How to use a custom id with Graphene and Relay? - graphene-python

I've implemented graphql and I'm migrating to relay. I already have a uuid for every table and that is named 'id'. And my application I found this github thread that talks about possibly changing the spec but it feels like a rabbit hole.
Is there a simple way that I can use my own custom id with relay?

If you've already implemented a default relay endpoint then you should have some
TableNameNode classes that have a Meta nested class, and a seperate Query
class ExampleTableNameNode(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = ExampleTableName
interface = (relay.Node,)
class Query(object):
example_table_name = relay.Node.Field(ExampleTableNameNode)
all_example_table_names = DjangoFilterConnectionField(ExampleTableNameNode)
def resolve_example_table_name(self, info, **kwargs):
def resolve_all_example_table_names(self, info, **kwargs):
The interface = (relay.Node,) is what defines:
How the ids are being generated
How they are used to fetch data
If we create a relay.Node subclass that redefines these two features then we can use our custom ids.
class CustomNode(relay.Node):
class Meta:
name = 'Node'
def to_global_id(type, id):
#returns a non-encoded ID
return id
def get_node_from_global_id(info, global_id, only_type=None):
model = getattr(Query,info.field_name).field_type._meta.model
return model.objects.get(id=global_id)
Here we implemented two functions, to_global_id, and get_node_from_global_id.
The line model = ... is a bit of magic to go from the graphql query table name
to the actual model. If that doesn't work you'll just need to make a dictionary
to go from something like example_table_name to the actual ExampleTableName
django model.
Once you do that you'll have to replace the two references to relay.Node with
CustomNode like so.
class ExampleTableNameNode(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = ExampleTableName
interface = (CustomNode,)
class Query(object):
example_table_name = CustomNode.Field(ExampleTableNameNode)
all_example_table_names = DjangoFilterConnectionField(ExampleTableNameNode)
def resolve_example_table_name(self, info, **kwargs):
def resolve_all_example_table_names(self, info, **kwargs):
The answer is in the graphene docs. I read them when I was implementing
graphene and relay but there is so much to learn at once that it's easy to read
through custom node section and not remember later that you need to do a custom
node solution.


What is the meaning in single model instance in RetrieveAPIView in drf

What is the meaning of single model instance in RetrieveAPIView in Django REST framework.And how can we use? And will it look?
As my understanding:
single model instance: Example we use RetrieveAPIView. If we read the method that handle requests to that class, that is:
def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
instance = self.get_object()
serializer = self.get_serializer(instance)
return Response(
We can see self.get_object(), it will build a Queryset to get object instance from our model class using method get(), or rather using get_object_or_404(). As we know, get() will only take 1 object instance, or it called single model instance.
Example Book.objects.get(id=10).
For more detail, we can open this link. Start from def retrieve then read also get_object().
Likewise on DestroyAPIView and UpdateAPIView.
collection of model instances: When build a Queryset, it using all() or filter(), according to what we wrote in queryset = .... or we override in def get_queryset. Example: Book.objects.all(). See this link and read def list.

Django REST Framework: "NoneType object is not iterable" error when trying to use construct from within Serializer Method Field?

