Xamarin Forms WebView open external link - xamarin

I have a webview inside my application and when an external link is clicked (that in normal browser is open in a new tab), I can't then go back to my website.
It is possible when a new tab is open to have the menu closed that tab like Gmail do ?
The objective is that, whenever a link is clicked, the user would have the choice to choose which option to view the content with, e.g. Clicking a link would suggest open youtube app or google chrome. The purpose is to appear the google chrome option
Or what suggestions do you have to handle this situation ?

If I understood you correctly, you want to have the option to select how to open the web link - inside your app, or within another app's (browser) context.
If this is correct, then you can use Xamarin.Essentials: Browser functionality.
public async Task OpenBrowser(Uri uri)
await Browser.OpenAsync(uri, BrowserLaunchMode.SystemPreferred);
Here the important property is the BrowserLaunchMode flag, which you can learn more about here
Basically, you have 2 options - External & SystemPreferred.
The first one is clear, I think - it will open the link in an external browser.
The second options takes advantage of Android's Chrome Custom Tabs & for iOS - SFSafariViewController
P.S. You can also customise the PreferredToolbarColor, TitleMode, etc.
Edit: Based from your feedback in the comments, you want to control how to open href links from your website.
If I understood correctly, you want the first time that you open your site, to not have the nav bar at the top, and after that to have it. Unfortunately, this is not possible.
You can have the opposite behaviour achieved - the first time that you open a website, to have the nav bar and if the user clicks on any link, to open it externally (inside a browser). You have 2 options for this:
To do it from your website - change the a tag's target to be _blank like this;
To do it from your mobile app - create a Custom renderer for the WebView. In the Android project's renderer implementation, change the Control's WebViewClient like so:
public class CustomWebViewClient : WebViewClient
public override bool ShouldOverrideUrlLoading(Android.Webkit.WebView view, IWebResourceRequest request)
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView, request.Url);
return true;


Switching manually between tabs in personal msteams application

I have two tabs in my personal msteams application and I would like to navigate between them dynamically. Is it possible? I've tried to use microsoftTeams.getTabInstances method from msteams SDK to get my tabs and after that navigate to the chosen tab by invoking microsoftTeams.navigateToTab but this approach doesn't work - I get null from microsoftTeams.getTabInstances. My user is logged in (I've read somewhere that user must be logged in).
I've not tried exactly this action, but I believe you should be able to do what you're trying using Deep Links. In particular, see the Deep linking from your tab where it talks about
This is useful if your tab needs to link to [...] another tab [...]
and the syntax is
Just a reminder that in deep link syntax, e.g. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/<appId>/<entityId>, the appid is your Teams app id, and the "entityId" must match the "entityId" for your tab in your Teams manifest file.
You can deeplink to content in Teams from your tab. This is useful if your tab needs to link to other content in Teams such as to a channel, message, another tab or even to open a scheduling dialog. To trigger a deeplink from your tab you should call:
var encodedWebUrl = encodeURI('https://tasklist.example.com/123/456&label=Task 456');
var encodedContext = encodeURI('{"subEntityId": "task456"}');
var taskItemUrl = 'https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/fe4a8eba-2a31-4737-8e33-e5fae6fee194/tasklist123?webUrl=' + encodedWebUrl + '&context=' + encodedContext;
Please take a look Deep Link to your tab

How to disable the click event in electron app

I am able to built the desktop app in electronJS. I am trying to implement the functionality to disable the click event on window when there is no internet connectivity similar to the slack.I found the API to detect the internet in electron but not able to find the way to disable the click events.
You can disable all pointer events by adding the following rule to your page's CSS:
body {
or via JavaScript:
document.body.style.pointerEvents = "none";
to re-enable:
body {
document.body.style.pointerEvents = "auto";
You can do this on more specific elements to gain more granular control.
You could add an invisible panel in front of everything and catch the clicks there.

Opening the uri from background tasks in Universal windows apps

I know this sounds weird. Is there any way we can open a URI from background tasks in Windows 10 Apps?
I have 2 requirements,
Talk to cortana and it will show you results based on the speech recognition, when user clicks on it, we cannot open the links in browser directly. Instead I am passing the Launch Context to the Foreground app and then using LauchUri I am opening the url in default browser.
Send toast notifications from the App, when user clicks on it, I have requirement to open a url instead opening an app. So, did the same, by passing the launch context to foreground app and then opening the url.
Both scenarios, it just opening url in browser. Here user experience is very poor that user seeing the app open for each action and then opening browser. Please throw some ideas if any possibilities.
thanks in advance.
For your second requirement, you can make Toast Notifications launch a URL!
If you're using the Notifications library (the NuGet package that we suggest you use), just set the Launch property to be a URL, and change the ActivationType to Protocol. You can also do this with raw XML, but that's error-prone.
You can also make buttons on the toast launch a URL too, since they also support ActivationType of Protocol.
Show(new ToastContent()
Visual = new ToastVisual()
BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric()
Children =
new AdaptiveText() { Text = "See the news" },
new AdaptiveText() { Text = "Lots of great stories" }
Launch = "http://msn.com",
ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Protocol

WatiN driving the IE "Are you sure you want to leave this page?" popup

I'd like to extend my WatiN automated tests to drive a page that guards against the user accidentally leaving the page without saving changes.
The page uses the "beforeunload" technique to seek confirmation from the user:
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function (event) {
if (confirmationRequired) {
return "Sure??";
My WatIn test is driving the page using IE. I cannot find a way to get WatIn to attach to the popup dialog so I can control it from my test.
All the following have failed (where the hard-coded strings refer to strings that I can see on the popup):
Browser.AttachTo<IE>(Find.ByTitle("Windows Internet Explorer");
browser.HtmlDialog(Find.FindByTitle("Windows Internet Explorer));
browser.HtmlDialog(Find.FindByTitle("Are you sure you want to leave this page?));
You'll need to create and add the dialog handler.
Example Go to example site, click link, click leave page on confirmation dialog:
IE browser = new IE();
WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.ReturnDialogHandlerIe9 myHandler = new WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.ReturnDialogHandlerIe9();
The above is working on WatiN2.1, IE9, Win7. If using IE8 or before, you will likely need to use the ReturnDialogHandler object instead of the Ie9 specific handler

"Don't Allow" and "Allow" buttons always off-screen on WP7 Facebook OAUTH browser control

I've developed a WP7 client that uses the Facebook C# SDK, using OAUTH and the web browser control.
Everything works fine except that on the page where the user is requested to accept/reject the access permissions I am asking for, the "Don't Allow" and "Allow" buttons are off the bottom of the browser's screen, and it isn't obvious that the user must scroll down to click on them.
I've tried using all the different display modes (touch, wap, page, popup) and "page" is the only one that shows the buttons on the same page, but then the fonts are tiny. I've also tried different sizes for the browser control.
The example in the SDK has the same behavior.
Has anyone found a work-around for this?
The solution I have found is to use Javascript to change the CSS properties for the element:
private void FacebookLoginBrowser_Navigated(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
// check for when this approve page has been navigated to
if (FacebookLoginBrowser.Source.AbsolutePath == "/connect/uiserver.php")
// do the script injection on the LoadCompleted event - doing it here will appear to work when you have a fast connection, but almost certainly fails over 3G because the elements aren't ready in time to be modified
FacebookLoginBrowser.LoadCompleted += new System.Windows.Navigation.LoadCompletedEventHandler(FacebookLoginBrowser_LoadCompleted);
// etc ...
void FacebookLoginBrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
FacebookLoginBrowser.LoadCompleted -= FacebookLoginBrowser_LoadCompleted;
// Facebook will likely change this and break our code soon, so make sure you anticipates this
FacebookLoginBrowser.InvokeScript("eval", "document.getElementById('platform_dialog_bottom_bar').style.position = 'relative';document.getElementById('platform_dialog_bottom_bar').style.top = '-60px';");
// TODO: display instruction to scroll down if we ever end up here
I hope that helps. Feel free to contact me if you run into problems
I haven't tried this, but could you use the WebBrowser control's Scale(SizeF) method to change the zoom level of the page?
