Quick sort - partition split ratio [duplicate] - algorithm

This was a problem of CLR (Introduction to Algorithms) The question goes as follow:
Suppose that the splits at every level of quicksort are in the proportion 1 - α to α, where 0 < α ≤ 1/2 is a constant. Show that the minimum depth of a leaf in the recursion tree is approximately - lg n/ lg α and the maximum depth is approximately -lg n/ lg(1 - α). (Don't worry about integer round-off.)http://integrator-crimea.com/ddu0043.html
I'm not getting how to reach this solution. as per the link they show that for a ratio of 1:9 the max depth is log n/log(10/9) and minimum log n/log(10). Then how can the above formula be proved. Please help me as to where am I going wrong as I'm new to Algorithms and Data Structures course.

First, let us consider this simple problem. Assume you a number n and a fraction (between 0 and 1) p. How many times do you need to multiply n with p so that resulting number is less than or equal to 1?
n*p^k <= 1
log(n)+k*log(p) <= 0
log(n) <= -k*log(p)
k => -log(n)/log(p)
Now, let us consider your problem. Assume you send the shorter of the two segments to the left child and longer to the right child. For the left-most chain, the length is given by substituting \alpha as p in the above equation. For the right most chain, the length is calculated by substituting 1-\alpha as p. Which is why you have those numbers as answers.

general question and the answer
Suppose that the splits at every level of quicksort are in proportion
1−α to α, where 0< α ≤1/2 is a constant. Show that the minimum depth of a leaf in the recursion tree is approximately −lgn/lgα
and the maximum depth is approximately −lgn/lg(1−α). (Don't worry about integer round-off.)
answer :
The minimum depth follows a path that always takes the smaller part of the partition i.e., that multiplies the number of elements by α. One iteration reduces the number of elements from n to αn, and i iterations reduce the number of elements to (α^i)n. At a leaf, there is just one remaining element, and so at a minimum-depth leaf of depth m, we have (α^m)n=1. Thus, αm=1/n. Taking logs, we get m*lgα=−lgn, or m=−lgn/lgα.
Similarly, maximum depth corresponds to always taking the larger part of the partition, i.e., keeping a fraction 1−α of the elements each time. The maximum depth M is reached when there is one element left, that is, when [(1−α)^M ]n=1. Thus, M=−lgn/lg(1−α).
All these equations are approximate because we are ignoring floors and ceilings.


What is the time complexity of this BFS algorithm?

