What is the cleanest solution in Big Query to create a view from multiple tables that share the same prefix and are located in the same dataset? I'd like to have the large table updated automatically every time a new {prefix}_'yyyy_mm_dd' table is added to the dataset.
Following the documentation:
The wildcard table functionality does not support views. If the wildcard table matches any view in the dataset, the query returns an error.
Is creating a new table (duplicating the data) the only option then?
A view can query several tables:
create view Test.one
Select *
from `Test.oneM*`
However, query several views is not allowed:
Select *
from `Test.one*`
I tried to create a view in powerapps table to perform bulk delete action on it. The view that defines outer join like,
I want to get the table Order values which should not be present in the Invoice table, but it should have a relation with the table Invoice (which means the record should be present in table Order but not in table Invoice).
For this, I had the option to create a view by applying the above condition was,
And the above condition is working fine and results were expected. But the problem is when i added the above condition for creating a particular view ( XYZ view) which is not listing on Bulk delete wizard for that entity( here the entity is order).
To overcome this issue what i can do?
I would like to be able to refer to tables with a certain naming schema to make my code uniform, but I am pulling tables from different environments with different naming schema. If I want all my tables to have names like example_table_1 and example_table_2, but the second one is something like TB_ex_2, is there a way to give that table an attribute so that I can also call select * from database.example_table_2, and it will know to refer to TB_ex_2?
I understand that I can alias tables, e.g. select * from TB_ex_2 example_table_2, but I am trying to avoid that. Renaming each table is also not an option, because those names need to be retained to identify which environment they are coming from.
Hive does not support synonyms. The workaround is to create a view:
AS SELECT * from table1;
Also you can create many tables on top of the same location(data).
I understand that a view is a window to an underlying table or set of tables in Oracle. For instance if I have a view that is created by joining multiple tables , will the view perform the actual join operations when I select data from the view? Does a view perform better than joining multiple tables to fetch data or is it the same with respect to performance?
There is usually no performance difference between a single query and a logically equivalent query that uses views.
Oracle has optimizer transformations that can combine views with the outer query; predicate pushing, simple and complex view merging, etc. Think of views more like a text macro that builds a large query, instead of a function that returns rows.
For example, in the below query Oracle would probably be smart enough to push the predicate on the primary key column into the view. Although the view by itself might return millions of rows, when the entire query is run Oracle will apply the predicate on the primary key column first.
select *
from view_returns_millions_of_rows
where primary_key_value = 1;
Is there a query I can use to find out all the views across a Dataserver using a particular table or set of tables?
the below query will give you all the view that exists in the database:
select * from sysobjects where type ='V'
I'm wondering if its possible to create a view that automatically checks if there is a new monthly created table and if there is include that one?
We have a new table created each month and each one ends with the number of the month, like
table for January: table_1
table for February: table_2
Is it possible to create a view that takes data from all those tables and also finds when there is a new one created?
No, a view's definition is static. You would have to replace the view each month with a new copy that included the new table; you could write a dynamic PL/SQL program to do this. Or you could create all the empty tables now and include them all in the view definition; if necessary you could postpone granting any INSERT access to the future tables until they become "live".
But really, this model is flawed - see Michael Pakhantsov's answer for a better alternative - or just have one simple table with a MONTH column.
Will be possible if you instead of creating new table each month will create new partition for existing table.
If you have oracle SE without partitioning option you can create two tables: LiveTable and ArchiveTable. Then each month you need move rows from Live to ArchiveTable and clean live table. In this case you need create view just from two tables.
Another option is to create the tables in another schema with grants to the relevant user and create public synonyms to them.
As the monthly tables get created in the local schema, they'll "out-precedence" the public synonyms and the view will pick them up. It will still get invalidated and need recompiling, but the actual view text should need changing, which may be simpler from a code-control point of view.
You can write a procedure or function that looks at USER_TABLES or ALL_TABLES to determine if a table exists, generate dynamic sql, and return a ref cursor with the data. The same can be done with a pipelined function.