I am working in Grape API for a project and I have the below scenario. I have 2 tables from where I need to fetch the response. Initial requirement was, I have an entity called "job" where I have to show id and name. So I have exposed the id and name as below.
module XYZPublicApi
module V1
class Job < Grape::Entity
with_options(expose_nil: true) do
expose :id,
expose :name
But, after changed requirement,
In response I have to show id and name of job and another field from another object "config" - configDetails (string type)
So the response will be as example
id: id123
name : job124
configDetails: configdetails123
What I have done in this changed requirement, I have made another class in entities/v1
class Config < Grape::Entity
with_options(expose_nil: true) do
expose :configDetails
and modified the class Job as below-
class Job < Grape::Entity
with_options(expose_nil: true) do
expose :id,
expose :name
expose :configDetails using XYZPublicAPI::V1::Config
But in response I am seeing -
id: id123
name : job124
configDetails: null
Could someone please let me know what am I missing?
I am new to django and faced to several problems trying to write a simple service.
What am I trying to do?
I intend to write a generic crud service for my models using rest-framework library.
I don't want to write serializers and views to all my models and trying to optimize code and learn some useful stuff.
My model
Let's imagine I have an abstract BaseBusinessObject
class BaseBusinessObject(models.Model):
CreatedAt = models.DateField()
UpdatedAt = models.DateField()
class Meta:
abstract = True
I also have a plenty of concrete classes, which are inherited from base one:
class Product(BaseBusinessObject):
Description: models.TextField()
Type: models.CharField()
class Company(BaseBusinessObject):
Title: models.CharField()
class Person(BaseBusinessObject):
Name: models.CharField()
and so on
What I want
I already figured out, that with rest-framework I can create serializers and views, then register router for url .../Product, .../Company, .../Person. But what if I have 1000 classes? This is boring
A. How can I dynamically specified url's for child objects? I don't want to hardcode methods, I am looking for solution...something like this:
B. How can I then use my dynamically created urls in django-rest-framework?
router.register('persons', PersonViewSet)
How can write it in more generic way?
router.register('<ClassName>', <GenericViewSet>)
C. Using DRF I can create my viewset for each concrete class in my model:
class PersonViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Person.objects.all()
serializer_class = PersonSerializer
But as I said I have a lot of classes. How can I write it in more generic way?
I tried to create a view set for abstract class, but there are some trouble when querying an abstract object.
Is it possible to create such service for an abstract class and then all its child simply(or not simply) inherit CRUD methods?
Maybe I should try to write a factory for serializers and viewsets?
What possible solutions could I implement for solving my problem?
After 2 days of walking around I finally find my solution. May be someone else will face the some problem, so I trying to explain what I had already done.
First, I create a "base" application inside my django project and add it to settings.py. Then I create an abstract class in models.py:
class BaseCrudEntity(models.Model):
class Meta:
abstract = True
I want to write a generic service for CRUD operations for all "business" classes.
The problem is that I don't want to write serializers and views for them - I want to create them "on fly", dynamically. I decided to use django rest framework as well, because I am not intended to create a bycicle again.
I decided to inherit all my "business" classes from that abstract one and write a service for all possible "families"
So I have to create a fabric which is responsible for VeiwSet creation.
Here is my view.py:
class BaseCrudViewSetFabric():
def CreateViewSet(self, _context):
classname = _context.__name__ + 'ViewSet'
return type(classname, (viewsets.ModelViewSet,), {
here _context - variable which describes concrete class of my model.
as you can see this function creates a concrete ViewSet based on my context. Inside it a Serializers fabric is called.
Here the code of my serializers.py:
class BaseCrudSerializerFabric():
def CreateSrializer(self, _context):
classname = _context.__name__
_Meta = type('Meta', (), {'model':_context,'fields':'__all__'})
_crudserializer = type(
{'Meta': _Meta}
return _crudserializer
Moreover, I have to write a service for dynamically routing - I don't wanna hardcode my urls.
Here the example ursl.py from core project:
from base.urls import router
url(r'^api/v1/', include(router.urls))
and from base/urls.py:
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter, SimpleRouter
from base.models.BaseCrudEntity import BaseCrudEntity
from base.views.basecrud_view import BaseCrudViewSetFabric
class CustomRouter(SimpleRouter):
def RoutRegister(self):
childs = getChilds(BaseCrudEntity)
for ch in childs:
if (ch._meta.abstract == False):
prefix = ch.__name__
self.register(prefix, BaseCrudViewSetFabric.CreateViewSet(ch))
router = CustomRouter()
Finally I simply create some concrete models:
from django.db import models
from base.models.BaseCrudEntity import BaseCrudEntity
class Person(BaseCrudEntity):
Name = models.CharField(max_length = 255)
Surname = models.CharField(max_length = 255)
Patronymic = models.CharField(max_length = 255, null = True)
DateOfBirth = models.DateField(null = True)
#slug = models.SlugField(default = 'hui', editable = False)
def __str__(self):
return "{} {} {}".format (self.Surname, self.Name, self.Patronymic)
and thats all.
When application starts it register a route for and creates serializers and viewsets so all CRUD operations provided by Django- Rest Framework will be provided as well.
