phmagick class not found on laravel 4 - laravel

After installing phmagick using composer I'm getting a class not found error. I think it's because of how the Action classes are being loaded, but is there a fix for it?

Have a look in vendor/francodacosta/phmagick/docs/index.html for actual documentation about phMagick. Here's one of the examples which works for me...
$phMagick = new \phMagick\Core\Runner();
$action = new \phMagick\Action\Convert($this->originalFile, $this->newFile);
// optimize the image
// sets image quality
// execute the convert action


Trying to implement FPDF with all forms of instantiation but only one form works. Others give Error

Installed crabbley/fpdf-laravel as per instructions. Tried some sample code as follows:
$pdf= app('FPDF');
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Swordsmen Class Times');
While the instantiation of fpdf is different from the samples in the tutorials, all works as expected and the pdf is displayed in the browser. I got this working sample from the crabbley readme under 'usage'. The 'usage' instructions also provide an alternative instantiation viz: $pdf = new Crabbly\FPDF\FPDF;
The tutorial samples use something slightly different again, ie
x=new FPDF();
and thus are a little different. When I changed it to be the same as the tutorial, all I changed was the instantiation line from
$pdf= app('FPDF');
$pdf = new FPDF('L', 'mm','A4');
and I get the error 'Class 'App\Http\Controllers\FPDF' not found'. I do not understand the difference between the different forms of instantiation and not sure what is going on but I need the latter format so I can set page orientation etc. I also tried the usage format as described above with the same sort of error, ie new Crabbly\FPDF\FPDF not found.
I have tried the require statement but FPDF is not found and I am unsure where to point 'require' to.
Installation consisted of:
composer require crabbly/fpdf-laravel
add Crabbly\FPDF\FpdfServiceProvider::class to config/app.php in the providers section
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
You are using an implementation for the Laravel framework that binds an instance of FPDF to the service container. Using app('FPDF') returns you a new instance of FPDF, which is pretty much the same what new FPDF() would do.
The require way of using it is framework agnostic and would be the way to use FPDF if you are just using a plain PHP script. While you could use this way with Laravel too, why would you want to do that?
The reason the require does not work, by the way, is that the fpdf.php file is not found from where you call it. It would be required to sit in the same directory unless you give it a path. Considering you installed it using composer, the fpdf.php script, if any, should sit inside the vendor directory.
However, just go with using the service container. The line $pdf = new FPDF('L', 'mm','A4'); just creates a new instance of the FPDF class and initializes it by passing arguments to the constructor, these being 'L' for landscape orientation, 'mm' for the measurement unit, and 'A4' for the page size. Without knowing the package you use and having testing it, you should also be able to set them equivalently by calling:
$pdf = app('FPDF', ['L', 'mm', 'A4']);
Hope that helps!

AX2012 - Pre-Processed RecId parameter not found

I made a custom report in AX2012, to replace the WHS Shipping pick list. The custom report is RDP based. I have no trouble running it directly (with the parameters dialog), but when I try to use the controller (WHSPickListShippingController), I get an error saying "Pre-Processed RecId not found. Cannot process report. Indicates a development error."
The error is because in the class SrsReportProviderQueryBuilder (setArgs method), the map variable reportProviderParameters is empty. I have no idea why that is. The code in my Data provider runs okay. Here is my code for running the report :
WHSWorkId id = 'LAM-000052';
WHSPickListShippingController controller;
Args args;
WHSShipmentTable whsShipmentTable;
WHSWorkTable whsWorkTable;
clWHSPickListShippingContract contract; //My custom RDP Contract
whsShipmentTable = WHSShipmentTable::find(whsWorkTable.ShipmentId);
args = new Args(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
contract = new clWHSPickListShippingContract();
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
I don't know if I'm clear enough... But I've been looking for a fix for hours without success, so I thought I'd ask here. Is there a reason why this variable (which comes from the method parameter AifQueryBuilderArgs) would be empty?
I'm thinking your issue is with these lines (try removing):
The style I'd expect to see with your contract would be like this:
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
contract = controller.getDataContractObject();
And for the DataProvider clWHSPickListShippingDP, usually if a report is using a DataProvider, you don't manually set it, but the DP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase and has an attribute SRSReportParameterAttribute(...) decorating the class declaration in this style:
class MyCustomDP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
// Vars
You are using controller.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract(contract); wrong, as this is more for run-time modifications. It's typically used for accessing the contract for preRunModifyContract overloads.
Build your CrossReference in a development environment then right click on \Classes\SrsReportDataContract\parmRdpContract and click Add-Ins>Cross-reference>Used By to see how that is generally used.
Ok, so now I feel very stupid for spending so much time on that error, when it's such a tiny thing...
The erronous line is that one :
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
Because WHSPickListShipping is the name of the AX report, but I renamed my custom report clWHSPickListShipping. What confused me was that my DataProvider class was executing as wanted.

