Redirect API user with bearer token from website to a web route (auto-login) in remote Laravel app - laravel

We have a website that uses a remote Laravel API app to store its data.
Although the user appears to log into the website, it actually is authenticating to Laravel Passport on the remote Laravel app and then all data is requested on demand.
We would like to redirect the website user to the Laravel app on a web route, but without the user having to login again.
So what would be the most secure way to pass the user across, most likely using the bearer token, to the remote Laravel app and then authenticate the user based on that token ?


Laravel Passport and PKCE authentication - Do you need a session for the user to login?

I setup a PKCE authentication system for an API using Laravel Passport.
At the moment this API is used by a SPA.
The authentication flow is the following :
User clicks on "login" on the SPA
User is redirected to the API /oauth/authorize endpoint (with all the pkce required parameters)
Now, that API endpoint requires the user to be authenticated. So the login page is shown (its a php Laravel served view)
The user logs in, clicks on authorize, and is redirected to the callback url of the SPA, which will then send a request to obtain the JWT token.
From this point all communication from the SPA and the API will use the JWT token only.
Everything works. Except I now have a few doubts.
Is it correct for the login on step 3 to be session based ? To set that up I simply used Laravel UI, which provides an already setup login functionality, which is session based.
If I visit the API login page again, by its own url, I am actually session logged in (which is normal). Of couse if I logout from that page (it has also a logout button), I can still use the SPA normally, as I still have my JWT token which is used by Passport.
To solve the logout problem I had to implement a 'double' logout, one that clears the JWT from local storage for the SPA, and one to logout the user from the session login of the Laravel api (in case that was still active at the time).
All this seems a little off, should I refactor the login function of Laravel UI to not start a session (if that is even possible) ? Or maybe log the user out in some way(how ?) after the redirect to the SPA callback url ?

Laravel Third Party API User Verification

I am trying to use a API which has a postable address where you can verify if a customer's username/password is correct, if so it returns a user ID.
What would be the best way of handling this, I need to query that postable API from the login form on my Laravel website to see whether or not a username / password is validated.
How can I use Laravel's Middleware to store a USER ID and session securely?
How can I create a Laravel session to allow someone to login to my Laravel site using their WHMCS client login?
The API I am using is

Laravel socialite login and register by REST - best flow?

I'm doing some Android app that needs API and users.
I'm planning adding login (and register) button via Facebook.
I'm wondering: how should the flow of such an operation look like?
My idea:
Request the Facebook token in the app.
Send the token to the laravel backend by POST request (is this even secure approach?)
Get the Facebook user by Facebook token using socialite
Create / auth laravel user using Facebook user.
Return laravel's bearer token to the app (do I need passport to get the token or laravel has something built in?)
Is this the best approach?

Laravel API Auth with Passport and React

I have a Laravel 5.5 Application that's using the session based auth out of the box. On some of these pages I have react components that need to get/post data from/to an API.
What is the best practice for handling this? Do I simply hide the API endpoints behind the auth? This would work but should I be using Laravel Passport for this instead?
I've had a play with Passport and it seems that this would work but I don't need users to be able to create clients and grant 3rd party applications permission etc. There is just the first party react app consuming the data from inside the laravel application (view).
From my initial experimenting with it, it seems I'd need to have the login call made first to receive an access token to then make further calls. As the user will already be authenticated in the session is there an easier way?
I'm not sure if Passport is intended to be used for this purpose or not. I'd rather take the time to get it right now as I'd like to get the foundations right now if the app scales.
You can proxy authentication with Passport. Using the password grant type users would still log in with their username/password, then behind the scenes make an internal request to Passport to obtain an access token.
Restrict what routes are available when registering in a service provider by passing in:
Passport::routes(function ($router) {
That limits access to personal tokens and refresh tokens only. A client will be created when you run php artisan passport:install.
Setup a middleware to merge the password grant client id and secret in with the request, then make a call to the authorization endpoint. Then it's just a matter of returning the encrypted token and observing the Authorization header for requests to your api.

Laravel Passport vs JWT-auth for Android

I want my users to be able to access my Laravel application from their mobile app (Android/IOS).
The application has authentication, as laravel requires CSRF in forms so I decided to use REST API. After searching I've found Laravel Passport, JWT-auth. (I don't need to use anything like Oauth, socialite).
As I dig into JWT-auth, I found anyone having "token" can access to user accounts that is very much risky.
What should I do? Is there any way I can request to server from mobile application for CSRF Token and send it to the server while requesting authentication. (My input fields are static to the mobile app)
