How I can extract, or save data from promise - promise

people please help me with this.
I have an object, and I need to add some data to this object from json file.
let data = {
function convert(){
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then(jsondata => {
{data = {, ...jsondata}}
What I must to do in order to save new version data?

In your case, you just need to do this:
data = {, ...jsondata};
instead of this:
{data = {, ...jsondata}}


How to POST correctly a form that have data and files with VueJS, Axios and Laravel?

I am posting here as a beginner of VueJS and Laravel. I am stuck with a problem that I can't fix by myself after hours of search.
I would like to know how correctly send and get back the inputs of a form (complex data and files).
Here is the submit method of the form:
onSubmit: function () {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("partData", this.model.partData);
if (this.model.symbolFile != null) {
formData.append("symbolFile", this.model.symbolFile);
if (this.model.footprintFile != null) {
formData.append("footprintFile", this.model.footprintFile);
.post("/api/updatecomponent", formData, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
.then((res) => {
// do something with res
// console.log(res);
.catch((err) => {
/* catch error*/
The variable Data and PartData contains multiple string fields which will be stored in different tables in my database. Example :
string Value,
string Tolerance,
string Power
Here is the method of the Controller in the server side:
public function updateComponent(Request $req)
$data = $req->input('data');
$partData = $req->input('partData');
$symbolFile = $req->file('symbolFile'); // is null if the user did not modify the symbol
$footprintFile = $req->file('symbolFile'); // is null if the user did not modify the footprint
// etc...
I am able to get the files, everything work for that and I can store and read them :)
But, the problem is that I am unable to get back properly my Data or PartDat.
When I do :
I got as result in the console:
"[object Object]"
I am almost sure that I don't use correctly the FormData but after hours of search, I can't find the good way I should gave the Data and PartData to the FormData.
My code was working well for Data and PartData until I add FormData to support the file upload :(
Thank you for your help :)
Here my working code:
Client side:
var formData = new FormData(); // create FormData
formData.append("subcat", this.subcategory);// append simple type data
formData.append("data", JSON.stringify(;// append complex type data
axios // send FormData
.post(url, formData, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
.then((res) => {
// do something with res
// console.log(res);
.catch((err) => {
/* catch error*/
Server side:
public function createComponent(Request $req)
$subcategory = $req->input('subcat'); // get the input parameter named 'subcat' (selected subcategory)
$data = json_decode($req->input('data'), true); // get the input, decode the jason format, force to return the result as an array
I hope it will help other peoples :)
Simple solution
let data = new FormData();
_.each(form_data, (value, key) => {
data.append(key, value)
console.log('form data',data);
Now you can get data in laravel controller like:

how to upload image in register API in strapi?

In defaut registration API, I need to uplaod the image of user in registration API. So how could I manage it ? I'm sending in a formData and it works fine. I can see (binary) in network.
I tried to add image field and it works in admin panel but from API side I tried to send the file in key names like files, profileImage.
I didn't get the error in res. I got success in res.
Issue: When I reload the admin panel, I didn't get user's profile image.
Try this way. I used in react and it works fine for me.
signUpHandler = () => {
console.log("SignUp data ::: ", this.state);
let data = {
username: this.state.signUpForm.username.value,
password: this.state.signUpForm.password.value
}'', data)
.then(res => {
.then(refId =>{
const data = new FormData();
data.append('files', this.state.selectedFile);
data.append('refId', refId);
data.append('ref', 'user');
data.append('source', 'users-permissions');
data.append('field', 'profileImage');
return'', data)
.then(res =>{
alert("You registered successfully...");
.catch(error =>{
First, you will have to customize your user-permission
To do so, you will have to understand this concept:
Then you will have to find the function you want to update - in your case, the register function.
And tada here it is
So you will have to create ./extensions/users-permissions/controllers/Auth.js with the same content as the original file.
Then you will have to add
const { parseMultipartData, sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');
const uploadFiles = require('strapi/lib/core-api/utils/upload-files');
on the top of your file.
And in your function use this
const { data, files } = parseMultipartData(ctx); to parse data and files.
Then you will have to replace ctx.request.body by data to make sure to use the correct data.
After that you will have to add this after the user creation line
if (files) {
// automatically uploads the files based on the entry and the model
await uploadFiles(user, files, { model: strapi.plugins['users-permissions'].models.user })
Solution for Strapi v4:
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Authorization", "Bearer XXXX");
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("files", fileInput.files[0], "XXX.png");
formdata.append("refId", "46");
formdata.append("field", "image");
formdata.append("ref", "plugin::users-permissions.user");
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: myHeaders,
body: formdata,
redirect: 'follow'
fetch("http://localhost:1337/api/upload", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));