I looked at LeetCode question 270. Perfext Squares:
Given an integer n, return the least number of perfect square numbers that sum to n.
A perfect square is an integer that is the square of an integer; in other words, it is the product of some integer with itself. For example, 1, 4, 9, and 16 are perfect squares while 3 and 11 are not.>
Example 1:
Input: n = 12
Output: 3
Explanation: 12 = 4 + 4 + 4.
I solved it using the following algorithm:
def numSquares(n):
squares = [i**2 for i in range(1, int(n**0.5)+1)]
step = 1
queue = {n}
while queue:
tempQueue = set()
for node in queue:
for square in squares:
if node-square == 0:
return step
if node < square:
queue = tempQueue
step += 1
It basically tries to go from goal number to 0 by subtracting each possible number, which are : [1 , 4, 9, .. sqrt(n)] and then does the same work for each of the numbers obtained.
What is the time complexity of this algorithm? The branching in every level is sqrt(n) times, but some branches are destined to end early... which makes me wonder how to derive the time complexity.
If you think about what you're doing, you can imagine that you're doing a breadth-first search over a graph with n + 1 nodes (all the natural numbers between 0 and n, inclusive) and some number of edges m, which we'll determine later on. Your graph is essentially represented as an adjacency list, since at each point you iterate over all the outgoing edges (squares less than or equal to your number) and stop as soon as you consider a square that's too large. As a result, the runtime will be O(n + m), and all we have to do now is work out what m is.
(There's another cost here in computing all the square roots up to and including n, but that takes time O(n1/2), which is dominated by the O(n) term.)
If you think about it, the number of outgoing edges from each number k will be given by the number of perfect squares less than or equal to k. That value is equal to ⌊√k⌋ (check this for a few examples - it works!). This means that the total number of edges is upper-bounded by
√0 + √1 + √2 + ... + √n
We can show that this sum is Θ(n3/2). First, we'll upper-bound this sum at O(n3/2), which we can do by noting that
√0 + √1 + √2 + ... + √n
≤ √n + √n + √ n + ... + √n (n+1) times
= (n + 1)√n
= O(n3/2).
To lower-bound this at Ω(n3/2), notice that
√0 + √1 + √2 + ... + √ n
≥ √(n/2) + √(n/2 + 1) + ... + √(n) (drop the first half of the terms)
≥ √(n/2) + √(n/2) + ... + √(n/2)
= (n / 2)√(n / 2)
= Ω(n3/2).
So overall, the number of edges is Θ(n3/2), so using a regular analysis of breadth-first search we can see that the runtime will be O(n3/2).
This bound is likely not tight, because this assumes that you visit every single node and every single edge, which isn't going to happen. However, I'm not sure how to tighten things much beyond this.
As a note - this would be a great place to use A* search instead of breadth-first search, since you can fairly easily come up with heuristics to underestimate the remaining total distance (say, take the number and divide it by the largest perfect square less than it). That would cause the search to focus on extremely promising paths that jump rapidly toward 0 before less-good paths, like, say, always taking steps of size one.
Hope this helps!
Some observations:
The number of squares up to n is √n (floored to the nearest integer)
After the first iteration of the while loop, tempQueue will have √n entries
tempQueue can never have more than n entries, since all these values are positive, less than n and unique.
Every natural number can be written as the sum of four integer squares. So that means your BFS algorithm's while loop will iterate at the most 4 times. If the return statement did not get executed during any of the first 3 iterations, it is guaranteed it will in the 4th.
Every statement (except for the initialisation of squares) runs in constant time, even the call to .add().
The initialisation of squares has a list comprehension loop that has √n iterations, and range runs in constant time, so that initialisation has a time complexity of O(√n).
Now we can set a ceiling to the number of times the if node-square == 0 statement is executed (or any other statement in the innermost loop's body):
1⋅√n + √n⋅√n + n⋅√n + n⋅√n
Each of the 4 terms corresponds to an iteration of the while loop. The left factor of each product corresponds to the maximum size of queue in that particular iteration, and the factor at the right corresponds to the size of squares (always the same). This simplifies to:
√n + n + 2n3⁄2
In terms of time complexity this is:
This is the worst case time complexity. When the while loop only has to iterate twice, it is O(n), and when only once (when n is a square), it is O(√n).

