how to select/draw AHU in autofluid? - autocad

I can't find the AHU button in autofluid and i have to use it in my network, there is litle informations about autofluid and no video explaining how to, i don't know if there is no option at all to select the ahu


Show Link as Img and title

I've been looking for a way(plugin) to display a post on my blog as a thumb and title, but couldn't find anything. There are a few websites that sell scripts/plugins which can achieve this result if you write your own post, but it's not what i want. I'd like to display an external link on my blog , to show it as an image and title. When a user clicks on it, it goes straight to another website. Maybe there is a plugin to do so. There is an example of what I'd like to do.

How to make the youtube video in Joomla article variable?

I have training material consisting of multiple lessons (= YouTube video’s).
I want these to be played within one and the same Joomla article, so that the comments of all students / viewers are shared over all lessons/video’s of that training.
For each lesson the student receives an email with the url, which is the same for all lessons, but with a variable to drive the correct video.
How to do this?
Are you looking for an extension or a way to develop a solution with javascript and PHP ??
In the first case you can try the media gallery extension supplied in the Joomla! extension directory, but I'm not sure that you find what you looking for...
In the second case you can building something with a little combinaison of javascript and PHP. One way that you can follow :
insert the id of the video in the url who's sent to the student then start the video by triggering a click on the player of the video.

Drupal: A way to vote for best image in a given gallery

We have a Drupal 7 site where we need users to choose the best image in an image gallery. I am going in circles trying to find the best way to accomplish this. I know there are "ratings" modules like 5 star etc, but we're not really wanting to rate each individual image on their own, but choose the BEST one and only one from the given gallery. This is more of a "poll" so I looked at Advanced Poll, but it no longer allows HTML as a poll choice so I can't attach an image as a poll choice. There is the Voting API also, but I'm not sure how to go about using it for what I need. Can anyone think of an easy way to create a gallery of images that when you go to the gallery, you can select which image is the best? I also need it to where only certain logged in users can vote.
Thanks in advance.
Probably, you can use vote up/down kind of module to achieve this.
List of images in each row with voting up/down button against each one.
User can vote up the images which he likes & you can sort desc order by votings & display the images.
Checkout these modules:

friend selector when using Feed Dialog

I know I can use the Feed Dialog to post to a friend's wall by sending/using the "to" parameter... as well documented in
I wonder if is it possible to say the Feed Dialog to show a friend selector widget/type ahead combo (as the Send Dialog does) or some thing to select the user whose he is looking... ?
Any idea.
Thanks in advance

Online Advetisement/Banner Management System

I am developing site for online advertisements where sellers and buyers can come and sell/buy advertisements.
Just need to develop detailed statistics like click counts, from which page clicks are coming (one advertisement can be placed on many pages), from which position (top, right, left ...) click are coming (one advertisement can be placed in different position on single page) etc. I seen that most of the advertisement on popular websites has following format:
It has many parameters like ZoneID, CampaignID, AdvertiserID, BannerID, SiteID, RandomNumber, adid, adcrid, obid, obtid and way. I can use one advertisement (adid) in multiple pages. But can't figure out the way to distinguish between from which pages clicks are coming. How can I use such parameters to generate statistics which tell me the page from which clicks are coming?
I'm curious as to why you would want to reinvent this wheel?
