how to monitor stucked applications in yarn? - hadoop

How can I track stuck applications in Yarn?
I have apps that have been running for over a week and would like to track them?
Perhaps there is some simple way to do this?
JMX? Api cloudera?
I did not find any ways other than writing scripts.


Can I use AWS IoT core jobs to update the underlying Linux? If not, how can it be done?

I've scoured the web trying to find a definitive answer. Couldn't find it anywhere. I'm now thinking that IoT core jobs can't update the OS. Wondering if and how it can be done.

UIBGTaskScheduler will work if app is killed?

I am working on app in which I want to schedule an alarm like in Android Alarm service.
I know there is UIBGTaskScheduler in iOS 13 but I am unable to identify if this can work when app is killed?
I have searched a lot but couldn’t find about the process when app is killed.
I have seen lots of examples are there as well but couldn’t find the answer I was looking for.
Can anyone help me with that?
Thanks in advance.

I need to learn Idempiere from the scratch. How should I do that?

All my attempts have failed so far.
I expect to become an Idempiere expert eventually.
Also, I've been unable to install Idempiere on my laptop with Ubuntu OS so far. The one available on Github isn't good enough.
Also, making sense of various utilities has been too much of a challenge for me.
i am same like you still in learning to develop iDempiere and want to become expert :)
First you need to learn is ERP, Idempiere are ERP Machine so you need to know what ERP is. And after you know what kind ERP is you need to try iDempiere and make iDempiere really familiar with you. After you and iDempiere know each other now time to develop.
this link will help you :
This link will help you to setup your workspace to develop iDempiere
And this link is the first step make you become iDempiere dev :)
And if you want to ask please ask in this link

How do I access notes in in mac os x?

What I want to do here is sync notes in my app with notes in
How can I access them?
With the sync service?
Any samples there?
You could write a fairly simple Sync Services client that syncs the schema - there isn't very much to it.
I don't believe there are notes sync samples floating around, but the enhanced Simple Stickies sample using ISyncSessionDriver could probably get you going in a couple of hours. Good luck.

How to keep track of bug progress and feature request in web development projects?

I am trying to find the best way to maintain a bug tracker and feature/upgrade requests for clients on web development projects. Ideally it would be an open source system we can have installed on a sub domain of our site.
This will then allow each client to login and add bugs/features/upgrade which we can hopefully keep track of.
I have been trying to use and implement trac but it just feels too "techy" and a little too complex for setup.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Just to clarify, we do want a system to install on our servers, the trouble with trac is the install process in relation to what you get and how clients feel about it is a little poor. But if something is awesome but has a complex setup, that isn't a problem...
Mantis is another. Simple UI.
If you have Linux boxes, trac is much easier to install. Config takes a bit, but wasn't a problem in my experience.
I've heard good things about FogBugz. :)
If you don't want to install it yourself they have a hosted solution also.
Have you taken a look a Bugzilla? Not sure if it meets all your needs but it is free but you can get paid support. It's an open source project AFAIK.