I am using a model that consists of many fields. There is one field that is a property, and it returns an instance of a model. Something like the following:
class A(Model):
def last_obj(self):
# Returns an object
The issue I'm having is that this property can return 2 different Model types. It can either return an object of type one, or an object of type two. This creates complications in the serializer. I have a serializer that consists of nested serializers. The two objects are similar enough that one serializer can be used over the other, but then the fields unique to them are not serialized.
class A_Serializer(Serializer):
class SerializerOne(CustomSerializer):
#Serializes certain fields in custom manner
class Meta:
model =
exclude = ('id')
base_name = 'one'
class SerializerTwo(CustomSerializer):
#Serializes certain fields in custom manner
class Meta:
model = models.two
exclude = ('id')
base_name = 'two'
last_obj = SerializerOne() #This works, but not viable because of what I stated above
So my solution to be able to dynamically call the correct serializer, was to conditionally serialize the property within a serializer method field:
class A_Serializer(Serializer):
class SerializerOne(CustomSerializer):
#Serializes certain fields in custom manner
class Meta:
model =
exclude = ('id')
base_name = 'one'
class SerializerTwo(CustomSerializer):
#Serializes certain fields in custom manner
class Meta:
model = models.two
exclude = ('id')
base_name = 'two'
def get_last_obj(self, instance):
if (isinstance(instance.last_obj,
return self.SerializerOne(instance.last_obj).data
return self.SerializerTwo(instance.last_obj).data
last_obj = SerializerMethodField() #Does not work
However, this solution creates the error "NoneType Object is not iterable" and it happens at
super(ReturnDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) in rest_framework/utils/ in init which causes the error at return ReturnDict(ret, serializer=self) in rest_framework/ in data
I do not understand why calling a nested serializer like obj = Serializer() works, but calling the serializer explicitly like obj = Serializer(instance).data does not work in this situation. Can anyone figure out what I have been doing wrong? Thank you.
I have found out from here that when working with hyperlinked relations (which in my case was the CustomSerializer that SerializerOne and SerializerTwo were inheriting from), you must pass the request object through context. The reason why obj = Serializer() works, but obj = Serializer(instance).data does not work is that in the former, the request object is automatically added through context through DRF. While in the latter, it is being explicitly called so you must pass context with the request object manually. So for me to get it working, I did:
return self.SerializerOne(instance.last_obj, context={'request': self.context['request']}).data
inside the serializer method field.

How to write a generic CRUD service on django using rest framework?

I am new to django and faced to several problems trying to write a simple service.
What am I trying to do?
I intend to write a generic crud service for my models using rest-framework library.
I don't want to write serializers and views to all my models and trying to optimize code and learn some useful stuff.
My model
Let's imagine I have an abstract BaseBusinessObject
class BaseBusinessObject(models.Model):
CreatedAt = models.DateField()
UpdatedAt = models.DateField()
class Meta:
abstract = True
I also have a plenty of concrete classes, which are inherited from base one:
class Product(BaseBusinessObject):
Description: models.TextField()
Type: models.CharField()
class Company(BaseBusinessObject):
Title: models.CharField()
class Person(BaseBusinessObject):
Name: models.CharField()
and so on
What I want
I already figured out, that with rest-framework I can create serializers and views, then register router for url .../Product, .../Company, .../Person. But what if I have 1000 classes? This is boring
A. How can I dynamically specified url's for child objects? I don't want to hardcode methods, I am looking for solution...something like this:
B. How can I then use my dynamically created urls in django-rest-framework?
router.register('persons', PersonViewSet)
How can write it in more generic way?
router.register('<ClassName>', <GenericViewSet>)
C. Using DRF I can create my viewset for each concrete class in my model:
class PersonViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Person.objects.all()
serializer_class = PersonSerializer
But as I said I have a lot of classes. How can I write it in more generic way?
I tried to create a view set for abstract class, but there are some trouble when querying an abstract object.
Is it possible to create such service for an abstract class and then all its child simply(or not simply) inherit CRUD methods?
Maybe I should try to write a factory for serializers and viewsets?
What possible solutions could I implement for solving my problem?
After 2 days of walking around I finally find my solution. May be someone else will face the some problem, so I trying to explain what I had already done.
First, I create a "base" application inside my django project and add it to Then I create an abstract class in
class BaseCrudEntity(models.Model):
class Meta:
abstract = True
I want to write a generic service for CRUD operations for all "business" classes.
The problem is that I don't want to write serializers and views for them - I want to create them "on fly", dynamically. I decided to use django rest framework as well, because I am not intended to create a bycicle again.
I decided to inherit all my "business" classes from that abstract one and write a service for all possible "families"
So I have to create a fabric which is responsible for VeiwSet creation.
Here is my
class BaseCrudViewSetFabric():
def CreateViewSet(self, _context):
classname = _context.__name__ + 'ViewSet'
return type(classname, (viewsets.ModelViewSet,), {
here _context - variable which describes concrete class of my model.
as you can see this function creates a concrete ViewSet based on my context. Inside it a Serializers fabric is called.
Here the code of my
class BaseCrudSerializerFabric():
def CreateSrializer(self, _context):
classname = _context.__name__
_Meta = type('Meta', (), {'model':_context,'fields':'__all__'})
_crudserializer = type(
{'Meta': _Meta}
return _crudserializer
Moreover, I have to write a service for dynamically routing - I don't wanna hardcode my urls.
Here the example from core project:
from base.urls import router
url(r'^api/v1/', include(router.urls))
and from base/
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter, SimpleRouter
from base.models.BaseCrudEntity import BaseCrudEntity
from base.views.basecrud_view import BaseCrudViewSetFabric
class CustomRouter(SimpleRouter):
def RoutRegister(self):
childs = getChilds(BaseCrudEntity)
for ch in childs:
if (ch._meta.abstract == False):
prefix = ch.__name__
self.register(prefix, BaseCrudViewSetFabric.CreateViewSet(ch))
router = CustomRouter()
Finally I simply create some concrete models:
from django.db import models
from base.models.BaseCrudEntity import BaseCrudEntity
class Person(BaseCrudEntity):
Name = models.CharField(max_length = 255)
Surname = models.CharField(max_length = 255)
Patronymic = models.CharField(max_length = 255, null = True)
DateOfBirth = models.DateField(null = True)
#slug = models.SlugField(default = 'hui', editable = False)
def __str__(self):
return "{} {} {}".format (self.Surname, self.Name, self.Patronymic)
and thats all.
When application starts it register a route for and creates serializers and viewsets so all CRUD operations provided by Django- Rest Framework will be provided as well.
I would suggest using query parameters instead of path parameters, then you just register one URL and process the various elements of the request and route it correctly server-side. When do I use path params vs. query params in a RESTful API?

