Why #this cannot work in my laravel-livewire(mapbox)? - laravel

I try to get the long and lat data from the class, but this "#this" is not working
This is the class:
This is the error:
I'm new in livewire and Json. Your help is a gold for me.

First: You can apply #this on the livewire blade file only
Your Error Path: vpet\resouces\views\customer\location.blade.php (This will definitely give an error)
According to your class right path is: vpet\resouces\views\livewire\map-location.blade.php


Codeigniter 4 - route with parameters (segments) not working

I have problems with routing and I just can't figure out what is wrong.
When I need to take parameter from URI I just can't make my route works.
So this is what I have in route.php
$routes->add('admin', 'Admin/Login::index');
$routes->add('admin/login', 'Admin/Login::login');
$routes->add('admin/gUP', 'Admin/AdminGlavni::g_obrada');
$routes->add('admin/cam', 'Admin/AdminGlavni::cam_prikaz');
$routes->add('admin/cam/edit/(:any)', 'Admin/AdminGlavni::cam_edit_show/$1');
but this is not working (all other routes works as they should)
$routes->add('admin/cam/edit/(:any)', 'Admin/AdminGlavni::cam_edit_show/$1');
When I try to reach mydmain.com/admin/cam/edit/1 I get:
404 - File Not Found
Controller or its method is not found: \App\Controllers\Admin::index
and cam_edit_show in AdminGlavni Class is defined like this:
public function cam_edit_show($id) {
What is wrong whit my route? Please help.
Slash in handler was wrong. It supposed to be \ and not /
I think you have a directory called admin and then your controller called AdminGlavni. I solved same issue by just change the **
I changed / to ** where route call controller with the directory.i think it should require namespace pattern
your code:
Try with this:
find the below as:
$routes->add('admin/cam/edit/(:any)', 'Admin\AdminGlavni::cam_edit_show/$1');

Cypress visit command produces error when url is a variable

I am trying to run cy.visit() which will take a variable instead of a hardcoded value as its parameter.
In my env.json file I have an environment variable called url, which I've given a value.
"env": {
"url": "https://somedomain.com",
In my spec file, I am trying to pass this variable when calling cy.visit(), like so:
When running the test, I am greeted by this error
CypressError: `cy.visit()` must be called with a `url` or an `options` object containing a `url` as its 1st argument
I've searched all over internet for a solution, but it seems like I'm the only person in the world with this exact problem.
Someone knows what's wrong? Thanks!
As pavelsaman said, my custom file was not loading. The reason behind this was I had module.exports = (on, config... defined twice in the index.js file. Maybe it will help someone in the future!
In my env.json file I have an environment variable called url, which I've given a value.
Cypress by default looks for cypress.json file, so it seems your env.json is not loaded.
You can check this default behaviour in the docs: https://docs.cypress.io/api/cypress-api/env.html and here: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/guides/environment-variables.html#Option-2-cypress-env-json
I put successfully those env varaibles in cypress.env.json, and access it like that. You probably missnamed the file or you need to the following - since it is a sub object:

PHPBB3and super globals?

I try to customize my PHPBB3 interface.
For that I need to include a header and a footer.
The header file I try to include has the use of...
$this->_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
...wrapped in a function.
Here is the error message when I open the PHPBB3 index page:
Illegal use of $_SERVER. You must use the request class or
request_var() to access input data.
For info, the file I try to include works well in any other context than PHPBB3.
Can someone tell me what I have to do and where I have to do it in order to get rid of this error message and have my included file work properly?
Thank you.
You only have to use the request_var() function to access your datas.
$userAgent = request_var('HTTP_USER_AGENT','');
You can find more information about this function here :

phmagick class not found on laravel 4

After installing phmagick using composer I'm getting a class not found error. I think it's because of how the Action classes are being loaded, but is there a fix for it?
Have a look in vendor/francodacosta/phmagick/docs/index.html for actual documentation about phMagick. Here's one of the examples which works for me...
$phMagick = new \phMagick\Core\Runner();
$action = new \phMagick\Action\Convert($this->originalFile, $this->newFile);
// optimize the image
// sets image quality
// execute the convert action

CodeIgniter parser addon

Can't load my_parser class.
Added this http://codepad.org/QtHsyRN3 to application/libraries
than in controller i wrote
but i am getting
Unable to load the requested class: my_parser
What can be? I need something like this
{if 10 > 8}10 is greater then 8<br />{/if}
But without smarty and etc.
The user guide states you shouldn't include the 'MY_' when calling the library, so:
should work - see http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/general/creating_libraries.html
.php file was wrong name. Solutions is "class name = .php file name"
