How to make the youtube video in Joomla article variable? - joomla

I have training material consisting of multiple lessons (= YouTube video’s).
I want these to be played within one and the same Joomla article, so that the comments of all students / viewers are shared over all lessons/video’s of that training.
For each lesson the student receives an email with the url, which is the same for all lessons, but with a variable to drive the correct video.
How to do this?

Are you looking for an extension or a way to develop a solution with javascript and PHP ??
In the first case you can try the media gallery extension supplied in the Joomla! extension directory, but I'm not sure that you find what you looking for...
In the second case you can building something with a little combinaison of javascript and PHP. One way that you can follow :
insert the id of the video in the url who's sent to the student then start the video by triggering a click on the player of the video.


YouTube Video Topics/Categories

I'm working with YouTube videos and I noticed the field topicDetails.topicCategories (see in the API). It's not clear to me if this field is autogenerated by YouTube or if the user has to fill it. I tried to find some relevant field when editing the video but I didn't find it anywhere. So I guess YouTube fills this field based on tags, keywords etc. Is that correct?
google Api Explorer Check this site to see for which api you need which parameters.
I couldn't find a definitive answer for your question in the YouTube documentation for topicCategories, but I have some evidences that it is automatically calculated by YouTube.
First I couldn't find a way to set it in the configuration options of the channel I created.
Second, they used to have a (now deprecated) attribute called Guide Category they explicitly say:
A guideCategory resource identifies a category that YouTube algorithmically assigns based on a channel's content or other indicators, such as the channel's popularity. The list is similar to video categories, with the difference being that a video's uploader can assign a video category but only YouTube can assign a channel category.
So I believe that this Topic Category is automatically calculated by You Tube.

Extract the number of views/revenue for a specific video (Youtube CMS)?

My friend works as a CMS admin for a Youtube Network and asked me if there is a way to automatically extract the number of views and the revenue for specific videos. Let me explain. If some people upload copyrighted material, as a CMS admin you have 2 options, either remove the video or claim it/add an asset so that ads appear on the video when being watched but the problem is that those videos are not connected to an partnered account so you can't see the revenue for that channel but have to check each video individually. So if I have a video (making it up) with the link:, you can take the code of the video, "123abcEFG56", paste it into the search-box of the Youtube CMS analytics and you get all the information for that video if you claimed it/added an asset to it (he tried to search by using words which are part of the video title (he tried even the exact title) in the YT CMS analytics but this works only for videos that are uploaded on a partnered channel/account so for videos uploaded on non-partnered channels, you can only view the statistics for that video if you put in the code of the video into the search box).
I came up with an idea, I visited some of the channels with the claimed videos, clicked on the video's tab and copied the html code. Then, by using a regular expression and PowerShell (Win7), I extracted all the video codes into a .txt file. Each line of the .txt file contains one video code, for example, it would look something like this:
So, this is not about a regular Youtube account but a CMS account and since analytics offers it, I would like to extract the data from the "Last Month" (default on Youtube is: "Last 30 days").
I am not familiar with the Youtube-API, so my question is, is it possible (and if yes, how) to make a batch script which would take one code per line and request the views and revenue made last month for the video with the corresponding code, and then "write" that info into another .txt or .csv file (ideally: "Video name", "Number of views", "Revenue")?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
You can use the Content ID API for this. Please reach to your partner manager for details.

Wordpress NextGen Slider in Post

I am configuring an image slider for a wordpress page's individual blog posts. Wanted to do this quickly so looked at incorporating the NextGen slider, but it seems like it is more geared towards putting images on wordpress 'pages' rather than wordpress 'posts'.
I want to create individual posts, each with a different NextGen slider. Whats the best way to organize this using the wordpress framework?
Currently, my slider lives at ''. Can I set up NextGen so that different galleries point to '', '', etc.? If not, is there another way that you have found to perform this task?
Thank you.
Use the following shortcode in the body of your post.
[slideshow id,width,height]
Where the variable names have the intuitive meaning. You have to go to the plugin settings to retrieve the slideshow ids. This also means you can have different slideshows for different posts.
Building on Srijans answer, but the correct syntax is [nggallery id=x] , where 'x' equals the id of your gallery. Insert this shortcode the body of your post and go from there.

Codeigniter image gallery

First sorry if its a stupid guestion but im a really big beginner.
I would like to make an image gallyer similar to facebook, but what i dont really understand is te logic.
I made a multi image upload, it saves the image nam and extension to the database with a title .
A folder is created by the title name.
My problem is i dont know how to select them.
What i mean a person uploads 20 images in folder hello, on the page show the hello with one of the thumbnails and when i click it redirects me to the other pictures.
So tihs is the logic what i dont really understand, and i dont want anybody to write this for me, i only would like the opinion or a hint form a more expreienced developer.
Thank you
In your DB, keep track of the cover photo for each album. Since you probably want to allow users to name albums you might as well save that in there, too.
- id
- name
- photo_id //cover photo, or even the link to the image can be saved here directly if you don't like joins
- ...
- id
- album_id
- name
- url
- ...
To view the album overview: in your album controller extract the album names, cover photo links from table::albums and send those to the view;
In your view set up a link around each of the cover photos to a controller that loads the album contents from table::album_has_photos;
Display photos from one album and add visual effects.
Ooptional: add pagination to the album overview.
The best idea would be to keep the url of the images in the db (full url or relative - doesn't matter) and possibly the gallery id (if you're using more than one gallery). Then, you'd use the Database class to select all the image urls and send that data to the view. In the view, you can use a foreach loop to generate an appropriate tag for each of the selected images. After that, you could possibly add a lightbox plugin of some sort to have a nice popups when you click on thumbnails.

ASP.Net MVC. Making Dynamic Images SEO Friendly

I have a website made to provide free web-based tools for making indie games. Currently, it only supports artists contributing to games. The features for helping artists consist of a set of artist community tools that allow artists to upload images based on a description, then we post that image in a gallery page. Other artists can upload their images and each image can have several revisions.
The way I chose to implement the image upload and display feature is by serializing uploaded images to a byte array and storing it in the database. When I need to display the image in the UI I just call a controller action I named "GetScaledGalleryImage" and pass in the image ID. That controller action takes the binary from the database and converts it back into an image, returning the requested image back.
This works very well functionally, but the problem I realized later is that the google crawler thinks all of my images are named "GetScaledGalleryImage" so if someone searches for "sylph" on google images, nothing comes up from my site, but if someone searches for getscaledgalleryimage, all of my images come up.
Here is an example of the URL that is being output in my HTML
In the past, pre-MVC I would handle 404 errors and return content based on what was requested even if the page didn't actually exist. This would of course allow me to have the images pulled back by the image name (or description).
Is that the best way to do this? Or is there a better option? Something simpler would be better like if I could just do, but based on how google indexes images, would that give me what I need? Or do I need to provide image file extensions for maximum indexability?
Thanks all
It is important when doing Search Engine Optimization to always use alt="this is a crazy robot" for your images. This will help the crawler identify them. Note: always use alt, don't always name your images this is a crazy robot.