Partition a binary tree into k parts with similar sizes

I was trying to split a binary-tree into k similar-sized parts (by removing k-1 edges). Is there any efficient algorithm for this problem? Or is it NP-hard? Any pointers to papers, problem definitions, etc?
-- One reasonable metric for evaluating the quality of partitioning could be the size gap between the largest and smallest partition; another metric could be making the smallest partition having as many vertices as possible.
I can suggest pretty fast solution for making the smallest part having as many vertices as possible metric.
Let suppose we guess the size S of smallest partit and want check if it's correct.
First I want to make a few statements:
If total size of tree bigger than S there is at least one subtree which is bigger than S and all subtrees of that subtree are smaller. (It's enough to check both biggest.)
If there is some way to split tree where size of smallest part >= S and we have subtree T all subtrees of which are smaller than S than we can grant that no edges inside T are deleted. (Cause any such deletion will create a partition which will be smaller than S)
If there is some way to split tree where size of smallest part >= S, and we have some subtree T which size >= S, has no deleted edges inside but is not one of parts, we can split the tree in other way where subtree T will be one of parts itself and all parts will be no smaller than S. (Just move some extra vertices from original part to any other part, this other part will not become smaller.)
So here is an algorithm to check if we can split the tree in k parts no smaller than S.
find all suitable vertices (roots of subtrees of size >= S and size for both childs < S) and add them in list. You can start from the root and move through all vertices while subtrees are bigger than S.
While list not empty and number of parts lesser then K take a vertice from the list and cut it off the tree. Than update size of subtrees for parent vertices and add to the list if one of them become suitable.
You even have no need to update all the parent vertices, only until you will find first which's new subtree size is bigger than S, parent vertices cant't be suitable for adding in list yet and can be updated later.
You may need to construct tree back to restore original subtree sizes assigned to the vertices.
Now we can use bisection method. We can determine upper bound as Smax = n/k and lower bound can be retrieved from equation (2*Smin- 1)*(K - 1) + Smin = N it will grants that if we will cut off k-1 subtrees with two child subtrees of size Smin - 1 each, we will have part of size Smin left. Smin = (n + k -1)/(2*k - 1)
And now we can check S = (Smax + Smin)/2
If we manage to construct partition using the method above than S is smaller or equal to it's largest possible value, also smallest part in constructed partition may be bigger than S and we can set new lower bound to it instead of S, if we fail S is bigger than possible.
Time complexity of one check is k multiplied by number of parent nodes updated each time, for well balanced tree number of updated nodes is constant (we will use trick explaned earlier and will not update all parent nodes), still it's not bigger than (n/k) in worst case for ultimately unbalanced tree. Searching for suitable vertices has very similar behavior (all vertices passed while searching will be updated later.).
Difference between n/k and (n + k -1)/(2*k - 1) is proportional to n/k.
So we have time complexity O(k * log(n/k)) in best case if we have precalculated subtree sizes, O(n) if subtree sizes are not precalculated and O(n * log(n/k)) in worst case.
This method may lead to situation when last of parts will be comparably big but I suppose once you've got suggested method you can figure out some improvements to minimize it.
Here is a polynomial deterministic solution:
Let's assume that the tree is rooted and there are two fixed values: MIN and MAX - minimum and maximum allowed size of one component.
Then one can use dynamic programming to check if there is a partition such that each component size is between MIN and MAX:
Let's assume f(node, cuts_count, current_count) is true if and only if there is a way to make exactly cuts_count cuts in node's subtree so that current_count vertices are connected to the node so that condition 2) holds true.
The base case for the leaves is: f(leaf, 1, 0)(cut the edge from the parent to the leaf) is true if and only if MIN <= 1 and MAX >= 1 f(leaf, 0, 1)(do not cut it) is always true(it is false for all other values of cuts_count and current_count).
To compute f for a node(not a leaf), one can use the following algorithm:
//Combine all possible children states.
for cuts_left in 0..k
for cuts_right in 0..k
for cnt_left in 0..left_subtree_size
for cnt_right in 0..right_subtree_size
if f(left_child, cuts_left, cnt_left) is true and
f(right_child, cuts_right, cnt_right) is true and then
f(node, cuts_left + cuts_right, cnt_left + cnt_right + 1) = true
//Cut an edge from this node to its parent.
for cuts in 0..k-1
for cnt in 0..node's_subtree_size
if f(node, cuts, node's_subtree_size) is true and MIN <= cnt <= MAX:
f(node, cuts + 1, 0) = true
What this pseudo code does is combining all possible states of node's children to compute all reachable states for this node(the first bunch of for loops) and then produces the rest of reachable states by cutting the edge between this node and its parent(the second bunch of for loops)(the state means (node, cuts_count, current_count) tuple. I call it reachable if f(state) is true).
That is the case for a node with two children, the case with one child can be processes in similar manner.
Finally, if f(root, k, 0) is true then it is possible to find the partition which stratifies the condition 2) and it is not possible otherwise. We need to "pretend" that we did k cuts here because we also cut an imaginary edge from root to its parent(this edge and this parent doesn't exist actually) when we computed f for the root(to avoid corner case).
The space complexity of this algorithm(for fixed MIN and MAX) is O(n^2 * k)(n is the number of nodes), time complexity is O(k^2 * n^2). It might seem that the complexity is actually O(k^2 * n^3), but is not so because the product of number of vertices in left and right subtree of a node is exactly the number of pairs of node's such that their least common ancestor is this node. But the total number of pairs of nodes is O(n^2)(and each pair has only one least common ancestor). Thus, the sum of products of left and right subtree sizes over all nodes is O(n^2).
One can simply try all possible MIN and MAX values and choose the best, but it can be done faster. The key observation is that if there is a solution for MIN and MAX, there is always a solution for MIN and MAX + 1. Thus, one can iterate over all possible values of MIN(n / k different values) and apply binary search to find the smallest MAX which gives a valid solution(log n iterations). So the overall time complexity is O(n^2 * k^2 * n / k * log n) = O(n^3 * k * log n). However, if you want to maximize MIN(not to minimize the difference between MAX and MIN), you can simply use this algorithm and ignore MAX value everywhere(by setting its value to n). Then no binary search over MAX would be required, but one would be able to binary search over MIN instead and obtain an O(n^2 * k^2 * log n) solution.
To reconstruct the partition itself, one can start from f(root, k, 0) and apply the steps we used to compute f, but this time in opposite direction(from root to leaves). It is also possible to save the information about how to get the value of each state(what children's states were combined or what was the state before the edge was cut)(and update it appropriately during the initial computation of f) and then reconstruct the partition using this data(if my explanation of this step seems not very clear, reading an article on dynamic programming and reconstructing the answer might help).
So, there is a polynomial solution for this problem on a binary tree(even though it is NP-hard for an arbitrary graph).

