Can't install Visual Studio Community Edition 2013 - visual-studio-2013

I can't install the Community Edition 2013 of Visual Studio. I always get the following error message:
Visual Studio Professional 2013 is currently installed on this machine.
Please uninstall Visual Studio Professional 2013 and retry.
The problem here is that I never installed Visual Studio Professional 2013. I installed Visual Studio Express 2013 and I uninstalled it because it didn't want to start up.
So why is it telling me such nonsense? Even when I search for Visual Studio I can't find anything on my computer.
How can I install the Community Edition?

Check registry for this key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\12.0\professional". If present remove it.
Then install Community Edition.

Also check registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\12.0

Or when in doubt, delete everything! I found that deleting the DevDiv folder in the registry fixed the solution.


uninstalling Visual studio 2017 enterprise and installing VS 2017 community

I would like uninstall visual studio 2017 enterprise from my window surface pro. after that i would like to install visual studio 2017 community. just wanted to ask the following,
is it going to be just uninstall the current version of vs from programmes and installing the new version.
is there any potential issue i need to be aware off?
Please, read the documentation:
Microsoft Docs | Install Visual Studio 2017
Microsoft Docs | Uninstall Visual Studio 2017
is it going to be just uninstall the current version of vs from
programmes and installing the new version.
Yes, uninstall Enterprise Edition and install Community. Or do it vice-verse.
BTW, you should run Visual Studio Installer, not Programs and Features to manage your VS2017 installations.
As far as I know, you do not need to uninstall the VS enterprise 2017 in your scenario. For VS 2017, we can keep different versions on the same computer. Please check this: and find the following information:
Installation Nickname
Visual Studio Enterprise and Community (among other products) can now be installed side-by-side on the same computer. To make identifying these installations simpler, you can specify a short name or "nickname". For example, if you were to install Visual Studio Enterprise, and then install Community, both would appear the same on the start menu. You can give the second one a nickname like "community", and the start menu items will appear with names such as "Visual Studio 2017 (community)" and "Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2017 (community)".

uninstall and install Visual Studio Professional2013

I have something wrong in Visual Studio Professional 2013.
So,I want to uninstall and then reinstall it.
After I uninstall and run the exe, I got the error message.
Visual Studio Professional 2013 is currently installed on the machine.
Please uninstall Visual Studio Professional 2013 and retry.
Is there something I should delete ?
You can try the Visual Studio Uninstaller:
Speaking from experience, it might help, or it might hopelessly break the installation and require you to reinstall Windows to get everything working again.

Unable to Install Visual Studio 2013 on Computer with Visual Studio 2015

I have a Windows 8.1 computer with Visual Studio Community 2015 installed and no other version of Visual Studio. I want to install Visual Studio Community 2013 because this is required to use C++ with Unreal Engine 4. But I get
this error message when I try to install.
So I restarted my computer, and the same error message still shows up. I have tried installing from an executable from the Visual Studio webpage, and from a button in Unreal Engine 4 that opens the Visual Studio 2013 installer. What could be the problem? Thanks.
From memory, you're supposed to be able to install multiple versions of visual studio, provided you install them chronologically.
Make a backup.
Then try uninstalling VS 2015. Then installing VS 2013, then re-installing VS 2015.
Better yet, do this in a virtual machine.
- Additionally; A virtual machine will allow you to install VS 2013 in isolation, so that you won't need to uninstall VS 2015.

How to Access Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel on Visual studios 2013

I got Visual Studios 2013 from Dreamspark and i need to access the Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel namespace but it says it does not exist.
can someone help me find out how i add it. This would be the first time I am adding a library that is not already included with the VS installation.
I really appreciate your help
What i am ultimately trying to do is this
Using LinEst () in .net
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel is an assembly in Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime. Check if you have installed them with Visual Studio.
You can install the tools in three occasions:
When you install Visual Studio 2013.
When you install Microsoft Office 2013 or Office 2010.
When you install the Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime redistributable.

Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Phone

I have installed Visual Studio 2013 Pro and then I wanted to install Windows Phone 8 SDK. But it installed Express Edition of VS 2012. Now if I delete VS 2013, what happens with my VS 2012? Can I delete it, because I don't have enough memory for it? Can you help me, please!
They are independent, you can uninstal one without influencing the other.
You can install this version of Visual Studio on a computer that already has an earlier version installed.
If you uninstall a version of Visual Studio on a computer that has more than one version installed, the file associations for Visual Studio are removed for all versions.
More information :
