Laravel Passport vs JWT-auth for Android - laravel

I want my users to be able to access my Laravel application from their mobile app (Android/IOS).
The application has authentication, as laravel requires CSRF in forms so I decided to use REST API. After searching I've found Laravel Passport, JWT-auth. (I don't need to use anything like Oauth, socialite).
As I dig into JWT-auth, I found anyone having "token" can access to user accounts that is very much risky.
What should I do? Is there any way I can request to server from mobile application for CSRF Token and send it to the server while requesting authentication. (My input fields are static to the mobile app)


Laravel Sanctum SPA - how to make sure user is only logged in on one device?

I'm currently using Santum SPA autentication and noticed that I can login from mozilla and chrome at the same time. This means that users can login from different devices. How do I prevent this with Sanctum SPA Authencation?
The thing is I think I should be able to do this if I use Sanctum Tokens since I can easily check if the user has an existing token.
$tokens = $user->tokens;
However, the documentation says:
You should not use API tokens to authenticate your own first-party SPA. Instead, use Sanctum's built-in SPA authentication features.
The things I'll lose if I use sanctum tokens for SPA:
This approach to authentication provides the benefits of CSRF
protection, session authentication, as well as protects against
leakage of the authentication credentials via XSS.
or is this outside the scope of Laravel Sanctum?
You Can delete User's other Tokens whenever he logs in from a new device using a new token.
$user->tokens()->where('id', '!=' ,$user->currentAccessToken()->id)->delete();
After googling I'm convinced that this functionality is not included in Laravel SPA Sanctum out-of-the-box.
But I found this youtube video that made this possile.

Generate api token for users in database laravel

I have a database of users that work with web login based on laravel sessions. Now I want to generate an api token for each of these users for an api login, how can I generate it? I have already migrated to the database for this new column but I need each user to have their api token.
I'd recomment you to use Laravel Passport. APIs typically use tokens to authenticate users and do not maintain session state between requests. Laravel makes API authentication a breeze using Laravel Passport, which provides a full OAuth2 server implementation for your Laravel application in a matter of minutes.
If You need session mechanism then You should use Laravel Passport.
But if You are building traditonal stateless REST Api then you can use API Authentication

Laravel socialite login and register by REST - best flow?

I'm doing some Android app that needs API and users.
I'm planning adding login (and register) button via Facebook.
I'm wondering: how should the flow of such an operation look like?
My idea:
Request the Facebook token in the app.
Send the token to the laravel backend by POST request (is this even secure approach?)
Get the Facebook user by Facebook token using socialite
Create / auth laravel user using Facebook user.
Return laravel's bearer token to the app (do I need passport to get the token or laravel has something built in?)
Is this the best approach?

Laravel Passport VS JWT

I am kind of confused about recognizing the discrepancy between Laravel Passport and tymondesigns/jwt-auth package. Do they actually serve the same purpose of API authentication via tokens?
As long as Laravel Passport was introduced in 5.3+, is one supposed to use Passport instead of tymondesigns/jwt-auth package in the latest versions?
The "tymondesigns/jwt-auth" is a PHP Laravel implementation of the JWT protocol. On the other hand, Passport also uses JWT by default plus a huge extra, a complete Oauth2 implementation. Regarding the functionality, as I said they both use JWT thus you can use whichever you like to authentication via tokens. They both do their job and you'll have a secure API tokens implementation.
The difference comes if you would like a lightweight API tokens implementation or the plus of the Oauth2 server to allow more and other apps to communicate with your app. One of the most common cases would be how some random apps ask Google or Facebook for your user information. If you implement the Oauth2 server your app would allow any other app with a proper token to ask for data from your app.
"[...] Laravel makes API authentication a breeze using Laravel Passport, which provides a full OAuth2 server implementation for your Laravel application in a matter of minutes. Passport is built on top of the League OAuth2 server that is maintained by Alex Bilbie." from
For more details, I have made an explanation of Laravel Passport, JWT, Oauth2, and Auth0.
2021, Dec.
Laravel Passport does not sopport PHP 7.4. "psr/log" demands PHP 8. In case of PHP 7.4, use other solutions than Laravel Passport.

Facebook and JWT Auth w/ Laravel back-end and React Native app

I have built a website with vuejs front-end and laravel back-end.
Only way to login is via Facebook Login using Socialite
All that works fine.
Now I am building some React Native apps (Ios/Android) that also use Facebook login but need to interact with the same web api.
I want to use JWT to secure the API for React Native -> Laravel API
I set up JWT w/ Dingo on Laravel side and I am able to generate a token using the JWTAuth::fromUser(). And I have established some API endpoints that use the token to authenticate.. so far so good.
Now here's the part that becomes sticky. I understand that on the Laravel side of things you can create JWT token with any user.. right now the JWT "identifier" is simply "id".. and it's my understanding that the token I generate from JWTAuth::fromUser() simply has no idea or care that this user doesn't have conventional credentials and instead used a Facebook Login.
On the React Native side however.. when a new user first authenticates via the Facebook Login.. it has no idea what the "matching user" is on the Laravel app, all I have to go on is basically the unique Facebook Provider Id.
So the question is as follows:
How can I generate a JWT token on the React Native side using only the Facebook Provider Id and the JWT Secret, and more importantly, how do I modify my JWT code on the Laravel side so that it can understand tokens that were generated with the Facebook Provider Id and JWT Token
In other words, I think my Laravel JWT implementation needs to be modified so that tokens are created/parsed purely on the basis of the Facebook Provider Id because otherwise it won't match up with tokens generated on the React Native side.
Many thanks!!
Ok after doing some reading I think this flow might work. Your thoughts please?
1 User authenticates via Facebook on in on Android/Ios app
2 Retrieve facebook access token
3 Do api call to public endpoint on web server and pass FB Access Token and FB ID
4a Web server makes Facebook Graph Api call w/ Access Token and verifies token is valid, is authenticated with Facebook App, and matches Facebook ID
4b If user doesn't exist on web first.. create user
5 If above matches, then web servers generates JWT token from user model and returns JWT token to app
6 App now uses JWT token for future API calls