Vue js function countSubcategories() returns [object Promise]

countSubcategories() function returns [object Promise] where it should return row counts of mapped subcategories.
This code is in vue.js & Laravel, Any suggestions on this?
<div v-for="(cat,index) in" :key="">
{{ countSubcategories( }} // Here subcategories row counts should be displayed.
export default {
data() {
return {
cats: {},
childcounts: ""
created() {
methods: {
countSubcategories(id) {
return axios
.get("/api/user-permission-child-count/" + `${id}`)
.then(response => {
this.childcounts =;
getCategories(page) {
if (typeof page === "undefined") {
page = 1;
let url = helper.getFilterURL(this.filterpartnerForm);
.get("/api/get-user-permission-categories?page=" + page + url)
.then(response => (this.cats =;
As Aron stated in the previous answer as you are calling direct from the template the information is not ready when the template is rendered.
As far as I understood you need to run getCategories first so then you can fetch the rest of your data, right?
If that's the case I have a suggestion:
Send an array of cat ids to your back-end and there you could send back the list of subcategories you need, this and this one are good resources so read.
And instead of having 2 getCategories and countSubcategories you could "merge" then like this:
fetchCategoriesAndSubcategories(page) {
if (typeof page === "undefined") {
page = 1;
let url = helper.getFilterURL(this.filterpartnerForm);
.get("/api/get-user-permission-categories?page=" + page + url)
.then(response => {
this.cats =;
let catIds = => (;
return this.countSubcategories(catIds) // dont forget to change your REST endpoint to manage receiving an array of ids
.then(response => {
this.childcounts =
Promises allow you to return promises within and chain .then methods
So in your created() you could just call this.fetchCategoriesAndSubcategories passing the data you need. Also you can update your template by adding a v-if so it doesn't throw an error while the promise didn't finish loading. something like this:
<div v-if="childCounts" v-for="(subcategorie, index) in childCounts" :key="">
{{ subcategorie }} // Here subcategories row counts should be displayed.
Based on the provided information, it could be 2 things. First of all, you may try replacing:
and look in the console if you have the correct information logged. If not, it may be the way you send the information from Laravel.
PS: More information may be needed to solve this. When are you triggering the 'countSubcategories' method?
I would do all the intial login in the component itself, and not call a function in template like that. It can drastically affect the performance of the app, since the function would be called on change detection. But first, you are getting [object Promise], since that is exactly what you return, a Promise.
So as already mentioned, I would do the login in the component and then display a property in template. So I suggest the following:
methods: {
countSubcategories(id) {
return axios.get("..." + id);
getCategories(page) {
if (typeof page === "undefined") {
page = 1;
// or use async await pattern
axios.get("...").then(response => {
this.cats =;
// gather all nested requests and perform in parallel
const reqs = => this.countSubcategories(;
axios.all(reqs).then(y => {
// merge data
this.cats =, i) => {
return {...item, count: y[i].data}
Now you can display {{cat.count}} in template.
Here's a sample SANDBOX with similar setup.
This is happen 'cause you're trying to render a information who doesn't comeback yet...
Try to change this method inside created, make it async and don't call directly your method on HTML. Them you can render your variable this.childcounts.

Vue.js 2 & Axios - Filtering an api for a search feature

I'm trying to filter through a collection of films that i'm retrieving using axios. This is so i can compare it to a search string for a search feature. Everything works fine except when using the computed property it returns Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined" but when i check the vue dev tool it says that the computed property contains the array of films which doesn't really add up. The code is as follows.
let vm = this;
// storing the page url
page_url = page_url || '/api/films'
.then(response => response)
.then(response => {
this.films =;
vm.makePagination(response.meta, response.links);
.catch(err => console.log(err));
let pagination = {
current_page: this.films.meta.current_page,
last_page: this.films.meta.last_page,
prev_page_url: this.films.links.prev
this.pagination = pagination;
computed: {
filteredFilms () {
return => {
return film.film_name.toLowerCase().match(this.searchString.toLowerCase())
This is how the data is returned
Any help is appreciated.
You're probably accessing filteredFilms before the request is done. I don't see any code to wait for the request. You could make filteredFilms check if the data is there and return an empty list if it isn't.

How to get the data from BehaviorSubject after its completed?

I have a function that returns a BehaviorSubject but when I try to use the data I get back from the function I need to use it once all the data is back, is there a way to know when the BehaviorSubject is done pulling all the data?
I tried using .finally but it never gets called. Here is the code I'm using.
getData() {
let guideList = '';
function(data) {
guideList = data.join(',');
function(err) {
function() {
getChildren(node: TreeNode) {
const nodeIds$ = new BehaviorSubject([]);
//doForAll is a promise
node.doForAll((data) => {
return nodeIds$;
Attached is a screen shot of the console.log
Easiest way is to just collect all the data in the array and only call next once the data is all collected. Even better: don't use a subject at all. It is very rare that one ever needs to create a subject. Often people use Subjects when instead they should be using a more streamlined observable factory method or operator:
getChildren(node: TreeNode) {
return Observable.defer(() => {
const result = [];
return node.doForAll(d => result.push( => result);