blobstore images get_serving_url

I am new to the Google App Engine and I am trying to use the Blobstore to store images that I want to display later on.
The image storage works fine. Now I want to dynamically change some images in my html code. Therefore I need a method of getting the images out of the blobstore and passing them. I am using Python. I found the get_serving_url-command, which seemed to be the perfect fit. Sadly, this causes an Error and I seem to be unable to fix it.
My basic code looks like this:
blob_key = "yu343mQ7kT4344N434ewQ=="
if blob_key:
blob_info = blobstore.get(blob_key)
if blob_info:
img = images.Image(blob_key=blob_key)
url = images.get_serving_url(blob_key)
Everytime the function gets called, I get the following Error in my Log Console.
File "C:\Program Files
line 234, in _MakeRealSyncCall
raise pickle.loads(response_pb.exception())
AttributeError: 'ImagesNotImplementedServiceStub' object has no
attribute 'THREADSAFE'
I have no idea how to fix it or if I am doing something terribly wrong.
I am very grateful for your support! Thank you in advance!
Have a nice day
You probably need an instance of BlobKey so if you are getting blob_info successfully try:
img = images.Image(blob_key=blob_info.key())
url = images.get_serving_url(blob_info.key())

zend framework 2 Set TextDomain in onBootstrap

I followed the instructions of this link successfully, now my web is multilanguage without requiring put "locale" in the "traslate()" calls.
But I have to put the TextDomain each time that I call it.
$this->traslate("Hello", __NAMESPACE__) //where __NAMESPACE__ is the text domain.
I would like set TextDomain in the onBootstrap method instead of put it in each call of the the "traslate()" helper.
I have tried with setTextDomain method, but it doesn't exist.
Somebody know how do it?
The onBootStrap Code is following:
.....//Code for define $locale.
$sm = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
$translator = $sm->get('translator');
$traslator->SetTextDomain($textdomain); //This line not work!!!!!
Didn't see this right the first time. Going by DASPRIDS Presentation about ZF2 I18N the correct function to call is:
Though if i see this correctly, that's from within the view Scripts. Getting the Translator from ServiceManager however - i haven't tested this - but try the following:
Okey. We have advanced one step.
The first solution works ok (the view solution), now my web page traduce texts only using this helper parameters, being Locale and TextDomain defined by the config:
But the second solution not works. I don't understand because the same plugin is accepted in the view and not in the onBootstrap when the name is the same.
I rewrite my onBootstrap code bellow:
$translator = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('translator');
$pm = $translator->getPluginManager(); //until here works ok.
$pm->get('translate'); //this throws an error message how if 'translate' not found.

codeigniter image reader prob

Hi im making a image gallery in useing the following tutorial at
i keep getting this error
wrong parameter count for strstr()
google'd and tried this and found i needed to remove a third parameter.
I removed the third parameter from line38 $ext = strrev(strstr(strrev($file), ".", TRUE));
now all errors are gone but the image uploading will not work any ideas why this is now failing ?????
Thanks Alan
hi I think that tutorial using PHP 5.3 so the strstr function has the third parameter
