Could not import extension (exception: cannot import name 'RemovedInSphinx40Warning' from 'sphinx.deprecation' - python-sphinx

I'm using updated sphinx v4.5 on Anaconda, faced while running command make html with Admin rights on Anaconda Console issue can be found at issue_tracker here. On issue tracker, it looks like this was resolved in v4.1, but I think it's not resolved and still exists or may be I didn't understood the solution exactly.
Running Sphinx v4.5 Could not import extension (exception: cannot import name 'RemovedInSphinx40Warning' from 'sphinx.deprecation'.
Tried uninstalling and installing Sphinx again, but no results.
Any leads would be helpful.
If it is resolved, please elaborate the exact steps needs to followed to recover this issue.
Thanks in Advance.


How to import androidx.activity.result

When I import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResult; my IDE says: can not resolve symbol 'result' as bellow:
In different similar situations, e.g., cannot access androidx activity result activityresultcaller and package androidx activity result does not exist, I see that the problem is solved by upgrading androidx.activity, androidx.appcompat, and androidx.fragment in the dependency part of the build.gradle.
I tried to upgrade different combination of the above packages in the module build.gradle, but non of them solved the problem.
Does anyone know how I can solve it? Thanks.

running joblib.Parallel(mlxtend) does not scale in cloud-ml

Im running a job using the mlxtend library. Specifically the sequential_feature_selector that is parallelized using joblib.Parallel source. When I run the package on my local computer it uses all the available CPUs, but when i send the job to cloud-ml it only uses one core. It doesn't matter what is the number that i put in the n_jobs parameter. I´ve also tried with differents machine types but same thing happen.
Does anybody know what the problem might be ?
For anyone that might be interested, we solve the problem fixing the sklearn version in the to the 0.20.2. we had sklearn in the packages before, but without a version.
from setuptools import find_packages
from setuptools import setup
REQUIRED_PACKAGES = ['joblib==0.13.0',

The "User7ZipPath" parameter is not supported

Recently, I have been getting this error a lot and from some research, I got to know that the cause for it is the Xamarin.Build package.
The error text is as follows:
The "User7ZipPath" parameter is not supported by the "XamarinDownloadArchives" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a settable public instance property.
I have tried the solution here and here but nothing helped.
My configuration is as follows:
Xamarin version:
Visual Studio 2015
The Error occurs when I update the xamarin build NuGet package, If anyone has a solution to this problem please help me.
At last after all this time I was able to solve this problem.
The problem was with Xamarin.Build.Download package.
Now this package had a problem in version 4.7 where it is unable to find the XamarinDownloadArchives task.
I checked a lot of places and for the answer but nothing seemed to help with this issue after that I removed the bin, obj folders for all my projects.
And Updated my Xamarin.Build.Download package to version 0.4.11 and everything started working.
I hope this helps someone else, In case of any queries related to this issue feel free to comment.
Finally! I've come with a solution. The problem was in the Xamarin.Build.Download package, v0.4.0. It was a annidated dependency (in iOS) of Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps v2.2.1.
Updating Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps to v2.3.0 (the most recent version as of today) solves the issue. Make sure to clean the solution after update NuGet dependencies, though.

Unity5. How to import scripts?

I am following this tutorial:
In the middle of it, there is
Assets\Import Package\Scripts\SmoothFollow.js
but I guess that menu is gone for Unity 5?
Where did SmoothFollow.js go ??
You have to install the Standard Assets to get the standard import packages.
See here:

Requiring unknown module ""

I did npm install
I then import it as shown below
import React from 'react-native';
import './UserAgent';
import io from '';
But when I run my app, I get the following error:
Requiring uknown module "". If you are sure
this module is there, try restarting the packager.
I tried installing again and updating from npm.
I restarted the packager like 1000 times.
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
Same issue and I found solution.
Change code from
import io from '';
import io from '';
Try add dist directory.
I had same issue a couple of days ago and resolved it below reference.
The module is so,
import io from ''
For everyone stuck on this, I managed to fix it by including the standalone file in my project and importing it from there.
For some reason the RN Packager does not build the dependency in node_modules.
I'm using the same code as you with no trouble. Perhaps you need to upgrade your react-native? I'm on the latest as of this writing: 0.18.0-rc.
window.navigator.userAgent = 'react-native';
let io = require('../../node_modules/');
Tried everything I could think of this is the only thing that worked for me.
I think you'll find that you will have issues importing SocketIO in this fashion, via import.
You can try switching to the require syntax and be sure to include the requisite userAgent line beforehand.
window.navigator.userAgent = 'react-native';
let io = require('');
I have a project which does the same thing which you can compare against, React Native Messenger.
Verify that socket io client is installed in node_modules dependency, if not try to reinstall the dependency. If it is there then you can update the statement
import io from ''
import io from ''
It should work now.
