrive will be able to read the files from disk and deliver them over network in real time. Especially that Windows is already doing some good caching so the most recent files are already in cache.
The main purpose of the computer that is running the server app is to run the server? Or is just a normal computer used also for other tasks? In other words is it a dedicated server or a normal workstation/desktop?
but should I ask the user how much
memory he is willing to allocate to my
application ?
I would definitively go there!!!
If the user thinks that the server application is not a important application it will probably give it low priority (low cache). Else, it it thinks it is the most important running app, it will allow the app to allocate all RAM it needs in detriment of other less important applications.
Just deliver the application with that setting set by default to a acceptable value (which will be something like x% of the total amount of RAM). I will use like 70% of total RAM if the main purpose of the computer to hold this server application and about 40-50% if its purpose is 'general use' computer.
A server application usually needs resources set aside for its own use by its administrator. I would not care about others application behaviour, I would care about being a "polite" application, thereby it should allow memory cache size and so on to be configurable by the administator, which is the only one who knows how to configure his systems properly (usually...)
Defaults values should anyway take into consideration how much memory is available overall, especially on 32 bit systems with less than 4GB of memory (as long as Delphi delivers only 32 bit apps), to leave something free to the operating systems and avoids too frequent swapping. Asking the user to select it at setup is also advisable.
If the application is the only one running on a server, a value between 40 to 75% of available memory could be ok (depending on how much memory is needed beyond the cache), but again, ask the user because it's almost impossible to know what other applications running may need. You can also have a min cache size and a max cache size, start by allocating the lower value, and then grow it when and if needed, and shrink it if necessary.
On a 32 bit system this is a kind of memory usage that could benefit from using PAE/AWE to access more than 3GB of memory.
Update: you can also perform a monitoring of cache hits/misses and calculate which cache size would fit the user needs best (it could be too small but too large as well), and the advise the user about that.
To be honest, the questions you ask would not be my main concern. I would be more concerned with how effective my cache would be. If your files are really that big, how many can you hold in the cache? And if your client server app has many users, what are the chances that your cache will actually cache something someone else will use?
It might be worth doing an analysis before you burn too much time on the fine details.

Why aren't locked pages counted into the working set size?

The purpose of the VirtualLock WinAPI call is to lock pages into the working set of a process. However, the WorkingSet64 API inexplicably doesn't count those pages.
Possibly as a result of this, neither Process Explorer nor the standard Task Manager count locked pages in their per-process memory usage statistics.
What's up with this? Could someone intimately familiar with virtual memory in WinNT shed some light on this inconsistency, which can cause gigabytes of used RAM to go essentially undetected? (think of SQL Server or VirtualBox)
Ah, that is easily explained: You're using the wrong API. GetProcessWorkingSetSize queries the minimum and maximum working set sizes. Those are quotas, not acutal values.
The minimum working set size is what Windows will guarantee to keep locked in RAM as long as the world does not end. The maximum working set size is the amount of memory that Windows will allow your process before pages are moved into the pool (they are not necessarily gone, but accessing them causes a fault and re-mapping).
You want GetProcessMemoryInfo
Since it is now clear that you were not using the wrong API (only named the wrong func), I've done some testing (VirtualAlloc and memory mapped files, both in combination with VirtualLock) on my XP system. At first sight, it looked like you are totally right. Allocating 512MB or memory mapping 512MB out of a 650MB file added 512MB to the virtual size but did not increase the working set. Following with a VirtualLock(512MB) did not affect the working set at all!
Then it occurred to me that VirtualLock took exactly zero time in every case, which did not seem plausible e.g. for having to fetch half a gigabyte from disk. So, I checked the return code and guess what. Windows doesn't think that locking 512MB is a good idea, and will refuse to do it.
Repeated the experiment with only 64MB, and behold, the working set immediately went up by 64MB, just as it should. So, in one word: "works for me".
Just to be sure, you did check the return code?
On a second look, this behaviour is even well-defined and well-documented. The docs to VirtualLock state explicitly:
The maximum number of pages that a
process can lock is equal to the
number of pages in its minimum working
set minus a small overhead.
With and without locking, after appropriately setting the WS quotas:
VirtualBox is a different matter, what you see in the task manager is only the working set of the "Interface" program and "Manager" frontend, both of which maintain working set sizes of below 64M at all times. Though I'm not sure what memory it maybe allocates in some drivers, or if they lock memory at all.
I'm currently running 2 virtual machines with 1.6GB main memory each. Seeing how my 32-bit Windows only sees 3.25GB, that would leave a mere 50MB for if the memory belonging to the VMs is locked. Besides, Process Explorer tells me that Firefox alone has a working set of 474MB and going up while I'm typing this (holy...?!!). That does not make it likely that all the memory in the virtual machines is really locked, because such figures would be entirely impossible then.
As requested, here's a shot of VMMap:
The figures are admittedly funny... the VM has 1.6M total of which according to VMMap 821MiB are reserved and 772MiB are committed, Process Explorer only shows 163MiB and 54MiB, respectively. Something is definitively fishy there, but I suspect this is probably some obscure VirtualBox hackery rather than a Windows issue.

