Prevent react-navigation to use browser history API when using linking - react-navigation

We have a use case where <NavigationContainer/> is in a seperate panel (ie. subapp) in our React app. Our navigation container has a linking prop but we do not want to sync the navigation state to the browser's URL as we want to have seperate navigation functionality on the top level app.
Is there a way to prevent the URL syncing?
React Router has this functionality:

Pass enabled: false for web in linking prop:
enabled: Platform.OS !== "web",
// other stuff


AddWebAllowedObject is not working when .Net Native Tool Chain is Enabled

I have created UWP app which has a webview embedded in it. The webview is loaded with URL of a web app.
The web app has a JavaScript object added to the window object.
The web app uses this html_communicator object and calls certain methods on it to invoke callbacks on the UWP application.
for example, there can be a method defined on html_communicator called onLocationSelect and the web app will call this method upon some user interaction.
The UWP app registers to the methods by calling addWebAllowedObject on the WebView.
The callbacks are working fine when I disabled .Net Native Tool Chain.
But these callbacks are not working fine when .Net Natvie Tool Chain is enabled.
Below is a javascript code snippet that calls the bridge method on button click.
var html_communicator = html_communicator || {};
window.onload = function () {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (html_communicator && html_communicator.onLocationSelect) {
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = `Successfully called bridge method: Button clicked at ${new Date()}`;
else {
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = `Failed to call bridge method: Button clicked at ${new Date()}`;
The callbacks are working fine when I disabled .Net Native Tool Chain. But these callbacks are not working fine when .Net Natvie Tool Chain is enabled.
Please refer to webview official document, In addition, trusted JavaScript content in WebView can be allowed to directly access Windows RuntimeAPI. This provides powerful native capabilities for web apps hosted in WebView. To enable this feature, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for trusted content must be added to the allowlist in the ApplicationContentUriRules of the app in Package.appxmanifest, with WindowsRuntimeAccess specifically set to "all".
For Xamarin solution, you need check if has add above allowlist for UWP project.

Nativescript Vue: How to create a basic layout

How can I create a basic template for all my pages?
I try to make a RadSideDrawer on all pages available. (With exception for some specific pages like login / registration etc.).
Currently I copy and past my Menu on all pages. What is the correct way handling this?
You haven't shown any code... So not sure how are you even including it. In app-root?
But you can set menu to false to disable it on some pages:
import { RadSideDrawer } from 'nativescript-ui-sidedrawer'
let sideDrawer = Application.getRootView()
sideDrawer.gesturesEnabled = false
And enable it programmatically this way.

Xamarin Forms WebView open external link

I have a webview inside my application and when an external link is clicked (that in normal browser is open in a new tab), I can't then go back to my website.
It is possible when a new tab is open to have the menu closed that tab like Gmail do ?
The objective is that, whenever a link is clicked, the user would have the choice to choose which option to view the content with, e.g. Clicking a link would suggest open youtube app or google chrome. The purpose is to appear the google chrome option
Or what suggestions do you have to handle this situation ?
If I understood you correctly, you want to have the option to select how to open the web link - inside your app, or within another app's (browser) context.
If this is correct, then you can use Xamarin.Essentials: Browser functionality.
public async Task OpenBrowser(Uri uri)
await Browser.OpenAsync(uri, BrowserLaunchMode.SystemPreferred);
Here the important property is the BrowserLaunchMode flag, which you can learn more about here
Basically, you have 2 options - External & SystemPreferred.
The first one is clear, I think - it will open the link in an external browser.
The second options takes advantage of Android's Chrome Custom Tabs & for iOS - SFSafariViewController
P.S. You can also customise the PreferredToolbarColor, TitleMode, etc.
Edit: Based from your feedback in the comments, you want to control how to open href links from your website.
If I understood correctly, you want the first time that you open your site, to not have the nav bar at the top, and after that to have it. Unfortunately, this is not possible.
You can have the opposite behaviour achieved - the first time that you open a website, to have the nav bar and if the user clicks on any link, to open it externally (inside a browser). You have 2 options for this:
To do it from your website - change the a tag's target to be _blank like this;
To do it from your mobile app - create a Custom renderer for the WebView. In the Android project's renderer implementation, change the Control's WebViewClient like so:
public class CustomWebViewClient : WebViewClient
public override bool ShouldOverrideUrlLoading(Android.Webkit.WebView view, IWebResourceRequest request)
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView, request.Url);
return true;

NativeScript Side Drawer unhooked page

I'm new to NativeScript and I've been following the instructions here to create my app.
However I find out that all pages are hooked to the drawer, how do I unhook some pages, such as Login, Create ...?
You can get a reference to the sidedrawer and disable the interaction.
import { getRootView } from "tns-core-modules/application";
this.drawer = <RadSideDrawer>getRootView();
this.drawer.gesturesEnabled = false;
The above is implemented in the login page of this POC application.

how to access Angular2 component specific data in console?

Is there any way to access Angular2 specific component specific data in console, for debugging purpose?
Like Angular1 has capability to access its components value in console.
update 4.0.0
StackBlitz example
update RC.1
Plunker example In the browser console on the top-left (filter symbol) select plunkerPreviewTarget (or launch the demo app in its own window) then enter for example
Select a component in the DOM node and execute in the console
or for IE - thanks to Kris Hollenbeck (see comments)
Hint: enabling debug tools overrides ng.probe()
Enable debug tools like:
import {enableDebugTools} from '#angular/platform-browser';
bootstrap(App, []).then(appRef => enableDebugTools(appRef))
Use above Plunker example and in the console execute for example:
I haven't found a way yet to investigate the Bar directive.
A better debug experience is provided by Augury which builds on this API
original (beta)
Here is a summary how to do that (dead link and I haven't found a replacement).
Enabling debug tools
By default the debug tools are disabled. You can enable debug tools as follows:
import {enableDebugTools} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
bootstrap(Application).then((appRef) => {
Using debug tools
In the browser open the developer console (Ctrl + Shift + j in Chrome). The top level object is called ng and contains more specific tools inside it.
See also
Angular 2: How enable debugging in angular2 from browser console
First select the element using chrome 'inspect element' and run below method in chrome 'developer console'.
You could also use a css selector as shown below.
If you do it often, to make it little easier, have a global shortcut created as below. Now select any DOM element inside the component using 'inspect element' and invoke 'e()' from console
window['e'] = () => eval('ng.probe($0).componentInstance');
Using global scope variable.(any browser)
In ngOnInit() of component file
ngOnInit() {
window['test'] = this;
Now we can access instance of that component including services(imported on that component).
If you want to prevent accessing test for let's say production, you can conditionally give access to test like:
constructor(private _configService: ConfigService) {
ngOnInit() {
if( {
window['test'] = this;
Here _configService means the instance of service used by all components and services.
So variable would be set like:
export class ConfigService {
prod = false;
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Augury here, it's a Chrome plugin that gives you convenient access to all the information in your components, and also makes it easier to see that information in the console directly:
Angular 9+:
Select component root element in developer tools (Inspector), then type in console:
