Unable to install GithubCopilot extension in Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise - visual-studio

Unable to install GithubCopilot extension in Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise
Hello geeks, I have visual studio 2022 enterprise in my computer and in my GitHub account copilot is approved but can't install in visual studio
in visual studio extension it's not showing GitHub copilot

This is related to the version of your visual studio 2022 ,
after updateing visual studio entreprise from version 17.0.5 to the latest 17.1.3 , i could install Github Copilot (the documentaion says minimim version is 17.1)
hope this could help you


SQL Server Integration Services Projects not available in Visual Studio Extensions

I am trying to install SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio. I am doing the following:
Apparently it is not available in Visual Studio 2022, but I found it in Visual Studio 2019.
Visual Studio 2022 is not supported:
For Visual Studio 2017, I had to go to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssdt/previous-releases-of-sql-server-data-tools-ssdt-and-ssdt-bi?view=sql-server-ver16 and download it from the link below:
SSDT for VS 2017 (standalone installer)
Download SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 (15.9.10)
Then I just installed it:

Is it safe to install Visual Studio 2019 preview side-by-side with Visual studio 2019 (Blazor wants the preview)?

I want to try out Blazor and it wants Visual Studio 2019 Preview. Now, I already have Visual Studio 2019 (Professional) on my machine. It is safe to install the Preview version side-by-side?
Tried to find any help on forums, but didn't find any advice.
Ok, I'll answer my question myself. Visual Studio 2019 Preview works fine side-by-side with released Visual Studio 2019. And I only got Blazor to install after I installed VS 2019 Preview.
Link to official Blazor Getting Started Documentation which specifically requires the Preview version (as of today)

How to install regular version (not preview) of Visual Studio?

I'm trying to install regular version (not preview) of Visual Studio Community by using Visual Studio Intaller. In it, I can see list of versions that are installed and available, but all of these versions are preview. My installed versions are Visual Studio Community 2017 Preview and Visual Studio Community 2019 Preview. Versions that are available to be installed are Visual Studio Enterprise and Professional 2017 and 2019 Preview.
How can I install Visual Studio Community 2017 (or 2019) that is not preview version?
Please download the VS community 2017 installer and run this installer as administrator, then check the available version again.

Regarding installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to download the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. I first downloaded Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/ . Running it does not give me the option of installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
Any previous versions of VS can no longer be installed with the VS installer. Here's a link Microsoft's page for older VS versions: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/
Hope this helps!

Can't install Visual Studio Community Edition 2013

I can't install the Community Edition 2013 of Visual Studio. I always get the following error message:
Visual Studio Professional 2013 is currently installed on this machine.
Please uninstall Visual Studio Professional 2013 and retry.
The problem here is that I never installed Visual Studio Professional 2013. I installed Visual Studio Express 2013 and I uninstalled it because it didn't want to start up.
So why is it telling me such nonsense? Even when I search for Visual Studio I can't find anything on my computer.
How can I install the Community Edition?
Check registry for this key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\12.0\professional". If present remove it.
Then install Community Edition.
Also check registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\12.0
Or when in doubt, delete everything! I found that deleting the DevDiv folder in the registry fixed the solution.