Find the pair of numbers in an unsorted array with a sum closest to an arbitrary target [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Linear time algorithm for 2-SUM
(13 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
This is a generalization of the 2Sum problem
Given an unsorted array of numbers, how do you find the pair of numbers with a sum closest to an arbitrary target. Note that an exact match may not exist, so the O(n) hashtable solution doesn't fit here.
I can solve the problem in O(n*log(n)) time for a target of 0 as so:
Sort the numbers by absolute value.
Iterate across the sorted array, keeping the minimum of the sums of adjacent values.
This works because the three cases of pairs (+/+, +/-, -/-) are all handled by the logic of absolute value. That is, the sum of pairs of the same sign is minimized when they are closest to 0, and the sum of pairs of different sign is minimized when the components of the pair are closest to each other. Both of these cases are represented when sorting by absolute value.
How can I generalize this to an arbitrary target sum?
Step 1: Sort the array in non-decreasing order. Complexity: O( n lg n )
Step 2: Scan inwards from both ends. Complexity: O( n )
On the sorted array A, let l point to the left-most (i.e. minimum) element and r point to the right-most (i.e. maximum) element.
while true:
curSum = A[ l ] + A[ r ]
diff = currSum - target
if( diff > 0 ):
r = r - 1
l = l + 1
If ever diff == 0, then you got a perfect match for 2Sum.
Otherwise, look for change of sign in diff, i.e. transition from positive to negative, or negative to positive. Whenever the transition happens, either just before or just after the change, currSum is closest to target.
Overall Complexity: O( n log n ) because of step 1.
If you are going to sort the numbers anyway, your algorithm already will have a complexity of at least O(n*log(n)). So here is what you can do: for each number v you can perform a binary search to find the least number u in the array that gets the sum u + v more than target. Now check u + v and u + t where t is the predecessor of v in the sorted array.
The complexity of this is n times the complexity of binary search i.e. O(n * log (n)) thus your overall complexity remains O(n*log(n)). Also this solution is way easier to implement than what you suggest.
As pointed out by amit in a comment to the question you can do the second phase with linear complexity, improving its speed. Still the overall computational complexity will remain the same and it is a little bit harder to implement the solution.

Algorithm to find 100 closest stars to the origin

First let me phrase the proper question:
Q: There is a file containing more than a million points (x,y) each of which represents a star. There is a planet earth at (a,b). Now, the task is to build an algorithm that would return the 100 closest stars to earth. What would be the time and space complexities of your algorithm.
This question has been asked many times in various interviews. I tried looking up the answers but could not find a satisfactory one.
One way to do it which I thought might be using a max heap of size 100. Calculate distances for each star and check if the distance is lesser than the root of the max heap. If yes, replace it with the root and call heapify.
Any other better/faster answers?
P.S: This is not a homework question.
You can actually do this in time O(n) and space O(k), where k is the number of closest points that you want, by using a very clever trick.
The selection problem is as follows: Given an array of elements and some index i, rearrange the elements of the array such that the ith element is in the right place, all elements smaller than the ith element are to the left, and all elements greater than the ith element are to the right. For example, given the array
40 10 00 30 20
If I tried to select based on index 2 (zero-indexed), one result might be
10 00 20 40 30
Since the element at index 2 (20) is in the right place, the elements to the left are smaller than 20, and the elements to the right are greater than 20.
It turns out that since this is a less strict requirement than actually sorting the array, it's possible to do this in time O(n), where n is the number of elements of the array. Doing so requires some complex algorithms like the median-of-medians algorithm, but is indeed O(n) time.
So how do you use this here? One option is to load all n elements from the file into an array, then use the selection algorithm to select the top k in O(n) time and O(n) space (here, k = 100).
But you can actually do better than this! For any constant k that you'd like, maintain a buffer of 2k elements. Load 2k elements from the file into the array, then use the selection algorithm to rearrange it so that the smallest k elements are in the left half of the array and the largest are in the right, then discard the largest k elements (they can't be any of the k closest points). Now, load k more elements from the file into the buffer and do this selection again, and repeat this until you've processed every line of the file. Each time you do a selection you discard the largest k elements in the buffer and retain the k closest points you've seen so far. Consequently, at the very end, you can select the top k elements one last time and find the top k.
What's the complexity of the new approach? Well, you're using O(k) memory for the buffer and the selection algorithm. You end up calling select on a buffer of size O(k) a total of O(n / k) times, since you call select after reading k new elements. Since select on a buffer of size O(k) takes time O(k), the total runtime here is O(n + k). If k = O(n) (a reasonable assumption), this takes time O(n), space O(k).
Hope this helps!
To elaborate on the MaxHeap solution you would build a max-heap with the first k elements from the file ( k = 100 in this case ).
The key for the max-heap would be its distance from Earth (a,b). Distance between 2 points on a 2d plane can be calculated using:
dist = (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) = square_root((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2);
This would take O(k) time to construct. For every subsequent element from k to n. ie (n - k) elements you need to fetch its distance from earth and compare it with the top of max-heap. If the new element to be inserted is closer to earth than the top of the max-heap, replace the top of the max-heap and call heapify on the new root of the heap.
This would take O((n-k)logk) time to complete.
Finally we would be left with just the k elements in the max-heap. You can call heapify k times to return all these k elements. This is another O(klogk).
Overall time complexity would be O(k + (n-k)logk + klogk).
It's a famous question and there has been lot's of solution for that:
if you did not find it useful, there are some other resources such as Rurk's computational geometry book.
Your algorithm is correct. Just remember that time complexity of your program is O(n . log 100 ) = O(n), unless number of closest points to find can vary.
import sys,os,csv
earth = [0,0]
##getDistance return distance given two stars
def getDistance(star1,star2):
return sqrt((star1[0]-star2[0])**2 +(star1[1]-star2[1])**2 )
##diction dict_galaxy looks like this {key,distance} key is the seq assign to each star, value is a list [distance,its cordinance]
count = 0
for line in sour:
star=line.split(',') ##Star is a list [x,y]
###Now sort this dictionary based on their distance, and return you a list of keys.
list_sorted_key = sorted(dict_galaxy,key=lambda x:dict_galaxy[x][0])
print 'is this what you want %s'%(list_sorted_key[:100].to_s)