I would suggest using query parameters instead of path parameters, then you just register one URL and process the various elements of the request and route it correctly server-side. When do I use path params vs. query params in a RESTful API?
I've implemented graphql and I'm migrating to relay. I already have a uuid for every table and that is named 'id'. And my application I found this github thread that talks about possibly changing the spec but it feels like a rabbit hole.
Is there a simple way that I can use my own custom id with relay?
If you've already implemented a default relay endpoint then you should have some
TableNameNode classes that have a Meta nested class, and a seperate Query
class ExampleTableNameNode(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = ExampleTableName
interface = (relay.Node,)
class Query(object):
example_table_name = relay.Node.Field(ExampleTableNameNode)
all_example_table_names = DjangoFilterConnectionField(ExampleTableNameNode)
def resolve_example_table_name(self, info, **kwargs):
def resolve_all_example_table_names(self, info, **kwargs):
The interface = (relay.Node,) is what defines:
How the ids are being generated
How they are used to fetch data
If we create a relay.Node subclass that redefines these two features then we can use our custom ids.
class CustomNode(relay.Node):
class Meta:
name = 'Node'
def to_global_id(type, id):
#returns a non-encoded ID
return id
def get_node_from_global_id(info, global_id, only_type=None):
model = getattr(Query,info.field_name).field_type._meta.model
return model.objects.get(id=global_id)
Here we implemented two functions, to_global_id, and get_node_from_global_id.
The line model = ... is a bit of magic to go from the graphql query table name
to the actual model. If that doesn't work you'll just need to make a dictionary
to go from something like example_table_name to the actual ExampleTableName
django model.
Once you do that you'll have to replace the two references to relay.Node with
CustomNode like so.
class ExampleTableNameNode(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = ExampleTableName
interface = (CustomNode,)
class Query(object):
example_table_name = CustomNode.Field(ExampleTableNameNode)
all_example_table_names = DjangoFilterConnectionField(ExampleTableNameNode)
def resolve_example_table_name(self, info, **kwargs):
def resolve_all_example_table_names(self, info, **kwargs):
The answer is in the graphene docs. I read them when I was implementing
graphene and relay but there is so much to learn at once that it's easy to read
through custom node section and not remember later that you need to do a custom
node solution.
I am writing an application for my football club, and as part of this I decided to try out MongoDB in a Grape API non-rails.
So I have the following classes
Team & Coach
I am trying to define the relationship between both but cannot get this to work.
class Team
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
has_one :coach
initially the coach filed will be null and therefor when I add a team the only filed I pass in is name this I then see represented in MongoDB like so
"_id" : ObjectId("59090e04cf2bee0c0a16a22f"),
"name" : "team A"
then when I come to add the coach I get a 201 returned from the API no errors but the coach is missing from MongoDB please someone tell me what I am doing wrong it's driving me insane
I am working on a backend of an application written in Sinatra.
It has a route "/notifications"
which renders all the notifications in JSON.
I want to change the json structure and wrote some custom serializer and it is failing now.
the error i get is
"{"message":"undefined method `read_attribute_for_serialization' for nil:NilClass"}"
I have a file called webservice/notification.rb
which selects a notification serializer.
the code is something like this
serializer = NotificationSerializer
json serialize(notifications, root: :notifications, each_serializer: serializer)
The NotificationSerializer is something like this.
class NotificationSerializer < Serializer
attributes :id, :tag, :event, :time, :read
has_one :reference, polymorphic: true, include: true
The reference here can be a lot of things.
the notification model defines reference as
def reference
company || contact || deal || invitation || meeting || todo || reference_email || reference_user ||
now all of these models in reference have there Serializer implements in directory Serializer/*
I want to make custom Serializers for all of these which will render limited information.
how can I call my custom Serializer for things inside reference.
I wrote a custom serializer for notifications and called it like this inside my refernce function and it worked.
...|| UserNotificationSerializer.new(reference_user) || ...
but if i do the same for my other models i get the error given above.
what would be the correct way to call my custom serializers.
A good way to do it is to write an instance method on the model:
class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base
def public_attributes # or call it whatever
attributes_hash = attributes
# in activerecord, the attributes method turns a model instance into a hash
# do some modifications to the hash here
return attributes_hash
then say you're returning json in a controller:
get '/some_route' do
#notifications = Notification.all # or whatever
serialized_notifications = #notifications.map(&:public_attributes)
# For a single record, you could do #notification.public_attributes
json_data = serialized_notifications.to_json # a serialized array of hashes
content_type :json
return json_data
I am trying to store my ruby object in couchdb with couchrest. I am extending my model from CouchRest::Model::Base But still i am unable to see the changes in db.
I've defined Server as CouchRest.new also mentioned in model to use_database 'players'
# Controller Method
get '/new/:name' do
DB = SERVER.database!('players')
#new_player = Player.new(params['name'])
"success: #{#new_player.persisted?}" #shows true
# Model
class Player < CouchRest::Model::Base
use_database 'players'
property :name ,String
def initialize(arg)
How To Persist the object?
How can i retreive all persisted objects?
Is there any simple applications which i can refer to?