Memory mapped files causes low physical memory

I have a 2GB RAM and running a memory intensive application and going to low available physical memory state and system is not responding to user actions, like opening any application or menu invocation etc.
How do I trigger or tell the system to swap the memory to pagefile and free physical memory?
I'm using Windows XP.
If I run the same application on 4GB RAM machine it is not the case, system response is good. After getting choked of available physical memory system automatically swaps to pagefile and free physical memory, not that bad as 2GB system.
To overcome this problem (on 2GB machine) attempted to use memory mapped files for large dataset which are allocated by application. In this case virtual memory of the application(process) is fine but system cache is high and same problem as above that physical memory is less.
Even though memory mapped file is not mapped to process virtual memory system cache is high. why???!!! :(
Any help is appreciated.
If your data access pattern for using the memory mapped file is sequential, you might get slightly better page recycling by specifying the FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN flag when opening the underlying file. If your data pattern accesses the mapped file in random order, this won't help.
You should consider decreasing the size of your map view. That's where all the memory is actually consumed and cached. Since it appears that you need to handle files that are larger than available contiguous free physical memory, you can probably do a better job of memory management than the virtual memory page swapper since you know more about how you're using the memory than the virtual memory manager does. If at all possible, try to adjust your design so that you can operate on portions of the large file using a smaller view.
Even if you can't get rid of the need for full random access across the entire range of the underlying file, it might still be beneficial to tear down and recreate the view as needed to move the view to the section of the file that the next operation needs to access. If your data access patterns tend to cluster around parts of the file before moving on, then you won't need to move the view as often. You'll take a hit to tear down and recreate the view object, but since tearing down the view also releases all the cached pages associated with the view, it seems likely you'd see a net gain in performance because the smaller view significantly reduces memory pressure and page swapping system wide. Try setting the size of the view based on a portion of the installed system RAM and move the view around as needed by your file processing. The larger the view, the less you'll need to move it around, but the more RAM it will consume potentially impacting system responsiveness.
As I think you are hinting in your post, the slow response time is probably at least partially due to delays in the system while the OS writes the contents of memory to the pagefile to make room for other processes in physical memory.
The obvious solution (and possibly not practical) is to use less memory in your application. I'll assume that is not an option or at least not a simple option. The alternative is to try to proactively flush data to disk to continually keep available physical memory for other applications to run. You can find the total memory on the machine with GlobalMemoryStatusEx. And GetProcessMemoryInfo will return current information about your own application's memory usage. Since you say you are using a memory mapped file, you may need to account for that in addition. For example, I believe the PageFileUsage information returned from that API will not include information about your own memory mapped file.
If your application is monitoring the usage, you may be able to use FlushViewOfFile to proactively force data to disk from memory. There is also an API (EmptyWorkingSet) that I think attempts to write as many dirty pages to disk as possible, but that seems like it would very likely hurt performance of your own application significantly. Although, it could be useful in a situation where you know your application is going into some kind of idle state.
And, finally, one other API that might be useful is SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx. You might consider using this API to give a hint on an upper limit for your application's working set size. This might help preserve more memory for other applications.
Edit: This is another obvious statement, but I forgot to mention it earlier. It also may not be practical for you, but it sounds like one of the best things you might do considering that you are running into 32-bit limitations is to build your application as 64-bit and run it on a 64-bit OS (and throw a little bit more memory at the machine).
Well, it sounds like your program needs more than 2GB of working set.
Modern operating systems are designed to use most of the RAM for something at all times, only keeping a fairly small amount free so that it can be immediately handed out to processes that need more. The rest is used to hold memory pages and cached disk blocks that have been used recently; whatever hasn't been used recently is flushed back to disk to replenish the pool of free pages. In short, there isn't supposed to be much free physical memory.
The principle difference between using a normal memory allocation and memory mapped a files is where the data gets stored when it must be paged out of memory. It doesn't necessarily have any effect on when the memory will be paged out, and will have little effect on the time it takes to page it out.
The real problem you are seeing is probably not that you have too little free physical memory, but that the paging rate is too high.
My suggestion would be to attempt to reduce the amount of storage needed by your program, and see if you can increase the locality of reference to reduce the amount of paging needed.