random merge sort

I was given the following question in an algorithms book:
Suppose a merge sort is implemented to split a file at a random position, rather then exactly in the middle. How many comparisons would be used by such method to sort n elements on average?
To guide you to the answer, consider these more specific questions:
Assume the split is always at 10%, or 25%, or 75%, or 90%. In each case: what's the impact on recursion depths? How many comparisons need to be per recursion level?
I'm partially agree with #Armen, they should be comparable.
But: consider the case when they are split in the middle. To merge two lists of lengths n we would need 2*n - 1 comparations (sometimes less, but we'll consider it fixed for simplicity), each of them producing the next value. There would be log2(n) levels of merges, that gives us approximately n*log2(n) comparations.
Now considering the random-split case: The maximum number of comparations needed to merge a list of length n1 with one of length n2 will be n1 + n2 - 1. Howerer, the average number will be close to it, because even for the most unhappy split 1 and n-1 we'll need an average of n/2 comparations. So we can consider that the cost of merging per level will be the same as in even case.
The difference is that in random case the number of levels will be larger, and we can consider that n for next level would be max(n1, n2) instead of n/2. This max(n1, n2) will tend to be 3*n/4, that gives us the approximate formula
n*log43(n) // where log43 is log in base 4/3
that gives us
n * log2(n) / log2(4/3) ~= 2.4 * n * log2(n)
This result is still larger than the correct one because we ignored that the small list will have fewer levels, but it should be close enough. I suppose that the correct answer will be the number of comparations on average will double
You can get an upper bound of 2n * H_{n - 1} <= 2n ln n using the fact that merging two lists of total length n costs at most n comparisons. The analysis is similar to that of randomized quicksort (see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15451-s07/www/lecture_notes/lect0123.pdf).
First, suppose we split a list of length n into 2 lists L and R. We will charge the first element of R for a comparison against all of the elements of L, and the last element of L for a comparison against all elements of R. Even though these may not be the exact comparisons that are executed, the total number of comparisons we are charging for is n as required.
This handles one level of recursion, but what about the rest? We proceed by concentrating only on the "right-to-left" comparisons that occur between the first element of R and every element of L at all levels of recursion (by symmetry, this will be half the actual expected total). The probability that the jth element is compared to the ith element is 1/(j - i) where j > i. To see this, note that element j is compared with element i exactly when it is the first element chosen as a "splitting element" from among the set {i + 1,..., j}. That is, elements i and j are split into two lists as soon as the list they are in is split at some element from {i + 1,..., j}, and element j is charged for a comparison with i exactly when element j is the element that is chosen from this set.
Thus, the expected total number of comparisons involving j is at most H_n (i.e., 1 + 1/2 + 1/3..., where the number of terms is at most n - 1). Summing across all possible j gives n * H_{n - 1}. This only counted "right-to-left" comparisons, so the final upper bound is 2n * H_{n - 1}.