Model Serializer : choose which fields to display and add custom fields

Let's say I have this simple model :
class BlogPost(models.Model):
author = models.ForeignKey(MyUser)
body = models.TextField()
title = models.CharField(max_length=64)
urlid = models.CharField(max_length=32)
private_data = models.CharField(max_length=64)
private_data contains data that I do not want to expose to the API (!). I'm using a ModelSerializer :
class BlogPostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = BlogPost
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Don't pass the 'request' arg up to the superclass
request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
# Instatiate the superclass normally
super(ModelSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
def absolute_url(self, blogpost):
return blogpost.get_absolute_url(self.request)
The absolute_url method needs the request to determine the domain name (dev or prod for example) and if it was made in http or https.
I want to specify which fields in the model are going to get returned by the serializer (not expose private_data for example). Simple enough:
class BlogPostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = BlogPost
fields = ('author', 'body', 'title', 'urlid',)
# The same jazz after that
All right, it works. Now I also want to return absoluteUrl:
class BlogPostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
absoluteUrl = serializers.SerializerMethodField('absolute_url')
class Meta:
model = BlogPost
fields = ('author', 'body', 'title', 'urlid',)
# The same jazz after that
Well, without surprises, this returns only the fields I specified, without the absoluteUrl. How can I return only certain fields of the model AND the absoluteUrl, calculated from the serializer?
If I don't specify fields I do get the absoluteUrl, but with all the model's fields (including private_data). If I add 'absoluteUrl' to fields I get an error because blogpost.absoluteUrl doesn't exist (no surprises there). I don't think I could use this method because I need the request to obtain the absoluteUrl (or can I specify arguments to the model's method ?)
If I don't specify fields I do get the absoluteUrl, but with all the model's fields (including private_data). If I add 'absoluteUrl' to fields I get an error because blogpost.absoluteUrl doesn't exist (no surprises there).
You should just be adding 'absoluteUrl' to the fields tuple, and it should work just fine - so what error are you seeing?
The absolute_url method needs the request to determine the domain name (dev or prod for example) and if it was made in http or https.
Note that you can also pass through context to the serializer without modfiying the __init__, just pass a context={'request': request} when instantiating the serializer. The default set of generic views do this for you, so you can access self.context['request'] in any of the serializer methods. (Note that this is how hyperlinked relationships are able to return fully qualified URLs)

get_queryset method and ViewSets in django rest framework

I am doing exactly as the example states
here is my method
class FeedViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
model = Feed
serializer_class = FullFeedSerializer
def get_queryset(self):
user = request.user
queryset = Feed.objects.get_nearby(user)
return queryset
when i execute it, it says request not defined .. which actually isn't. the example at the rest framework's site also haven't defined request. what am i doing wrong?
The request object is available (on either REST framework's class based views, or Django's standard class based views) as self.request. You're missing the self. part of that.
